Warframe: Get items by NOT watching streamers and frying your CPU edition

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Does anyone have a good method for opening all the emails you get? i feel like i will become yanderedev and spend my whole day with emails.

Do I need a powercell to harvest my purple neck growth pet? Do I need to grow a kubrow first and finish the kubrow quest before the neck monster option unlocks?

You need a cell and an incubator segment. I think you get the segment from the quest so you ought have to do it, but you don't necessarily have to do the quest first.

I have the segment but don't see the Drain SpaceAIDS Neck Monster Growth option. Maybe it will appear after I get a powercell


I recognize that guy. I'm surprised he still plays.

I can't do it. I can't bring myself to use Nezha. He just looks so fucking dumb that the idea of a speed tank can't overcome it. Dumb colors, dumb animations, dumb helmets, dumb design. It's just an avalanche of shit choices.

He looks about as bad as Equinox.
Overall I think a lot of the older frames (Excalibur, Nyx, etc) had a better design.

Good set of abilities. Shit looks.
I've used less usefrul frames, or brought frames to missions where they wouldn't be the ideal choice, just for their looks.

They did have better designs. In fact I'm pretty sure they fired the guy behind horrors like Limbo and Mesa. At least equinox night form was decent. Switching between a goth-loli and a skeleton was fine. Nezha just looks too stupid to overcome that, though.

Yeah basically.

up/down arrow.

Just use the directional keys.

That hungry hungry irishman is always palying

how did (((free to play))) Destiny got this popular?

Around 4000+ drops later I finally got the Harka Skin, and immediately after that another Vectis Prime.

By not being Destiny, for starters.

Does Holla Forums still have a guild?

Same as any other shit game: good art direction. At first the aestetic was nice and focused: space ninjas shooting and slashing their way through tight areas. Devs didn't have their heads so far up their asses at first, and that helped.
Also technically Destiny is 60$ warframe.

By being good and having quality waifu's.

I wont get banned for having other program open while playing for a start.


You definitely need a cell.

waifus? it seems like every character in the game is masked


I dunno I thought waifus have to have faces

You thought wrong.

The warframes are controlled by children. That doesn't seem to stop anyone either.

Why would you think a silly thing like that?

then post some waifus

I'm sorry about your forum burning down, but you have to lurk moar

I like to pretend they don't exist.

Nice dubs

you must be imagining things.
they're space ninjas, why on earth would there be children wedged into it for no reason?

I just realized that he probably meant the warframes themselves and not the shitty non-space-ninja characters. Yeah they're pretty legit. Saryn is the best.

These guys gets it. Faceless waifus are ideal because then it comes down to voice and/or body language. Both of those are god-tier when done well.

As far as i'm concerned those space potatoes aren't canon.


Here's some more from last thread
Mesa best girl

I have no problems with the space babies.

How? They're right in the game. You got that big story quest which was their big reveal. Then other quests like that Harrow one that involve them. And then the entire Focus system, cosmetics, etc.

I don't know what you're talking about user. Space kids don't exist.

Speaking of saryn, what's a good build for her? Been running max range but feel like I've been fucking up a bit.

I don't get this twitch prime BS - do i need to give them my credit card number when trying to sign up for 7day free trial or am i doing i t wrong?


Waifu, not raifu.
Also the only non-shit taste there is off-topic.

Keep max range, but don't make any stat negative. Otherwise there are some toxic lash builds I've heard are good but I don't know what they are.

Been playing Mesa a bit recently, shame she only has one ability.

Aaaand, they're back up.

are you thinking of some other game? i've done all the quests, there was nothing like what you're talking about.

amazon wants it i think. just make sure to disable the subscription right away, it won't end the trial early.

reposting because I'm an attention whore

You're doing it wrong, mate


what the fuck is your build?

My build didn't go through, fug

I was joking lad.

please elaborate

is the game fun yet?

get a load of this pleb.

you dont need strength beyond like 120 to get the 95% damage reduction of 3. range is also good for jamming guns of people far away. efficiency is meh, energy orb drops should come around fast

Nope. Honestly I play it because the designs are cool…when DE doesn't fuck with them. Pic related.

But i want to do as much damage as possible while using as little energy as possible. I have a 48% damage buff, 95% damage reduction up for 50 seconds at a time. Also peacemakers do more damage that way.

Incredibly shallow game that looks good and not much else. It's good for autistic players that can't stop looting mindless shit and nu-males that don't want a challenge.

Pic related is DE messing with the designs. Not a cool design. It's replacing pic related, the skin that they fired IgnusDei over because mynki wanted to modify it and Ignus said the changes were dumb.

It was dumb. Adding a mohawk to it and that hip piece fucked up the half-and-half look.

i did that and it shat itself, but around that time the servers seemed to crash so maybe it was because of that.

you get drops when you link your warframe and twitch accounts and watch warframe streams. But they (maybe intentionally) did not put in a limit on how many streams you can get these drops from, so you can guess, what people did.

you mean, continue to do right?

I meant that as in you don't have to actively watch any streams, just turn them on in the background in mutlitwitch and fry your cpu in the process. So no, I haven't found a better way of passively farming items, just tried to relay what was told in the last thread.
I can see now how poorly worded my OP is.

Forever and ever.

well it seems, that they fixed it since i am only getting drops from one stream, so it is now basically useless and you can have it run for the whole day to get some fireworks.

no need to use the arrow keys if you dont get spammed with messages anymore.

It was fun while it lasted, god damn. We need to be more vigilant for stuff to abuse in this game.

This is why you don't advertise sleek in threads.


