#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: The Silent Fury Edition



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>Bonegolem is back and updating Deepfreeze: twitter.com/icejournalism/status/906948110789877761
>Jed Whitaker booted from DToid: archive.is/r5rrW
>Mike Diver fired from Waypoint: archive.fo/wwwrc
>#NoTatsukiNoTanoshi Updates: archive.fo/VO3Jp archive.fo/EiaPi
>Every time: archive.is/vdpoh archive.fo/FnzSK
>A strange week indeed: archive.fo/Dzr3b#selection-3633.0-3633.12
>Escapist staff fired: archive.is/6BNDm
>NeoGAF dead with allegations against owner: archive.fo/sDCgX archive.fo/qWncR archive.fo/P6Jg8 archive.is/Ls6Th
>GDC: archive.is/bAF5a


youtube.com/watch?v=wy9bisUIP3w - #GamerGate - If It's Not About Ethics;
youtube.com/watch?v=5fnRSL3d_xU - #GamerGate in 60 Seconds;
archive.is/23Fde - GamerGate: A State of the Union Address.

• Use archive.is to deny sites ad revenue and traffic and preserve websites in case they are deleted later;
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• The #GamerGate Dossier: archive.is/nv1Fb
• #GamerGate Wiki: gamergatewiki.net/
• History of #GamerGate: historyofgamergate.com/
• View the timeline links in the Current Happenings section!

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Watch a man driven to extremes to fucking win against an unwinnable situation.


#TorrentialDownpour and Nip news:

In the process of organizing and adding more info
Make sure to inform normalfags about websites free of Socjus Influence.

Useful Links:




Localization watch: Not solely from shit companies (need to add more)

>Sekai Project: Teaching Feeling ( >>>/hgg/116640 )


pantsu.cat is a nyaa replacement after it was taken down. It's better than the competition. Use this instead of the cartel run cancer.


They've put up downloads to paywalled fakku doujins.

Fakku 0001-1000: files.catbox.moe/129di9.torrent
Fakku 1001-1100: files.catbox.moe/h3l457.torrent
Fakku 1101-1200: files.catbox.moe/47batv.torrent
Fakku 1201-1300: files.catbox.moe/c9ntlr.torrent
Fakku 1301-1400: files.catbox.moe/rkuheo.txt
Fakku 1401-1500: files.catbox.moe/ce8oor.txt
Fakku 1501-1600: files.catbox.moe/nmqh3d.txt
Fakku 1601-1700: files.catbox.moe/60v3p6.txt
Fakku 1701-1800: files.catbox.moe/3ii6j8.txt
Fakku 1801-1900: files.catbox.moe/m37bm7.txt
Fakku 1901-2000: files.catbox.moe/z9nmm6.txt
Fakku 2001-2100: files.catbox.moe/arpo7h.txt

Info & feedback welcome

Welcome back.

Watch out for GamerGate
The public enemy of the world #1
It is the main hashtag responsible for…
☑ Forcing a historian to prioritize shitposts over reporting their dad's corpse
☑ Vandilizing private property with "Strategic Designation #2"
☑ Causing chaos in Hollywood with an acid rainstorm
☑ Ruined the very concept of anime for everyone
☑ Firing a promising staff member from Platinum Games
☑ Making Colin Moriarty say a misogynistic joke and firing him
☑ Giving a white Iranian a date with DMCAstiny
☑ Creating bait that surpassed Metal Benis
☑ Stole Bioware's checkbook
☑ Making YouTube proud to support the [ERROR: Login to view this content] community
☑ Became Linkedredchannitin
☑ Adorning unrelated posts with images of anime boobs
☑ Overwrote reality with a Tropico save-file
☑ Teaching the Russians how it's done
☑ Spent 4 days legally dead for tax reasons
☑ Manipulated reviews to make Yooka-Laylee look as 64-bit as possible
☑ Revealed international culinary secrets
☑ Convinced an user into becoming a trap
☑ Funded by Russia to cause chaos in the USA
☑ Plotting to invade and take over the fashion world with a new puppet as mascot
☑ Successfully summoned the memeteor, then promptly dispelled it because it wasn't exciting enough
☑ Moved gaming acceptance back decades in the public consciousness
☑ Got seened in an Oakland drive-by
☑ Has trademarked "hikikomori ginger girls with names based on imageboards"
☑ Employed Russia's help in hacking the ESRB
☑ Bestowed upon a penguin a penguin-waifu
☑ Caught a glimpse of the evil that is the Korean Education system
☑ Likes their iced cream 'pure aryan'
☑ Hacked a character into ARMS, then leaked it
☑ Having a girl fetish
☑ Killed people at an Ariana Grande concert with a bomb
☑ Discriminating fantasy from reality
☑ Undoing all the hard work into promoting Far Cry 5
☑ Turned Ren Hoek into a terrorist
☑ Created Gamergate America
☑ Became starmen
☑ Brought misogyny into E3
☑ Turned Mario Mexican
☑ Prevented beloved VAs from reprising their popular roles
☑ Brought back unpopular video games like Metroid
☑ Blowing everything up

We'll break them, if they think they've won, they haven't seen the last of us.








You can't just link the article and not the video itself.


It has to do with Germany's law against alternate history fiction. Why AH is banned is beyond me.

It's beautiful, in a way. If germany ever produces another hitler, they could very well not know it because of their extreme censorship laws put in place to prevent just such a thing from occurring.

Boy, when I said that Europe is fucked up politically earlier today, I had no idea just how right I was.


Looks like Soros on the right

Let's be honest, while people whined about the price hike from $50 to $60 in 2002-2003, we sucked it up and kept paying. Publishers could do another hike, it's just that they realized they could fuck us out of more money if they just do it a couple bucks at a time.

That's what it costs in Leafville right now anyway.

CTP link in the OP doesn't work. Use the link from the wiki current OP:

>Canada money

I like how our money looks. If only it had actual value. It's gotten to where Steam is actually a good deal in Canada because most publishers only mark the games up 10% over US prices.

I think you mean 91$

I was at wal-mart the other day and it's still $80 for a new console game. That is before tax, though. Gotta tax fucking everything.
I can't believe 27% of the country voted for that walking meme.

Okay, thanks for catching it.
note for next baker please change broken link
• Beware of COINTELPRO tactics: The Gentleperson's Guide to Forum Spies - cryptome.org/2012/07/gent-forum-spies.html

to fixed up link below
• Beware of COINTELPRO tactics: The Gentleperson's Guide to Forum Spies - cryptome.org/2012/07/gent-forum-spies.htm


I just out of lulz went into an EB games to see how much the new Mario and ASScreed Kangz was, they both were 91$ taxes added up.

Yep. There was a big stink over it recently. The official story is that the Canada Revenue Agency had the idea and Trudeau told them to back off. But the more likely story is that Trudeau realized "oh shit the election is coming up and we're out of gold to sell" and is trying to find money anywhere he can. Other great Trudeau administration moments:

That's EB though. They've added $10 to the price of a new game for as long as I can remember. They're just kikes.


I really hope you guys throw that piece of shit out of office.

Sorry, I'm busy playing the Fire Emblem 3 remake. I'm only really looking up to post, not opening files.


He's probably out. A lot of people are pissed at him for:
His main support bases will be the left, and Quebec. But..
Quebec will abandon him faster than you can say poutine if he tries to tread on them. Nothing pisses off Quebec like the federal government trying to tell them what to do. And they are a HUGE demographic.

It's been that way at least since Gamestop bought them out. It's why I don't shop there. I'll go to wal-mart or a local place I know or order online or pirate. Mostly pirating, lately. EB basically just sells "geek merch" now anyway. My local one is a whole back wall of funkos, a bunch of figures and minecraft shit and generic "geek" (game of thrones, walking dead, rick and morty) toys and mugs and shit all over the place. And it's all cheaply made. I almost bought an E-tank mug until I saw all the warnings and such on it. I like Mega Man but not enough to hand wash a mug every time I want to use it. I have a dishwasher for a reason.

It get's better

I wish. It's still about $11 here in Ontario. Which is great because my electric bill is steadily climbing up because of the libs at the provincial level and their retarded solar panel incentive.

It depends on where you work I live in Toronto and a few places like my work raised it to 14 already.

Yeah but the provincial minimum is still $11 something. They don't set minimum wage on a town by town basis.


The government in NZ has decided to raise the minimum wage from 15.75 to 20, like somehow this is going to combat poverty. How the fuck do lefties not have someone to tell them their fucking ideas are retarded.



People tell them alright - they just don't listen.


If you tell them their ideas are retarded they say "Hey, retarded is an ableist slur."

Let's raise the minimum wage to $1,000,000 an hour, then everyone can be millionaires


Wait what? I thought they were dirt poor how the hell did that happen

Was just about to post this.
Winnie had to chose between the country being sold to china or economic death. Better buckle up because holy shit man things are going down hill from here on out.

They voted for him to just get Harper out. Cause honestly, Harper was going mad with power. I would not be surprise in the least if the next election completely annihilates Trudeau out of office.

anyone got any caps on the berenstein/stain universe/timeline theories?

The way I see it, every job will pretty much now be "earning" 4 - 5 dollars more, so like 20 an hour now will earn 24, because business will have to increase pay to attract the workers with the skills for those jobs, but relatively everyone will be earning the same goddamn wage as it is now because everything costs more in order to pay the wages.

