The Year of Lord Current Year+2 Is Now Nearly 85% Over

What's your personal GOTY and why?

you can only choose one, you greedy kike

Other urls found in this thread:

-Divinity Original Sin 2
-Total War Warhammer 2
-Nier Automata
No, fuck you

I'd go with NieR as the least shitty, this year sucked, i didn't enjoy all of the game aspects and it was a bad port to PC but it gave me good hours of fun and booty, i would have chosen Splatoon 2 but its the same game as before.

Hollow knight
Persona 5

I would have to say Nioh, Nier Automata was fun for a while and gave me feels with excellent presentation but as an actual game Nioh was far more rewarding.
Here's hoping PC release isn't mega jewed


DiRT 4
Because there's been fuck all else this year

+1 for hollowknight

Fallout 4. The amount of salt generated and damage done to Bethesda after both the Salt Party, and the Creation Club was better than any of the shitty games released this year.


Nier Automata even if it's just very polished Nier

that's a 2016 game though

Super Mario Odyssey

where did you blow in from

Creation club was 2017 and there really weren't any good games either so it still works.

Easily persona 5. Sonic mania comes close, so does EO5.

Speebot because it's a fun little platformer with appealing graphics, catchy music, and some real depth to the mechanics. Love you, Speebotdev.

This thread has made me realize something:
I haven't played a single game that's come out this year up until Cuphead two weeks ago. And I already 100%'d that a week ago.

I don't know why, but I suddenly feel like something is missing from me.

The alimony demastered because it has best girl.

Does it have to have came out this year? Or us just playing it this year for the first time?
For me its Hollow Knight if its the former. If its the latter I might have do more thinking on it, it still might well be hollow knight though

I'm having trouble choosing any game at all. CurrentYr+2 was the Year of the Flop - a lot of really shitty, instantly forgettable games that nobody bought and nobody cared about. All the decent games I played this year were released before 2017.


Cuphead was fun, but I'm waiting for Dominions 5. Sudden Strike 4 was too casual for me and Beth Prey was okay for the 2 hours I played it.

I've not played any other games from this year that I remember.


I still haven't played any game that was actually released in 2017.

Yeah I admit I capped my own post I'm mostly just saving it for myself because I really liked that thread.

Dark wood or Yakuza 0 for me.

Trails in the Sky 3rd. It was by far the worst game in the trilogy, but still better than anything else that came out this year.
From what little I've seen of Mario Odyssey, it might be better, but I'm not a good enough goy to buy a Switch, so I can't say for sure.

Hi speebotdev

tekken 7
it has good netcode & it's easy to find matches and it's fun

granted the only other (((current year))) games i've played were rev2 which doesn't count and the evil within 2 which just made me remember how good re4 was

So this is the disappointment your father feels when he looks at you.

Sonic Mania
1 2 G A M E O V E R S

Fallout 4 was 2015

Meltys Quest
Plot and backstory

Super Hydorah, because I'm a shmupfag and it was fun.

Persona 5 of course.

>Game that isn't localized


Super Mario Odyssey because I love Nintendo's fat short Japanese cock up my dirty consumer asshole.

Please tell me they bring Larxene back for Kingdom Hearts 3. I don't care what shitty excuse they come up with since the story is pants on head retarded, just bring back lightning knives.

What a coincidence

I'm a naugty user.

Definitely hollow knight.

Gameplay is far better than Nier, but that shit ain't polished by a long shot.

Hello fellow user of taste.

Etrian Odyssey V tbh.

Divinity 2

Steamworld Dig 2. Looked great, sounded great, played great, the only thing it needed was more difficulty.

Fight'n Rage and hollow knight, although I haven't played that many games from this year

I didn't play Nier enough to give it GOTY but it's entirely possible it would be a top three contender. In fact I'm almost certain of it. Hopefully I'll end up getting it on PC soon, along with Nioh, which also looks pretty damn good.

A Hat in Time also gets an honorable mention


Resident EVIIL bioha7ard
It was everything I wanted from a Resident Evil game.

I don't play a lot of new games.

Oh, right, game of the year.
Yakuza Zero or Nioh.
Haven’t played Persona 5 yet, want to work my way through 3 and 4 first. Have three, debating buying a Vita to play four.