Depends, some frames need a group, others are just fine solo. If you make your starter excalibur you should be fine to solo most of the game.
Yes, drop your name and someone will invit
Very, but only if you're autistic. I have 1000+ hours and never spent any money.

It's alright solo, but until you've got a good setup you'll probably need someone to lean on.

8ch has infinitygrind, iirc. cuckchan has Warbros PrimeNo Fun Allowed, and Warbros Prime.

Endgame is jewing your fellow players out of their plat. And fashionframeâ„¢

As far as you need to, but it requires you doing some of that aforementioned jewing to get plat out of goyims that have spent money.

Basically the game is shit, but if you like how it looks it's okay.

im rank 24 with every frame and weapon. havnt spent any real money. never will.

money is easy to make because casuals think its hard. plus theres alot of "platinum" (ingame $ currency) in the economy.

I thought last thread was pretty under-the-radar. I did see people in region chat figuring this out on their own, though. Fucking kids.

DE browses at least the cuckchan threads regularly enough. I wouldn't put it above them to browse these threads for the same reason: killing anything that makes the game a smoother process

its 4chan. grouped with a few people spouting how they have "60 tabs open lol"

theres alot of endgame besides fashion frame friend. griefing randoms is alot more fun.

That would explain Red Text's humor. If only they were smart enough to lift some ideas from here to use in their game and fix Plains, instead of writing shitty jokes all the time.

>it's also my birthday

I just did it the caveman way and multi-tabbed the browser while occasionally alt tabbing every half hour or so to check if a stream was still running.

happy birthday user

then why are you playing it

I like how it looks.
Except the brown&bloom plains.

Well shit thank fuck I got at least one of everything on the list.


damn, hope I at least luck out and get a Vectis, didn't get any of the top percentage rare stuff

its a fast paced TPS with RPG elements and a massive arsenal of guns that each have unique ways to use/build them depending on how you plan or prefer to play. same goes for the character you choose. and somtimes you want to use certain kinds of weapons with certain characters because of the the type of shit you do.

the enemies are essentially cannon fodder that scale until they become insanely difficult (high health/better accuracy/deal more damage). the boss battles require strategy and theres a few game types that mix it up by adding obstacle courses and stealth elements.

many people get caught up in the grinding/collecting part of the game out of addiction, but thats not really where the fun is. people start finding out the easiest/most efficient way to do something and dont care if its fun as long as they get loot.

its the type of game that has enough variety in your loadout where you can experiment and find a cheap way to cheat the game and get what you want. theres tests to increase your mastery rank, and theres videos all over youtube about how to basically cheat them using various powers in unique ways you wouldnt think of or expect.

the game can be very deep if you want it to be.

Most of those guns are going to boil down to "shit you level up for mastery". Because nobody is going to use shit like Hind, Twin Gremlins, and Ether Sword when there are better options down the line. Hell if you sign up for a free trial of twitch prime you get Soma Prime and Scindo Prime, both "Endgame" weapons.
There's three ways to build guns: Status, Crit, or bows. Certain frames' abilities scale off of your weapon mods but for the most part it doesn't matter which weapon you use.

They have invulnerability phases you need to wait out. A couple have a little song and dance to disable the invulnerability but really you can just tough out most of the phases until they can become shootable again.

Neither of these are of any value or use. Obstacle courses, outside of the one on the moon, don't yield anything worthwhile. Stealth is fucked and the only time it's useful are with frames that can become invisible anyways

the majority of the game is grinding for one thing or another. You grind for mastery fodder, or you grind a weapon up that you forma'd, or you grind void missions to get traces to level up your relics to grind your relics for a specific prime part, so that you can grind that new weapon or frame up. It's all grinding. All of it. If you don't find grinding fun don't bother because whatever else you're looking for there's a good chance there's another game that'll do it better.

Weapons come in three flavors: Crit weapons, Status weapons, and meme/gimmicks.
For crits you want: General Damage up, Crit Chance Up, Crit Damage up, 2 elemental mods, and one mod that either adds multishot or fire rate depending.
For Status you want the above, but replace the crit up and crit chance with as many "dual stat" mods as you can get. They'll be the ones that add elemental damage and a status chance up.

The game isn't that deep once you figure out what it is.

Don't get me wrong: warfarm is fine as a game but don't come into it expecting anything groundbreaking, or anything beyond grinding at the base of it.

i dont feel like beating you down point to point, but youre way off base about the weapons. weapons can be built for utility and CC, and weapons with warframes have different uses depending on how you mod them, for example taking a sniper rifle with loki and modding it for headshots and high damage vs taking a fast or tank frame and modding it for fast reloads and larger magazines.
thinking "nobody" uses weapons you dont like because theres better available is just you projecting.

bosses require strategy. let me guess, you rarely get above 5% damage on assasination missions? nova/frost can both be useful for certain bosses, also mesa. sometimes you want a rino, or an ember for CC if the boss has alot of minions running around… depends on the boss.

oh… your response about grinding says it all. you just play it for the grind. maybe you should go play AFK WOW or something. you pretty much made my point about how the game is deep if you want it to be. you simply dont want it to be.

Infinity Grind has an alliance with a spillover clan called Infinity Division. If Grind is full and nobody is a candidate to be let go from there then they'll usually say so in the thread so that Division invites can be sent out.