The only net change that I see coming from this, is that we're less competitive on the world stage because now our exports also cost more. It's just so fucking retarded.

Get rid of all industry and agriculture while living on international welfare, it does wonders for the economy.
Bazingaland abandoned their own currency when it hit peak inflation back in 2009 and started using South African rands instead.


Andrew Scheer sounds like he's going to sell the country to china and fuck the environment like Harper did but honestly the environment can handle it for a few years, the country can't handle being fucked by liberalism that long

Canada is fucked regardless of who gets in.


Canada already partially belongs to China. Got to a bank machine. used to just be English and french. Now its English french and ching chong

kill me
the nz dollar is already over valued so a bit of inflation (if being one of the more retarded ways of lowering the value) would help exporters a bit but this is definitely not the way to do it.


I dunno man, there's no way they're going to be able to keep workers on at the same pay they are now if they're skilled workers that need to get payed more than minimum wage, otherwise everyone is going to fuck off and work at McDonald's.


The banks in the prairies have ching chong options and completely chinese signs as well

The thing that Mombot doesn't understand it that Publishers can cut the development cost and instead focus on making a better game directed at a targeted audience with less sales and still be very profitable. In fact higher development cost are part of the reason why Publishers target larger "more inclusive" audiences and dumb down the game to the lowest common denominator. The predatory practices of Micro-transactions and always online is not justified even when you take into account inflation. The only thing this argument refutes is the spoiled economically illiterate leftist complaining about the current price-points of most modern titles (I should know, I was the guy who made the edit of image on the right when I was still a libertarian).


Well, it doesn't say "all", so I assume it's a top ten out of the many they have destroyed.


It won't be the full amount, I can guarantee you that. The biggest problem will be the time between the minimum wage increase and the market settling. As businesses figure out how much every product is going up in price and how many workers they need to sack to stay afloat they won't be able to make any judgments on how much to pay their skilled workers. Everyone below the 20 will get bumped to 20 and everyone else will get maybe a little bump but likely nothing until they know what's going on.

never-mind I see the full context now. That said, Super Mario Bro. adjusted for inflation would be $140.37. Would Mombot pay $140 for a game?

I agree

Femfreq still trying to milk GG and 'gamers baaad' to remain relevent. Same old story - Anita is becoming yesterday's news, and will be replaced by some other - younger and prettier - media darling. That's the way the media industry works - bye bye Anita.

That's why we need to meme the libertarian party into power for shits and giggles.

Since when was there a slip n slide ban? I had one like 10 years ago

sound logic

Its a sign

You can still buy them, but it's the pussy version with length restrictions and cushioned ends. You can't buy the older longer version that was just a plastic mat.

Your options are; More Trudeau, Neocons made of leaves, the "we're totally not the communist party guys!" party, Quebec and the lmao dude weed party
They're all complete trash but at least with the libertarian party we'd get guns and lawn darts to play with as the country burns as opposed to no guns and lawn darts as the country continues to burn.

Can't wait for the Great Northern Wall to be built in his second term

Fuck it, just put walls into every border available.

JeJ. I'll find it somewhere else.

meant for

Are you sure you want that? You'd end up paying for it and all the illegals trying to flee from trump's deportation task force won't flee to canada anymore. They'd just start hiding like rats

My job gave me less hours overall because they're a supermarket chainWalmart and just went through a renovation. I'm fine with this, because they actually pay ABOVE minimum wage, it's pretty low in my state.

Now, if you were to increase the minimum wage, they'd survive, but the people around them that are already at minimum staff restaurants and sundry stores that carry what my store doesn'twouldn't be able to compete and would be put out of business.

Now this is a shopping center, the supermarket does not provide every item needed for everyday life, and certainly does not stock enough to support a whole community, because the store's fucking huge, takes up a fair percentage of the shopping center, and most importantly belongs to a company that has it's resources spread very, VERY wide. They cannot hire more people then they have now. This means that while the store can renovate and repair, it cannot, absolutely cannot expand. In fact the parent company Walmart's resources are spread SO thin that there's almost no budget except for repair.

Certainly, if the minimum wage were to go up, that store would survive…. for a while at least.

Without the shops around it selling products that it doesn't have, people would stop coming to the district to shop and look elsewhere for a better center. And what would happen to the center after it's been abandoned?

We've seen it happen before, it gets bought and flipped, reconstructed into a gentrified money maker that targets the rich.

Now, in my area, wages will not go up because the shopping center is nowhere close to the city, and is surrounded by the fortress known as the suburb, they can't do shit here, wages are low, but business is booming.

But in a internal warring country like New Zealand, where culture is compromised and economy is fucked, it's like a antlion's trap, it's caught in a loop til something drastic happens, maybe not even then. When wages are increased, the only thing that can survive the ensuing fallout is the already rich.

If any new zealanders are here:
get angry.
You have nothing to lose. This is the end point.

when you put it that way there is only one option. wait for the resurrection of Hitler :^)

I need more images, other people keep using them.


It's about something something nazi apologism something.

Germans have been shamed so hard they can't even aknowledge anything nazi.

Found this in the replies.

That nigger is retarded because he just assumes development cost have not increased because in his research he could not find any reliable reports or actual figures. He tables the R&D cost until later, but then just assert development is cheaper without any evidence to support this assumption. Its reported that a typical open world action game from Ubisoft can require between 400 and 600 people on the development team. Compare that to the 10 developers of Super Mario Bros. or 5 Guys who created Doom. Just look at how big the team was form NuDoom. He makes some good general points and much of it I agree with but they don't refute the point of comparing cost vs inflation.

The original argument was never intended to justify DLC & Microtransactions, nor was it to suggest the industry was not profitable, which would be absurd considering the industry is bigger than Hollywood. In fact I was arguing at the time that games should cut the graphics design departments, marketing departments, production budgets and focus on smaller middle market games. Larger budgets means a necessity for more sales, more sales means they are forced to make the game more "consumer friendly" for a large demographic, which leads to water down derivative gaming experiences.

It was more a devils advocate rationalization from a business perspective as to why a company would be motivated to sell additional content assuming they intend to have similar profit margins and that the cost of r&d is undoubtedly more expensive. The cost of research and development claim can be supported without actual financial figures to support the claim by just looking at the size of development teams. If larger development teams is not inherently more expensive then this assumes larger development teams are being payed less but I doubt that is the case so it is safe to presume its more expensive. I do not disagree with anything you state in this video, in fact it only sheds more light as to the direction the industry is trending. In fact GTA Online is a perfect example of how they have essentially cut "research and development" all together. Great video but it does not address the core assumption of the argument that R&D has become more expensive to produce new games. The it's "Too expensive" is a bit unwarranted and reductionist. If their are people using derivatives of my original argument to defend blatant "corporate greed" then they did not understand the trust of the core argument.

Interesting. I don't ever recall hearing that specific argument before and I even recall that I thought it very interesting that IGN picked up on the Idea when they published "The Real Cost of Gaming: Inflation, Time, and Purchasing Power" not long after I had initially shared it. The variation I presented initially did take into account for inflation and the presumption that R&D cost where infrared based on the growth of the average team size and scope of modern games compared to Nintendo product form the 80's.

Even a middle market game like Dark Souls had a team of 29 people where as a game like Super Mario Brother had a team of 10 people (which was large for the time). IIRC I was comparing the price of Dark Souls with DLC to Super Mario Bros. which was a modest price $75 compared to what would be $116.98 when adjusted for CPI. That and I also have a background in 3D animation and My brother is a C++ programmer, therefore I believe it's not too arrogant to say know a bit about what goes into making a video game and that its much more time intensive to build a modern AAA game then it was to produce something in the 90's. That is not even taking into account many AAA's build their own engines as apposed to licensing one. There is also the fact that we do know Crash Bandicoot cost $US1.7 million in 1996 where as Watch Dogs in 2014 cost $US68 million as well as other example. The trend seems to point toward higher production cost. I don't think its far fetch to assume R&D has bloated.

This assumption that the budget for production has shrunk does not logically fallow because you are presuming R&D cost has not changed. It is just as probable that the push for digital only was to compensate for the rising overhead of development to assume its a net benefit is wishful thinking. Also if the overhead to produce games is lowered then the exorbitant numbers of units sold that publishers demand would not nearly be as high. The lower the gross margin the less units need to be sold for a return. The push for more accessibility and a broader audience is likely in response to these higher production cost. You can see the same thing in the Move industry, as production cost skyrocket, movies are dumbed down to reach foreign markets. Take for example the Golden Compass which was a flop but grossed $302.1 million internationally. Another example in favor of growing R&D budgets is how Tomb Raider 2013 was considered a flop despite selling over 7 million copies. The fact that your video completely ignores research and development is just a bit incredulous when there is ample evidence to the contrary even if we don't have hard numbers.

The notion that the industry has continued to be profitable is to be taken for granted. If is was not as profitable as in the past you would likely see company's turn to other markets, like maybe pachinko machines, but that would clearly never happen. That said this line of reasoning was never meant to justify predatory practices, it merely was an alternative hypothesis to the often childish far left attitudes of pretentious sensationalist "consumer advocates" with no understanding of basic economics.

interesting. I don't ever recall hearing that specific argument before and I even recall that I thought it very interesting that IGN picked up on the Idea when they published "The Real Cost of Gaming: Inflation, Time, and Purchasing Power" not long after I had initially shared it

^Copy pasta from the comment section of the video in question.