There's no point arguing with automatafags user. Even before release they knew two things. Their hero yoko taro had his first potential big success, and it was saddled with denuvo. From day one they had the duty of hyping it up as such a good game everybody had to buy it despite denuvo. The day it was cracked, that lie backfired hard.


Probably a tie between Breath of the Wild and Nier: Automata

I'm not Jewish :^)

Yeah why couldn't we get this instead of a bunch of timeline autism?

I wouldn't mind a combination of both, so I can get to read some lore while jacking it

Truthfully? I had the most fun playing Resident Evil 7. I have 2 mainline franchises that I value above all else, Metal Gear Solid currently dead and Resident Evil. I have loved EVERY resident evil except Gaiden.

TL'DR Resident Evil 7 because It's one of my favorite series.


There's really no point in doing the games in order, I would actually strongly recommend doing 4 first since it's objectively the worst modern persona combat wise so if you play it after 3 or 5 it's a bit of a let down. You can play 3 or 5 whenever you want after that. There's really nothing missed if you do them out of order except a few references to the character's in other games which aren't even common.


Out of all the games I played I enjoyed Toukiden 2 the most.

Bannerlord was supposed to be GOTY, damn it.

I don't think I've played a single game made after 2014.

NuPrey. It's good, fight me.

That feeling is realising how utterly destroyed your hobby is thanks to casuals. Good timing too, as 2017 is 10 years after they began to invade and ruin our hobby. 10 years to turn a fun industry into this… Fuck everyone who wanted us to be more accommodating to people who weren't interested in vidya from the start.

DivOS2 is literally all I enjoyed this year and I remember nothing of 2016. I need a new hobby.
Atleast 2016 onwards has been a salt mine, from Brexit until now has been a series of salt mining politics and Vidya train wrecks like Lawbreakers. Oh and then normalfags learn what everyone knew about HW, and Weinstein being outed led to Neogaf imploding.
I just wish there were more good games.

The better Atlus game released this year is 100% GOTY. Even if the art was shittier than the original. Space Marine becomes doomguy: destroyer of schwartzelt and lives on the moon after becoming an ubermensch at the end of the new neutral path.

Nier: Automata. Smooth as fuck gameplay, extremely pleasant music, well crafted environments, memorable characters, the SHMUP sections are all well done. The biggest flaw comes from the unbalanced levels of enemies being too low all through the game at a point.

I guess I'd have to give the title to Divinity OS2. I don't think I actually played any other games that came out this year. I should probably give Nier a try.

Why this game of course

How much more content? Already played the shit out of SJ so I see no point paying full price for hardly anything new.

It's a weird mix of Hat in Time, Pyre, Heat Signature, Cuphead, Speebot and Oneshot.
If we count shit I tried for the first time this year, Rimworld, Guitar Hero 3 and Salt and Sanctuary were fucking great.
The real question is what is the worst game of the year?
even with all the horrible shit this year I'd still put NITW as the worst game of the year jesus fuck that "game" was so awful everything this year seemed better by comparison.

A Hat in Time for being an extremely enjoyable and cute 3D platformer that was quite fun on all levels finally a decent pc game I didn't have to emulate

Splatoon 2 for being Splatoon with more splatting.

hopefully I get my hands on Odyssey soon.

Fatlus fans are probably some of the most autistic and cancerous fanbases I have ever seen.
Atlus could pump out literal shit and they would still slurp it up and defend it.

Modern Atlus is fucking shit

Top tier taste

It will, if not this year, next year
And we'll have some good shit coming out next year as well with it.
Next year looks better than this one for now, but its been steadily been getting better since 2014.

An entire new dungeon, more bosses like the 3 wise men, 3 new endings in addition to the original 3 also being in the game. The new dungeon is like the amala content in Nocturne where you can choose to do it or not and it affects what ending you get. All in all, I'd say give it a pirate if you liked SJ. I'm a huge SMT weeb, so i picked up the 25th Anniversary BOX to see the design docs for all the games and get that sweet, sweet CD collection.

Fuck you

-That Hot Wheels DLC for Forza Horizon
-Fire Pro Wrestling World
-Splatoon 2
-Persona 5
-Android ass: the game, also known as NieR: Automata

Didn't read the spoiler but the extra content and Alex was done well? Might give it a shot then sometime in the future since I love SJ.