There are a few weapons that can be built for other uses, but he is mostly correct.
Except we have popularity data in the form of Riven Dispositions that objectively show virtually nobody uses those weapons.
They really don't. He also described this correctly.
spy missions only exist on the moon
He was obviously refering to the parkour puzzles and not spy rooms, which is an offense, but you typically don't need advanced parkour for spy.
t. a fag who runs a shit-ton of spy
You really remind me of that Terraria autist who thinks it's the greatest game ever because he can simulate a real world in it by running 20 instances of the game at a time and manually moving his characters one at a time. You're saying there's more depth to this game than people give it credit for only because your autism has concentrated on finding that depth. Most people don't go into half-A-press lengths to get the most out of their games. If you get your giggles finding silly shit to do then more power to you, but don't try and sell this as anything other than a comfy grindan game.

So as long as I take it spiral knights style(~an hour per day) I'll have fun?

For the most part, the utility and CC come from status. So yes there's status, crit, and gimmicks.

I used those specific weapons because I like them. But I'd be lying to myself and others if I tried to sit here and say that they'd be useful in any measure.
Headshot "builds" are just crit builds where you take time to aim. That said, snipers were just recently buffed BECAUSE PoE finally let them be relevant in any regard. Warframe is a hoard shooter where you don't usually get the chance or have the reason to devote a weapon slot to picking off specific targets.

Here's the strategy for every boss in warframe.
Vor: Shoot him, when he goes invuln shoot the spawns, then shoot him when he stops being invulnerable
Hek: Shoot his face, everywhere else is invuln. Sometimes also his face.
Ruk: Invuln until a weapoint appears. Shoot that, then wait for it to show up again
Kela: Shoot her, then the wall targets (because she disappears and can't be shot), then shoot her when she shows up again
Kril: shoot his pipes until he stops being invuln, then shoot the rest of him
Tyl: Shoot him, then wait until he shows up again and shoot him
Alad: shoot him because the dog is invuln, then shoot the dog while its not invuln
Ambulas: Just shoot it
Hyena: just shoot them
Jackal: shoot legs
Raptors: shoot anything but the wings
Razorback will never show up again
The sergeant: just shoot him
Mutalist: wait unil he's no longer invuln because collar, then shoot him,
Lephantis: shoot the pink
Phoroid: just shoot it
Behemoth: shoot the orange
Jordas: Shoot from behind
So I was a little wrong: it's not "wait out the invulnerability" it's "shoot the obvious weakpoint to stop it from being otherwise invulnerable (except when it's not)"
That's some nice ad hom with the 5% though.

Did I say spy? No I said stealth is fucked. enemies can and will spawn behind you depending on mission type, there's no bonus to doing things stealthy UNLESS YOU'RE USING ONE OF THE FRAMES THAT CAN BECOME INVISIBLE ANYWAYS, at which point it's hardly stealth and just being invisible. Yes you can tenchu it up with a rhino but there's no point aside from making the mission take longer. But it's not impossible, you can be like these guys!

I play because the game looks nice. If there was a game that looked like warframe, but with actual gameplay I'd drop this shithow in a heartbeat.

Yeah, play it in moderation if you want to play it.

That is a unique kind of pain. Right up there with the sensation of your tooth getting pulled.
No, I don't think one hour is enough, 2 is more like it, but you're right about thinking that you have to take things slow because it's really easy to burn yourself out with the game. Be prepared to lose some missions, but learn from it. Spy missions are a great example of this, you WILL mess up on your first tries, so I recommend you do these solo instead of other people either finishing them before you get a chance or scold you for fucking up (I know I do). There's a lot to do, but again, pace yourself and take it in gradually to not get sick of the repetition and tedium.
What I do is play around with different weapons to have variety in the game since I've already done every kind of mission bar sorties (still too shit at it after 350 hours, but that's me).

You will get no where in that amount of time, people don't call this game Grindframe unironically.

I fucking hate the Raptors no other boss in this game gives me more trouble then those assholes.

skin wasnt worth all the trouble tbh. i always thought frost to be some slightly overweight eskimo.

I wanted a dorf, but as long as you put something over the back I don't mind being a buff golden viking

How the fuck do you get this brackethouse site to work, nothing ever loads

Frost is the most buff frame, just look at that six pack.

just keep trying eventually it does and turn off adblock maybe

I'll have to side with this user. The game is good, but the depth of it isn't too impressive. There are a lot of mechanics that are just simply underutilized or plain useless. Sprinting and all associated mods are a joke, same with dodge and resistances. If you dedicated a slot for, say, elec resistance, you are just gimping yourself. And as he said, stealth is also pointless apart from what used to be grinding for focus and doing spy missions. Activating normal alerts in maps is also a given and there is absolutely no need to dodge them since you can and will be slaughtering everyone anyway. There is no incentive for stealth, no incentive for running, no incentive for gimping yourself if it comes in the way of leveling/farming since the alternatives are just so much better and faster in a fucking grindfest of a game already with absurd effort needed for certain drops. It also doesn't help that you need to look up everything and I fucking mean everything on the wiki, since you will never figure any of this shit out on your own.

Weapons have some tricks to them, but there's really nothing unique gameplay-wise that makes you want to build around them. It always ever amounts to statcrunching but not enough gameplay mechanics when it comes to weapons. Even how the stats behave is just guesswork until you try it out. For example, I can't exactly look at how much a 40% increase to my mag cap will be if I don't even know the base numbers, for fucks sake.

All that comes to mind, over 7 months of playing, is a mod for Jat Kittag that makes enemies explode upon death which somewhat changes how the melee weapon behaves, which I would like to see more of. If you could get more mods that change how a weapon behaves, instead of how fast it swings or how hard it hits, you would get some much-needed depth into the game. By weapons, I also mean guns. If weapons were on par with frame abilites but distinct enough from frame abilites, you would have Diablo 2 levels of depth and replayability.

