Has anyone actually managed to pull of this faggots Max Act successfully?

Has anyone actually managed to pull of this faggots Max Act successfully?

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Was Nero a decent character? I remember lots of people saying he was the worst character before Donte, but exactly how bad was he as a character compared to the rest of the cast?

He's pretty a pretty tite guy outside the romance subplot. He can be obscene (especially when fighting with the Bianco Angelo), but his taunts and moveset make up for it.


Not with any sort of regularity. Every now and again I can get the timing, but even when I was practicing it I couldn't get it every time.

He's far from the worst. I wouldn't call him good, but decent? Sure.

He's basically just a broodier Dante with a girlfriend.

I used to be able to pull it off on certain moves and combos, but it's one of those things you gotta practice constantly because it's that fucking precise and I'm getting too old to crazy.

Playing the game he's actually not that bad, has more of a vergil edginess to him than casual fun dante but can crack a one-liner when he needs to.

People tend to attribute everything on Nero to that one scene where he was pissed and couldn't save Kyrie from the pope.

Fucking backlogs man

I did it on roughly 10% of my swings back when I played DMC4 a lot, but by now it's been years since I played the game.

Why do people hate Donte so much? I played the game and he didn't seem all that edgy, unlike how people around here seem to say. He just seemed like a confused teen type-of-deal, and as the game's plot progressed he became more and more mature, and his hair turned white to represent his transition away from childish antics and his growth into a more of a classic Dante. I kinda liked it. People keep comparing him to Shadow the Hedgehog and other edgy shit, but honestly he just seemed like an angsty traumatized not-quite-Dante-yet character.

I liked it more than the traditional cheesy overly shiny asian vidya look, I guess. It had more tangible soul to it than that.

The thing is, our first contact with him was the succubus fight, where he is extremely edgy and, really, quite out of character.
For most of the rest of the game, you're right, he's a pretty normal dude. Bland, really. But I'm fairly convinced they toned down the edge a lot after the backlash of the first reveal.

The creatorwho donte is a self-insert for and "journos" poisoned the well long before the game came out so a lot of people just weren't going to spend money on it. And it's being a mediocre at best game wasn't going to do any good to change that.

I guess. But even if he was that edgy, what's the difference between doomguy being ridiculously edgy and monstrous and Donte? Where's the line between edgy and ironically edgy? Because Donte was pretty self-aware in the way he was done, imo.

Source for the self-insert claims? Also, what's that about the journos? I don't read SJW schlock so I might be blissfully unaware on this front.

nice bait

Look up what TemeemI don't know if I fucking spelled that right, but it's the guy who's head of the dev that maid donte must cut and tell me you don't notice the similarity.
How the fuck did you miss that shitstorm? Basically journos were rather happy that the fans of DMC didn't like what they were seeing and acted like smug jackasses about it. Then when the game came out they crowed about the game's "Shakespearean writing." No I'm not making that shit up. And just withing the last year there was one that was still butthurt over the game selling like cold shit.

Amusingly, the journalists attempting to burn the old DMC series in attempts to say that the new one would be better got me to check out DMC, which I had mostly ignored up until then, and ended up loving 3 and liking 4 in some ways.

A differing opinion is not always bait. You're acting like Tumblr does when their dogma is questioned.

The self-insert shit is forced at best, to be honest. I wouldn't be surprised if it did actually happen but the evidence right now is meh at best. As far as journos go - their job is to brew shitstorms and reap the drama. I wouldn't be too surprised at that. The game sold like shit primarily because it alienated the old playerbase due to redesigns and a failure to measure up to older installments in mechanical skill more than anything, I think.

I feel bad for the art team and their creative direction overall. It could be good, but they just had to slap the DMC label on it, and as a result have both alienated the old playerbase and failed to attract a new one. I fucking loved the integration of classical artwork with the more sleek, urban tilt, and especially the parallels between large corporations and the demons running them.

So, nothing new here, then? Journos fucking ruined everything as usual, it seems.

the bait is evolving!

Dante and Virgil are half-demons, and this guy is complaining that they're not acting like knights in shining armor. The first webm is clearly shot on low difficulty, as well.


good argument

This faggot wasnt around for the DmC FUCK YOU threads

you need to go back

You're giving the writers too much benefit of the doubt. These are the guys that thought having Monkey, in Enslaved, kick off a poor helpless innocent dangling from the top of a building made him a badass. The writers at Ninja Theory seriously think being a irredeemable asshole makes someone cool. I'm not saying that Donte is one, but Ninja Theory are definitely not self-aware.

