We want the yiff yiff audience

Valve is a dead company

Other urls found in this thread:


It's halloween and that's clearly a witch and a werewolf, OP.

I honestly can't tell if this is serious or not.
This screams joke but I know people who would genuinely think this sort of shit

Bravo Steam

have you never seen a werewolf before you fucking spaz?

It's not a beastman style werewolf like how werewolves should look, it's a furfag style werewolf.

is that the broad from little witch academia

Are you colorblind?



Thanks for the laugh you stupid faggot.

I think there was one that wore black


Neon makes it furry?


But Furries only play Medic for the wolf head and/or Scout/Soldier because muh 6s meta

It's the gays and grills who play Pyro.

That means they're starting to hate furries, too.


You're forgetting about ponyfags that love pyro. Poor pyro, just can't catch a break.

You forgot your safety helmet before browsing the board OP

That's a furry.
Warewolves have big fangs.

are you some kind of hyper-insecure closet furry or are you just baiting?

>He bind spammed some faggot shit relating to dragon jizz whenever the round ended
Firs the fucking furfag $100 wedding ring shit, now these fucking faggots. They all need to be cleansed in fire.




Be less obvious and keep the hook hidden. As if the cutesy grin design didn't scream furry.

Holla Forums is dead

I like how these attentionwhores constantly spam chat when they're winning, but as soon as you start winning they go passive-aggressive.

Almost everyone here buys from Steam just like almost everyone here is from halfchan.

Costume Quest worth a try?

/Fur/ must really dying…


is this the thread designated for shitposting?


Let me guess, they're also after the wiccan crowd too because of the witch? Is there a Faggot of the Year Award that OP is trying to win or something? Let me guess, ghosts are now the necrophiliac crowd puller, right? You fuckfag OP.

It's a neat concept but it's a rather shallow, uncomplex, and underdeveloped as a game. Also all shekels go to Mr Shitface himself.

They aren’t, unfortunately. Anyway, is GOG doing anything for Halloween? I know there’s a new game coming out where you dungeon crawl with a cute vampire on Halloween Day. That should be fun.

this site is full of pathetic autistic reactionary virgins looking to be offended by everything
literally tumblr :^)

RtCW and VtBM are on -70% sale

Does VtMB still give money do the devs or should I just pirate?

GOG has a halloween sale right now


Pirate i guess. then again it's like 5 bucks.
Up to you.

These definitions are strange. Most of the sales aren't even that good either; the single title I would be interested in is 40% off, would I be wrong to think I could probably get it even lower in the winter sale?

oWo what's this?

The sale clearly states "Spooky" titles.

Get the fuck out Marty you dogfucking degenerate.

This isn't the GAY community

Steam, you're drunk again.

Definitely looks better than what Steam has going, that’s for sure.

DooM does have a robot skeleton so I guess it's pretty spooky, then. But the categories on the actual page are Horror Games/Movies, that's what I meant.

Vampire: Bloodlines is also on sale right now on GOG for $5, if you insist on giving Activision (the company that killed the company that made Bloodlines) money then at least get a DRM-free and patched version.

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to appreciate Hardblush Marty. The eroticism is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the arousal will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Hardblush's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his artstyle - his personal art philosophy draws heavily from Fanfiction.net literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of this pornography, to realize that they're not just arousing- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Hardblush's Marty truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Hardblush's subtle critic of heterosexuality with his "pouty fishlips" which itself is a cryptic reference to Christopher Weston Chandler's epic Sonichu and Friends. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as this furries' genius unfolds itself on their computer monitor. What fools… how I pity them. 😂 And yes by the way, I DO have a Hardblush Marty tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the men's eyes only- And even they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand.


Wrong stat.

I don't get it, what makes this scene noteworthy enough to be both apparently the funniest shit ever to others and the cringiest shit here? What the fuck is that show even about?


I know what it is, but it would have been funnier that way.

Rick is a supergenius and the smartest guy ever to gary stu levels, but he's also excessively nihilistic. Morty is his grandson I think, and he's a spineless dumbass. The show consists of Rick getting morty involved in all his dumb shit.


lol randumb reddit humor.
Honestly Rick and Morty is not a terrible show. It's average at worst. What makes it cringe is not the scene in and of itself it's people's reaction to the scene that makes the cringe.
as if so randumb humor is the pinnacle of comedy writing
Genius Scientist travels between dimensions and has his

The show also tries to beat you over the head with how sad Rick actually is, but that lasts a whole five minutes before he’s an asshole again. They try to give some kind of arc to him, but fail because he doesn’t learn anything. He doesn’t grow. The characters don’t actually grow. There’s no meaning to what they say or do when they just do it again the following week.

The problem isn't that they don't grow, the problem is that it's a comedy cartoon series that tries to be serious at times without realizing everything must return to normalcy for future episodes. See the end of season 2 where the divorced couple remarry.