And as for Plains, as far as I can tell, it's just a big empty space which I need to fly or bulletjump through. I can't get comfy and enjoy the scenery, because grineer faggots will always be shooting at me. If not them, then the eidolons. Then you have more faction grind and now you HAVE to go and do this pain in the ass of an expansion if you want to use your focus. I would much rather have stuck with the old system, at least then I could get a passive 3 energy per second with much less effort.
And the most important part, focusing on the fighting capability of your potatokid must also be the biggest brainfart yet, since he is just fucking useless, period.

Warframe is the epitome of rudderless game design, with the only saving grace being it's visuals and style.

here is hoping for the next big update there will be more people working on it

Those trips aren't exactly comforting.

I love how the last time they attempted to address this they updated the AI to see corpses. They know it's a stealth mechanic, but they don't know why or how to use it. Instead just shoehorning it in. While all the normal problems remain.

I love how DE's first priority was to nerf hitscans so they couldn't be impromptu snipers and went through all the trouble to measure their normal tilesets so they had the exact number to start the damage falloff at, but still haven't fixed all Grineer being ace sharpshooters.

Whoops, I should proofread more. Starting both sentences off with the same phrase is silly.

You're a man with a lot of love. That's perfectly kosher as long as it's not manlove.


I was going to respond "But what about boylove?" and post Nehza, but that's what everyone expects, so I'll just post this instead and leave it at that.

This is the most pure an honest thing I've read in a long while. Have some Lotus sucking dick for your efforts, whenever you are.

That's the least gay stuff I've ever seen of Nezha.

I will always be disappointed that no one likes to draw/make porn of Lotus with her huge ass and child-bearing hips.

Yeah. I really hope that one day some deranged nip sees Nezha, Lotus and thinks "I'M GOING TO MAKE SO MUCH /ss/ WITH THESE TWO!"

Cause no face> half a face

Can you fuck up your build irreparably? I hate long-commitment games that wont let you easily respec later.

Worst you can do is forma the wrong polarity, which another forma can fix easy.

If you put a shit mod loadout onto a frame or weapon then you just change them out easy peasy. The only thing you can't undo is focus point investments, but only tip top autists consider focus as part of builds.

Putting a potato in a weapon/frame you won't like. So far I've only done so with my Rhino, Tipedo and Tenora. Thinking about doing that with Jet Kittag as well, but I don't really know how much more of a fuckoff weapon I can make it.

No you can swap out mods as often as you like.

wait those idiots fired IgnusDei? The majority of his skins are gold.

fuck no wonder his convoluted as fuck fanfic started updating again.

yup. you saw the skin that's replacing that right? I posted it in

Reactor Alert motherfuckers

How long?

I just did it so I had to check semlar. Says it still has an hour. It's a simple low level Corpus exterminate.

Hour and 20(give or take) left from my post.

son of a BITCH

No. Worst you can do is waste time.

Hell, even if you forma something wrong, you can always fix it with another forma. Nothing is can really fuck you forever. There are about 5 items that you can never get back if you sell and they aren't even really good items.

(Broken) War, Broken Scepter, what else?

I still have my piles of nav segments. For no reason.

Stalker drops Broken War BPs

Is it worth buying an ember prime? I wasnt playing during that time and missed it
anyone want to help a good goy and sell me one?

Nah, she's extremely over priced for what prime offers. You could get a memeing strike instead of her.

This. Just get an ember and forma. Basically the same thing.


Wait till they unvault her. It's been a long time coming but I assume it'll be soon. The 600+ plat you'll drop on her just ins't worth it.

rip in peace twitch farming


I've ben one-shot by a few too many prova crewmen and scorpions to make that mistake agai, I'll take a hit to either strength or duration to have a bit more health

I don't really follow shit closely. What's this about watching shit on twitch to get items?

nothing of note anymore

They nerfed it, but you used to be able to watch like 10+ streamers and if you account was linked twitch to warframe you could get drops (90% starbursts and latrons) from them earning achievements. Then they decided they hate their playerbase more then usual today and nerfed it to hell.

There are a number of achievements for streamers to meet. Every time they meet one, people watching receive a reward. You had to link your warframe account to twitch to be eligible.
It's over now, though

The exploit that is.

Shame I missed out on it. Can't even link my account to leave something on while I'm busy.

You can still do it. It's just not as good any more. It runs until Nov. 2nd.

If you link them you get a free Syandana that isn't too shabby either.

Well all I got out of it was 90 latron bps (sold for about 240k) and 5 forma bps, everything else was useless. What I really wanted were the weapon slots that came with Vectis Prime.
I guess the smoke palette is nice, but it's purely aesthetical in value.

i got 30 nitain extract, 30 neurodes 30 forma blueprints and 2 vectis primes and a shit ton of those glyph displays for your ship

Can't even do that right now

well, looks like i won't be getting the frost skin or "watching" any warframe streams ever again then. luckily i got my smoke and vectis last night.

it was all over plebbit, our bumplocked thread had nothing to do with it.

Post your ID and delete it in a minute and i'll send u a clan inv

I ran 10 streamers for 3 days straight. I got 235 Latron Bps, 94 nitain, 1260 startburst, 169 Grand finale 10 smoke palletes, 4 vectis, 5 wyrm, 97 cyan stars, 13 amber stars, 1 frost skin. I managed to get the Teralyst sigil too. I'm not sure if it was worth tanking my connection but at the same time, I wasn't playing anyways. Oh, and 15 days worth of affinity boosters.