The rise of game engines have been a direct response to the increasing complexity of games user. That is to say; it's more or less an issue that is NOT solved with microtransactions necessarily.

Game engines exist because they eliminate the need for a programming team which would otherwise have eaten up development time and budget. Super Mario Bros was only developed by 5 people, yes, but it had to be programmed from the ground up. Most modern game dev studios have no programming guys, just design guys, because they can afford to cut those out and essentially outsource programming

Germany has a law against alternative history, hell, you can't even buy mein kampf without a special permission from the state that says you will use it in a "scientific" or "historian" way.

The good thing about german autism is that you know exactly what you are not allowed to say.
Other european countries work on a "case by case" basis.

user that is a strawman of the position. Nobody should be trying to justify micro-transactions. I even said as much here . Also, many AAA games do not use prefabricated game engines. It is more often middle market games that resort to Game Engines. For example Assassin Creed has Anvil, MGSV has the Fox Engine, FFXV built the Luminous Studio graphics engine. The bloat of modern games is an issue. I would prefer smaller budget titles with a focus on more of a niche market but instead the industry took the Hollywood model.

The majority of AAA games use Unreal or Unity. the games you listed were the exceptions to the rule if anything. Only the absolute top-tier studios develop engines in-house because they have less to lose spending more money on programming for flexibility.

in other words I would prefer if more game developers fallowed a Nintendo philosophy.

 Game play > Story > Graphics > Everything else

No AAA game used Unity. And very few use Unreal. You are thinking of middle market games. Tons of middle market game use Unreal 4 & cheep indieshitz use Unity.

I don't think he was making the point that development costs of individual games are falling. They're making fewer games, so they're spending more on these titles individually, but not necessarily more overall since fewer games are being made. Also, one must keep in mind that he's not reaching back to the time of Super Mario Bros. He's only describing a trend over the last 7 years, not the last few decades.

This assumes the best of the person arguing this and that they're not just some cock-gobbling fanboy that would come up with any argument to justify the actions of their favorite company regardless of those actions. I think the people making this arguement come from both groups.

Most of these paragraphs seem to be hinging on comparisons to much older games even though the video is purely about trend in the last 7 years.

that is because its less risk and that is because of the inflated cost of development. The fact that is less investment overall is immaterial because the argument says nothing about how much profit the industry is making. It assumed the industry is very profitable. However its also no a charity, there is no intensive to cut into their own profit margins.

I was the autist who first authored the argument back in 2013. Mombot is circulating propaganda I created
yes, and look at Mombots post in question. She is comparing modern prices to games produced in the 1990's. $141 for KI, $127 for DKC2 ect. compared to something like COD WWII which will run you approximately $100 with season pass. The only point of the argument is to say the price of games is not inflating as some hysterical leftist would like you to think. Look I am not a buyfag, I don't care what people do with there money but its a bit more nuance then always resorting to "muh ebil capitalism".

I guess I mean to say there is more risk in the investment because it larger budget. But less risk in producing less games if they can assure the ones they do produce will be profitable.

Oh. I thought we were talking purely about video. I just embedded it as it seemed like a fairly good arguement against microtransactions and happened to find it in the replies to Mombot.

It was a clarification to a poorly worded statement
I was, the video is a strawman. the dude is an ignorant leftist retard trying to justify his position. The strawman is that the argument in question is a justification for microtransactions as apposed to just point out the fact that historically people have payed more for video games.

This nigger is retarded. The data he presents invalidates his own core argument. Games are more expensive to make just by correlating both data, R&D is increasing little by little while the number of games released had a massive reduction which means significantly more money is being spent in the development of a single game than 10 years ago.

That isn't to say some of his points aren't decent. All this shift in the market towards games-as-service (codeword for this microtransaction hell) is just a way of maximizing profits and reducing volatility. Though it remains to be seen if a market saturated by games-as-service products is actually sustainable.

in other words if you think that video is smart or well researched then you are objectively retarded. :^)

^This, thankyou I was starting to get frustrated.

Except retarded fanboys have used the argument in question as justification for microtransactions for some time.

Hey guys, how's Brian doing?

How long has it been now?

Its about time, I guess

What the fuck? I thought Revenge of Shinobi was Shinobi 2.

His core argument was clickbaity and factually incorrect. Games are more expensive to make now than 10 years ago and by a significant margin. But the profits of the companies funding them are up, because they are maximizing the revenue of these same expensive games. Guess what maximizes revenue in a single product? Recurrent spending by active users. ie. Microtransactions, DLC… all this bullshit.

Before that we had recouping R&D costs by making yearly releases which reuses most of the work in the previous game: ie Call of Duty, Fifa, AssCreed. The we want the Call of Duty audience meme was real, every publisher was after a captive audience that would gladly buy full-price the same game every year, like a subscription. Well, then, for the next couple of years, expect most AAA to be "We want the Destiny/Overcuck audience"

The games that made those corporations money were shit and will continue to be shit. They were shit before because they were incremental safe garbage made for the normalfag. They will be shit in the future because they will be skinner box nightmares made for the whales. But we, those who like good videogames, will lose out. In the age of the yearly sterile releases, devcosts were comparatively lower so more games were released and some of them were good. Those were the franchise builders, shit like Dead Space 1, Mirror's Edge, hell, even Mass Effect. Things publishers were willing to take a risk in order to create a "yearly safe release franchise" out of it later. Those games, thsoe kind of releases, will not exist in the near future. Not from the big western publishers. Our last hope are the rare uncucked indies, Eastern European and Japanese studios.


Good evening.

We're bigger than ever. Stronger than ever. We're Roppong/v/ 3k.


I don't like the nuDoom choice of music.
They should have just gone for metal instead.

Germany actually has a satirical comedy about literally Hitler coming back and taking power in modern Germany. It's called "Look Whose Back"

Isn't that an unintentional redpill?
I have only seen the scene where he talks about why racemixing in bad.


Yeah man, I have no idea how no one has even told a leftist to fuck off.

It's redpill-ish. It's mostly about how people don't care if someone is literally Hitler, they just want someone who says they can fix their problems and give them someone else to blame.

What do?

Blame the Maritime, Quebec tried to warn you but you didn't listen.

what exactly is the ergonomic solution to automation though? will the poor just have to revert to agrarianism and start treating money like some kind of extravagance? are we returning to feudalism but with a few rich people going from penthouse to penthouse in their flying cars?

All the McDonalds around me went from 4 cashiers to 1 cashier and 3 computers


gas yourself

I would think in 60 or so years, we'd legitimately have to have a sort-of communism. Shit will eventually get so automated that most jobs aren't needed. I would guess that once that's the case, there will be a basic government income for all citizens to live decent, but kind of shitty lives. But People willing to actually do shit like make vidya, or become musicians, would be able to make themselves richer by actually providing something that people will pay for.

We wuz Shakespeare n shiiet!

I think it will even itself out somehow. If all the companies that can automate themselves do so, there will be so many people out of work that the companies that have automated themselves will lose money because there's no one left to buy their shit.

I can't understand a fricking word she is saying.

Probably in a perfect world something like that would happen. It's probably also my cynicism talking.
I also think that, when it comes to food and stuff like that, people will choose the bread made by humans and not an automated machine.
It would also not surprise me if the human made food is more expensive than the machine made.

who would buy the games or songs? nobody is making any money anymore except for those rich enough to be able to afford the machines that make all the things. there will probably also be machines that keep the other machines maintained so you wouldn't even need repairmen. there will be machines that mine materials, machines that recycle materials and machines that automatically defend against unruly humans who want to destroy the machines so that they can have jobs again. if a job can be done, it can be done by a robot and if there's money to be made, someone will be selfish enough to make a machine to make that money. right up until he builds a machine that replaces him, himself.

eventually, people won't be able to afford the more expensive human-made bread. because their job will have been taken by a robot.

you don't seem very cynical to me.


But these guys can't make money if nobody buys their stuff. The system wouldn't work. You'd just have a society where people starve to death while robots make food that nobody buys while the guy who owns the robots slowly loses all his money on electricity bill.

that's why i said agrarianism (that might not be the correct word)

the poor people will just have to go find some cheap land and farm their own food. they wouldn't be able to sell any of it because they would be competing with the massive corporations that have cheap machines produce the same food, only more efficiently. everyone will just have to start fending for themselves while the corporations more or less move on to buying and selling raw materials to and from other corporations. that's pretty much what's already happening right now.

Have to read this, as well

very good

The solution to people losing jobs to automation isn't to put even more people out of work. It's like throwing fuel to the fire because "wet things extinguish fires, right?. If someone can't live on a certain wage then they aren't going to be doing the job for very long, having a minimum wage to ensure that people can survive is a redundant and counter-productive. As an example, if you tell a hobo that you will pay him $5 a day to work for you 10 hours of labor-intensive work daily, he will tell you to eat shit and die because he knows he can earn more through other means. However, if the hobo would be fine if you paid him $20 per day but the minimum wage law stated that you can only pay someone $50 per day then it would be illegal for him to work. In other words, you are punishing someone for wanting to work because apparently the solution to having people that are suffering from starvation is to help them die from it.