You can have a comedy that breaks for serious moments every once and awhile and have these characters grow, see Futurama. As it is, it’s speeding towards Family Guy and Simpsons levels of shit extremely quickly because the writers can’t do their jobs.

he's not a werewolf

Being neon-colored not neon lit yes.

You cunts are no better than the SJWs you complain about.

Fucking kill yourselves.



Gee, I wonder who could be behind this assblasted post?

Given that the episode starts with Pickle Rick nearly dying after a cat knocks him off the garage table, rolling onto the driveway, and baking in the sun, it's just nuts to see shit escalate throughout the episode as he begins to use his intelligence to mitigate the effects of being a pickle trapped in a sewer, having been flushed into a storm drain. It's a perfect example of how unstoppable Rick is, until his survival ends up hinging on a relationship with his family that is still being resolved. That's like the whole show really.

Rick and Morty is great, and because it's great, a bunch of faggots like it and ruin it for everybody, much like everything. Spamming memes yelling retard shit everywhere, you know, faggots.


We could see that inverted in Season 4 since everyone realizes how irrelevant Rick is to their emotional lives at the end of 3 and the new normal is the old normal, practically free of Rick like pre-season 1.

I don't have patrician tier taste and won't claim to. If it's reddit humor then I guess I like reddit humor.

then why are you here

I know half of the faggots here subconsciously agree, but jesus fucking christ, don't say that shit out loud.

…does that make it bestiality?

You're not supposed to say that out loud but thanks for the honesty. Now newfags are gonna pop up screeching about reddit

I just thought R&M was okay.
The fanbase should still seriously consider suicide


It's fine to enjoy R&M I suppose, but saying you enjoy reddit ANYTHING is a huge fucking mistake. Not rotten human levels of faggotry, but don't say that kind of shit out loud for your own safety.

I don't think so tim.

Season 1 was great, Season 2 started to go downhill, Season 3 is trash (And it just so happens they brought on a bunch of new female writers for Season 3, funny how that works). All the faggots got in to it during and after Season 2. As a final note: faggots didn't ruin R&M, Dan Harmon ruined Rick and Morty.

The hunched over long armed shark-headed gaywolves are horrible and completely generic. The Wolf-Man is iconic, unique, and immediately recognizable.

So where is the line drawn for wolf/man? How much man do you use and what amount of wolf makes a good werewolf?

but season 3 gave us the Israel joke.

See The Wolf Man starring Lon Chaney Jr. as The Wolf Man.

It's literally just a dude with hypertrichosis because it's a costume that costs a hamburger. If filmmakers of this era could afford pic related, I guarantee you they would have done it.


It's a werewolf and it's a Halloween sale you fucking sperg

holy shit I cannot physically handle this autism. You are truly a mistake of nature.

Yeah, it's almost as good as the big bang theory!


Maybe. But the generic fucking werewolf is the worst shit to plague classic monsters. It's so fucking interchangeable, generic, and boring at this point.

He's right though.

Sure thing, rabbi.


fixed your post for you

Pretty much
They know he's right but it's bad PR to admit it

Remember when Shaggy was a werewolf?
That was a strange day.

You mean this isn't a banner for Bad Dragon?



That and Ghoul School were always my two favorite scooby films back in the day.


Explain why your way of looking for outrage where there is none is different from SJWs.


Everybody in the thread is saying it's literally nothing you retard, stop stirring up shit fighting strawmen.

said that people are looking for outrage where there is none. Multiple people then got outraged by his obviously false claim, including , to which I replied with . This caused further outrage as I was obviously wrong. And now here you are, telling me that everyone in the thread thinks that it's nothing and I'm just trying to start something.


Should I?


But you could just pirate all of those. none of the creators will see a cent from you.

If you're going to buy anything at all do yourself a favor and at least buy the GoG version instead if it's on there. They are having a sale too and it's better to avoid locking yourself down on steam as much as possible.


Get EW2 instead



Wow, that's a very sexy girl.

Are you a nigger yourself?


all dem whities r dum tbh monica

Get out triple nigger.

they know their audience

Glass houses user

It's sad that they're the only good vanila server

What the hell is this thread even about?

A steam sale

It's Holla Forums culture ;^)

Valve is wise as hell.

my IQ just increased by a hundred points.

come on dont say that kinda stuff ironically

competence porn bestowed by the plot is not "intelligence".

Source on the right image? Yandex and Google are not helping.





That's actually a wolfman. Completely different.



You call that a furry? You call that playing to the 'yiff yiff' audience? Now this, this is a furry. :^)

when pointed out the cancer, you cling to the spread elsewhere instead of the source. I think you're complicit and are happy with the absolute state of PC gaming.

I think you're deliberately starting console wars.