Quite the haul

I don't think you could manage it now. Not with how they cucked it.

Meant to reply to you.

i wouldnt anyway. Twitch is for registered losers

Those 4 vectis saved me 24 plat and the 5 wrym too. Free shit is free shit. Oh gevalt.

I have tons to sell but hate camping the trade channel

So this is what an Omegakike looks like…


lotus is best yandere.

I'm shvitzing just thinking about that 2-3$ I saved! But for no effort while I was/am in a burnt out mood I'm happy with it. I'm more just waiting to get a 50-75% off before I buy a handful of plat.


Eh, I have spare money and I've had enough fun with it. I think I've spent a total of 50$? In the entire time I've played.


I havnt spent any. And i have it all. All frames except excal prime. All weapons except maybe 10. And 1500 plat. Plus loads of cosmetic stuff

orvius and broken scepter are the only two i can think of.
scepter is kind of a meme, but orvius is best in class in a meme class

Anything you get from a quest. Ether Daggers, Chroma BP and a bunch of other stuff I can't recall off the top of my head.

I dopn't remember what the fuck happened to my orvius blueprint, but it's gone and I never built one.

can you not get the chroma bp from redoing the quest?

Boo fucking hoo. Just as bad as TF2 idlers.

Too many people play vidya for the skinner box and not for the joy of being a stylish motherfucker.

Nope, You can't get ANY quest item from redoing the quest. The best chance you would have would be the message support.

wait, so you're saying we're shit for outplaying the system and at the same time we're shit for not obeying the system?
What the fuck is your point?

Maybe people wouldn't have to cheat the system if there was a better than 1% drop rate on the actually good loot. Quite sucking DE's Cucknadian dick, faggot.

Where does orvius bp drop?

Do the war within.

The best weapons can be purchased in the store you farmville degenerate

Fuck it, I'll download it now. What should i know going in?

I got the scepter. No orvius.

The fuck don't you get about me calling you a fucking addict?

I play vidya for the fun of playing vidya. Not for collectibles that I wont give a shit about in a year.

You got the blueprint.
Now go on kuva farming missions and kill the fat men.

How about the part you don't even call anyone an addict, just said that grinding games are skinner boxes. I'm not even playing the game now. And when I'm bored with it, I play something else like Subnautica or Hatred which isn't very good, but that's beside the point

I just checked. Orthos prime is my only weapon starting with O

Theyre only grinding games to addicts.

This is my implied point.



Skinner boxes arent fun. Its just a time occupier.


ah, silly me for expecting something sensible. thankfully i waited till i had jewed up enough to buy slots instead of dismantling shit i didn't like.

Somehow by not playing the game I managed to cut down time of playing the game by its own retarded rules. What a concept!


I don't care that you guys were idling, I'm just saying that claiming that idling is fun is stupid. You should have used the "it cuts down on grinding" argument from the start.

it annoys me that i get hundreds of these fireworks that i can't get rid of.


it doesn't increase fun, it decreases the not-so-fun repetitious grind.

Just use them :^)

I didn't say nor imply that. In fact I said that that was a valid point. The idling itself is not fun though.

bind a gear slot to your mouse wheel

wait, holy shit I just got it!
You got hung up on a meme statement! is basically saying a variation of "Stop liking thing I don't like!" and your autistic ass couldn't figure out that it wasn't a direct statement, but instead a mocking of earlier posts.
TLgamer, is that you?

Are the MK1 versions of the weapons always better than the base versions?


the mk1 versions are always worse. the prime and syndicate ones are always better.

Mk1 is better. Mk2 is best

Let's take this from the top. the post was mocking him by making him seem like an autist who couldn't handle others playing in a way he disapproved of. The implication was that you were enjoying the way you were playing. Then I said idling is not fun. What am I not getting here?

Exploiting DE's fuckups is fun you mongoloid. Especially when it requires no effort.

That you're a dumbass for jumping to conclusions.


for added fun, it required a lot of effort on the part of the streamers to grind me all these shitty fireworks.

I love that too. All these fucking nu-males and trannies with chat rules that stretch the page about no discrimination or shaming doing menial work for my slight benefit. I am giving them a view sure, but last I checked Twitch likes to see people being active in chat so I'm not that helpful.

Again, if the only reason you are playing the game is to grind, you are an addict.

The "game" is shooting bad guys in a stylish way and not dying.

Your obsession with loot is pointless. I also enjoy lootgrabing, but if the entire reason you are playing is to lootgrab you are missing the point

And you will continue to miss the point because you are a fragile little bitch that cant say "maybe I am wrong. Maybe I need to sort my shit out."

You're the one not making any sense and reddit spacing
So you're telling me you've only ever used one frame and one set of weapons? Or did you buy everything because you don't have time to play games anymore? I don't have as much time as I used to either, but I can still pop in for a couple of hours. Funny thing is, most of that time is spent choosing what to grind next and optimizing my build for the occasion, missions themselves rarely take more than 15 minutes to complete. Unless it's survival or defense.
And I've asked myself if I was addicted to it. I'm really not. I don't play it every day, I don't play it exclusively and I don't feel like I'm stuck in a loop. I did feel that way when I first started playing a few years ago and that's why I stopped and picked it back up only 2 months ago.
You're the one who sounds insecure, seeing as how you feel the need to lash out at other anons for outplaying the game.

Nice brick of text and cuckchan meme.
Youre fitting in so well!

I just got 200 plat for a hema mod. Did I get jewed?

