I don't know what you guys think about Overwatch. And I don't even own the game...

I don't know what you guys think about Overwatch. And I don't even own the game. But I just read that you can get banned if you don't choose a character that the rest of your team suggests you should pick if they then all report you for it.

What the fuck.

I haven't played any online multiplayer since TF2 got fucked in the ass with cosmetics and too many weapon unlocks. Is this how it is now? Are you not allowed to play the game you paid money for in the way you want to play it?

Yes, they took it from League of Legends first.

you have to go back

Welcome to the current year user.

Overwatch is good and OP is just being a butthurt TF2 fanboy who's jelous of it's success.


If you don't enjoy the Communist Jews' official brand of "fun" and "entertainment" you're obviously an evil NAZI racist cis white male Christian scumbag.


No you can't, just don't be a retard in comp and help your team out, faggot

nigger please that was two short paragraphs broken with an expletive for effect. read a book.

Back to cuckchan with you. Nobody likes you. Nobody likes your shitty game.

Overcuck cuck spotted. Go back to cuckchan with all the cucks and the cuckcucks.

Well it's a Blizzard game, how do you think we feel about it.

If there's a definitively "correct" character, or set of characters that a team would need at a given point, and you're going to bn people based on not playing "correctly", then there should be a system in place to assemble such "correct" teams. Maybe picking what character you want before you get matched into a suitable party or whatever.

You're better off going to cuckchan user, nobody here plays this shitty game.

blizard can do no wrong.


if you bought a washing a machine, you wouldnt attempt to use it to polish rocks without expecting it to break

you wouldnt sign up to play for a football team then play where ever the fuck u wanted regardless if your coach and the rest of your told you to play in defense

seriously if you want to be autistic anti-social faggot go play solitaires and stop ruing everybody elses fun

if you dont follow the rules of an online community, you should expect tor receive sanctions just like if you didnt follow the guidelines of a regular community, you entitled fucking shit


I love this image and how much it triggers Holla Forums.

then maybe they shouldnt make classes that arent helpful to the team? maybe they should limit how many of a certain class can spawn at one time? maybe they should limit freedom and make the game even gayer, shittier, and more casual than it already is?

only a massive casual thinks users should play a game following a formula. "no experimentation!" "no fun" is why quicktime event games exist. what makes games fun is the freedom to engage the "problem" in whatever way you find within the framework youre given.

Nice strawman.

you're the only person to reply to it

if there are classes you can get banned for playing because theyre not helpful to the team, maybe there are classes considered to be not helpful to the team?

was going to add this to my original post anyway but it seems relevant here

ranked / competitive queue is for meta game

normal / qp queue is for casual play

im almost certain that these bans mentioned in OP only apply to ranked / competitive


ranked / competitive queue is for trying to win

normal / qp queue is for trying things out / having fun

if you are not following the meta game in ranked you are almost certainly going to lose. even if you have some meta breaking plays, it will tilt your team if you arent playing meta because their plays will almost certainly rely on other people on their team following the meta.

there is a place experimentation and fun, so you have no excuse to ruin competitive play with experimenting and "having fun" (its probably more accurately to say playing casually, competitive play is fun, but is definitely of a different quality). if you are playing competitive queue you need to be competitive or you are ruining other peoples game experience which is typically against terms of use for online play in most games.

just because you put on a football shirt and go out on a football pitch doesnt mean you are playing football if you are sat in the corner of the field cross legged doing nothing

just because you log into a game and select a hero doesnt mean you are playing overwatch if you are stood in a corner crouched doing nothing

if you arent contributing to your team achieving their goals then you arent playing the game and are just taking up space ie getting in the way

this is oh so similar to free speech. shouting in a library isnt free speech. spamming on a forum isnt free speech, it actually disrupts other people from exercising their free speech because their speech is being drowned out by noise. you wouldnt turn up to a book club and try and start talking about pro wrestling because you would be disrupting their group - this being the equivalent of shit posting on forums.

if you play an online multiplayer competitive arena computer game to which the community has an understood meta game and you choose to ignore that meta game whilst entering that communities space, you are trolling that community, either out of your own ignorance or your own deliberate attempts to disrupt that community which is pretty degenerate behaviour.


Holy shit, you aren't even trying to hide the size of your nose are you Goldberg?

its worth also pointing out that the opposite is true

casual implies that are a person isnt putting any effort in to achieving goals (goals being important in games) or isnt adhering to proper etiquette

you are on the bottom two levels

Yeah, you can leave this site kike.

This is a myth the devs have disputed. They stated they only ban users for extremely disruptive behavior. They've gone out of their way to state that playing a specific hero isn't part of that.

If you still play OW at this point you are a subhuman animal that deserves whatever you get.

Why are you people talking about some shitty video game and not posting Overwatch porn


That's not how it works. You are assuming Overwatch has so much depth that you can play these characters in a ton of ways like it's a fighting game. Instead you have a bunch of simple characters that few a few niches. You can't just use a healer and expect to beat a tank like Reinhart (who has a heavy hitting close range attack) up close because "you're just that good". The game is designed around you losing that match-up. So you switch to someone that can beat him or just avoid him and stay near others. Everyone is pretty easy to use and changing people on the fly should be no problem for many players.