Look up on who localized it for Steam and the people on the studio who did it. I smell a connection of that to Nich Maragos and the Treehouse crew.


abolishing the minimum wage just means you're going to push more people onto welfare because it pays more than employers would be willing to pay their employees. the minimum wage is, or at least should be, the lower limit of what a person needs to simply survive. abolishing the minimum wage just means that some people will get their wages cut to the level that their employer deems the job to be worth, meaning the employee will be less equipped to survive. granted some more jobs will be created, but at less than the minimum wage, no doubt in many cases far less than the minimum wage; un-livably low. but that hobo will take that un-livable wage because it will at least stave off death for a while longer than no wage at all.

this is all on top of the fact that automation is inevitable, it will take jobs until eventually a minimum wage will be moot because no one will be hiring anyone for jobs that can be done cheaper by a robot. now that i think about it, that turning point will cause the economy to collapse and probably the robots themselves will become the new currency for the super rich. robots and land to house them. the poor will simply, necessarily die off.

It's that time.

Has anybody keeping up with how Destructoid is doing? I've noticed they aren't making those outrage-bait articles anymore, judging by their twitter feed. We need to give some feedback to the owner for cleaning the house before his employees backstab him somehow for "censoring them" and he reverts to clickbait to recoup losses.

GameGear Shinobi II

Yeah, because clearly you have no free will of your own. Someone else is offering more? Nope, can't go there because my employer won't pay me if I leave him.
If it is truly unlivable then he won't actually take it, or at least will only take it for a brief time. I know that it's great if people earn just as much as everyone else but that doesn't always happen, sometimes to get out of a shit situation you need to step into other shit that is just as unpleasant. If you forbid someone in an ALREADY awful situation then you aren't exactly helping him by pushing his head even deeper into the mud.
You have to be legitimately retarded to think of something like this. You have simply thrown out diseconomies of scale and pretty much any sort of feedback mechanism out of the window to make that conclusion happen and then are magically placing them back in to justify that conclusion.

Chinese government might ban battle royale games


Please, ban video games entirely, China.

Somehow the Slant Eyed Jews manage to be worse than both Russians and BRs combined.

until they can't afford to offer more due to economic pressures. like automation.
what? until he finds a better job? he's not qualified for a better job, all the jobs he's qualified for are being taken by robots. you seem to somewhat misunderstand what a job actually is. it's not just busywork that some rich guy has you do just for his ego or whatever, an employee has to provide value and therefore make money. low-skill jobs are disappearing due to automatic machines that can do those low-skill jobs and provide that value for less financial investment than an employee's wage. gradually that is becoming true of high-skill jobs as well.
and now you misunderstand the nature of automation. from an economic standpoint, there is no problem. indeed, it's only a solution. it's inefficient to have a building full of flawed, exhaustible, emotional humans doing menial tasks before requiring rest/food/recreation; the more efficient scenario is to fill the same building with several machines designed to do the same menial tasks but without requiring rest, etc. pretty much the only human you need is one or two smart guys who know how to solve any problems that come up with the machines and even that job can eventually be made redundant in the design stage of the machines or even some kind of mobile maintenance machine that can tend to multiple factories and can itself be maintained by only one very smart guy who can also eventually be replaced. automation is a unique problem in that, from the economy's perspective, it is indistinguishable from a simple increase in employee productivity for the same wage or less. everyone who isn't smart enough to be the smart guy maintaining the machines will have to take up farming just to feed themselves. i wonder if the corporations won't just buy up all the land for storage space to store all their machines.

The guy who did the music for the game has proper metal versions of some of the OST on his youtube channel, they're pretty rad.

Or they do what an episode ofgoodno Tabi showed, have everything run by robots but every single person works with recalculating the robot's calculation, and since people aren't faster than a computer there is no shortage of work.

You as well friend.


That sounds like a quarantine into an inevitable death which is very good sounding to me



God I wish I wasn't in the phone verification gulag so that I could tweet my laughter at these faggots.

Not likely!

HOW IN THE FUCK IS ASSASSIN'S CREED NOT DEAD YET?! That seriously made me a little angry right now. Last ac I played was Black Flag, even that one was not so good but from what I heard the others are even worse. Even gameplay wise it's pretty shit, story wise it's completely unplayble and as if that shit wasn't bad enough they also introduce gay politics into it.

The sales are not that hot steamcharts.com/app/612880

Even AssCreed WE WUZ KANGZ and Shadow of Retcons are not doing hot.

Or how about the fact that even though the gameplay is bad there is literally no replayability because they force you to watch their shit narrative every time. I think it was the 3rd one because I bought it got a save glitch(everything always autosaves 24/7 what a game…) so my save got corrupted when the game crashed during an autosave then I tried to replay it only to realize that now I have to run through this narrative again and play all the introductory missions and all this shit that I just don't want to listen to or see. It's like these games are designed to be run through then thrown into the trash.

They are, why do you think they release new versions every year?
Big AAA studios don't want classics that everyone remembers and loves. They don't want to make Original DOOM, NES SMB games, etc. They want to make games people forget about, yet still like enough to want to experience again. They even try and reduce replay value by making it not worth your time. You'll never see things like New Game+ in a major AAA game franchises that releases yearly.

AC is one of those games where the pirates get the better version. I had that happen to me too in AC3 and BF. I also had to replay the previous games because after uninstalling them you lose your savegame.

You know what I loved about Saints Row 2? It allowed you to replay every previous mission. For some reason they removed that feature from SR3

Experience is a qualification, many car mechanics in smaller service stations go into the job with no knowledge or experience whatsoever but are taken in anyway because the guy running the car shop knows that you learn most things by doing them. In dealerships with official relations to big companies like BMW they will ask for a certificate but in smaller ones all you need to do is show that you aren't COMPLETELY useless. That is one example of a job that you can not only get into without knowledge (they will take the guy that studied the trade over you given the choice but they will still take you otherwise) and that you can use to build experience. The reason why I mention car shops in particular is because that is how our family got out of poverty.
No, I don't. Literally all you did in that whole paragraph is deflect by pretending that I was talking about economic stability and then continue ignoring the existance of feedback within the economy because "muh dystopia".

Also before you claim "b-but your family got out of poverty BEFORE the machines took over the planet", there are lots of people that start going to trade school despite being in their late 20s because they got in that way and the shop they were working at became an official dealership, which requires every single employee to be certified in the trade.

Some user made the argument before that since the original Doom's music was based on the metal of it's era, nuDoom should've had more modern metal, something along the lines of Meshuggah. I agree, even though I don't particularly hate the nuDoom OST (it's still somewhat too much in a few places and uses too many synthetic sounds).

And it's dead.

Wait until the end of the year, when they'll blame the commercial failure of nuWolf 2 on nazis instead of making 2 thirds of the game like a movie, with absolutely shit characters.


They're already trying to blame it on "single player games being dead"

But I think they backtracked on that after Mario Odyssey released and they realized they were being more retarded than usual.

They're already desperately searching for any other reason for nuWolf's failure, other than no one wants the politics and no one wants interactive movies. But all year long they've been pushing political movie-games, and they've been selling like shit. They really don't have the power to shape public opinion after this. It's gone too far. No one is going to listen to their whining, even less than usual. The pattern that has emerged this year is too obvious. Watch Dogs 2, nuWulf, Prey, Battleborne, Lawbreakers, AssCreed Kangz, Mass Effect 3, etc. Social justice in video games is done, it won't sell, and it's just a matter of time before the businessmen come and remove it.

Not only that, you have cases where there were multiplayer games made by liberals (lawbreakers, battleborne, etc) that all failed. It's really just a matter of time before boards of directors and shareholders start to blatantly tell these people to fuck off because they're costing them money.

SJWs are going to try, but the situation has spiraled so far out of control for them that no amount of coordinating in GJP 2.0 is going to have much influence. They have no social justice poster children for success, outside of maybe games like Gone Home. And even then it fits what gamers are rejecting perfectly.

All they had to do was shut their fucking mouths and the game would have sold well. It's not the fact that most of the game is cutscenes, because that applies to so many games nowadays, and even then that would only effect the sales of the NEXT game after this one. They just had to avoid comparing Nazis to normalfag conservative Republicans and the game probably would have sold fucking millions on day one.

I pity you.

No, it wasnt just the marketing. The game itself is absolute shit and propaganda too.

There's also the fact that the literal retards in marketing thought that it and Assassin's Creed could go toe-to-toe against fucking Mario.

Not enough originality, too much marketing and politics to promote the games… The AAA market feels too much like a social debate and a propaganda poster than a vidya market.

This wouldn't work. Even if politics or the bad marketing weren't there, the game's flaws would still be noticed.

Think it was more that the game was just fucking shit.

AAA RPGs should just use text for their dialogue voice acting is cancer.

Only about ten voices actor in almost everything don't help it either.

Or go full Animal Crossing and let a machine speak.

If someone absolutely needs everything read to him, text to speech works, too.
Good dialogue mods can only thrive in a text based environment.

Beeps and boops + text dialog for RPGs were fine even back in the 16 bit age, and compared to the cancer of VAs today I'd prefer that.