Quit shilling your DRM-crippled movie tie-in already, this is embarrassing.

the newest games i've played is that shitty soccer car game over a friend's house and shadowrun dragonfall.

dragonfall was pretty good
i don't fucking care if it came out three years ago

Cuphead, but only because it's the only game I played that came out this year.


Cuphead is the only correct answer, fags.

Yeah, 0 was fucking amazing. Clocked over 100 hours.

I've only played PS2 games that I missed when they came out this year, so for me it's Max Payne 2

Yakuza 0. If that doesn't count (since it came out in Japan in 2015), then Nioh. Honourable mention to Gravity Rush 2, which is one of the best sequels I've played in a long time and improved upon pretty much every aspect of the original.
Didn't play much else this year apart from Nier Automata, which was decent.

Mario was ok but not the amazing release everyone made it out to be,
Hoping Xenoblade 2 lives up to the Xenoblade Chronicles and is actually goty for me, otrherwise yeah the contenders would have to be Yakuza0, Cuphead, Nier Automata or NIOH

Also a Hat in Time

one of the best "villains" who did nothing wrong in games

DoS2 best so far…. not much to choose from.

Snake Pass. Only game I actually enjoyed like a child all year; everything else was boring or done before.

GOTY will be Wolfenstein 2 for maximum virtue signaling

I was so close to siding with him at the end but couldn't disagree with glory when she was like "what the hell are you doing?" I love how the game gave you a "haha i was just kidding to see what he would say" option.

Glory had best backstory and OST

Night in The Woods :^) but for real, maybe cuphead and sonic mania

I liked Hitman™©® '16
The full release was in january 2017 so it counts, right?

Forgot to mention Paradigm, it was a nice point n click game, maybe too easy but it was fun

too bad you could romance and *hold hands with her** , she is the best girl

Glory was a robot with daddy issues. It's like a cyber punk themed deviant art character.

Unless Zwei: The Ilvard Insurrection blows my expectations out of the water like Xanadu Next did; UNIELst will be my GOTY.
It's a complete improvement of the already great UNIEL. The balance is better, the new characters are great and it has better combo practicing options.

Honorable mentions to Senko no Ronde 2, Mary Skelter: Nightmares and Raiden V: Director's Cut.

her character was admittedly somewhat edgy but not in an emotional sense, more in a non emotional sense. I thought the backstory was pretty original
it pretty much used an in-game mechanic as a story telling device which is pretty cool. for anyone unfamiliar with the game; the more cyber implants you get the less effective your character is as a spellcaster.

Truly standards have fallen

how easy is it to find matches?

Persona 5:


South Park: The Fractured But Whole:

I didn't play many recent releases. I was too absorbed in playing Memento Mori to go through recent Doom wads, too.

Connor is that you?

Man Hat was gr8, but waaaaaaay too short. I mean even 100% is like 20 hours tops.

Since it's only out in japan you gotta go by their evening schedule, but right now I still have no problems finding matches. The longest I have ever had to wait so far was 4 minutes.
But there are tons of (((discord))) groups where non-japs group up all the time for rooms already

The localization is the least of this shitty games problems



I only played Sonic Mania and Cuphead, they both kind of blew ass.

Cuphead seems good though.

It would have been a 6/10 twenty years ago.

Another for Nioh. Only played a few from this year tho

was looking at this game, but after watching that webm i'm going to pass. that fight was gay and boring and whoever recorded needs to git gud badly

nier automata was objectively better than everything else released this year, and for that matter, the past 10 years.

Visually it's great but at the end of the day it's an average side-scrolling shooter with good bosses but shit platforming stages.
It's good but outside of its visuals it's nothing amazing. Metal Slug and Contra still surpass it in every gameplay relevant way.

Yeah no. During a drought year maybe this game would've been among goty contenders, but in (((current year))) it has zero chances being shittier than the first game and releasing right before killer apps of the year.

It's worth one playthough imo. maybe it's not for everyone but i'v been enjoying it allot.

It was me, but it was also my first time fighting the boss. If I were to redo the fight on a second playthough I would do far better.