Only as a SR user
If we ever get her that is

you mistake criticism for console wars, you aren't prepared for any sort of discussion like this and should remove yourself from them.



your counter example is a dead platform's online store. You don't seem to want to face the reality of the situation.

And your example is a community server on a ten year old game.

and the OP. 6th most played game on the platform too. Why are you so evasive of all these cancers congregating in one place? Does it hurt or something?

Ok, I see now that you're even more retarded than I thought.

yes yes, time for you to leave the discussion you couldn't handle in the first place.

Have fun wallowing in your retardation I guess.

Beast Vanila servers.

How could this thing be anything other than a nightmare? Hate to say it, but it puts Michael Jackson to shame on the quasi-feminine botched plastic surgery list.

do you have aspergers or something

I wanted to make some satirical remark about both sides being retarded here, but even if I laced every word I typed with the most biting, condescending form of sarcasm, people would still take it seriously.

So instead I'll just say it: Both sides are retarded, this is funny to me.

hey, it's the big furfag himself. looks like its terminal.

Calm your autism, Aux.

I don't know if you were dropped or what but this thread is about OP thinking valve put a furry on their steam sale page. Everyone is saying it's a werewolf and not a furry, so they're not looking for outrage when there is none. Only person looking for outrage where there is none is you.

The fuck do you think the word WEREwolf means?

For years I thought the werewolf Shaggy thing was a fever dream I had. It turns out I was thinking of that show that only had Scooby and Shaggy and I was looking in the wrong place for proof of werewolf Shaggy's existence.


I believe hardblush (which is one of doxy's pseudonyms) is a woman, not a guy. Could be wrong.

We Wuz Wuvs?

Furries are the most fucktarded people with money next to 13 year old girls with fresh new credit cards. Paying literal thousands to become (or fuck) giant sacks of flour in conga lines outside of regretful hotel chains.
It may be morally wrong to take advantage of the mentally disabled, but fuck if it ain't good business sense.
Besides, better it goes to Steam to keep good shit rolling than some shitty browser-based yiff mmo.

Thanks steam

I dunno, I think Second Life is still going strong.

Why can't this board go five minutes without talking about furries?

Who cares anyway. There's never anything good on Halloween sales because all horror games are shit, and the only acceptable games aren't even horror games. I would have forgotten it was Halloween if evil jew megacorporations didn't remind me to sell me shit because they don't celebrate it where I live.

user you're a faggot with terrible taste

Haven't you heard? Holla Forums is just /fur/ but with slightly more video games.

Prove me wrong. 99% of them are shit or not on PC.

I also cannot fathom the possible reasons hiding behind this induibitable fact you've just stated. What are the goals the furry organisation has set before itself?

yiffy yiffy

Tell me how I should think about Tails tonight

You are either a complete failure at reading or you are just pretending you didn't understand a word I wrote in that post.

This is what I'm noticing. The sale isn't even that good. Probably because they are seeing churn for their bigger sales too. Need to lower expectations so people buy during the bigger sales.

You've got dubs, so I shall do what you ask. Think of him warmly, consider all the possible affectionate hugs and headpats. I could interpret it the other way and recommend for you to make a Tails tulpa, if you want to make your thinking less… abstract, so to say.

or just go fap

I was actually thinking more along the lines of those flash based dating simply types
I honestly forgot SL was even a thing.
My fellow Patriotic Nigras would be so disappoint.

Only reason I ever found to like it was the scads of slutty bitches slutting it up even more than usual. And that's even before you get to the cosplay. Fortunately there's a whole fucking lot near here.

Oh hey, some more of afro's clothing line. And SL might not be browser based but it sure as fuck runs like one. Unoptimized piece of eternal trash.

You are controlled and profitable morons.

I remember that thread.
Pimp knight best knight.

Trips confirm sissy faps

I still bought Nidhogg and Verminitide because they were very cheap.

Honestly all I could remember was how fucking jarring it was that he had a red shirt.


First season was the best, everything after is shit


He's not even buying it, that's the 48-hour rental price.

Oh good, now I don't have to make a new thread just for this.

Any reason I shouldn't buy these three? Only three items on my wishlist that are on sale and I'm considering.

Any reason you should buy them?

Your on Holla Forums user, you shouldn't talk about actually buying games here or you'll get bullied.

C-cause they look fun and appeal to several of my various gaming tastes?

I mean do you have a reason to not pirate them? Cause the only reason to buy is to give devs you like money.

maybe your eyes

This is true, but when I first started posting here several years ago when I was still enthusiastic about steam (I don't hate it, I still use it, the sales have just gotten less impressive over the years) I'd post cart images all the time. I bet if I searched my various image folders -assuming I never cleaned up and deleted them- there's probably dozens of images with cart in the name made over the years.

I don't necessarily want to install them right now, but have them readily available to install without the hassle of piracy, torrents, installers, keygens, etc. I also like to support devs when I like their products.