There is no excuse anymore.

The way Banjo games do things is best.
Just have them mumble fun odd things as if there speaking a langue that we just don't know, that way it still works no matter what language the person playing speaks.

"The Jewtube video has a big obnoxious Subscribe text but it's still a good for what i'm pointing out here"

and those 10 voice actors are the same 10 in every other game.

What are you nazi scum crying about Wokenstein II?
It's literally the best shooter since years.
And you get to shoot nazis, that's fucking innovation you right wingers.

It surely will be much cheaper too.


Less disc space and development time spent on shit like lip-syncing too.

I actually would really like that approach. You get a sense of character with the Animal Crossing "dialogue" even though it's literally gibberish.

So it's going to go like this isn't it.

It's going to be forgotten soon, sales are absolute trash.

I would wait till Friday to see the sales graph.

my nigga

The text to speech in that video doesn't seem that bad at all.

I guess not.

I've been replaying Morrowind and it doesn't need voice acting, no rpg does. Voice acting is a meme forced so they could have a reason to hire their shitty e-celebs friends in need of a career and create a kind of "videogames" actors ala Hollywood.

Fight on, user

So, a pile of shit put on randomly and with no reason to exist?

user, post the whole thing. You know, where someone comments something along the lines of "This must be a great kindergarten class… Wait, you're a COLLEGE TEACHER?"

These are college students too.

And I thought that I had problems with RAGE.

The fuck? I can rage in multiplayer, but the worst I do is scream a little in a proper hour.

It's kinda depressing people like that can get married and I can't find someone to love me.

and they aren't even using real lego. They're using duplo blocks which the lego company made specifically for 1 to 3 year olds.

Holy shit and I thought I got mad at times. Thanks for making me feel better about myself.

If there is one thing about the internet, it lets you know your "at least you not This fucking bad."

I haven't seriously raged at a game since I was like 11, and the worsted I ever did was maybe throw a controller on the ground, and then immediately hope I didn't brake the controller.

{fancy checked}

I'm kinda thinking this has to be /ourguy/. I struggle to believe somebody so basic and ridiculous exists.

But why would they buy raw materials if nobody has money to buy any products that those materials would be made into?

Hey, user, when will the Gamergate wiki be fix? So, I can continue editing and adding to it.

The left is shocked that even normalfags voted and will vote Trump again.

Personally, I'm somewhat of a sore loser myself, but I've never taken it out on everything around me. Worst it gets is some loud growling in anger. And even then, I really should be finding a house to buy, because the walls are kinda thin in my apartment, and after a pretty bad situation that in the end led to my landlord removing the previous tenant, I really want to be careful with my temper when the next one moves in.

The admin dropped by yesterday and said it'll be up "soon". Thanks for the work you do.

Gone Home only did somewhat well because they bait and switched it as a horror game before everyone got to see how fucking awful it was.

Can confirm. This was how they got me.
Luckily I only got it in a bundle.

Was playing through the game, picking shit up, wondering when anything would happen, then it ended.

Webbum related. This is spookier and higher quality than the entire game.

And here I thought I was being noisy just a couple hours ago because I keep getting my shit fucked up by the fucking AI on Dirt Rally.

Okay and no problem, user.

It hurts my brain to try and wrap it around how anyone could look at children's lego and see a expression of his retarded ideology.

I think it was mostly the fact that the game is a gigantic piece of shit, and this is coming from someone who liked the first and second game.

Is this real?

These are the same people that spout shit like "everything is politics" after all

And it's a university professor, not a kindergarten teacher.

I liked what Yakuza does; voice acting and cutscenes for the main story, text and generic animations for side-quests.

I really want this to be a troll I really want this to be a troll but I know this is real.

I thought it was from a kindergarten/preliminary school top kek, it writes itself

Sounds like a Dragunov shitter. He should play best girl.


Gook, how can kpop be bad when they are doing roman salutes on stage?

Just watch Gangnam style muted and remember everything what gook said about situation in Worst Korea.
You should be able to see at least 3 fucked up things in video.

Be thee jesting?

It's one thing to rage so much as to destroy your basement and get into trouble with your wife, it's another thing to POST IT ON THE FUCKING INTERNET. These people have no god damned filter.

Did teh doujin you posted ever get translated?

no idea


To be fair, you didn't really mention what he wanted to talk about. The way I see it, the conversation went onto a tangent which he didn't really care that much about, since, although "muh nazis" was part of the marketing, not everyone interested in the game paid attention to that aspect.

100 brofisting partying Vietnam Veterans?

In his eyes you fucked up because you have deeper knowledge of the subject.

Is that Geralt voice actor?

I understand what you're saying now that you mention it.


If he didn't shit the bed so much with the English language, I'd suspect he would post on Holla Forums.


What is that shit and why isn't it a webm user?

anyone who disagrees with the consensus is magically a nazi

Guess the nazis won WW2 with all those alt-right racist shitlords not buying Wolf2.






how is the testosterone level is measured anyway?

We were right again.

Stop being this retarded. You're better than sjw's.


They tweeted this article about the new Wolfenstein game a few hours ago. It seems pretty standard for a review, nothing that screams ideology.


Here have a (2)

Why did you post some SU shit?

Buzzfeed "journalists" all low-T manlets: CONFIRMED

2017 has been AMAZING!

Bad audio, user.

That's not SU, that's ER.

Found this in my folder from the good old days. Sometimes I forgot how cucked is the left.

>complaining about a webm making fun of the (((gems)))

kys faggot

why not hooktube?

So with this can we confirm they are… Faggots?

as if we needed an article to know that

i didn't look at my dubs and thought they were regular heil hitler dubs

the god emperor Adolf Hitler has smiled upon me

This is objective scientific confirmation

On the one hand, I suspect I am on the low end of the spectrum, but on the other, at least I ended up looking like a ghoul and not a fucking faggot.


A lot of terror attacks on the US tend to "coincidentally" happen on the exact same day and in the exact same part of the country that exercises for those exact events do. For example, one thing that is not that well known is that NORAD had "five exercise hijack events" planned on 9/11 specifically in regards to "suicide crash into a high value target", although they didn't have any plans on creating a scenario for the WTC, their scenario was for the UN HQ which was pretty damn close to the WTC. There was also the fact that during the Boston bombing there was an announcement on the loudspeakers of an exercise event taking place during the marathon. And the fact that during Sandy Hook, the police response time was slower because there was a police exercise for a school shooting in a school a couple miles away on the same day. Either way, government exercises at suspiciously convenient dates are always a bad sign.

This is ATF level of retarded.

second image didn't load. I blame codemonkey



You know what this means? You can kill a bunch of commies during their escalation and have no police show up.


Self-awareness: nil.

Has this guy been outed as a serial killer yet?

Must be the chemicals in the water

May I at least know how you drew that conclusion?

Damn this doujin is poorly tagged. I've seen literally all the hentai on sadpanda that has the anal tag dating back to late 2012 and I've never seen this one even though this anime is fairly recent.

I'm referring to the excerpt in my picture, taken from the second archive link you posted.

Don't know but that blog post on that Rachel girl is creepy as fuck.


Shit user 4 out of 5 of them were below the lowest tier of below average they're practically women.

So what does this mean exactly? Is this bit just make-believe as people check their systems? Will shit actually become inoperable between Nov 4-6?

Yeah it's skin suit level.


It means they intend on an EMP happening

"massive coronal mass ejection event" is actually codeword for "DEMP superweapon" Like what happened to American before the start of the Firefly TV series, although that was "Hollywood Accurate" in it's effects. The way it was depicted in Highschool of the Dead was better but not wholly accurate.

Incedentally, google has censored "Destructive ElectroMagnetic pulse"

What's a hooktube, I don't trust it.

What a cuck

Women only get as high as about 80ng/dL
Every time we have some scientific discovery it just proves what we already knew to be correct.

Weren't the norks threatening some EMP strike? Is the media going to jump on this and blame the norks in hopes of going to war?

I swear there must be something in the water doing this. I am positive I never wanted to be a girl before, ow I just want to dress up in lingerie and get dicked.


No, that's just the result of lurking Holla Forums.

Not a big deal, I've seen all of the enema tag too.



I'm also canadian, several factors I'm guessing.

Holla Forums will turn you into a trap-loving gookanon-lusting faggot.

That's tens of thousands of doujins user

I've got a lot of free time.

I'm shocked. No, truly. I never would've guessed that a bunch of Nu-males would have low testosterone levels.



It's an easy typo to make

found the nazis we need to kill guys

Forgot to mention one thing in relation to the EMP thing, NORAD also began to move its HQ into the decomissioned Cheyenne Mountain Complex, which was previously decomissioned because the US no longer saw the possibility of nuclear war with Russia as a threat. I think they spent something like $800 million dollars on it so it's not just a small bit of paperwork, they were moving there to shield themselves against EMPs. So during the election they have most definitely been preparing for shit to go down, which they most likely did due to the "muh Russia" narrative making it plausible for someone to try to press the button, and so the government is most certainly ready for something of the sort happening.

Yes, it's the base Stargate takes place in

So many good application for the gates and they used them to deliver nukes like 3 times only.

Can we trade fathers? Mine's addicted to Destiny 2 and is a hopeless Blizzdrone.