Sons of the only good demon that existed, and half-angel in DmC, as well.

He's complaining the writing is completely inconsistent with Vergil's character and how he barely has any redeeming features for supposedly being one of the heroes. Donte and Vorgil aren't deeply written; they're badly written.

I guess. Still, not nearly as bad as Holla Forums makes it out to be.

I just didn't read em. They were there, but it was mostly anons spamming low-effort memes.

That's because you're not aware of the context around the game. It wasn't just a mediocre action game with a focus on its poor story. It wasn't even just an unnecessary reboot of a beloved series to try appealing to a wider market. It was a blatant attempt to spite the DMC fanbase and go "nyeh nyeh, we're going to make this game more successful than any of those lame games you like". You had journalists claiming Tameem was the "savior" of the series, journalists saying 60 fps was something only losers cared about, the developers claiming it would "feel" like 60 fps despite only being 30 fps, journalists claiming fans were only upset because Dante's hair wasn't white, the developers acting proud that their game was a silly anime game like the rest, Ninja Theory's twitter thanking a magazine for a raving review that actually hadn't been printed, yet. Fans were told "if you don't like it, don't buy it", and, after the game sold poorly, fans were blamed for "not giving the game a chance". There was a huge attempt to take a dump on DMC and its fans with DmC, and, when it failed, they acted like they were the victims.


The journos did. They're the hyenas of the industry.

Now this is more damning. You got source on that?

Sadly, no. It's been too long for me to exactly remember everything from that time, especially specific tweets and interviews. I did find some other damning articles, though, like Tameem saying 30 fps is a good thing.
Tameem hoping DmC will "break the myth" of video game stories being shit.
Tameem saying that old Dante isn't cool anymore and his is.
And there's, of course, the slides from Ninja Theory's GDC 2013 presentation on the making of DmC.
Tameem, at the very least, was of the opinion that classic DMC was just ridiculous Japanese stuff that wasn't cool and that his interpretation was going to be cool.

This is very, very pathetic and you've succeeded in making me hate this faggot deeply.


Might as well post some of the DmC shit.


This is why you never let Gaijin handle Japanese properties. They always fuck it up. See also: Dead Rising.

And, I just realized I posted the same picture twice, and one doesn't even have any relation to DmC''.


No, he was a bare bones shounen archetype who existed as a marketing gimmick because Capcom thought that Dante wasn't popular with the kids. He's a one dimensional, pussy-whipped, emotional trainwreck who only ever thinks with his dick. His design and personality are alright, though. He could've been given a more complex motivation and an actual origin story, but what're you gonna do? The story was garbage, so you can't expect much from the characters to begin with.

That was his entire motivation, though. It directly impacted the story's outcome, too. If his girlfriend died, Nero wouldn't have had any reason to go on, even when the stakes were raised, and Dante would've had to clean up his mess.

How new are you? Lurk more


The Western companies never seem to "Fuck up" when it comes to shooters. And, before someone brings up LP3, let me just point out that everything about that game with the PR, the interviews, and info being given is too sketchy to know what went on with that. It seems like everyone knew it was going to fail, but no one could explain why nothing was done to prevent it.

That's because Tameen was a gutless fuck and couldn't even keep his edgy donte that was shown in the initial trailers. He doesn't even smoke in the final game and is stuck in some shitty limbo between edgy donte and bad knockoff of regular dante. Honestly going full edge would have been more entertaining at that point.

I will feel like 60

Just get your timing right, my dude. After a practicing a few time it becomes second nature.

I thought all this was commonly know.
Tameem trully did believe that Dante was based on the "old" 90's meaning of cool and wanted to make him timeless by ironicly making it a dated early 2010's style emo fag.

Retro's Mega Man X FPS looked like it was going to be a massive fuckup had it not been canceled.

I agree, if Donte wasn't supposed to be Dante and DmC wasn't meant to be a Devil May Cry game it was actually kinda fun. But considering it was meant to be a Devil May Cry game and was mechanically inferior. The poor characterization really just was the straw that broke the camels back and the Drama about Donte's aesthetic was largely a straw man the developers resorted to in order to ignore legitimate criticism of the game play. But if it was a stand alone game with no ties to Devil May Cry it was enjoyable enough to warnet a playthrough.