I like Persona 5 as much as the last guy, but that game out last year in Japan first. Doesn't count if you ask me.
My vote is for Super Mario Odyssey

kawakami best girl

D:OS2 & Sairento VR seeing as I didn't play shit else from this year.

For new releases
1. Nioh
2. Cuphead
3. Aztez
4. Opus Magnum
5. Snake Pass

For localizations, ports or otherwise not "new" releases
1. Bayonetta on PC
2. Vanquish on PC
3. Yakuza 0
4. Persona 5
5. Wipeout Omega Collection

There are still games I haven't had the time to play at all or really get into, like Rain World, Darkwood, Nex Machina, or even things like Resident Evil 7 and Prey. And I still hold a candle for Spire or La-Mulana 2 to miraculously release in the next two months.

It was just OK. The "open world" structure got too boring and repetitive from constantly retreading the same areas. The story starts strong, but by the end it doesn't really make any sense. The combat is good, but it's pretty weak for Platinum, given the lack of proper combos, and the fact that you can cancel from a dodge into another dodge, which makes it far too easy. The shmup sections are fun, but they're peppered in too often late-game, breaking up the flow, especially the "hacking" variant.
I loved the credits sequence, though. It was a good way to go out.

idk, that boss fight looks fucking boring. that and everything else I've seen just looks like recycled super metroid with updated graphics. care to sell it to me? I like those style of gaymes, but this looks pretty shallow

You get better taste right now

Remove Blo-Wee's levels from the game and I'll consider bumping it up a few spots.

Man, this has been a sad year for vidya.

I thoroughly enjoyed tripping over pebbles and breaking my run constantly as an excuse to look at 2B's ass because I'm a mongoloid who can't turn the camera to do that on their own. Near Tomato is over rated, you guys lied to me about that and P5.

Don't worry, user. It's only going to get worse.

It's definitely overrated, but I still think it's pretty good overall–just not a classic. Also, I think it might have the best soundtrack of any game I've ever played.

Fug, meant to reply to

Probably let myself get over excited because it felt like I was convincing myself to be cozy under what felt like a barrage of annoyances. Hopefully he uses the cash influx well, because there was a lot of potential.

I forgot about this, I meant to try it out at some point since the idea of a 2D DMC/stylish action game always seemed interesting to me. Does it have much replay value?

I reallly can't sell it if you don't already like what you see, It really is just a Metroid clone on a movie tie in budget. There isn't much in this game that you won't fine in another Metroid clone, I'v just been personally enjoying it because everything is solidly made.

I'm finding it a little hard to put a TON of hours into it but it's still a very, very good game, if only for the combat itself. The campaign is the sort of thing you're supposed to play over and over again, but there's also a lot of different arena spawnsets so you can practice combos without having to bother with the main campaign.
Why not just play Viewtiful Joe?

+1 for your funny comment lol xD


D-don't insult God Taro or i'll get you banned. H-he posted here you know?!

Echoes was a very well done remake

I hope to see more FE remakes instead of waifu garbage like awakening or fates

I wouldn't put Echoes on GOTY though. Cuphead shits all over it in terms of GOTY.

Cuphead, Hollow Knight, A Hat in Time are all GOTY contenders
maybe Nioh, except the game is just capcom's DaS rip off.

Cuphead has
10/10 art direction
solid 9/10 gameplay

People like it for gameplay, art direction is just a bonus.


Sonic Mania.

9S completely ruined this game for me. Fucking piece of shit.

Oh you went there.

Wolfen(((stein))) II

I got a guy fired at ebgames

Team Ninja is a subsidiary of Koei Tecmo, not Capcom


And everyone clapped

Look, I love ArcSys but UNIEL is meh just like P4U. Cross-tag battle will be fun because its essentially blaz blue. but who cares? Dragon Ball Fighterz is gonna be the fighter everybody will play

I played Vanilla campaign. is Dragonfall worth it? the gameplay felt like an iphone game and it was a passable experience.

I'm hyped for Deep Strange Journey. Is the combat updated or is it still demon co-op?

right. I don't know why i said capcom.
Either way Nioh is a contender but it doesn't really have that GOTY "oomf"

Divinity Original Sin 2
Because I bang skeletons and hot lizard girl.