The kind of lewd I like is very hard to find these days. I like busty female characters, jiggle physics, and actually good gameplay. I don't enjoy plots about lesbian shit, dickgirls, or (90% of the time, because it always ends somewhere weird) monstergirls. The game could be better, but I want to support Haydee just for existing. Plus there's a bunch of mods for more attractive faces.

Should I get it? I hear its good but rather short.

He's right though.

If it's not available off of Steam you know your answer.


Have you been living under a rock for the last decade? Furries have been fucking rampant in Valve games since at least 2009. Valve doesn't have to try and get the furry audience, they've had them for ages already.

You're the one with brain problems my man.

The werewolf doesn't even bother me nearly as much as the use of fucking Chiller for the font and how it looks like a shitty artist vomited the whole picture out in half an hour.

Yes, buy it now

Is that Ron fucking Perlman?

this tbh

…the fuck is wrong with this place

They moved from 4/v/ to find a better Holla Forums, but you never considered that it was the people, not the board that was the problem.
Oh, and the whole NeoFAG/4chan thing basically means mass-immigration to here, resulting in a massive influx of new posters causing a dramatic shift in social climate and attitudes on the board.
In other words, October's Holla Forums is now in a Second Summer. We over at /tg/ are dealing with it… Well, better than you guys are, but then again, we've got several advantages going for us.

Have devs now realized how utterly retarded furries are and how much money they're willing to burn on all things furry? I hope you're all ready to yiff.

If it means decent werewolf mode in Elder Scrolls and fucking a Dragon gains more mainstream appeal, I'm game.

Then try actually refuting what I said in

Are you fucking retarded?

That image is literally no different from how weebs have dakis, plushies, and figures they "hotglue".


This is literally yet another attempt at attacking something pertaining to anime by attempting to forcibly associate it with something negative (or whatever the current audience thinks is negative) that is actually unrelated to it.

Anime fans don't even do hotgluing.

I'd hotglue shit if I had qt waifu figures. I just don't see it as a good use of money.

Wait, what the fuck? Dragon has been in the lead for years.

Somebody made a bot to put a Hillary headline at the top. The site doesn't even get that much traffic. It's not even a very funny headline.



Why not? It'll be a good blow to Steamfags and libcucks.

If anime fans aren't the ones doing it, who is mastubating to anime figurines? You're telling me people who don't watch anime are buying anime figurines and cumming on them?

Why don't you do it?


Anti-anime fanatics buy figures for the purpose of hotgluing them. It makes no sense for a fan to do that, figures are something you treat carefully.

Wow user. That's some dedication. Totally believable.
That's why you carefully clean them afterwards.

They are severely mentally ill.

No, that's why you don't get them dirty in the first place. You don't see me pouring cola all over my figures and then carefully cleaning them afterwards, because that would be fucking retarded.

It's the perfect Kikery: It's a joke for the purposes of dealing with people who don't like it and it's serious for the purposes of dealing with people who do like it.

Well, I doubt you get sexual release from pouring cola on figures.

Nobody is hotgluing figures for sexual release.

They gotta do better than that.

>Unlike the occasional dedicated autist who cums on random shit to put on the net for shit and giggles, this is a large group of people spending massive amounts of dosh on figurines, thus supporting the anime industry, just so they can make anime fans look bad by uploading hundreds of videos of themselves doing so
You're a funny guy.

As I already told you, it's anti-anime fanatics who are doing this, not anime fans.

Are you the moephobia user?

are you a homo or something?


Samefag switching between proxies.

It's this meme again. When and why did people start thinking that arguments on the internet no longer exist unless they are one person sockpuppeting? Do you also think that, say, Trump vs. The World is people sockpuppeting and that in reality there is no controversy?

No. Too much effort.

archive.is/HYtdX ID: 085ea2 (40)
archive.is/yDXas ID: b5ba38 (146)

Your analogy is terrible because of the difference in scale. It's in entirely possible in the view of others that we may be one autist arguing with himself in the hope someone joins in.

>archive.is/HYtdX ID: 085ea2 (40)
>archive.is/yDXas ID: b5ba38 (146)
Ok whatever. I don't care. Maybe you should go to Facebook to talk about this.

The analogy is perfectly valid because the logic is that arguments have simply ceased to exist.

No it isn't. It's only this particular argument., not all arguments. And it was also predicated on the fact that our post counts are the same.

It's all arguments.

So you're saying that if the possibility exists in the eyes of others who cannot with certainty determine whether we are one or two entities that our argument may not be real, then no arguments can exist? Why don't you go watch moeshit. That seems to be your level of thought.

When people see an argument, they think it must be one person. Thus arguments do not exist.

You don't have even 25% of the intelligence required to understand any anime.


I'm 70% sure you're the moephobia autist right now. As much as I'd like to shitpost with you for several hours, I have to go to sleep.

