Pefect world acquires and shuts down Motiga (developers of gigantic)

This must be what it's like to get your limbs torn off by lion who loses interest, then hyenas come to gnaw on you while you are still alive and finally to feel the worms eat your rotting body. All the while remembering that you shouldn't go on a safari on foot.

How can small studios be this dumb ? WIndows 10 exclusive, really ? Or did they just get contract cucked by microsoft/perfect world ?

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The only people who go into game design now are the ones who are extremely ignorant about how fucked the industry is.

Isn't that song about faggot cowboys?

Never do this

I'm pretty sure this game was announced before Overwatch, believe it or not. Too bad it ended up coming out over a year after that though so no one cared.

The song sucks. The main singers look gay even if they ain't. They speak about world peace or sth and then say: christianity, islam and then I kid you not one of them yells JUUUUUUDDDAAAAIIIIIIISSSSSSMMMMM.

But still, this one bit, by the austrailian singer is great. And he is not gay for sure. Amazing voice, shame he married a chink.

I remember this shitty game being shilled here.
ASSFAGGOTS need to die

I knew this would happen when I saw that it was a w10 exclusive

They cucked themselves too much. Windows 10 exclusive kill their playerbase. Then the perfect world client was so bad you couldn't use it during beta days.
When they came to steam it was already a dying corpse.

Whatever happened to win10 anyway? There was all this talk about the new Dx being the future of vidya and it being exclusive to win10, and then windows trying to go all out on win10 since the xbone was failing, and then it sorta just died all of a sudden.

Thats pretty jewish tbh

I didn't even know gigantic was out.

Jimmy Barnes is the austrialian singer, the screamer.
It's a distant connectio but: Fuck. He has a good voice still. Hopefully rhe non-jew side won.
And then there is this guy. I rate him 9/10 jew.

if Gigantic dropped in July, I feel like he conned me in to downloading the client in August to run a few games. Was it exclusive just that first month? it was a breath of fresh air, but still pretty bad gameplay-wise.

It certainly came to steam in july. After years of win 10 only and maybe a year more of perfect world client, which was shit.

The same shit that happened to DirectX 10 for the Vista. Any developer with half a brain told MS to go fuck themselves because the devs want to make a shekel.

like poetrt

I'm pretty sure this is the only good thing to ever come out of PWI.

I checked its Steam page and it requires 6 gb ram, what were they thinking?

"Anyone dumb enough to buy this is dumb enough to buy more PC parts at the drop of a hat" probably.

According to kikes, Jewishness is based through tbe maternal line, making him 100% kike.

Oh no! What will the remaining 266 players on steam do now? Play with the Lawbreakers fanbase?

Your mother has to be a kike for you to be a 100% kike by jewish standards.
But thinking about it properly this means that 100% jews are extremely mixed.

his maternal grandmother's jewish, so his mother's jewish making him a kike. Is the concept that hard?

I tired it a few months ago. It had ~5 min queue times, and I kept getting matched with people with far more experience than me so I was getting raped hard. Uninstalled after 3 games. Might have kept playing if the queue times weren't so long

That is not how it works.
The mother has to be actively jewish. As in raising you as a jew with jewish values and holohoax stories.
If he just says his grandmother was but not his mother then her children probably stopped that shit.

This rabbi says traditional jewish communities would consider him jewish
Israel only requires one jewish grandparent for their law of return to grant them citizenship, so he can get one of those too

Jews are retarded then. By their logic the person could be 1% or less jew and they consider him a jew.

That isn't really why it failed hard.

The game has a fairly small amount of different characters to play as, about 15-20 or so, which is abysmal for these types of games that rely heavily on character variety.
Worse yet is that the characters are all locked and you have to unlock them with an in-game currency you must farm for.
They give you 6 or so characters that rotate every week or so that you can pick and play as, however this had a terrible effect:

When you start the game you will only have those 6 characters to pick from. You'll be partnered with young players who also have the same characters since nobody unlocked anything yet.
You can't pick the same character twice, so getting to play the character you want might not actually be possible if someone else already chose it.
Worst of all is that the same thing will be happening in the other team for much of the same reasons.
The result is that you'll have constant mirror matches against the very same characters playing a character you might not want to try anymore, making you get bored of it really, really fast.

This will keep happening until you grind enough currency that you can buy a newer hero, something that can take a fuckload of time, and you'll get tired of it before you've grinded enough for yet another hero.
It's especially terrible when the way they found to "fix" this was giving you Cards that act as objectives you can strive for to get rewards, mostly said in-game currency.
The Cards are simple objectives like "Win 3 games" or "Deal 5000 damage", however the ones that give the best rewards are tied to specific characters, "Use X ability of Y hero 5 times", and you might get Cards for heroes you don't have and aren't in the current rotation.
Even more insulting is that you can actually buy those cards with real money and even have to pay to hold more than 5 at a time.

This whole gigantic problem (pun intended), coupled with the bullshit amount of cosmetics shows the contempt they have for the userbase. There was no need to lock heroes like this and they screwed themselves in the process, when they could have made their money back on cosmetics alone or even an actual price tag on the game.

The gameplay needed refining but it was innovative enough that it deserved a spot in the market. Certainly much fucking better than any MOBA, actually well designed for the most part (except for minions and area effects) and it could have been an amazing game. They just had to fuck it up because everyone thinks he's hotshit.

Yes. Are you starting to suspect something's up with the "jews are 100% an ethnicity" meme?

I never trusted the meme but I thought it was mother -> child.
Not grand mother -> everyone after her. That's stupid.
Still you must consider that in israel a lot of so called jews are not accepted well even if their retard laws allow it.
Maybe all this time they were just scraming for ways to get retards into israel.

Kinda reminds me of Skullgirls development

Special mention of Kike Z

do you want him to be poor?


I don't consider him jew. I don't care what kikes think.

Now Runic is shut down too:

microsoft is probably the perfect example of why management as a career choice should not exist.

DX12 makes Mankind Divided run far lesser like ass than DX11 did. Went from some places randomly dropping to 45FPS on a fucking 6700k + GTX1080 of all things to never falling below 100.