Dark forces 2

Have any FPS campaigns since 2000 topped this masterpiece?

Didn't think so. Nerd.

I liked Jedi academy…

Republic Commando

I like Underhell (´・ω・`)

I played through DF2 for the first time recently: I loved every minute of it. Unfortunately the saber combat/duels just aren't done as well compared to Jedi Outcast and Academy, and I ended up cheesing the final boss with a stack of Sequencer Charges instead.
The expansion is still on my backlog, is it as memorable as the main game?

especially not that one

That level where you're trapped in a falling ship was pretty cool, I remember.

Third person shooter and released in december of 2000, but I recommend checking out American McGee's Alice for a memorable campaign.

It has some pretty nice locales but the swamp and the temple at the end suck hardcore

Dark Forces 2 was really great. I'm part of a discord server that still organizes mp games for it. I also tried making custom levels for it, was really fun.

One aspect of Dark Forces 2 I prefer compared to Outcast/Academy is the gunplay is way better.

Got any larger pics? I always like looking at editor stuff.

This isn't my level, I'd recommend looking up "Jed" which was the level editor for the game. Albiet people nowadays use an updated one called "Zed" which was made a few years ago.

There was a surprising amount of people who made levels for the game. I occasionally chat with someone who was a scripting wizard with it. He said the scripting engine was so complex you could do things like script a sniper rifle into the game complete with a scope.

Classic. shame the sith engine does not run too well on modern OS.

The GOG version runs pretty good

It was great back in the day when you didn't need shit like the steam edition to get it to run on the newer systems, which shit you out to a tiny windowed mode thing for the FMVs and don't have any music because they're too lazy to set up a CD soundtrack player emulation system.

Have you tried getting good? It's not that hard to master.

The GOG version is really good user I recommend it


Star Wars games are weird since for every good one there was usually a mediocre/bad one. Like for every Jedi Knight there was a Force Unleashed 2.

I'll take the first FU over anything released by EA for the next 9 years

soon enough we'll get people realizing force unleashed 2 wasn't as horrible as they made it out to be. it was just clearly rushed to hell and had lots of shit cut out, and as a result the game suffered for it.

what they should have done was included an alternate campaign that continued the sith stalker's attempt to kill sheev. instead we get another elseworlds dlc with the maulkiller clone.

I'd love to see zoomed out wireframe maps for the original levels. One of the great things about the game was how fuckhuge the maps were. Really felt like you were crossing enormous distances to get to your next objective.

That's cool, don't know why I never thought to look into modding for it.

You can actually open all of the developer made levels in the map editor.
It's never too late user tons of people still do. There's a discord server for fans of the game where people answer questions

The level design of this game is unmatched.
While the two Jedi Knight games by Raven Software are incredibly fun and have the best lightsaber combat system of any Star Wars game which will never be surpassed by anything, the level themselves compare poorly to their predecessor.
Bland id tech 3 architecture just can't compete with the verticality, size, scope and aesthetic sense that was achieved on the Sith engine, or even the Jedi engine before it.

Bullshit, Dromund Kaas was the best part of the otherwise bland expansion. I will forever hate how they gayed up the planet, and the Sith by extension, in TORtanic and the shitty books that followed.

I really miss when Lucasarts published Star Wars games. They always had a knack of picking developers with soul to make games.

Lucasarts was a shitty company that hadn't made a good game in like a decade by the time it died.

This was the same company that published shit like TOR and The Force Unleashed. Everyone talks about Lucasarts dying like it was some tragedy when they were the ones who prevented Jedi Academy's source code being released. (Raven stated the only reason they were able to release it was because Lucasarts kept denying their request).

From now on it's Disney's Star Wars videogames, so there's not going to be anything good for a while.

Disney themselves haven't done a lot that is that bad on the video game front. It's mostly been EA. Disney's been very hands off on it.

Notably there was that group that was trying to remake Free Radical's Star Wars Battlefront 3. They approached Disney about actually making it a commercial product. Disney was cool with the idea but they had an exclusivity contract with EA so they'd need to get their approval and EA wasn't having it.

Under Disney a bunch of Star Wars games have also been re-released. Like Star Wars Galactic Battlegrounds. So it really hasn't been all bad.

It does for me, I absolutely Loved DF2 and MotS. I remember playing DF2 at 98 (i think game released at 97?) I played like 100 hours.

I cheesed Boc with Sequencer Charges, not in a way that I need to win, just as a fun way.

The 4th level I feared so much (Water levels man). But this game is Gold. I recently finished MoTS this year (had texture bug on Mara Jade and e11 rifle), played it on hard….it was…..hard. As in HARD, not like the current games, where its not so hard…on Hardest Difficulty.

I've yet to beat DF2 on hard, I never beaten it in my life, I really need to do it soon.

In anyway, there is alot of funsies to be had there, like on lvl 6 or 7 (Barons head tower) how high you can sequencer charge yourself up and how further away you can jump via charges. Or stealing all the weapons from stormtroopers and never kill them, whatch them wander aimlessly, or try to jump to the big hole where the AT AT is stationed (lvl19 I think? at the beginning). Man lots of fun i had in this game. I think I played this game (when i was a kid) like 15 times.