Build faraday cages and stuff your handhelds into your microwave. It'll protect them

No more memes please.
Where's your source?

Just Google "NORAD cheyenne mountains", since this is something that was announced in early 2015. The first result will be their website.

Wikipedia says that a contract with Raytheon was signed in 2015 to move NORAD command back to Cheyenne mountain. Which means that they had been planning it since at least 2014 since contracts don't get signed that fast. I don't think it was a response to "Muh Russia" in the election

Then it might be to do with the purges during Obabo and the consequent plans to integrate Jade II into the military.

It appears that you've forgotten that it is now

What do you mean?

Also the purge I am referring to is not the dismissal of 200 officers (although it does tie very heavily into the Jade II aspect) but rather the fact that he threw out a lot of the nuclear operators.

I wonder what's the ratio of nature vs nurture with numale syndrome. I mean as a thought experiment, if a ressurected hybrid Sun Tzu and general Patton were to take even 10 of those low-t journos, and tell them that in 2 months Earth will face a hostile alien invasion and the only chance of self defense and human life on earth as we know it, is to pick up a rifle and train as hard as possible to fight off the would be invaders.

How many out of those 10 numales would man the fuck up, or will they all go on twitter and twiddle their thumbs with #notallaliens, write articles on how xenophobic Patton Tzu is.

Wouldn't throwing out a lot of nuclear operators have something to do with a reduction in nuclear arsenal. If anything that wouldn't that indicate that they expect nuclear war even more now?

Could you please link me this doujin?

Nvm, just found it.
As I said, it's not tagged as "anal".

The things stated by the government weren't about reducing the nuclear arsenal, the reason given was explicitly the lack of trust which is not something you say when someone is being dismissed because he is no longer needed. Reducing the nuclear arsenal is a political move for popularity, not a military decision, so it makes no sense to both do something for the sake of popularity but then try to hide it as an achievement of the military. The lack of trust as a stated reason is why I mentioned Jade II, which too is contracted through Raytheon.


That's because it's not. It's manko fingering.

Not a response, but likely the "muh Russia" was an attempt to beat the war drums against them. Its been known that they have been aggressively installing anti-nuke/missile weapons to keep the possibility of a retaliatory strike from happening.

I know that now. But it looked like it was anal on that page.

They have like, 4, at least. Science believes there are more.

Reminder that every time you see someone online encouraging to "bash le fash" and punch nazis, they look like that in real life.

women are warm and soft all over you can pretty much rub your dick on or in any part of them.

No it didn't. Nothing on the page hinted one way or the other, and if anything, one would assume it's vaginal as that is the norm.

yeah but only a few parts are moist

you want your woman to be moist all over her body?


When I'm done with her, she will be.

Monstergirls are a wonderful thing.

Try having a dad who doesn't play games but wonders why I don't play Call of Duty or other military shooters



I won't reply you any further after this to not derail the thread because of your cheap bait.
Literally read the text.
Also, the x-ray on the top left is drawn as it usually is for anal and she literally screams because of one finger being gently put inside of her.

Called it.
They are doing this on purpose.


All of them.

That Reimu is cute.


He still has low T, just not abnormally so.

Girl fetishists are disgusting and fairly douchey.

Literally how the beta-faggot MCs in half of all consensual doujins act when they put anything in a bagina, except this time they're both girls, so it's cute.
Wew lad. If you say so.
Have you ever read a fucking doujin before?

So what's Jade II? I can't find much on google other than it being some sort of computer system

Cripple user here who went to AUSPAX 2017 here! I decided to wait till Monday (Sunday for Americans) to upload photos of cosplayers, retro gaming gear, show floor etc. Breakdown of AUSPAX 2017, much better than last year. Lots of great games to play, the indy section actually surprised me with how much quality was there. VR gaming reduced to dying status when I could only remember seeing about four VR games there at most. Sony and Nintendo both killed it with large lines for both Mario Odyssey and Monster Hunter World both being playable. Since I had the cripple pass I was able to play these games before everyone flooded the show floor, both games were really enjoyable. Microsoft completely dropped the ball when on Friday they had a bricked system on display and showing mostly already released games. Ubisoft turned up with Far Cry 5 which I played twice, one run with doggo and one run with sniper. Doggo was always better since doggo would bring you better guns. Namco placed their both in an obscure part of the convention between two other massive booths however they bought Dragonball Fighters Z, Ni no kuni 2, Code Vein.
Dragonball had a massive turnaround of people lining up/playing it. The majority of people who were playing or watching it were getting hyped. At one point while waiting in line a guy got on his phone and started screaming "DUDE GET OVER HERE RIGHT NOW! IT'S LIKE YOU CAN PLAY AN ACTUAL EPISODE OF DRAGONBALL Z!" No one line up to play Marvel vs Capcom infinite or gave it any attention really lol. The retro gaming section had tons of classic games, parts and systems nicely in glass cases. Anyway, here cums the photos! I apologise if some photos are vertical some parts were so packed or had a lot of foot traffic you had to rush to take photos.


The NeoGAF outrage against MGSV's Quiet and Kojima has moved to ResetEra. New moderator condescends and insults poster who tries to explain simple biology in sex attraction by pulling the "mansplaining" argument.


Good morning!

Anything that pops out when it comes to panel? Like feminism and social justice related panels? Please share more.

Pfffffffft. Sasuga MS.
MvCi looks like wet garbage. I have not played DragonballZ but even looking at some clips on it, it does have potential to grab both the DBZ and FGC crowd.

There was an ad on tv inb4 >tv about a website called needtoimpeach calling the president mentally unstable and shit like that.

I talked about it in the GG thread during the show, there was a "Women were always here in gaming!" panel. However when the panel started there was a giant board that tells how full the theatre's they rent are and it didn't go higher than 20%.



My god, people at PedoGAF are bonafide faggots. They're in the same level as those from the feminist journalism side of things. LOW TESTOSTERONE!

They did it. They managed to cuck the Punisher.


They had a chance to not have the same mistakes from the past. Let's see how long they last before they crash again.



I give it 2 months

Doubt it, the people behind ReeTears that are not /ouragents/ never had any intention of starting over in any honest capacity. They were neofaggots who wanted to run the same shitshow, but without Malka shower rape rep dragging them down.

user, i am scared

c'mon now

Yeah, but given that at least one of the Neogaf mods got outed awhile back, they are probably cut from the same cloth if not worse than Malka.

JADE stands for Joint Assistant for Development and Execution. JADE II is a computer program designed for the US military repurposed from JADE for domestic insurgencies, while the original JADE was made for planning in the wars in the Middle East. What it does is that it takes information provided through the NSA and to give an evaluation on the human domain, which it uses to provide a dynamic battle plan. And now to what makes it relevant, according to the papers released by Raytheon, it can not only predict growing mistrust among the civilian population weeks before the civilian population itself even feels that way but it can also predict the intentions of soldiers and, more importantly, commanding officers. In other words, the US has been funneling large amounts of money into developing an AI (in the practical sense of the word, not the sci-fi faggot meaning) that would make it possible for the government to conduct purges within not only the lower parts of the military but even get rid of generals that are having a bit too much free will before the generals themselves realise they want to oppose the government. The fact that this type of system was being developed was why there was pretty huge hysteria over Jade Helm 15 in 2015, the military exercise had so few soldiers stretched thin among so many "potential insurgent states" (which they themselves state) that even people that had no idea about JADE II's existance were freaking out due to how suspicious it was. And the disinfo campaign was pretty strong, typing Jade Helm 15 into the search engine doesn't give you the result for the exercise itself, the first three or four are articles trying to debunk conspiracy theories. In order to sort through the trash you really need to dig through it deep, since after two years I have completely forgotten where to look, because even among those freaking out very few people actually knew about JADE II.

I can only hope my wish comes true: That this causes two camps of Neofags, and they spend so much time in fear of the other camps, and especially outsiders, that they end up hugboxing themselves down to absolutely nothing within weeks.

The dreamcast is gonna be 20 years old next year user

Xbox is 15 years old…

And I think Final Fantasy will be 30 years old in a month and a half.


So, the bad news is that things are about to get really bad, and the good news is that we are all going to get killed before shit hits the fan proper, and thus won't have to live through that misery.


i still consider the n64 to be a modern console

I've seen one of these in-person; no photo or video can convey how weird the vector-scan graphics are.

I know right? It's too smooth, fast and very responsive to controls.


November 4th, they will go all out.


I have some bad news for you, there is a pretty good chance you will continue to live through it. The nukes flying through the sky won't be the bringers of thermonuclear war, they will be the catalyst for the most silent shitstorm of our time. After all, there will be a blackout "exercise" on the day of a planned coup-d'etat.

But hey, there's some good news after all: you have three days to stop it.

Have you tried warning Holla Forums?


And thus majoras mask becomes real

Holla Forums discussed JADE II prior to Jade Helm 15 two years ago, we already know, and most of what I have said should still be readily available on Raytheon's website if you can find it. It's the reason why I posted the suspiciously convenient exercise date.

Don't assume they know, or remember. Weaponized autism is valuable, bring this up in a thread if you can.


No, I meant we will be purged, die in gulags, and then everyone left will live through the inevitable self destructive regime that will starve and destroy everything of value.