That's makes no sense. The class that's helpful to the team is one that's good in that stage, objective, and plays with with certain members of that team or counters someone on the enemy team. If the team is being slaughtered then a tank or healer is most likely needed. If the enemy tanks is killing everyone, then you need some DPS to mow them down. Who's needed depends on the situation and there are most likely 4-5 characters that can help in that situation.

Any good team player has no problem changing on the fly to suit the team's needs. They know how to properly adapt to the situation and use what's necessary to win. A bad team player will stick to only 1 character and refuse to change despite being useless to the team or having an enemy team that counters him.

My brother always wanted me to play it with him as that's the only game he will play me in. I barely ever had fun playing it.


Till people still get triggered over OW. Why did Holla Forums ever like TF2 if it was just the same thing but without any waifus.

name calling - non argument

Because no one gave a shit about strong independent vaginas

also needs to be pointed out that this whole

>i dont have to follow the rules of a community, the community should abolish all established structure to accommodate for my very specific way i think that community should work

is the exact logic that the SJWs of the special snowflake generation use to co-opt communities to stop the focus of the communities being their particular topic but instead be about themselves

Literally the exact opposite. The report feature literally says that someone picking a character you don't like is not a bannable offense. Do some research your half baked cuck.

You are a retard. Overwatch was made for dude bros and normalfags from the beginning. Fuck off kike.

if you honestly believe that then whats your problem?

your argument at the moment is of the flavour of "stop liking what i dont like"

even if the game was meant made for normalfags, it still doesnt give anyone an excuse to act like a self entitled special snowflake when interacting with that community

or are you some sort of video game elitist that thinks just because a games respawn timer is 4seconds instead of 5seconds it gives you an excuse to mock their hobby?

hey guess what, i bought a copy of the sims 4 a couple of weeks ago, u mad bro?

Take your e-sports cancer and shove it up your ass.

Are you really this fucking stupid?

or are we not allowed to have casual games?

all games should be hardcore so say 3e0dba

this is parallel to the SJWs demanding that there arent enough strong female characters in games

3e0dba: -

SJWs: -

we could make a game just for you that is so hardcore that you get killed as soon as you spawn in, no extra lives or continues

thats the opposite of what he said, the game is made to be played with the characters in it but then some autists who dont even like the game come in and restrict it to just a few characters and gamemodes, even sometimes removing the core feature of the game
example: smash bros is a platform fighter, platforms and shit are a core part of it, but autists go fox only final destination no items (I am aware that this is hyperbole)

This, if there are fundamental problems with the game itself then blame the devs and not the players.


(double trips checked)
Overwatch is for porn and faps



you do realise metas are set by top level players including pros reacting to the architecture set out by the devs

you do realise that that relationship is often reciprocal, that the devs will adapt to the way the meta is evolving, or try and guide the meta, with input from the community? ie the meta is set by pros / top level players and devs

im starting to wander if anybody in this thread has actually taken part in any hardcore gaming, perhaps i need to educate Holla Forums about gaming

casuals do what ever the fuck they want and only win through luck playing against other casuals, they have no chance of climbing in rank, and would have little interest in improving because they like to play the game the way they want to

hardcore players compete and partake in the meta, and to some extent start to shape the way the game is played. hardcore players would easily beat casuals, playing at casual level would almost certainly bore them. playing the meta game gives the a level of enjoyment that isnt present whilst just casually "playing" the game itself. hardcore palyers improve and have potential to climb in ranks.

when you get to the top of rankings / become a pro. the way you play can dictate the meta.

your view point shows a complete ignorance of any gaming other than of an entry level casual

this strawman

im not calling you SJWs, im saying that you are like SJWs and that reason isnt because you dont take it seriously, its because you expect a whole established community to change their attitudes to match yours.

i have been quite clear about this, if you cant follow that you are either retarded or a troll

yep that pretty much sums it up

take a game like gw2 where a wvw zerg could be 50 or more people

every person who is defeated can potentially rally multiple people who are in the downed state

if you constantly dying because you arent following the meta and rallying the other team you are called a "rallybot"

49 people all following what they are supposed to be doing and you make it harder for them to kill people because you keep on rallying people they down because you are being an obtuse, ignorant, self entitled fuck, you deserve to be mocked, derided, youtube videos and forum posts made about your exploits because you are ruining the efforts of 49 other people

if you are n00b, then listen to people, if you dont want to help the team, go play a single player or death match game where you can go bottom of the scoreboard as much as you like. but if you are deliberately making other peoples lives harder you are a literal degenerate and should expect sanctions to remediate that

take another example - a raid

where the margins are often so narrow, one missed ability could wipe an attempt. why in all manner of fuck would you expect a raid team not to kick you if you werent doing what you needed to do when you needed to do it to stop you from wasting their time unless you werent completely self entitled?

again this screams of special snowflake millennial attitude. you wouldnt join a football team if you had no interest in playing football, getting good at playing football, playing as a team, listening to people, meeting other peoples expectations or exceeding them.

no instead the self entitled millennial wants a winners medal just for turning up, even though they are so bad that everyone else had to work twice as hard and still lost