What the fuck is wrong with you?

Why do you people come here if the idea of anonymity triggers you so much? Just stay on Facebook where it's sfae.



Why are you just repeating what I said?

I was just trying to rationally breakdown how much hotglue you yourself were huffing to come to this conclusion.


It's a rational conclusion and it is the correct conclusion.


So you admit you lost. Ok then.

Gintama is a "Rick and Morty" of japan.


What was rude about that? You admitted you lost, and I stated that you admitted you lost. What is the problem?


What are you trying to say?


Just minutes ago you were mostly coherent, and now this. Did you meds stop working or something?

I wish Holla Forums had moderation so I could report you.

I see the neofag refugees are aclimatizing nicely.

Weeb is a gateway drug.

I would report him for incoherent shitposting.

Interesting that as soon as neogaf was in the news it's suddenly the latest bogeyman. Everyone who is wrongthinking must be from neogaf. For some reason nobody has ever explained.

It was pretty obvious to anyone without a sub 90 IQ such as yourself but it's okay to be special user. You're obviously proud of it given your posts.

I'm more intelligent than you, and it makes no sense to claim that everyone fleeing neogaf is going to head straight here. Holla Forums is not a social justice hugbox like neogaf, and 4chan Holla Forums is by far better-known as is reddit.

Do you even fucking listen to yourself?
"incoherent shitposting"
When is shitposting ever coherent you dumb retard?
It's shitposting. It's by definition, necessity and consequence purely incoherent.
Shitposting doesn't get a point across, doesn't comunicate an idea and it most certainly doesn't have to make sense.

What you wanted was to go "I'm an atheist, debate me" and beat back agaisnt some arguments to prove how right you are and how powerfull your 120+ IQ is.
The moment the guy start fucking with you is the moment you should have noticed something went wrong. That you wouldn't get an argument thrown at you to refute, that you wouldn't come of as a smart person and you certainly would not be discussing the matter any further.

Sorry pal. He comes off as Holla Forums but you come off as /Atheism+/ which is far, FAR worse.

tl,dr: you got trolled, softly.

When it's coherent. What makes you think that shitposting has to be incoherent?

What are you supposed to be talking about?

The only thing that went wrong is that he lost.

We haven't said a word about religion.

Damage control.

It's okay to not understand user stop trying to act like a big boy.

Why am I surprised.

Oh I see. Aparently I was the one that was trolled.
Goddamn, how did this happen? How quickly the tide turns. This reversal of fate has caught me off guard and I am afraid I will not be able to function normally now.
I'm close to a critical existence failure where I will simply disappear in a *poof* of logic and smoke.

Please don't vape in my general direction, you almighty Genious, the sheer pressure from your clearly superior argumentation skills would obliterate my tiny primitive mind.

tl,dr: you ghay nigga, suck it up

Because he's doing it on purpose.

hush user don't let it end

Either 9/10 bait or you need to go back to neofag.

I dunno, he got his point across to me. The choice of reaction images was pretty spot-on.

I understand perfectly that you have no counter-arguments.

Not a real thing, and my post didn't even have what people call "reddit spacing."

You just admitted that you lost, and I already explained why this neogaf thing is bullshit.


The images are well picked yeah, if he went with the general "I'm going to laugh at you and you can't stop me" idea.
Sadly, my work computer doesn't have my smug folder so I can't join in.

Can you just answer me something?
You keep saying this. What did that user lost exactly?

When you pull the bait card, it means you've lost.

Lost what?

The argument.

Nah man. That's not how you lose it.
Here, let me show you how to properly make someone lose it:

Don't you know user? The internet is for serious business.


But I still don't understand what he means by "argument". What exactly was the argument?
And how can you lose a sequence of premises followed by a conclusion?
Did the other user write it in a paper and left it somewhere else? Is that why he lost the argument?

Damage control.

If you don't know what the argument was then maybe you should not be posting here.

It's considered an argument when somebody makes a baseless claim and then expects other's to believe it user. Then, when they don't, they've obviously lost. Don't you into Atheism+ debates?

Cause that's a requirement on Holla Forums, right?
Not videogames, noooo.

God says that's a sin, so I don't into Atheism.

I didn't make a baseless claim, I never said anything about religion, and I said someone lost because they pulled the bait card.

It's a requirement for this argument. If you don't like it then don't get involved.

Oh I apologize do you need me to slowdown?

I said nothing about religion and have no affiliation with any kind of atheist movement or ideology. Debates have existed for thousands of years all over the world.



How's killing floor 2 with friends? Did they persist with their kikery?
Also Ribi-Rabi?


Explain what the difference is.

The difference is one is acting like a faggot, and the other is calling OP a faggot. Not that you would know since you sound like you jack off to figurines.

They both see outrage where there is none to be found. What is the difference?

Where did I say anything even remotely suggestive of anything like this?

