What do you actually want Yoko Taros next sadness adventure to be about?

What do you actually want Yoko Taros next sadness adventure to be about?

We know theres a new Nier game in very early pre production and Taro doesnt want to touch the ending to Automata. This leaves a fair few other options but what do you actually want to see?

Personally i would like to see the period before and around the opening of the original Nier with Gestalt Nier in the town covered in salt. Not playing as him mind you just at that time.
The dragon and the god felt to earth and spread White Chlorination syndrome that turns most of the population into salt but others into shade-like berserkers. One shows up called Red Eye that begins to focus them into an army. Japan seals Shinjuku with a giant wall right out of SnK but in reverse called The Walls of Jericho and they firebomb the city. Eventually months after its assumed they died out a new Red Eye appears and the wall collapses. The Americans Nuke Shiinjuku and inadvertently spread the WCS infectious material into the upper atmosphere and spread it all over the world. Leading to the Snow White and Gestalt/Replicant Projects.

We have had so many descriptions of this apocalyptic war and even references to unnamed characters like the woman who lost her daughter and her unit of 33 soldiers and goes insane and solo's Red Eyes Legion at one point. I would love to see that shit play out, a modern japanese city half buried in salt made from people and walled up on all sides while the government makes kids fight to the death using magic to turn the losers into things like Grimoire Weiss and Grimoire Rubrum.

Of course he could make a goddamn schmup about the Emils fighting off the AYY's for all we know, but this is about what you want to see.

Heh, he fucked it up once, success will only corrupt him.

How about a fucking new story for once.

How can you corrupt absolute purity?

Are you up to the challenge motherfucker?

Doesn't the gestalt report in the original Nier have more than enough material for more than a few prequel games? All of shit about the child super soldiers fighting Red Eye or the Gestalts originally wiping out the Legion from the planet before shit goes haywire.

Or fuck that whole period where Emil goes around fucking up Aliens. The Nier universe has loads of crazy shit to make games out of.

A game where you can slaughter leftycucks

He should make that Nier high school drama he mentioned once.

Sounds like a Taro gig.

weren't child super soldiers just 6 and 7 though?

There is a game. It's called 8ch and you use logic against mongoloids like leftypol.

Doesn't matter, fags here will lap it all up because m-muh ass muh based moonhead dev

GTAV already exists. Just play as Trevor, go into not-LA and start shooting.

play mgs5?

Kojima is a retarded leftie and mgs 5 is the centrist dream game.

okay but by definition you're fighting fucking soviets in the game. you know, quite left on the spectrum

A Persona-like game. That is, a game that has a deep and elaborate relationship net as a side game.
I just want to make 2b my meido

I want a fully realized Sin o Alice game.

Don't forget the half of the game where you're in Africa shooting niggers.

Experimental magical weapons that ended up getting sealed for being too powerful.

The child soldiers are dudes pumped up on anti-salt and some other magical bullshit to fight off the legion.

That's more or less what nier is about, save a few details here and there

Prequels are shit as you already know hows its going to end.


Emil's truck.
How did he build that from scrap when he was just a head?

I wanted to get the Cry On game. Supposedly I was a game that would take place after the golem war in drakenguard

at least taro cant fuck up the gameplay with that.


A game that like, tells you that you are playing a game and at one part you have to cut one of your fingers to help another player. So meta dude, I love Yoko Ono games like Dynasty Warriors but crappier.

so long as it has more sexy dragons i'm game for whatever

Caim please.

That was the prototype for NieR. That's why so many shades and characters have fairy tale oriented names. SoA is him actually using the idea that was scrapped for NieR to make something else.


That's not very centrist, if you ask me.

It will be an Ace combat tier game where it ends with the Drakenguard E ending.

I think I'd rather just have no expectations, let the man do his fucking job, and then evaluate the final product once it comes out.

Taro is best when he's got full reigns to be Taro. What the hell is there to make me think that I could do a better job of being Taro?

How about a good game for once?

I don't like his games. The stories are good but the gameplay is merely adequate at best.

I'd love to see an adult manly CIS-gender heterosexual white male as the protagonist.

Yeah, not centrist, more like leftist

Final Fantasy 16

He should revisit his original concept for Drakengard 2.

Not faggot shit and not waifu shit.
Anything between those two kinds of shit should be a-ok.

The leftist approach would be killing the children by smashing them with airdropped food. Or doing nothing, since those children already live in a communist utopia.

A Nier: Automata eroge game

Yoko Taro makes a SMT game




Something no one is expecting; a game light on story and is fairly generic with top tier gameplay. It would be a complete 180 on his usual stuff.

I'm down.

I got it…
Japanese Hotline Miami but you play as robots who gruesomely destroy humanity.


While we're injecting western bits into the notion: I wanna see Yoko Taro team up with Streumon for a third-person SWAT-type game set in the EYE universe where you alternate between playing as federal cops and Culter Dei, with Michael Kirkbride writing extraneous lore.