I'll have that once i get 40000 more mutagen samples

not an argument


#1 here, youre all cuckolds for rebecca

This is a projection. Even if it was true

Comparing the size of the Operator to the Ostron people, the operator is pretty dang tall for a child.

Depends on the stats, but nah that sounds reasonable.

at max it was
+80 multishot
+80 status something
-80 crit damage
-80 recoil

Those were some pretty fucking good stats, you probably could have gotten away with 300, but 200 still isn't shabby.


I hope that was last night because they seemed to fix the multi-twitch exploit earlier today.

Eh it was on for a good 20 hours, I think it was just before they fixed it.

konzu is just fucking with me at this point.

it looks like you can make a decent machete with the zaw system, 32 critchance and 70% slash isn't bad for something I only wanted for its looks.

let's discuss zaws, here's a zaw stat calculator semlar.com/zawcalc

Alright I'm convinced I'm gonna play it.
Just one(or two) final questions.
How toaster friendly is it and does it function on linux

that shits on the stats of all daggers currently in the game. can this really be correct?

Keystone/AE was shit. For a card-based shooter it did neither part well. The decks were tiny and weren't even shuffled, the card variety was nonexistent, the gunplay was slow and spammy, and there weren't enough different characters or a core theme to bring the whole thing together. Good riddance.

from what I see, the site owner is still gathering data, but it better be. daggers are already worthless outside of slow ass covert lethality strats, it's the least they can do to make it worth the grind.


I mean it depends how old that toaster is. But it is very toaster friendly from what ive seen, just make sure to lower settings to what you need.


i mainly do it to spite the faggots that join bounties to fish while other people run it

This. Unless you have a frame with shit attack powers, being in the rift isn't bad. Casting people in the rift on spy/rescue missions is a dick move though.

there's a special place in hell for those people

Works fine on wine

You can make it work on wine so you can play and grind until you're tired.
Just like any woman AYOOOOOOO

anyone got a clan with the blueprint crafting shit on it that I can join?

Since DE is also less than helpful with their abysmal drop-rates, I don't see what your point is. If you have any sense of morals left for these people, you are posting in the wrong place.

not just limbo. i thoroughly enjoy joining sortie with a speed nova and not releasing molecular prime until it gets to a crucial point.

i only really do this when the people are assholes though. or thoroughly unprepared for the mission.

also loki has more use than just "lol youre over here now what the heck?!" with switch teleport. camp in a survival using lokis AOE abilities, then when it gets hard, turn invisible, jump into a crowd of enemies, and grab the weakest guy and put him there.

==THAT'S THE SECOND FUCKING TIME THE GAME SLEEKED ME OUT OF MY EIDOLON DROPS! MOTHERFUCKER!== And on top of that it looks like the chat server's fucked too! DE fix your fucking shit already

tfw so mad I forgot how to red text

Who the fuck thought having warframe parts only drop in events was a good idea? I want my French trap man.


I quit WF sometime last year after minmaxing and literally had nothing else to do. I come back expecting some power creep to cstch up on after the Open World xpack… and God damn did this game go down the shitter. I have a few thousand plat and I see that Primed Point Strike exists, but it came out on a Baro Ki'teer event a long as time ago, so I thought it'd be expensive as fuck.

Then I go to buy it and find out its 80 plat for an unranked mod? I look at all the other primed mods and they're all cheap as fuck? Turns out the reason is that Primed mods are outdated. Fuck these Riven mods, man. Why are we Diablo all the sudden? Rng based mods? I don't want to spend all this money just to essentially play the lottery until I maybe get the best mod. I understand power creep is inevitable but this is unhealthy power creep. It makes me feel like WF got too greedy.

I'm going to probably grind out some open world stuff until it bores me, but after that I'm done. I might give away my plat to some lucky fucker on Holla Forums. I'm giving it a chance, but that's it.

I quit the game shortly after Nikana Prime came out, and Blood Rush / Body count made it OP.

That's not the reason for price deflation. The playerbase has increased, so there's more people offering primed mods, and increase in offer drives prices down. Plus prime parts are easyer to farm, so those too have dropped in price. Literally the only thing that stayed the same is arcanes, most people don't bother with raids, so arcanes are still pretty rare and thus expensive.

primed mods arent outclassed. theyre just easily obtainable so theyre cheap. you can only equip 1 riven mod and youd be hard pressed to find 7 better mods than primed point blank.
i bought it maxed for 150p

riven mods are cool if you get a good one and offer challenges that are actually challenging to unlock. only an addict would spend hours farming kuva to play a slot machine in hopes of getting a good mod. its just supposed to be a bonus you might get if youre lucky.

raids are so boring i cant comprehend how anyone could play these at all, let alone daily.

The reason is that the supply of Primed Mods has increased relative to the demand because the void relic system means everyone has a surplus or prime bits they can vendor whenever they see Baro with stuff they want. Besides Rivens while bullshit, only outclass primed mods when talking about weapons with a disposition of 4 or 5(aka weapons that nobody uses because they suck under normal circumstances).

Limiting Riven mods to 1 per weapon/frame? Or one per Loudout? I suppose limiting them makes it better but it's still a bullshit moneysink.

Can I kindly ask you guys what some meta weapons I should be farming are? I usually switch between Dread/Soma Prime/Boltor Prime for my rifles and Bo Prime/Nikana Prime (or the atterax if I'm feeling kinky) for melee.

Mara Detron is the best pistol, fight me

That sure is a funny way of spelling vaykor marelok.