Kind of like what you are doing so far in this thread?
Go read your past 30 posts and you tell me.

Try refuting

This is a standard issue evasive tactic. You've got nothing.

I just did that twice.

You did not.

Now you are just seeing outrage where there is none to be found.

I am not.

Refute it then.

Just give up anons.

You are just trying to change the subject because you know you can't refute

But I already did that. You're just acting blind and deaf so far in this thread.

You did not.

See, you're acting ignorant again.

Anons bitch about SJWs. SJWs bitch about non progressive shit, but unlike anons, SJWs then infiltrate those companies as either HR, or some type of public relations, as translators for imported games, like nippon games, as shitty devs themselves, or as journalists and try to force their ideology and politics into everything. If you don't properly portray a black person how SJWs want, or have enough minorities, or have enough women, or are too macho, or the women too beautiful or scantily clad, suddenly your game is getting terrible reviews because of it, as the journalists and reviewers try and defame you for not following their political bullshit, or HR and other public relations fuckers are coming down on you for being toxic for making a game that's not progressive. Then theres the SJW devs like the ones working on Wolfenstein, or Andromeda, that insist on putting their politics in games to the detrement of the game. Politics people don't want. Of course there's also the useless shock troop retards that complain as a group about any game and protest it for not being progressive enough, or for not portraying minorities or women how they want, to try and strong arm and scare the devs into making their games how they want.

Now, remind me how a few anons on a fucking anonymous imageboard on the assend of the internet are somehow the same as the group that has been instrumental in destroying the comic book industry, is poisoning the games industry, has divided the atheist community with atheism(+) atheism plus a feminist, atheism plus a progressive, atheism plus a gay man, etc etc etc. I'm genuinely curious how simply fucking complaining is the same thing as the people who have been corrupting and attacking the industry, the developers and the companies not following their retarded political ideologies. Especially when complaining about it is due to those people who have caused this entire issue. Or should all anons just ignore the continuing degradation of their hobby and the abuses levied at the companies/devs/people, who run afoul of the SJWs insane retarded demands to change the artistic vision and self censor "or else".

I am not.

This is waaaaaaay beyond the scope of what we are talking about, and you know it is. So why did you even bother writing all this?

Yes you are since you just ignored the points in

You asked how it isn't the same. I explained. How about you explain how anons complaining about SJWs and what they've done is the same as SJWs poisoning and destroying several industries to force their political ideology. I'm still waiting.
No, it's just that you know you can't refute anything that was explained to you, so you try and avoid it. You don't get to compartmentalize the situation to try and make the victims the same as the aggressors.

That post had no relevant points, as explained in

No. I already told you:

You say it doesn't have any relevant points because you didn't even bother to read it, hotgluer.

Hahaha, yeah that's what I thought. Keep avoiding it, since you're too much of a coward to ever face it. Anyone reading this knows you just lost and refuse to actually acknowledge the situation.

I skimmed through it. It was irrelevant.

Where did I ever say anything even remotely suggestive of anything like this?

I'm not avoiding anything. Again:

You act like hotgluing is something anime fans don't do, which means you have done it before. Also, let me explain this in terms that makes sense to your weeb brain:

And I already clearly stated you don't get to compartmentalize the situation to try and make the victim seem the same as the aggressor. When complaining about the corruption in the vidya industry anyone who tries to argue both sides are the same while willfully ignoring the damage that SJWs have done to the industry through their slimy antics and political harassment, blackmail and strongarm tactics on innocent developers, people and companies, which has caused the massive deterioration in the community, is arguing in bad faith. Your argument that it is "beyond the scope of the conversation" is just an attempt to ignore facts to try and place the victim and the aggressor on the same terms, by ignoring all precedent that has caused the current situation. And you're not fooling anyone with this attempt. It's painfully obvious.

It isn't something anime fans do, and it's absolute gibberish to say that because I said that it isn't something anime fans do, I therefore must have done it myself. Complete nonsense.

Where did I ever say anything even remotely suggestive of me being a weeb?

The situation was compartmentalized to begin with. What you are talking about is outside the scope of this thread.


He's right though.

No it wasn't. You're trying to do it though, as it's the only way for you to have a leg to stand on. Critical theory in action. And you're not fooling anyone. Anybody with a passing knowledge of what's happening in the games industry would know the damage SJWs have done, and trying to remove that to make the people complaining about them the same as the abusers themselves won't work, no matter how hard you try. Nevertheless, I answered your question about the difference between SJWs and those that complain about them and their corrupting influence and unethical actions against innocent people. Whether you're willing to face that or not is up to you, it doesn't change that it is fact either way.

Yes they do. It is something horsefuckers do to their baby toys. It is something nintendrones do to their physical dlcs. What makes you think a weeb wouldn't hotglue one of their toys?
Ever since you act overly defensive over the act of hotgluing.
Prove it.