I don't believe it but it'd be neat

disqualified of GOTY shame because the game is good and the devs had no say in it

I want to believe so I will
Even though I know it's probably bullshit, it's more fun that way

holy fuck thanks I forgot to add Fight'n Rage to my backlog.

So getting S-Ranks on a game makes it a 9/10? What about the bland filler stages?

Definitely Cuphead for indie games, even considering Hollow Knight and AHIT.

Should've taken the edge card anyway. The employee most likely still would've been fired.

Not saying you shouldn't criticize those but I'm pretty sure Microsoft made the devs put those in because "You can't have a game that's only bosses"

That sounds pretty good, I'll try and give it a go some time soon.
I vaguely remember playing a demo of it or something years and years ago for the PS2, but that was so long ago I can't remember what it was like.

Nioh only plays like Dark Souls if you don't take advantage of any of its unique mechanics like ki pulsing, stance switching (as well as combining the two) and depriving enemies of their ki/stamina, among other things. The influence is clearly there and there are some vague similarities like pacing backwards to bait enemies into attacking or the perspective of the camera when you lock on, but it's more than different enough to be considered its own thing rather than a knock off.

I know you are probably right, yet normalfags loves SotC.


playing co-op fuck with global politics with Holla Forums was my favorite goty

Half-Life 2: Episode 3

I like my fighting games with good character variety, mechanics that reward both defense and aggressive play, doesn't have any season pass bullshit and has decent balance. French Bread was the only dev this year to produce a fighting game with all of that which is why UNIELst is my GOTY

What? there are only two lolis in the whole cast
It's not an ArcSys game which is why there is no DLC bullshit
That's the same logic capcucks use for SFV. I don't care what's the most popular, I'll just play what's fun and covers some of what I like in fighters. I've got way more interest in Arika's new fighting game than DBFZ. Only gonna touch DBFZ at casual matches at locals.

Mario Odessey. It was really fun and surpassed my expectations.

Where? I need it

Cuphead was probably the closest thing this year had to a good game. Odyssey is solid so far but not great.

Oh jeez, you ROTTEN ADULTS!!

Fuck you satan, futaba-chan is an angel!

But Hitler, there's only one true angel in Persona.

the only games i have enjoyed these past few years are just Divinity OS2, Postal Redux, and Nioh. games died a long time ago

I've played very little/almost nothing that was out this year, so Morhau even in early alpha is the best so far.

Hopefully made my authentic GOTY with it's release in November sometime before the year ends.


user Mordhau isn't scheduled to come out until early next year.

Divinity Original Sin 2
It ain't perfect, but, goddamn this is the most fun I've had with a vidya game all year.

Then I got nothing, been playing basically CK2, Mount&Blade, and Witcher gwent



Great year for weebshit - P5, NieR, GR2, Yakuza Kiwami etc - though it blew its whole load right at the start.

It's been the year of 2Butt and Darkwood

Not my GOTY, but here's a free copy of TumbleSeed.


I didn't play any games that came out this year. But I did finally play Undertale, which I completed the Pacifist route for and enjoyed. My most played game was Insurgency, so I'd probably say that.

That's really nice, thanks user

I've only played one 2017 game this year, which is NieR: Automata. Was kind of easy at times, but I never increased the difficulty. I don't know how the game is at those levels. And the game never crashed once I stopped using those stupid unofficial patches and injectors.
The most fun I had this year was from Punisher.
As of right now, I don't know what to play.

We got TWO Yakuza games this year


I hear it's not very good.

stop browsing reddit

I want this industry to crash right now

Are you that same german faggot shilling this game from that other thread?
I swear you're the only person on the planet that genuinely enjoyed that game.

man this place is going to shit fast


It does some fundamental things like exploration, C&C and the progression curve really fucking well. Quests have fitting endings if you're not paying attention and are being retarded. The kind of endings that should have been incredibly obvious in hindsight, yet no other game seems to do because they don't want to make the player feel screwed over. The problem lies more with everything else from nonsensical dialogue, enemy placement being generally all over the place, and some minor shit even the previous Gothic games had yet is lacking here. Despite what people may tell you, the combat is functional to a large degree once you get to know it, the game just does a bad job at explaining to you how it works.