Suppose he got it right. Suppose his final product actually ticked all the right boxes of what "cool" is.
Why the fuck would you take a franchise with an already estabilished following, who admittedly already love it's MC, and just try to change it to your view? How any human being with two brain cells to rub together would think that was a good idea is beyond me. DMC wasn't a underdog franchise, with a meek following, that would benefit from revamping it's MC. But they went and changed it, and acted surprised people who liked old DMC didn't like it, and people who didn't like old DMC didn't care about it.
There's no logit to what he did.

The SSShakesperian writing.
They made Vergil into a trencoat-wearing, fedora-tipping, teleport-behind-you edgelord. Dante constantly acts like a bitch in the cutscenes and overall acts like a brat for the majority of the game.


According to Ninja Theory, their first concept of their new Dante was actually very close to old Dante, but Capcom told them to change it, with the reason being why would they ask them to do a brand new take on DMC if they're not going to make it all that different. Capcom wanted a completely new reboot, probably hoping that doing so would bring in millions and millions of sales.

So Capcom was the problem once again?
Once again?
Once again?

Assuming it's not bait, there's a long series of videos going into detail as to why DmC wasn't well received by the fans.

I remember hearing that Inafune somehow influenced the decision to go for Ninja Theory. Incidentally he also helped make the newest terrible Ninja Gaiden game.

As said, it was probably a lingering result of Inafune's westabooism at Capcom. He's the one who wanted to partner with western developers.

Yeah it's just a matter of playing him long enough and knowing where in the attack you press exactly for max act, once you get that down you're heavily rewarded.
Mainly you want to learn the timings on his first slash in the basic 4 slash combo.
His ground pound move with at least 1 exceed since this becomes godly crowd control and damage if kept at 3 and his air dash attack (lock on + Back > Forward > attack) since this turns a lot of flying enemies and the priest into small time.

it all makes sense now!

I have never played a Devil May Cry-game before but i bought DmC because it was cheap and got me over the free shipping-hump. I tried it out for a day or two and got far but it just felt so mediocre and easy. And there weren't any cool shit you could do or pull off like i've seen videos of the other games being done.

It's just a lackluster game with a dumb, easy and accessible combat system that any button-mashing retard can play with.

Found two sources from 2010 actually. You can absolutely blame Inafune. Again.



From what I can tell older fans were annoyed by Nero since he had the spotlight and they still wanted to play as Dante, but after DmC everyone's tone changed to webm related.

That's some comedic gold right there

to get back to the original question

I do all the time just times just not with 100% consistently. A regular Act is more forgiving with it's timing were a Max Act is Frame perfect.
I'm just keep pressing the exceed button after almost every attack. It's about having timing and a little luck sometimes.

Webm related

I had no idea you could rev during that move.

Nero is extremely strong and an okay character. Him screaming for his waifu is annoying however.

Once you learn to time max act like ~25% of the time he becomes an unstoppable boss-killer. (Not including crazy boss Dante)
All you do is always charge your gun to level 3 while you do shit, fly around the level with Calibur, grabs and jump cancels and exceed on every hit you can.

Bursting bosses with Nero is incredibly easy, and once they go into their weakened state you just DT, grab and ravage them.
He's a very easy, but solid and strong character.

It only lets you do so when you already have at least 1 bar.

I hope you played the other ones after

Is it me, or is Capcom good at modelling women I want to fuck?

seriously though

I completely agree with you, one of the few reason I going back to DMC2 once in a while is that I really like Lucia's look


I mean it's okay to do that but holy fuck nigger you're lazy.

>using (((google)))
If you do, you'll probably get google approved content such as articles about how gamers are babies who hate Donte's hair.

You know I just love Devil May Cry so god damn much. it's been my favorite series ever since I started playing them when 4 first came out.
I really hope Itsuno is working on a proper DMC 5 and that Capcom doesn't fuck with his work too much.

a man can dream

Even if his project isn't DMC related at least Itsuno almost always manages to put out a good game.


A good game that the executivea at Capcom try to screw with. Itsuno must have banged the wife of every executive at Capcom considering how much they fuck with his games.

Thanks for putting this image in my head user.

Damn it, that made me laugh.

I never even noticed that.



I love Devil May Cry too user, but I've learned to just let it go. Capcom is nothing but e-trash now.
The best that can happen now is that Capcom goes bankrupt and sells the rights to a proper, well known publisher.


I think Capcom corporate is too proudly Japanese to do that. They'll sell it to Squeenix, instead.

They'll release some stupid pozzed version of the game with some retarded black main character fighting the evil demon whyte man. Dante will take a seat back to a strong proud woman of color.
some part of me wants to see this happen

To be precise, it was Keiji Inafune who told them to do that.

