Seeing a fair amount of volcel comrades around these days. are they incels in denial or what? and if not...

seeing a fair amount of volcel comrades around these days. are they incels in denial or what? and if not, why would you deny yourself sex unless ur hardcore religious or completely asexual?

when guys say they're volcels, what they mean is that they're incels

Now that I've actually lost my virginity I understand it's not a big deal at all and I can understand being volcel

unless we're talking about bitter MRA types

I've been volcel for three years. I've had 4 opportunities in that time frame but either self sabotaged the situation or just straight up said no. After my last girlfriend broke up with me I haven't been able to emotionally connect with anyone. I've tried just fucking around but it honestly feels more emotionally nebulous than jacking off.

The whole incel, volcel thing is a Chapo meme making fun of Nofap guys and the alt-right.

I hate the stupid volcel thing. Fuck off. It's mocking incels.

t. incel.

I've never masturbated in my life.

i do have to say that sex is that much more fun when ur doing it with someone you love rather than some random person or an acquaintance/friend so i can see where ur coming from. fucking around isn't really for everyone and i myself don't really need it if i have a bf/gf around

i do like to use the whole concept of volcel for memes but it seems like there's quite a few guys out there who take it at least somewhat seriously, dunno if i'm just not on their level of irony or if they failed to catch that volcel isn't supposed to be taken seriously

my king……….


what are your wizard powers like?

my qt gf is making me cupcakes right now :3

Me too bro. I didn't know that were even two of us on earth much less trolling this board

Man it's almost as if having multiple romantic partners changes how you behave or something

Because desire leads to suffering and because when you think about it really well, we would be better of without orgasms.

I recognize that I lack the ability to connect emotionally with other human beings on any deep level due to immense self-loathing and paranoia regarding other people's intentions. As a result, I do not consider sex a realistic possibility and do not strive to have any. I recognize that this state of things is 100% my fault and that I could possibly go to a therapist or try to overcome my issues, but choose not to. Is that volcel or incel?

Because masturbation is cheaper, easier.

I have literally zero need to have a relationship beyond sexual relief, and masturbation served me fine in this regard.

I don't admit this openly of course, I'm not a moron. Normie mask makes for better living.





None of us asked for these feels semetic bro.

Anyway, I'm pretty sure it is a routine backlash against VD-day and will die down by next week.

Gee who would have thought that sexual restriction was required to keep people from realizing how shitty marriage is?

The only one who fucked in thread isn't white….maybe Holla Forums is right…anuddah shoah is real……..

I'm volcel, but I'm not always successful at sticking with that ideology, and do have my moments of failure. The important thing is that we get right back up when we fall down.

There's one thing men are consistent in

Not being realistic and hating it.

Just when I think you can't be anymore of a cunt.



The answer is obvious.

I just don't have much sexual desire left, and after being rejected for years I can't even imagine life with a woman. Ever since I gave up I feel much better about life, now I ask myself why I wasted so much energy caring about something which is ultimately meaningless.

At some point I and a lot of other people have to ask themselves what they are really doing. The only thing I'm going to find with a woman is venereal disease and misery, and give Porky more ammunition to use against me.

What movie?

it's a soviet music video

means you're an obsessive neurotic. Read Lacan.

I think I'm incel. Or at least mostly incel. It takes a lot of effort for me to get laid. Due to my autism. I had a couple ex-girlfriends. But they left me. Can't hold down a relationship.

Unless you really, truly, absolutely love someone and they love you back, dabbling in relationships is only good for life experience where both of you learn something along the way until the end.

The problem is knowing what kind of love it is, because it feels more powerful and the final inevitability every time it happens.

And at a certain it might as well be economically motivated.

People who condemn women for promiscuity and not "settling down", don't realize how broken the soul you have has to be to ever commit to one person for the rest of your life unless you absolutely fucking proof positive are sure about it.

I dunno. I'm voluntarily celibate. For a number of reasons, I've never tried looking for a partner. I'm moving soon. Maybe I'll start looking then. Check back later and you might find I'm incel lmao.

I was pretty content with my ex. But being a woman, she has more options than an autistic male. So I think she just wanted an excuse to try new dick. She claims I was only the third man she ever had sex with but I find that hard to believe. Women lie all the time about that stuff. We broke up like 10 months ago and it was devastating to me. Relationships don't come easy to an autistic guy. She was extremely controlling. She told me that I had to choose between remaining friends with a female friend of mine (whom I always had a completely platonic relationship with) or her. I know she is fucking crazy fam but

Oh yeah, I remember you. You're both nutty, IIRC.

I'm a pedo and I don't want to hurt kids. That essentially means I am volcel.

more quality posts from our favorite piglet

What a load of shit. You're putting too much stock in your authentic self who needs another compatible authentic self to fully actualize its true potential. Totally spooked. There is no truly compatible other, only a whole lot of Others.

To live with someone, it is enough that you get along reasonable well, are attracted to one another sexually, trust one another and are open, and don't fuck each other over. That's plenty - the first two are in fact pretty optional if you are adamant about the latter two. If you just go from relationship to relationship never being satisfied with things being "just ok", you are setting yourself up for failure, and might well be using it as an excuse not to have to confront an unhealthy degree of neophilia or promiscuity.

I know you are still very young, so I get why you would think otherwise.

I'm content with masturbation.
Sex involves dealing with real people (and the risks that entails), the risk of STD, and worst of all - requires effort.

Why go out and look for a girl when I can have a quick fap then get back to reading about Lenin?

if anyone asks i'm asexual though okay.


Encouraging promiscuity is harmful. Women age quickly, and for whatever reason women who have slept around a lot are less desirable.
You're condemning any young women who listen to you to a life of writing "where have all the good men gone?" articles in the internet version of cheap women's magazines.


I realize I have insanely high standards that make my chances of finding a partner statistically unlikely.

Most of them aren't even related to appearance, most people are just kind of vapid and uninteresting to me.

I have given up on looking for a partner because the odds of meeting someone compatible are just so low and I don't want to waste my time. If I stumble upon someone who fits my standards, great! However, I'm done looking for them.

So yeah, I guess you could say I'm volcel.

every fucking time we have a "tfw no gf"-esque thread this board again and again reincarnates as vulnerable betas thrown in with the anfem cunt to spice things up

this guy is correct

thanks fam now I don't need to post it

smart tbh

i'm not having sex because my gf doesn't feel ready and i agree with her.
she's still young

knowing the various sorts of posters on this board I'm somewhat worried how to interpret this

I don't like sex. I think my ex broke me. Much more fun to watch/read porn. Sex always ends with me feeling empty and depressed.

10 is a perfectly healthy age to start having sex.

great, it's going to be one of those threads again

see you in 300 replies

calm down, he's joking.
my gf is 15 and perfectly legal

This is Holla Forums. Imageboards tend to attract a lot of socially inept, often times autistic males. I'm originally from /r9k/. /r9k/ is not a fun place to discuss politics because most robots are either apolitical or Holla Forums-tier. A left-wing robot is like a Southern Democrat. An endangered species. Hell there are far more Southern Democrats than there are left-wing robots. There are lots of college-educated southerners living in the cities like Memphis and Louisville that are liberal, even progressive.