So how does this baboon speaking in Ebonics think she sounds to the British? or any other people that have a culture and langue?


>>>Holla Forums









I need some non-3DPD porn.


That autistic shit is well known enough to have cosplayers? Is it the middle image that looks like Ronald McDonald and a Naruto character had a baby?

Yeah, Ronald's a psycho motherfucker working for Chester Cheetah in it.

Okay, GG Wiki admin here to say it's coming back any day now I swear. First I had to contact the host and sort some crap, then my credit card gave me grief and the bank fagged things up, and I'm reading up on webmaster shit like scripts so I can make a backup as soon as it's back. But it's nearly here, don't worry. I can only ask for apologies again.


I'm sorry user.


The entire thing was a power play they took opportunity of. Malka being outed was convenient for them. Either way, with both neogaf and resetera infighting rampant I can't imagine they will last long until the next big shitstorm.

Don't worry about it, take your time.

Sit down and have a drink. Alcohol or not, just something to relax. It is good to be focused, but when it comes to things like that, you can't help it and it just leads to undo stress.




Fam(alam), were just happy you're keeping it online. Thanks.


The fact of the matter is that if the US pulls some sort of coup and becomes super aggressive then Russia will burn this bitch down. They've been launch on warning for a while now.

Hobo or hipster? Place your bets

In a couple of years the distinction will be moot.

Thank you for capturing footage!

y-your welcome

I just grabbed those from the guy's FB

That was why they were putting anti-nukes, and likely nukes, up near Iran. There is also a question if we might see them getting intercepted. The fact that the military couldn't deal with WWII tactics makes me question this move. That and the fact that it would destroy a lot of the monetary wealth they have been going for.

$2 on hipster

I'm betting on hipster too. Musical hobos are usually humble and thankful of their audience but when you check the second video you can see he doesn't even look in the eyes the lady giving him a tip

Before any possible coup attempt, the danger getting caught up is whatever false flag operation (San Fran gets nuked by North Korea …I hope) which is used to justify the "unrest" ("Drumph knew but didn't stop it!") which is used by the coup conspirators to convince the low level enlisted and officers who to execute the actual take-over ("Remember 'Frisco!").

With the exception of certain math and engineering issues, all war is essentially psychology; getting people to do harmful things for the sake of some greater-good.

meant to reply to




No archive, it's from buzzfeed, and it's hollywood. How about letting them all crash with no survivors.

Why would I ever give a single click to archive Buzzfeed?

That sounds really fucking cool despite it being pretty spoopy. That's like true sci fi shit. Thanks user for the explanation

You don't, you can copy the link to transfer to archive without clicking the link.

Do we hate Kevin Spacey now? These allegations are ancient history older than I am, and I'm skeptical of their legitimacy.


I don't know who Anthony Rapp is, and I only remember Spacey from a few films. There was a lot of rumors that he's homogay for a long time. At this point I'm more interested in seeing the hollywood cancer crash to the ground. Take the vidya VA guild with them too while they're at it. And any devs and publishers who unironically wants to make games through the "hollywood lens". Send the marines, send a MOAB, send Ren, just let all that shit burn.

Prager U did a video on the alt-kike
Its every bit as bad as you'd expect it to be.

Do you not know how archiving even works?

I don't understand the third image.

Meant for

I wonder if he's got any connection to Allison by any chance?

rick and morty

It's a Rick & Morty reference. There isn't much to understand.

Unrelated to your question:

>I don't understand the third image.
Are you baiting for a
>To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Dick & Gorty

See, you understand what I don't.

The only thing to understand is that normalfags are cancer.

I find it incredibly funny that the left that pushed for "guilty until proven innocent" in regards to rape claims are now getting absolutely decimated by the monster they created.

They will no doubt go after a bunch of normal folks with this, but for the time being its nice to see them get burned.


House of Cards/Usual Suspects guy

My slimline PS2 is apparently non-functional, as I found out today. I'm not getting any audio or video out of it, but yet it turns on, spins disks, and the controller works. Rest in pieces SCPH-7000 I knew that the ventilation of the slimline PS2s were crap, and it was gonna bust some time.


It's just some famous actor user

ded like grape



dem doubledubs
more friend cucking ITT


I think I like this more than lolibaba.

I'm afraid to even ask what this is

Is it not obvious?

You're a motherfucker. Take your dubs and go to hell.

I really don't want to trust my instincts on this

Nice taste.
What do your instincts tell you?

"Officer, I swear she 80 years old!"


That's toddlercon, disgusting. Baba is old.

baba means grangma or old lady
you can figure the rest

Hey, mister…

In what language?
is this an Eastern Europe thing?

What do you think baka?


Are you pretending to be retarded or are you just new?


Lowtax, of all people, is mining that NeoGaf salt…

Granted CAPTAIN MANGOSTIEN is such a fuckup IRL he really doesn't have much room to talk, but this shit's funny.

Umm… Hello?

Good evening, faggity fags!


Between this, Bruce Jenner joke about him being a woman, and the joke about Weinstein at some awards show, McFarlane seems to know a lot about people in Hollwood but can only reveal it in jokes.

Here we are, fellas. The movement for calling to commence Convention of the States have began to drain the swamp.


To anyone playing For Honor. Which is better? the centurion or the gladiator? Or should I wait for the next characters to come?

For Honor is shit. You are shit. I don't know you but in real life, I imagine you are awkward and dull.

I hope this reply was worth the hour wait. This thread is pretty dead.

I bet your haircut is shit too.

Why do you like For Honor so much, you post about it every bread.

Is he, dare I say it, our guy?

I want to talk about the game but there is no For Honor thread.

Fuck off Holla Forums

Localisation strikes again.

To be fair the translation is pretty accurate, the voice work is just bad. It's not even lipsynced.


it sounds like a 17 year old not a 13ish girl

I blame the VA union. A little girl should have done the voice. It should have been teeth rottening adorable, so adorable that it would be harder to smex the loli.

Why don't you try finding a job in hollywood, user? They will love you there.

And rewatching I have to ask, can I embarrass her by petting her head

Haha, no. I said harder to sexualize the loli, not easier.


Consider suicide, and I do not mean your fucked up "daughter".


That's so bad it amazed me.

Probably the save VA each time too. the only valley girl voice I tolerate is tabitha, bet as a canuck VA, her work is kinda landlocked



Journalism. "Must Read" exclaims Metro, bringing the hard hitting news, all started because of one three year old reddit post from a burner reddit account that only made one post ever then vanished (archive.is/2TKlR), found by some verified guy who may be using the GG blockbot (archive.is/pgBVv).

What does this have to do with us?

He's been trying to laugh at neogaf (maybe to divert attention away from his site), but no matter how bad neogaf is, at least it doesn't make you pay money just to post on a forum.


What the shit!? She should be voiced by someone like Melissa Fahn! Are they miscasting characters on purpose now!?


PlayerUnknown Battlegrounds could face ban in China


I was going to watch Hellraiser. But now I'm already disgusted and spooked.

It's fucked up, but ignorance is not a bliss. Too many people think gender surgery is like going to the dentist to get your wisdom teeth removed.

Here's four more.

I missed this line, at the end of the English dub: "You're just like my creepy summer tutor".

That's gotta be a dig at the Summer Lesson PSVR game the journo clique found problematic a year ago, and I don't think it's in the original jpn either. Maybe some digging is in order.

Been watching the current season of Red Dwarf, and one of the recent episodes, Timewave, is a complete pisstake of safespace mentalities. It involves a ship where criticism is illegal, so everyone's a complete parody of modern art, 60's hippies, extreme fashion and pink suited bobbies arresting them for criticism crimes. This sort of thing seems to be happening more and more often, and aside from squealing coming from some "nerd review" sites, they're not exactly hurting for it.

Also I'm just glad these new seasons are actually pretty good. A modern revival of a sci-fi series with an admittedly rocky history turning out decent is more than what you can usually expect.

So Asimov was right with his Foundation series? That human interaction can be predicted by math?

I just thank god it can never be as bad as Back to Earth was.


If we pretend that this is true, can you actually buy seats that does not look like this?

So, I've heard the Resetera faggots are paranoid because they think they are full with Gamergate spies. Is that true?

If it is it would be hillarious and good to farm some lols.

Worse they've been infiltrated by h8chan sleeper agents

A lot of users who had previously been stepping on eggshells actually spoke out against the insanity when the mods left neofag. A bunch of users with gaf accounts spanning years back were banned from resetera purely for being "trolls" before they actually looked into their history.
Of course the crazies still think they're infested with sleeper agents.

I guess we don't have anyone to look at their threads and screenshot fun.

everybody loves the smell of colon

This shit needs to stop, its outright child abuse, it destroyed this kids life, it'll destroy more.

The colon part made me chuckle tho

Fuck, meant to reply to

MSNBC edited threatening tweets sent to Anita in their 'How Gamers Are Facilitating The Rise Of The Alt-Right' to add the Gamergate hashtag!

archive of the original unedited tweets:


So, just finished watching the Sony Paris conference.

No games shown.

The ones who spilled their spaghetti too early such as the dude that named his account "Social Cuck Warrior". Yeah those got banned quick. The ones who are keeping low are still in there. A few were even recruited from the /trap/ division to really work the honeytrap the non agent mods in ResetEra. But that's just a rumor, probably. :^)

All the most interesting games coming out are never shown.