Untill I see for sure that That Capcom is so bad that They make Itsuno's game into unredeemable garbage I won't give up hope.

If Itsuno's game is actually shit, then I will gladly let Capcom fuck themselves over into the ground.

I'm okay with this.

I can do Just cuts on Vergil easily but Max acts are annoying

this, he became so much more fun and powerful when I changed his gun from X to a trigger

and bustering a boss, revving and releasing releasing gun during animation while devil triggered is just disgusting

Good bait.

Your optimism is revolting user

It's less optimism and more that the Idea of a Future DMC5 or Ninja Gaiden 4 are some of the few things that keeps me going.

Back to

And you're very fucking new and defended a shitty game without knowing better.

Burning the history of games is important to some people. Call it what you will, but the effect is the same. "please forget the past" why is not naming every remake exactly the same thing as the original fooling everybody?

I live in Europe, It's really bad here. It's like living in a circus clown parody of a dystopian control state, but it's actually real. Next they invent a single word for not being a part of the society that surrounds you. And that word will be used to slave everyone.

Brexit was the best thing that ever happened in Europe. But now they think that "it's actually not possible to leave EU", so brexit is just a smoke screen. Good news everyone, we are now slaves to the private banks. I bet good times will come from this.

While real DMC are games that get better the more you play them. DmC gets worse the more you play it and the more you know about it.

Lets say someone isn't an already established DMC fan and got DmC for free on PlayStation plus or some shit. If they only play the game once and then forget about it they would probably think "that game was alright." They have no frame of reference on just how much better DMC 1, 3, and 4 are.
That's why you never see anyone who has beaten DMC3 on DMD say that they think DmC is good. because no one who put the time into actually learning how to play Devil may cry well is going to defend DmC.
There may be DMC fans who like DmC regardless of it's flaws like MP4 related is someone who can still have fun with the combo system, but no one who knows their shit is going to defend the train wreck that is DmC.

Too bad the PC version didn't get the upgrade.

The lack of that feature alone should be enough to turn everyone off this turd

Seriously it's the fucking worst. In DmC your DT takes for fucking ever to fill up, and if you had taunts that gave you DT and style that would improve the game significantly, But no Ninja theory thought having Taunts could ruin their ground braking story, "When Dante and Vergil are fighting at the end it wouldn't make sense for Dante to be taunting him. better not have it in the game at all"
Fucking cinematic bullshit is the worst thing to ever happen to video games.

at least Nier Automata was recent and decent



So was Transformers Devastation, I'm thankful Platinum is consistently making good action games save for TMNT being dogshit somehow, even if they all pretty much just use the Bayonetta template.

I'm also Glad Nioh is coming to PC, and I hope that means Team Ninja is now working on NG4 having learned from their mistakes from NG3.
My Dream is for DMC5 and NG4 are announce at the same time.

Well that webm was mostly just an exceed demonstration for OP.


I'd consider myself pretty average at the game but I always got it fairly consistently off of Helm Breaker. I think it has a wider input range due to the move being inherently hard to time (based on how high you are), so just guessing gives a good chance.

Ya. Its pretty easy on some moves like streak and split. Its hard to get the time down perfect in some of the other moves though

But its totally doable. I remember watching russian streamer who was able to get it almost all of the time. I swear I only saw her miss like 5 times the entire stream

Those timing based moves are always the flashiest shit.
Besides this and Royal Guard Vergil's Judgement Cut is a lot of fun. Also found it a lot easier to learn than Max Act.

i haven't ever played DmC, but why does that game always look so clunky when people are chaining together combos like that?
DMC4 is smooth as hell but I can't place where the difference is. the animations? the inertia, or lack of it in DmC?

for a game so concerned about presentation, they sure managed to royally fuck it up.

DmC's animations look decent when your doing the full combo but when your canceling it looks janky, I imagine this is because Ninja Theroy had zero experience in putting any kind of canceling gameplay mechanics into their games, but do so in this case because it was on the check list of things they were contractually obligated to put in the game.

What the fuck this giant car is doing there?


Must be a mod

There are allot of mods for bloody palace's background. I think that's a silent hill one.

Grow up, stop being so immature.

I was about togot to sleept but you have given n me pause

I'd wager 30fps for a start. Second would be that in DMC3 the wind up for attacks is longer but the attacks themselves are shorter. In DmC the attacks last a fair bit longer even though a lot will come out of the wind up before DMC3's attacks will. Recovery seems to vary but that's something we can ignore given most people will cancel out of recovery.