Yes it was.

You're trying to change the subject because you know you have no leg to stand on otherwise.

I never said or implied I'm removing anything.

No they don't.

Where did I defend it?

See the original post and then try applying some common sense.

Truly a shining star of an intellectual weeaboo.

Yes they do.
Just now.
How about you actually prove it?

I just told you where the proof is.

No they don't.

Where? How?

The original post is self-explanatory.


It isn't conjecture.

Stop lying to yourself, weeb. You jacked off to your loli figma and you are trying to project the blame onto someone else.
Then prove it cause I couldn't find the original post.

Where did I lie to myself and how? Where did I say I'm a weeb and how?

Where did I say anything like this? Where did I say have a loli figma or figma in general?

If you don't even know the original post that started this then you have no business trying to argue about any of this.

You asked the difference between anons complaining about SJW rot in comparison to SJWs. I explained that the difference is that SJWs caused that rot, that caused the complaining, and SJWs actively subvert, strong arm, threaten, defame, and blackmail those that don't adhere to their political ideology, whereas anons simply complain about what they've done, they do not force developers to change or self censor unlike SJWs. At no point was the situation compartmentalized. And you do not get to compartmentalize the situation to remove what SJWs have done to cause that complaining, as the complaining is a direct result of the SJW communities actions. Just as a rapist doesn't get to remove what he's done to one of his victims to make it seem wrong to have her be hostile to him, you don't get to remove what SJWs have done to the games industry to make anons complaining about the results of their actions somehow the same as the far more egregious actions SJWs have done. Undoubtedly though, you'll avoid the situation again, and try and pretend that this is not important to the conversation as it destroys any semblance of an argument you could possibly have.

No, it's just not there at all whatsoever.


It was immediately compartmentalized.

I never avoided anything.

Yes it is.



"Then prove it cause I couldn't find the original post."


That was a copy-paste quote of this post:

The way you speak sounds like a kike faggot weeb who can only get plastic on his dick.
I would find it but all that conjecture coming from you all looks the same.

Where did I suggest, and in what way, that I'm jewish or gay or a weeb or engage in hotgluing?

There was no conjecture, and the original post is not mine.

Why not just keep saying it was self-evident?

You just did by denying all of this.
Which means there is conjecture


How does denying an accusation prove the accusation is true?

There isn't.

The original post is not mine.

I only have one IP and didn't lie anywhere.

Then it's even better because you forgot that there's IDs here. Outing yourself as a neofag.

In what way did I forget there's IDs? In what way did I indicate I'm from neogaf?

It means you are hiding all those accusations, you weeajew tranny brony.
Which means that you are conjecturing a conjecture.
What makes you think we don't know you lent yourself ownership of your own post behind the scenes?

How does it mean I'm "hiding" accusations? Where and how did I say I'm a weeb, a jew, a tranny or a brony?



In the way that you say here
When you're the only ID in this entire thread that has ever mentioned you're mysterious anti-weeaboo organizers hot gluing things. The post you responded to when you made this lovely glue fever dream hadn't mentioned it at all.

What about it?

What are you talking about? What does this even have to do with the original post?

You just did in that post once you said "I'm a weeb, a jew, a tranny, or a brony"
So you confess to your wrongdoings.


Where did I say that?

Where did I confess to any wrongdoings?

So you can't explain what you're talking about and how it pertains to the original post?

What original post?

Shouldn't you know what that means?

What it means when you refer when you're the one who asked for the original post?

If figures were cheap or taller, we'd all be hotgluing them on a regular basis. There's figures that exist that are probably meant to be fapped to as well. The only thing weeaboos would be jizzing on more are life-size sexbots dressed like their favorite characters.

You know what people who hate anime are gonna be doing instead? Fapping to regular porn.

I know what the original post is, I don't need to ask for it. What are you talking about?

Anti-anime fanatics are extremely mentally ill. I already said this.

I'm talking about the original post you asked for.

You did it again in the same post, fucker.

This is coming from a projecting hotgluing weeaboo.

And I know what it is, so why would I need to ask for it?


Where did I project, where did I say I hotglue, and where did I say I'm a weeaboo?

That's what I've been wondering the entire time. I was just assuming you were having another fun time huffing glue.

Are you blind to your own words that you conveniently ignore anything said in the same post you have written?

Where did I do any of the things you accused me of?

Right now and the past 60 posts you have written. Only a fag would have taken up 1/6th of the thread in his own drivel.

And how do you know that everyone who does hotglue or wants to hotglue figures are "Anti-anime" fanatics? When you claim mental illness, all bets are off. It's not like liking anime makes you not mentally ill, it's not like liking anime makes you mentally and physically incapable of not wanting to hotglue a figure.