Yakuza just got a small flash in the compilation, for example.

Refuel your hatred here

Did not know Fred Colon was popular with the ladies.

Try living in Canada. It's illegal for parents to refuse this to happen.

I have feelings like that, where I feel like i'm the wrong gender, but knowing about what they do, makes me feel like I dodged a bullet. If I didn't I think I could have ended up like that kid, or worse

Not even the christian conservatives calling video games the devil went this far.

Vid won't work for me. What's going on?


Leftists are trying to bully Discord into censoring its users by throwing all sorts of bullshit about how GG is literally Hitler. And it ends with blaming violent videogames for that one person being run over at Charlottesville.

I thought discord already went out and said they would shut down "hate speech".

Yeah, but in particular, they said they were targeting "hate groups." Naturally, the journo Hipster Clique is now trying to expand that definition to mean "anyone we don't like." AKA, "groups we hate."

Does anyone has that pic of Japan/UK rape rate comparison when westerners complain about loli portrayal and other doujins?

This one?


yeah that's the one thank you very much

No this is the whole tweet


Alright half-satan. I'm filled already.

But he is married and with children!



Is this child pornography?

What kind of faggot likes that shit?

No, this is.

The pederast kind.

That fag has shit taste but I bet you think this is true

What did everyone played in the weekend? No bully please.

So over the weekend the New Zealand bird enthusiasts managed to dox @2dAmMuslim, one of the heh gamers goons who got caught up in ZachAttack

Unlike most of the sad, sorry shits in AntiGG, the dude is actually a 48 year old married man with children, and a working professional lawyer in a very senior position in a huge insurance company. And he likes to spend all of his free time trolling a dead hashtag. Fuck me.



I wouldn't have thought that a reporter would be dumb enough to report what is basically a cute manga as CP. Do they dismiss every anime as porn in Bongistani media?

I watch a movie
I play a game
I look at the media
Evil is always WHITE
Good is BLACK
Just who oppresses who exactly?

First thing i see in new We Wuz Assassins is good sandniggers fighting off bad whites. Tell me i'm just paranoid, or else…



its always (((hwites))), they subconciously make the pale enemies kikes in form, even if they opt not do so in name, hell even the nazis in stuff look like kikes.

Said reporter also got arrested because she violated multiple nip laws on privacy, copyright and public filming. She's just not very bright overall.

That's the fucking problem, lefties are fucking retards, you have to develop sexually first before taking the fucking reassignment surgery.

She needs to get sterilized as soon as possible and consider suicide, that retard just destroyed the life of his son.

they enjoy a 2 class system where all but the elite are slaves, they have never been smart.

I thought people like this would make a better use of their down time, like playing vidya or something.

Assassin's Creed just stopped being good after the AC2 trilogy.

It's tragic as hell, and unnerving.

Is that one any good? Being on Steam of all things makes me wary.
Good for RPGMaker hentai anyway, even the best ones aren't that great

Girl fetishists are weird and fairly douchy.

Liquid Mombot

The announcement caused an immediate price hike by suppliers for various stores who is headquartered in Ontario. So everything is now more expensive to compensate for the suppliers charging all the stores more, because they're pre-emptively compensating for the wage increase.
To any none Cancuck $14-15 is roughly what the average tradesmen could expect to make before the minimum wage increase. Those fucking Commies are literally demanding that they be paid the same as a tradesmen for their fastfood skills.

not surprised, the restaurant I worked at part time in ns last year closed their doors this summer, the economy is in the pits and unless you are a minority all small entrepreneurial enterprises are kicking the bucket, fuck the liberals.

I'm surprised half the stores still up in my town have not shut down yet, probably keeping things going until Christmas is over, or next Christmas.

Is it just me or is it really slow in here? Everyone getting ready for Halloween? It's been 2 days since a new thread.

It is slow, but thats because of all of us hiding in the neofag refuges.

With so many people being denounced for sexual assault, how many people in hollywood will survive this?

I want Mombot to climb a ladder so I can look at her while singing "what a thrill".

Ixnay on the secretnay operationay

Since the thread is a bit slow, may as well post another headline

Begging Your Pardon, Mr. President
How Trump can shut down the special counsel probe and leave the Russia investigations to Congress.
In other words, WSJ is telling Trump to both admit to being a Russian plant and to use his powers to end the investigation on Hillary's crimes.
In other words, "you scratch my back and I'll scratch yours" where they bullshit about how they would NEVER try to use this admission of guilt for his impeachment.
Yeah, fuck the executive and judicial branch, we should only enforce the laws that the People™ would like to see enforced.

A lot of actors would go untouched simply because of the sheer number of them, a few executives might get fucked hard though, although most of the ones guilty of it will make through it. Main thing is that people lose trust in entertainment media and that Pedowood gets brought into surface level discussion.

here's a piece of trivia since it seems you feel bored, the printed circuit of the buttons from a Guitar Hero 2 x-plorer controller has the letters A,B,X,LB printed on its back, and that was your piece of trivia for the day

Hey, are these Steam curators still active?
GGAustralia: store.steampowered.com/curator/8981605-GamergateAustralia/

GG: store.steampowered.com/curator/6821293-GamerGate/

GG Recommends:

Vivian James Plays

they are scared.

Curators display when games were added (if it doesn't show a year it means this year). This is the only curator you listed to have additional games added in 2017:

You linked the community itself and not the curator. The curator has not been updated since 2015, but the community looks like it might be active.

Anyway, how is Season 7 going?

I just found my mother watching that stupid "documentary" that woman from bbc made about japan. She already says that anime is child porn. Reasoning is because there are bars where old men can go to chat up young girls. Fucks sake

Did your mother believed anything in that woman garbage document?
Try to undermine that woman credibility or that 2d != 3d.


I stopped bothering trying to argue with her years ago, she is one of those people where you can prove they are wrong and they still insist they are right. I just said that anime is a whole medium where you can find anything from childrens shows to violent horror.

I'm sorry you cut all contact the moment you moved out user but my relationship with my mother is a bit better. Rereading my post I guess I should have worded it differently because it does give the impression I was physically there. I had her on the phone, apparently the documentary is airing right now.

hollywood isn't japanese

sounds more like anti-gamers tbh

Too bad, then.
Always you could show her info about Worst Korea. I doubt it could do a dent though.

Some people will never learn till just before their choices kill them.

Okay and sorry, I check and I notice that their curator wasn't updating for several months, even a few years.

So, I bought them over to show.

IIRC, no results yet. Someone flew a fireball into the flag, but the EU's standards for flags meant it didn't catch fire.

Shitty downloaded webm of the attempt

Trannies are a problem which correct itself.

No you didn't.

Which tweets did they edit? Censoring "cunt" is pretty stupid but it doesn't seem all that notable.

Well, I don't have any special information, I just saw that most of them haven't been updated in a long time same as you. That doesn't mean the existing recommendations are entirely valueless, but presumably they're not being updated.

They ADDED the #Gamergate hashtag to the tweets.

Well fuck, better learn nip.

The title is referring to the giant "#Gamergate" they put on the top of all the tweets (which are all from the same throwaway account). I'm tempted to argue that that's not quite the same as editing the tweet itself, since that's not how twitter displays the actual text/hashtags of the tweet, so it's a false claim to attribute them to GG but not the same as editing the tweet itself. But on the other hand it's not like most people have that firm an understanding of exactly how twitter UI works, especially since it's a weird MSNBC mockup instead of an actual screencap.

This shit is fucking child abuse and medical malpractice. People need to go to fucking jail.

The puberty blockers pretty much already did that to >her already.

>Both got their careers I'm assuming Spacey's in limbo destroyed by sexual misconduct allegations
I wonder if this is a coincidence, a curse, or that Trump someone's masterminding all of this behind the scene.


Not in limbo anymore, netflix cancelled his show. He's pretty much over now.

I choose to believe this is a troll and the story is not true.

Didn't take them much, allegations are enough to destroy someone now. I won't lie, seeing this used on leftist is pretty funny.

New computer, and vid.me downloads as .flv, so I'm having issues with getting the video with sound. Here's the important parts that they added, at the very least.


It seems more like this is a case of the "Assad must go" curse

The bongs in 80s attempted to capitalize on the new fad by bringing in what edgy anime they could find.
The got Urotsuki Douji.
Legend of the Overfiend was an entire British generation's first exposure to the wonderful world of anime, so it left a very lasting impression that lasted for decades.

Bonus: Interview with Toshio Maeda, the creator of Legend of Overfiend, who gives no fucks. archive.is/lsEEB

Urotsuki Douji…
I'm told the brick road arc is breddy gud

If you guys need some feels to counteract the rage I found the story of tramp user is one of my folder.

I own the VHS boxed set, and yes it is good.

This guy is a national treasure.

I had a bootleg copy. That and "Violence Jack".

You know what is curious? at the end of the video it recomends me a vice news about how Wolfenstein II is the videogame that's pissing off the alt-right.


Page 13, going to bake new bread gimme a sec.
Street Smart Edition

Oh, and the developers of Wolfenstein II are swedish, so go figure.


This bread has reached page 13



speaking of wolfenstein, they had a "ancient aliens" meme in the game

Shinobi is good