You can get banned for spamming character voice lines in Overcuck


Other urls found in this thread:

How does this even work?

the porn is the only good thing about Overwatch and I've never even played it tbh


Its multiplayer only
Its stuck to Blizzkikes very own client with an EULA and TOS 3 times worse than Steam.

Doesn't surprise me in the least. This is the game where you can't say 'gg ez' because it might hurt some loser's feelings.

I don't see the appeal in jerking off to goofy looking pixar characters.

You have to buy a new copy unless you are MAC banned in which case you have to buy a new hardware configuration if you want to play the game

This is unbelievable.
I played Overmeme a few months after it came out, got it for like, half price. It only took about a week for me to see it didn't have much depth as a game at all.

This is a paid game user, its not free.
You can literally be banned for using in-game features provided to you too much.
That's fucking stupid.

There's nothing good about porn

I miss micspam. It brought fun to matches, and hearing normalfags who were too lazy to use mute flip out never seemed to get old. Multiplayer games really need to shift back to community servers again.

Some of the best fun in the Left 4 Dead series is spamming your character’s laughing. Two allies dead, you’re both low on health and ammo, and you’re just laughing away like a lunatic in a post-apocalyptic nightmare. Great psych-out.

Pirate it and just get into the servers.
1. That’s absolutely not fucking legal. It just hasn’t been challenged in court.
2. So spoof your MAC address.

You deserve everything bad that happens and worse. Kindly hang yourself.


Get better taste

Are they gonna ban kill-cam emotes next? Then again absolutely nothing is lost becuase Overwatches non-paid voice lines are devoid of personality with the same exact commands over 15 character voices becuase rather than have a tight roster of well-developed characters with will developed personalities, they wanted to appeal to everyone possible and have a shitton of bland uninteresting characters that "personalities" that are only really already established character tropes

Nice get.

Fuck the Chinese.

Anyone that bought that shit deserves whatever SJW faggotry they have to deal with.

You are actual fucking cancer and I would ban you from my server immediately

literally the only reason I bothered to create a L4D2 dedicated server was to ban pricks like you, unironically kill yourself. God fucking damn I'm salty right now.

Surely you jest?

come tell that to my face pai-lo and see what happens

Count again friendo.

Does Overwatch have physical copies? You can't buy digital games. At least not from (((Steam))) or any other major source of them. You're only licensing the rights to play the game until they decide they don't want you to anymore.

user, they got so triggered over me shitting up their circlejerk they even made OC about it.

Just like everything by ActiBlizz

It was great, also church guy bind although the knowledge to do it may have been lost over time.

Well this is why multiplayer focused games are always shit to begin with. And "multiplayer" games that you can't play split screen are automatically complete garbage.

LOL you’re one of the ones I loved playing with the most


I remember being able to spawn in extra NPC survivors. A health bar for the first one would actually show up on the screen, so you’d see five bars, two of which are Bill (or whoever), and then six additional Bills running with you and your teammates. Tons of fun.

What kind of retard gets mad at spammed voice commands? I bet smug anime girls make you angry too.

Kek very nice

Also remember that voice lines have to be purchased/won from a lootbox
So you are being banned from a paid game, by using a feature that is behind a paywall kek
Why this faggots haven't been sued is beyond my comprehension



Oh this shit just keeps getting better.

Maybe if you're fucking underaged

Here you go nigger


Welcome to online kindergarten gaming, where all the feefees of the babbies remain shut out from any and all possible methods of griefing.
Even if said "possible" methods of griefing also include the only way you can communicate with certain people.
I played SHITE, you have to spam VGS commands like a motherfucker just to get some retard with a pea-sized brain to realize what a terrible position he is in.


Unless you're talking about Pong and a couple other pre-atari things, multiplayer focused games are a relatively new thing. There are fighting games but they weren't a thing until the '90s, and they were still made to actually play with your friends, and not random nobodies online. That's not to say there weren't other multiplayer games, but they didn't dominate the market, and they were always sure to actually make a worthwhile single player game. The rise of multiplayer focus is very much a 21st century thing.

Plus, I play video games because I don't want to interact with people. Otherwise I'd just be a fucking normalfag.


That's hilarious. What a fucking joke.


Congratulations of stripping online shooters of any sort of personality. The worst part is that I'm not even surprised, after they made it so you literally can't talk to your opponent in Hearthstone. They were so fucking worried about people being offended they refused to include chat for a fucking CARD GAME.
I probably would be playing Hearthstone if I was able to actually talk to my opponent, that would have made the game comfy and fun.

Having innocent fun officially toxic.

Sounds like he got banned for being a typical underage MOBA-playing faggot.

You have to go back.


Feminism summed up in five words.


It had a lot of hype user, even Holla Forums got infected by it. The trailers and all the shit they thought up did actually make it look good.
Its a shame it ended up being shit.

Friendly reminder a good chunk of this game's revenue comes from Blizzard banning people who stream this game exclusively, pigeonholing them into buying another copy to keep their channel alive. This is what they want gaming to devolve into. They want it to become your meal ticket so you have no say in the matter.


Overwatch is Team Fortress 2 with MOBA mechanics thrown in and being progressive for the sake of being progressive.

Please don't tell me you actually believe that

Except you're wrong.
The trailers were shit predictable garbage.

Got a source my man?

Easy to say that in hindsight.

It's more believable that Overwatch has a contract with UN to push globalism/multiculturalism agenda and shilling for the UN itself.


The only people affected by the trailers were 4am cucks and suicidal introverts. If you were in the threads you would know this.

Embed related is a video some faggot made of a trailer before it was even out

Kill me Pete

Either 16 or a huge fucking consolefag


nice try, neofag.

kek, keep trying lad. Shitposting isn't an argument

its actually same thing in dota 2 but it is not spammable the voice lines have like 5min cooldown and they expire from inventory: as in, are removed from the game after you paid for them.