One per weapon. There are no Warframe rivens, only weapons. And they always have a drain of 18 so you couldn't fit more than one in a build anyways.
Tenora, Pandero, Euphona Prime. And any sniper rifle, cause they got a significant buff.

because it was a misspelling of zakti

That's an interesting pair of Wraith Vipers you got there. I heard they don't empty their mag in under a quarter of a second.

sonicor is the only way. and the most useful since it team rockets an entire room. secondarys are mostly used if you get downed, and the sonicor can CC an entire room in a few shots so your pals can revive you easily. its also VERY high damage.

1 riven per weapon. and also you cant roll what weapon it can be equipped on, only the effects. so basically you get a vailed rifle, pistol, shotgun, or melee riven with a challenge on it. you equip it and complete the challenge (some hard, some easy, some insanely hard) and you get an unlocked riven for a random weapon in whatever category the vailed riven was for. i mostly have rivens for trash weapons with trash stats. my best riven has great stats but on a trash weapon.
you can spend kuva to "reroll" a riven, which will not change what weapon it can go on, but will change the stats… for better or worse. each roll gets more expensive.

riven cards are random drops from sorties and fairly rare. people often sell vailed rivens for 20-50p.

the addiction comes in when someone gets a trash riven for a great/popular weapon, because eventually you can get lucky and spend days tediously rerolling until you get an amazing riven on that great/popular weapon and sell it for insane amounts. i've seen "god rivens" for the lenz sell for 1500p.

this is where you get retards that now instead of doing anything fun, they just farm kuva all day long and reroll a shitty riven for a good gun in hopes they can make alot of plat.

i actually have 2 shitty mutalist cernos rivens and they cannot both be equipped, FYI. they flash red and do the "no no" beep.

That's what I meant. You can only equip one per weapon. I have like 3 Karak rivens that are just sitting there.

What's a cyath? Can this be sold? Should I be rerolling it?

Zaw part
Don't know

i wonder how much more he has to gather, because it looks like they smash the other classes they're in too. lesion is still competitive, but everything else is trash compared to these crit numbers.

it's a zaw. their rivens are listed by the strikes.

Am I wrong in thinking that flipping veiled riven mods is a decent way to make plat?

It's safer than actually opening the mods, but a gamble can go either way. Or, you can be me and get five Buzzlok rivens in row.

Flipping as in buying veiled, unveiling them, rolling them, and selling? it seems to be a shitload of extra work and involves a great deal of time spent in trade chat.
If you meant just selling them straight up veiled, then yeah, that's a pretty low effort way to make some plat.

balor fomorian up.


And nothing of value was gained

What is this event? What can I get from it other than a potato?

i think some archwing weapon drops. more importantly i hope another relay goes down

For what purpose? Just to shit on DE?


this is a first for me, where do I farm the Omega isotope?

Planets near the fomorian

Whats the drop rate on these blueprints? I got imperator vandal blue print on the first run but nothing else in the last 5.

No one ever checks the wiki.

Total bullshit, but the parts are tradeable so you can at least jew the normalfags afterwards.

do warframes have puss puss


what does it feel like

According to the lore, technocyte. So similar to that blubber the ostrons harvest and infested flesh.

The best fleshlight you could possibly have, cranked up to 11

I was looking at the wrong page

DE will never allow that to happen



Wait can you wear the stupid ear things and a mask at the same time?

Feels good fam.

Those spawn underneath the birds wherever they're feeding. I though I found some DEEPEST LORE once too.

Is there a list of general prices for mods somewhere?

At least one of them has taste. Christ look at all that shit.

Was the whole babies piloting the warframes or some shit been retconned or is it still in the game

Still in the game but everybody ignores it

We try to at least. Unlike every other update that gets ignored they keep finding new ways of pegging us with the barbies.


did lotus just tell anybody else that the earth was about to get fucked by an asteroid?


forgot picture

managed to get it without flushing all of my cryotic.
now time to let kronia get thrown into the sun.


Anybody willing to perform an exorcism?

I still need plat from selling the parts.

can anyone recommend a frame with a good ass that is viable and attainable if i am at europa?

Get Valkyr from Alad V on Jupiter. Become FUCKING INVINCIBLE.

jupiter has valkyr and your next planet has ember. though i'm not much for their playstyles, i guess they're good, their asses are above reproach.

Probably has to do with the Umbra update, My guess grinding meteorite fragments in cetus to build it.

That or they're releasing another part of Cetus just with infested instead of Grineer, she did say it was alive.



should i build valkyr if i already have excalibur?
i read in the cuckchan pastebin that excalibur is better at melee and since thats her specialty wouldnt that make her a bit useless?

Valkyr has invulnerability on her 4.

build her around energy efficiency, I haven't found her other 3 skills any more useful. Cant even remember what her 1 was.

Why the fuck are you giving any credence to that source in the first place?

And her claws have 50% base crit chance. The damage is also split evenly so it works on just about anything.

Eternal War augment really makes her 2 shine, but I only use it in group survivals since her armor is already close to the soft cap with a maxed Steel Fiber. Her 3 is good for killing Heavy Gunners and the like with low level melee weapons and breaking unreachable containers in the Void. No one cares about her 1.

All it takes is a maxed Fleeting Expertise and a Streamline to get her Energy per second as low as possible. Same for all abilities like that.

Oh, and the sliding attack in Hysteria melts everything.

Also she's tanky enough to go head to head with a sentient if you use hirudo.

Excalibur is potentially more powerful, but Valkyr is literally unkillable so long as she has Rage installed.

Her 1 is useful for changing direction in midair, and getting rid of drones while you're in Hysteria. It's purely a utility thing.

we dont have one and its the next best thing. what else am i supposed to use?