To be fair it's not 30fps that's the definitive edition of DmC which is at 60fps.

it also has turbo and basicly a bunch of shit that people modded into the PC version that should have been in the game day one but they made a whole new version only on PS4 and Xbone so the PC players who Ninja theroy copied get shafted.

Not in that video mate.

I'm not talking about the video you posted i'm talking about the one I posted which is the one he is talking about here

Okay. Yeah in that case I'd chalk it up to the actual DMC games having a better grasp on easing in and out of the attack animations.

Nero was garbage and i hope he never shows up again, same for donte
If they want to give us another character to play as, give us Trish.

Nigga did you see/play his credo fight?

But seriously though what really turns people off Nero? apart from the ground pounding incident.

DMC4 was my first DMC game so i never disliked Nero but I suspect people don't like him because he's basically just Diet Dante/Vergil.
DMC3 did Dante and Vergil fantastic where Nero simply isn't as impressive as them, though that's kind of the point of Nero, He's Dante's punk nephew. At the start of DMC4 Dante and Nero both try to one up each other (but it's clear Dante is holding back,) and by the end they both Respect each other.

He's catered towards newcomers and most people don't want to put the training wheels back on their bike once they know how to ride it.

What the fuck is the logic in this? You're saying fuck you to the people you want to buy the game.

The logic of liberals is basically non existent.
Don't try to comprehend their actions

I've never played a DMC game. I own a PS2, but will I need to play DMC 1 and 2 before I play 3?

Are these all based off real games? I recognize Hotline Miami, Katawa Shoujo, that one game I only know about from Cr1tikal, and Space Station 13.

You don't have to play any game before playing DMC3, although i'd recommend playing DMC1. It's great in its own right. Going back to it after playing DMC3 might be a bit tough though.
Devil May Cry 2 does not exist.

There is also Sengoku Rance
Don't know what one is


His kit is extremely fucking basic if you cannot into Ex/Max Act, Table Hopper chaining, Charge shots, DT Guard, etc. So to someone unaware of all the teeny tiny mechanics he has, he seems a bit simplistic compared to Dante. And he is since he's straight up unfinished, like there's an entire section of DT upgrades just fucking cut.

Each DMC game is a stand alone story so you can play them in any order and not be too confused since they rarely being up past events.
But if you do play them in release order you get to see how the gameplay evolves over the course of each game.
DMC 2 is skipable since it's just worse the DMC1 and it takes place at the end of the time line, Capcom has being ignoring it's existence since practically day 1.

You don't need to play either game before 3, but if you do decide to play 1, make sure you play it before playing 3 or 4. The combat of the latter two might make 1 hard to go back to otherwise.
But yeah, 1, 3 & 4 are all worth your time. 2 is skippable.

Well you're not wholly wrong. in the true cannon they are half-demon half-human.

where in dmc3 dante clings to his humanity where as vergil embraces his demon side (why he has access to his DT early in the game)

Yes, Nero IS garbage, he's basically a lame, effeminate, shit copy of Dante, i don't know what the fuck the developers were thinking

That's one of the best parts of DMC3, Dante and Vergil are too sides of the same coin at the start of the game, They have something the other doesn't, but at the end of the game Dante wins because he learned to accept and embrace both his Humanity and his Demonic heritage, What makes him stronger then Vergil in the final fight is that Dante is fighting for more then just himself now.

Some people see Devil May Cry as just a dumb crazy action game, and it is to a certain extent, but there is more there then just Curraaazzzzy.
Like webm related. As bad ass as Dante is, there are a few times where you can see he is a genuinely kind person, and those are some of my favorite moments.

I had assumed Nero was part of the family, there were theories about him being Vergil's son or something.

It been officially confirmed in the DMC 4 Art book that is the case (this shitty pic was thing I could find at the momment.) DMC4 just doesn't say it out right, so there's still some confusion for people who don't look it up

It doesn't matter the justification, if he's a relative or whatever, he's still an unnecessary clone character.
This also happens in comic books when at some point, artists and Writers lose their inspiration and lack ideas.
So you have a character (usually the main) with his specific look, traits and abilities, and part of his charm/appeal lies in the fact that stands out and he's unique.
Then at some point some retard with no ideas says:
And so on.
It's like adding water to a good wine, you won't end up with more wine, you are just spoiling the good wine left.

Nero isn't a "version of Dante" though, they pretty much have nothing in common besides blood ties. He's literally Vergil's son.

stay mad faggot
he will always be better than donte

By character design he is.

