Tropes/references you never see coming, no matter how obvious, or how often they come up

Tropes/references you never see coming, no matter how obvious, or how often they come up.

Pick related. If it's a weeb game, and there's a white rabbit, it's going to have something to do with the fucking moon. Every damn time.
Even in mario odyssey

they don't really exist though


What's the problem with the moon rabbit?


I'm sorry?

Just the thread getting derailed by a reddit showerthought.

Sure thing tvtropes

That's not the user you're supposed to be replying to, you fucking idiot.

This is not a trope, this is a cultural reference to what some cultures traditionally see in the moon's markings. Or would Strange Journey basing itself on the original eight deadly sins be an ebin "trope" to you?
In addition, trying to categorize everything in culture as being neat little lego blocks you assemble together is fucking cancer, demeaning to writers, and missing the goddamn point.

Basically this.

I don't want to see these connections I just want to play VIDEOGAMES

I never thought of it that way, just that everything naturally has some similarity or inspiration.

I'll never use that shit again.

Tewifag is that you?

There's more than one person who posts Tewi and not all of them are tewifag. But have another Tewi anyway.

I like the bunny.

The human brain is unique among computational devices in its pattern recognition ability. It's the reason we can recognize faces and the reason for those "click all the pictures of cars" captchas. It would be weirder NOT to categorize everything you see/hear. And every artist, since art began, has been using other artists for "inspiration" (copying, on some level), whether they admit it or not.


Pic related.

The idea of a loss edit being hidden in a game's map layout, textures, or storyboards for a cutscene storyboard both frightens and fascinates me.

This term is so used by feminists and sjw in general that I've associated it with post-modernism bullshit.


It's people like you that ruined everything about having to be super special and unique.
Each story can put a fresh coat of paint on it but that doesn't mean it isn't basically the same shit ever

As per usual.

He used one of Holla Forums's trigger words, it was doomed from the start.

I'll make a note of this and make an update in agdg when i have something to show

You make that sound like it's a problem. I think it's pretty neat. Seeing Shinto mythology in games is always fun.

I just found the thread.

ITT We explain to autists how humans work.

If you think about something, someone else probably did it already, in media, this happen a lot more often and they are blatant "References".

The word you want is cliche or convention.

Archetype is good too, for characters


I don't get the moon rabbit thing m eggsplain.


Some Japanese person a long time ago thought the various crators on the moon looked like a rabbit pounding Mochi ala He then told all his friends. They then told their grandchildren. Eventually a folk story to describe this phenomena was created about a Rabbit, a Fox, an Otter and a Monkey wanting to do a good deed on the night of a full moon. Everyone but the rabbit does immoral things like steal food or whatever but the rabbit just throws himself into a fire so this homeless guy can eat. Except he doesn't die and it's some buddhist saint or whatever and he puts the rabbit's shadow on the moon for this. Now anything coming out of East Asia concerning being on the moon or moon festivals involve rabbits.