It's really the kind of game you need to love for certain aspects despite everything else, yet manages to be still worth a shot because of that. If you like these kind of Eurojank games then you're more likely to like ELEX, though there's no guarantee at all given how different it is from most RPGs on the market in terms of structure and pacing.

It's a tossup between Cuphead, Hollow Knight, and Nier Automata, since those were the only games released 2017 that caught enough of my interest for me to play them.
If you count big updates that are called re-releases, though, my GOTY 2017 is Brigador by a longshot.

And the digits look pretty healthy to me.

Yeah entry level weeb shit

I haven't played anything released this year. I really should, this has actually been a pretty good vidya year on paper.

Cuphead, because it's the only 2017 game I've been playing lately.


Off topic, but is there anyone on TV with a more punchable face than John Oliver?

Samantha Bee

Nah, probably a 7/10.

Yeah, that's reasonable to say.


Total War Warhammer 2


Did I just see the latest retarded anti-2D buzzword?

I hope you anons don't normally do this.

NuFatlus niggers need to be gassed

user you've been spamming the same thing in every SMT and persona thread for a while.
Even if you're correct, give it a rest, and more importantly stop doing it in such a shitposty and baity way.
If you want people to think you're anything more than a shitposter, post actual arguments instead of
Those aren't arguments, friend. And I'm not defending Atlus either as I haven't played any Persona game but your post looks like fucking bait and you know it.

actually its super cheap. Its glitchy of course but the reason its cheap is the RNG often makes it so you'll necessarily take damage due to a certain configuration of attacks. The game play is nice but nothing special, literally just Metal Slug. The art direction is the sole selling point but its a big one.

This as OS2 are good contenders. OS2 loses out a bit because it has flaws whereas Snake Pass does not. Maybe it is a perfect game. What a nice game about tropical south america without subhuman browns.

OS2 being Divinity Original Sin 2

They seem like a retard, not remotely a friend.

Best snek, indeed.


Have you seen the people who work at these game stores? There is two in my area I pop into from time to time. One has a butch lesbian with pink hair who ends every man. The other one has some mobile poz load with gauges and piercing all over his face. Disgusting! The story is probably fake though. user probably couldn't stutter his way through a sentence, let alone stand up for himself.

GOTY of this year?
This is hard. I don't know any games which came out this year. Don't know if I had even played any from this year(since I generally play a bit older games).
Well fuck it,
Factorio it is… Even though it didnt release yet.

Are there also such lists for other years?

NieR automata wasn't even good though

I usually play games at a 3 year behind pace to play more for less as well as getting the most info on what I might have the most fun with. That said, so far none of the game listed above seem worthy of being an all-time great or classic. The last game worthy of this title for myself is Demon's Souls nearly ten years ago. Anything from this year worthy of an all-time status for any of you?

you missed the point of the open world, and apparently couldn't into teleportation/animal riding.

it's a game which actively makes more sense as you progress. Don't tell me you started the series with the newest game.

especially when you tie it all together with the grand theme of the draken-nier universe.

Germanic Commander Shepard Skywalker wasn't really that impressive. I'd put it below DOS2 as them both being CRPGs with inspiration from different eras. Both games needed at least an additional year of polishing. Elex needed good interface and better combat system, Divinity needed more polished Arx city and better end game content.

Nioh is real game of the year without a question of a doubt.

Despite its low production values and jankiness it actually manages to be a decent Piranha Bytes game, its Risen tier and I couldn't have asked for more.
Not GOTY material at all though, too many flaws and padding.
better than Cuckcsona 5 as well

My Games of the Year so far:
It's everything the first Gravity Rush was + even more and then some; had such a great time with it. I'm sad they're shutting down the online services in January.
Pretty cool story that made me cry like a little bitch multiple times throughout.
I broke during the Ending E credits, all the messages of supports from other players with WEIGHT OF THE WORLD blasting. God damn. I let it delete my save.
Just thinking about it is making my eyes a bit watery.