I bet you like DmC as well.
Also stating the obvious is not being mad, but your reaction sure is.

How does that make him redundant? If looks were the problem, you'd cry about Vergil too, or wait, is a recolor and a slight haircut change enough for you to change page?
Then Nero shouldn't be a problem either.
Or wait:
You're an ESL retard that thinks his personal and nonsensical tastes matter.

Nero was like another Raiden.
People wanted to play as Sanke/Dante but they were given some guy who isn't as badass, has girlfriend baggage, and where then forced to play as him for the majority of the game.
Some people dealt with it fine some people thought it was a load of shit that ruined the game.

Top notch reasoning there.

Nobody is "crying" here kid, how come people like you think that whoever challenges your worldview is "crying" "mad" "hating" "butthurt" or some stupid shit like that?
feels like arguing with a libtard, grow up already.
First of all Vergil was there since DMC1, was supposed to be part of the story since day one and i am not saying anything about him.
Nero is redundant because he's a poor man version of Dante, who looks almost the same, dresses the same, uses the same weapons and he's boring as fuck.
There's no point in adding something "new" if new means a little variation of what was always there.
Some of his abilities were cool, but they could have simply implemented them as an addition to Dante's moves, no reason for a "new" character at all.

While your critic of his character is hard to argue with, since DMC4 was my first DMC game Nero was great for me since he was a beginner friendly character, To be honest I was awful when I played as Dante in DMC4, I only able to gut gid when I went back and played DMC 1 and 3.

The biggest problem with Nero from what i'v seen is that the game forces you to play as him, DMC vets couldn't just play as Dante from the start.
But I suspect this problem happened because DMC4 is unfinished, it's probable they could only finished enough content for 1 character so in order to pad the game to 20 missions they put in the Dante back tracking. When you look at things like the Art book it's clear the was going to be allot more in DMC4.

You're clearly retarded. I'm saying your reasoning for disliking the character is nonsensical. If you had a point, people wouldn't shit on you. Instead, all you do is try to somehow make it seem like your faulty, contradictory perception actually means something.
Being an ESL and all, you never knew that "crying" is a synonym to "whining", which is a synonym to "complaining", it's a mere fact that you're complaining right now, further proven by the other fact that you're biased and contradictory.
Because you're a biased little shithead that can't keep up with his own reasoning and constantly backpedals.
But he's not, you just accepted that here:

He's his nephew and the son of Vergil, of course he'd resemble his father to some degree.
No, they dress differently too. You have some shitty ass categories there, is it that he's "wearing clothes" that bothers you?
No, that's still wrong, unless your categories are basically "ranged weapon" and "melee weapon".
Your same logic can deny sequels for DMC too.
Dante could as well just have had Vergil's moveset too though.

Fisrt of all calm your tits, and put some preparation H up your ass, kiddo.
by "people" you mean yourself right?
liberals, celebrities and media shit on nationalist too, it doesn't mean they are right nor that nationalists are wrong, therefore your "point" is retarded just like yourself.
I still think that Nero is shit and your "hurr durr ur a retard, stop sayin that fav character evah suck! :,,,(" didn't change my mind, so if you call that being biased i guess i am.
backpedals? do you even know what that means or do you think that's some ramdom word that makes you "win" an argument?
Also my reasoning is pretty simple, not my fault if you are dense as a motherfucker.
who had no reason to exist, and added NOTHING of worth in the series.
"Nero's trenchcoat is purple and has a hood, COMPLETELY DIFFERENT! >:("
doesn't matter if the sword is shaped differently or the guns are "not exactly the same" He still uses guns and a big sword and that's not enough to say "it'not a clone! it's totally different" like you are claiming.
No because a sequel is, more or less, supposed to be an improved "more of the same" type of thing, if you change too much, might as well change the title and make another game.
Yes, if Vergil didn't exist since the first game, at least they didn't gave him a pair of guns.
Now take your meds and go to bed, before that pulsing veins in your red face is going to explode.

based nero

After eating shit, even broccoli would taste like the best thing ever.

Get a load of this stupid faggot
>muh husbando

Wait wait wait, user. Do you take meds and have a red face?

The one major advantage Nero has over Dante is his crowd control moves. The game also seems to be better built around him than Dante.

I've done it twice actually

Only twice user?

A snail-paced FPS with bad controls. Is this supposed to impress me? Literally the only reason people care about Prime is because Fusion came out at the same time and was even worse.

The bosses really could have been better to be honest.