Building her Parts now and grinding her blueprint to put them together.

You buy her blueprint in the marketplace.

If you're using lifesteal fists to fight them you may as well just use Hysteria. Yeah I know you might not always have the energy, but that's what Rage is for. That and Hysteria's sliding attack can still melt Sentient's through their defenses.

I use it it for dicking around in maps. She gets enough vertical movement during her sliding attack that I can hit drones with it.

I just use the wiki, semlar, or ask here.

thanks that could have been a few hours down the drain.

i pretty much always have the wiki open, but i need to know what to look up for it to be useful and i feel like a wiki wont even mention if a frame is considered shit.


Because wikis aren't for opinions.

I look through the comments on a given wiki page to get an idea of what people think. Tried the Tetra out recently, and thought it was a neat little gun, but it didn't seem that strong and its augment didn't seem that useful. It has high disposition so that's already telling, but I look through the comments and get the general consensus that people think it's a fun gun and love using on mid-level stuff, but it can't hold up at higher levels. So my instinct was right, and I vendor it after maxing it. Sometimes it's the other way around.
However one important detail is that I actually tried the weapon out. You won't really know what to think of Valkyr without giving her a shot. Whether you like her or not you get Mastery either way.

I just realized that I still have my closed beta account with nothing on it but 150 free plat from back in the day, is there any way I can transfer it to my main account?

Trade a shitty mod for 150 plat with main account.

I assume you need to unlock Mars before being able to trade? So I would need to reach that point first on the account.

you just need to reach rank 2

some or all of that plat might not even be trad-able if it was given to you for free in the beginning by DE

is it a good gun?

not really compared to other assault rifles but with the highest rated riven disposition those rivens can probably make it okay after some rolling, there's also a Prisma variant that they work on.

how active is the clan nowadays?
Mostly played on my own with my one man ghost clan but i've been thinking of playing with you guys

I'm keeping twitch open and muted to rack up those free rewards, but so far, I'm getting an assload of Latrons and fireworks. Thanks DE! You stupid cunts.

It's fucking astounding how dumb the average streamer is. I'm watching this dumb cunt stumble her way through the tutorial and trying to figure out what she's supposed to do. She can't even do basic math, for fuck's sake, and she needs chat to explain to her how the game works.. and she's apparently doing this twitch shit for a living. Someone apparently gave her $300+ dollarydoos in twitch funbux.

You're still getting rewards? Mine stopped for some reason.

Female streamers are the worst creatures on earth. Gaymergirls are awful at videogames, and female comedians are fucking atrocious, and you combine both to get a female streamer.

You always got one an hour for having a warframe stream open. You just didn't notice because achievements rolled in so fast.


I'm jumping between streams to find people doing achievement hunting and just starting, because you get one drop per hour watched and one drop per achievement.

You don't understand. I was just farming Cryotic earlier when I noticed nothing in my inbox. I tabbed out and saw the streamer get an achievement right there and then and still got nothing. I'm still logged into Twitch, and haven't made any changes to my profiles. Even after the nerf I could expect a few drops in my inbox every run.

dunno why i find this reload so funny

cant she do anything right? i understand some gamergurl not being good at games, but how can a professional camwhore have her makeup look this bad and get away with it?

You should have done it a few days ago, you used to be able to open as many streams as your CPU could handle and get hundreds in an hour then twitch changed it so only one stream would give you the drops DE didn't bother changing the drop chance for the rarer items though so if you didn't get the frost skin or vectis prime your chances of getting them now are extremely slim.

these lazy niggers are getting out of hand.

Anybody got the screencap of the whole debacle when Gara's name got chosen?

I still can't get over the fact that her name is Gla.

Because it's both tender and slappy.

I wanna cuddle a Moa.

Go away Satan, and take your degeneracy with you.
Moas are for headpats, not cuddles.

Can't you do both?


How can I make these better?
someone told me magnum force is for babies but i dont know which mod to use to replace it sonicor never has any issue with hitting targets i want it to anyway

For the Tenora I'd decide on if I wanted to focus on crits or status. It can kinda do both but it really shines if you go one way over the other.



It is worth noting that the Sonicor's item card is lying to you. The physical bullet it shoots has no status chance, but the AOE it generates has a 25% status chance. So just load that bitch up with status mods.

nigger, i told you what to replace it when i told you why it was shit.

Anyone in the clan online? Can I get an invite?
IGN: fluffrierre

when there is a jump area it seems to mess up grineer/corpus AI. stairs seem to mess up infested. only problem i run into is those toxic clouds that take away 100hp/sec once you get high enough

A lot of enemies have problems with their AI breaking when you jump, The final Inaros fight is a good example right outside the temple there's a small rock you can only get on by jumping and when you do he just stops and looks at you.

Guys, I really need help, what can I do to make my Boltor actually deal damage during sorties?

Play Banshee, press 2.

catalyst alert up. hour and 10 left.

Is it possible to mod sounds in this? I like the lex prime but it sounds like toy star wars gun.



Did they say it was intentional? I sat around for around 15 minutes with literally zero fish at hotspots with bait out.
I figured they just broke it completely.

It's not fair, I just want free weapon slots but have only gotten two so far.




This is anudda shoah!

i would trade them all for more free affinity boosters

there isn't anything wrong with that wfg. other than there being flooded with reddit (alteast they call it out).The op hasn't changed in years but stays up to date on most shit.

if you read the actual thread just be prepared to lose some braincells from the autism and pop a blood vessel from the unironic DE defender whales. Really nothing worth reading.

They're updating their software. Supposed to take all day.