I for one like Japanese stuff. My favorite N64 game is Mischief Makers. My first anime were things like Steel Angel Kurumi and Vandread and Casshern. I even saw Thunderbolt Fantasy because the writer for that literal Taiwanese puppet show was written by the guy who made Saya No Uta and Madoka. I bet you that if I had the free time, money and privacy for it, I would have a room of full 3-5 foot figures of curvy women from various anime and hentai OVAs and doujins that I rub against and hotglue. If anything, liking anime is more likely to make one interested in hotgluing figures rather than the other way around. This isn't even a matter of mental illness, this is just a matter of muh dik. You don't have to lie to yourself, Neogaf.

Link to the posts and quote where I said any of those things.

Only an anti-anime fanatic would hotglue a figure.

I'm not lying to myself, and where did I say I'm from neogaf?

Do you have proof of this? Does someone automatically become an anti-anime fanatic if he hotglues a figure? Under this logic this means that people who fap to any pornography featuring large breasts likes only flat chests, or people who fap to cuck porn are actually chads from Holla Forums, or that gay people are the most heterosexual, or that someone who likes eating eggs is actually a vegan. It's not surprising you're just as dogmatic about this when you've insisted that the Horseshoe theory is correct.

From here

There ya go you fagaboo. The proof is lying under your like nose all this time.
Stop lying to yourself, weeb.
Ever since you claimed you are from neogaf.



What are you talking about? You didn't quote anything relevant.

It's real, period.

Where did I lie to myself and where did I say I'm a weeb?

Where did I claim this?

Once again, I know what the original post is. I don't need to ask for it.

That post doesn't exist.


That post doesn't exist.

I know grandpa, your memories slipping, don't go on repeating yourself.

That post doesn't exist.

I think I broke the bots programming.
RIP 237458

I'm not a bot and there is no programming. You just keep repeating yourself and there's no need for me to change my response, so I also keep repeating myself. The fault is yours.

Oh he came back to us and he's still as forgetful as ever.

What are you claiming I forgot?


You don't have to lie to yourself, steam shill.

Says the programmed shillbot.

So you can't explain what you claim I forgot?

Where did I lie and where did I shill for Steam?

How am I a bot and how am I a shill?

Is moeshit something that exists?

I would but you're forgetting things that happened just moments ago now.

Wrong thread?

So you say, but you can't explain what I supposedly forgot.

According to ID:237458 it doesn't.

I don't need to tell a Grandpa who keeps forgetting his posts as he makes them what he said.

Where did I lie and where did I indicate I'm a bot?

Where did I say anything about moeshit?

You have no proof that I forgot anything. You are lying.

Fuck you and everyone like you for ruining this board. I somehow now miss the days when idiots like you would use a tripcode. At least that immediately signaled to everyone "I'm here to be a faggot" and minimized the damage.

Technically speaking if this were true, SJWs fap to anime more than anyone else.


I didn't ruin anything. You are blaming me for things that other people did. Why?

That's what I said.

Praise jesus

There is nothing wrong with my memory.

Because in actuality you did everything and influenced people to do those things, faggot jew tranny weeboo brony bot.
You did not say that.

There clearly is when you are making shit up on the fly.

What things did I do, how did I influence anyone to do those things, and where did I indicate I'm a faggot, a jew, a tranny, a weeaboo, a brony or a bot?

I did.

What did I make up?

Come on now.

TBH I think they implied a werewolf but the fact that he's wearing they typical checker fedora warrior shirt that the furries usually wear I will go with the furry explanation.

Why would he huff glue?

All of those things happened in this thread, and every other thread you have participated in. Stop lying you 1 year old baby.
That is your hallucinations speaking.
The idea that the Holocaust existed.

Where did they happen, where did I lie, and where did I indicate I'm a baby?

It's not.

Where did I say anything about the holocaust?

Yes it does, because real anime fans take care of their figures.

I should feel sorry for you but that's the lifestyle you chose.

Nothing like that ever happened.

They do, and they hate themselves for it. Just like the overzealous anti-gay Republicans that turn out to be closet homosexuals.



Are you sure? Because nobody said anything related to moeshit except some inconsequential mentions of the word six hours prior.

Stop being in denial.

I'm not.

Yes, I am sure.

He's not in denial.


Bottom post is mine. Top isn't.


Those posts have different IDs.


We have different IDs. Do you have trouble with your eyesight?

By the same token everyone in the thread ganging up on me could be just one person.

If you're assuming VPN use, why did you say he was acting like IDs don't exist? At least be consistent for more than a few posts at a time.

Since nobody is answering my question, I shall reiterate. Does moeshit exist?


Seriously, what does this have to do with the thread?

Hello newfriend!

Please don't answer a question with a question. I asked it in the thread, and someone else brought it up before me, so it is now associated with the thread. In addition, I am curious and believe I may find answers here.


Is this real life?


user, what vidya is that?



holy shit he did

Danke user.


I only came to this thread to see if there are any noteworthy sales this year.