Honorable mentions to the following; really loved the shit out of these too:
Everything that Yooka-Laylee should've been. It's cute, has tons of charm, it's pure fun. It's a bit short, but workshop mods/levels make that a bit better.
The soundtrack is pretty nice too. "Your Contract Has Expired" is the best track imo.
A great JRPG with a translation/localization that was actually so good/faithful it made libtard goonies in California throw a fit. Loved it. Loved the game, enjoyed the story a ton.
Finally, a good Toukiden game. It has a pretty neat gameplay mechanic (Demon Claw) and a nice story with likeable characters.
Just a damn shame KT's jewiness got in the way when it came to DLC missions, also not a very difficult game compared to the likes of Monster Hunter.
Tight controls, beautiful visual style and animations, tough, and a kick-ass jazzy/big-band soundtrack to boot. I didn't much care for the Run N' Gun levels.
A guilty pleasure that probably shouldn't belong on anything resembling a GOTY list, but this was the most fun I've had with a third person shooter since Binary Domain.
Pretty fun to play, building your loadout and seeing the weapons change as you level them up was great. Plus, despite the story being much more light-hearted, still ends on an interesting note that will take us right into Senran Kagura 7. The post-credits teaser for SK7 gives me the impression it'll be a pretty dark game too, compared to all the previous ones.

I've still gotta play Mario Odyssey, RUINER, Hollow Knight, Fight N' Rage, Speebot, BattleChasers Nightwar and Doki Doki Literature Club before the end of December. Somehow I doubt I'll make it through all those in two months, never mind what I'm playing now.
Nothing else coming out this year looks that great.

2017 was a fantastic year for vidya. I hope 2018 is a great one too.

what IS ELEX? It just looks like a mediocre sci-fi ARPG

You 12?

Name a year since 2007 that's been as good.

How many journo rags are going to give Mass Effect: Androgyna GOTY even after all the fail that happened?

Its still not fantastic, far from it

Only games I've played that came out this year were cuphead and shadow of war.

I don't like platformers and only played cuphead because some wank said "it's so hard maaaaaan" and was disappointed at every turn. Died 9 times to that friend's 99 before I got to the pond jew and then immediately uninstalled.
Shadow of War I just downloaded last night and installed today. Played maybe 1 hour of it and it's pretty average combat-wise. The first thing that happens is your elf ghost gets captured and you have to find him but you can still turn into him and use his powers which just seemed lazy but whatever.

Shadow of war takes the 2017 GOTY by default.

This is some shit tier bait, kill yourself

Risen 1 or Risen 3? This is important.


Apparently the only new games I played were the remake of Fire Emblem 2, and Doki Doki Literature Club. The former was okay, but it lacks the usual FE replayability you can get from replaying with different units. This is because the limit on units you can bring to a fight, at least before the postgame, is "all of them". DDLC was okay for a VN until it got into the meta stuff. That didn't do it for me. I was pretty excited about it from when Sayori started dropping hints about being suicidal until the game forced me into a fresh run after her suicide. It was at its best for the short time I thought it was going the "psychological horror" route.

it's been pretty fantastic compared to the last 7 years.

When was the last time videogames had a "fantastic" year then?

2007, 10 years ago, before the industry went to shit after the financial crisis and a major investement and public interest in tech.

I don't disagree in the least. That was a pretty fantastic year for gaming too.

2 days

Fuck off horsefucker

are you mad?

seriously nigger, there have only been two games I've even tried from this shitheap of a year and one I haven't played long enough to hate yet so it wins the title.

No I'm giving you instructions

Nioh is the answer to what if Onimusha had Dark Souls gameplay, Diablo loot system and FFT world map?

kys barneyfag.
im literally catching up on pone right now. how triggered are you over that fact?
how autistic do you have to be, to get mad that someone else likes something.

Considering you wrote all that, I'm pretty sure you're the triggered autist here, horsefucker.

Hollow Knight or Cuphead - the only two games I bothered to 100% this year.

You disappoint me user.

barneyfags need to kill themselves

It' shit. Alex is your daughter from the future that you give to Lucifer and you let the Scharzvelt destroy the earth after you kill her.

Did you have NOTHING else to play it on? There's plenty of ps2 exclusives worth playing, but you're playing the worst version of a multiplat.

Pic is the only game I enjoyed enough to finish this year.

Anyone got a list like this for previous years? In particular 2016.

Unironically kill yourself. /liberty/ is a KiA and Sargon colony

Cuphead was fun, but I'm waiting for Dominions 5. Sudden Strike 4 was too casual for me and Beth Prey was okay for the 2 hours I played it.