Maybe I'm misremembering then.
I'll take your words for it.


Until The Orange Box taught normalfags that "The cake is a lie XD!" PC gaming was a small niche even within the niche that is video games. Just look at the sales numbers for the biggest PC releases and see how they pale to console numbers. The biggest games of all time were all for dedicated hardware. But have fun pretending Jazz Jackrabbit and Commander Keen were as good as Mario and Sonic. You got shooters and RTS, and I'm glad you found your niche, but it was a tiny niche, so don't pretend it was the norm. It was only once the PC shit infected real video games that their shit genres (especially shooters) and shit practices (pushing online harder, including subscriptions and microtransations) became mainstream.

Doesn't overwatch already have a built in spam-stopper? When I played it i kept pressing the voice line button to mess around and it turned off the option for like 30 seconds

Either way from what i understand the devs are so desperate to appeal to the forum babies that they keep fucking up their own game

I remember when I'd play in Age of Mythology online matches, and get booted from groups because I'd just spam audio clips hard enough to make the game lag. Good times.


Holy autism batman

and paid emoticons.
that are separate from steam itself that has paid emoticons and profile backgrounds

look how much a rare pepe costs

You're a fucking idiot and obviously underage. Likely never seen an upright in person.


None of that shit is true.

No fun retard here look at him.

Oh yeah, you were in those threads alright

Good joke, you got your proof like the newfag you are.

Thanks for proving me right
Bye underage


Wew. The only fun I had playing other trash (lol etc) was in spamming the laugh emote and absolutely wrecking any team composure for the ranked kiddies that take it way too seriously.

Christ you're an autist.

anyone who plays DOTA need to see a fucking doctor

I can see why yuros are embarrassed by portugal.

I newfag

Are you going to defend Bui, Marche, Val, Quentin, Rugga and Mark next?

What a fag.

Lets find out!

What did he mean by this?


What the actual fuck? THEY ALREADY PUT AN AGGRESSIVE AS FUCK SPAM LIMIT ON VOICE LINES! How the fuck do they think that was necessary? Why is Blizzard doing all in their power to make Overwatch not fun? Between the filtering of text chat, to the constant cycling of game modes you're forced to deal with, to the shitty nonexistent custom servers. There's no fucking way anyone can be this retarded and still get a job at managing online games, I refuse to believe this. It's like someone on Blizzard is intentionally trying to sabatoge the game

I used to be a vol. No one was "defending" Overwatch. You fags were just spamming the threads too much and we had to do something. Don't equate someone doing their job for free to defending a game.

well you see young child, if you're cheating online you tend to get banned from the game you bought and then you cry on 8ch about it and say you weren't cheating. there's also buying a game knowing that people have been banned for trolling online previously then acting shocked when it happens to you for the same thing

Greeting to everyone who reads the screenshot of this post, whenever he gets assblasted in another thread and posts it

At least I haven't been banned for saying thanks after kills in tf2 yet.


I too used to be a board vol and there were some faggots defending it in mark's inner circle.

Nice cuckchan memes lad

I sure hope you don't actually play this shit user

Called me out on what?
That there are no good multiplayer only games?
Like he spouts every time he makes himself known?
Are you ok user?
Did playing too much Hearthstone break your nervous system?

Not to defend Valve, but aren't most TF2 servers dedicated ones though?
These bans are being handed by designated shitting streeters contracted by Blizzkike themselves


Funny how a toxic person like Kaplan gets to tell what is toxic or not.

EA was doing the same thing with Buttholefilled 3 and 4.


More so they decided to shove community servers in a corner and introduce shit quests for cosmetics that can only be done on valve servers.
But yes.

I bought this shit hoping it would fill the void left behind when I finally stopped playing TF2It didn't and now I feel robbed

You would know, I guess. What does 'I newfag' mean? Are you trying to say you're a newfag?


This is beyond autism
And no, I wasn't.
Why don't you post an archive of the entire thread?
If you're this autistic surely you won't mind people seeing the rest of your posts, right?

Wasn't the fucking game supposed to get a server browser?

Ah yes, reminds me of when CSGO was like 6 months old and Valve started banning custom servers.
Good shit
glad I never bought that cancer
still play Source and DoD and get depressed by how empty most shit is and how I'm never getting non kiked games like thses again

Why anyone though this would be like TF2 is beyond my comprehension, this garbage isn't even class based.

I guess we'll never know

I guess you really weren't on those threads
How fucking new are you?

Custom map servers that is


Its all matchmaking nowadays you can thank Halo and Call of Duty for that.

At least now I know you're just pretending to be retarded

I don't remember there being one though. I just remember multiple Overwatch threads before the game came out, and generals that came on after.
Not new at all though user.

Worst purchase I've ever made and it just keeps getting worse. Least I stopped playing at around the 40 hour mark.

My eternal african!
I also had Zoey's "Game Over man" line, death screams, and pill eating sound bound. Also had a separate config that had it set to scream "Boomer" everytime I fired my weapon

I know this pain, my IRL buddy who i didn't get to play games as often with wanted it, i played the open beta and didn't hate it so i opted in to play with my buddy more and then he BUYS THE FUCKING PS4 VERSION

i boot it up once and awhile to just banter with online buddies but I'd rather play anything else usually

What the fuck am I reading?

Do you also not remember about the Fallout 4 and NuDoom cyclical?

Do you think an HTLM edit would be that fucking big?

Good way to play something for a week before they ignore and go back to more lootshit and ASSFAGGOTS.

It's time to stop posting tbh

All my friends ranted about how cool it looked, so for the first time ever I bought a game on launch to escape the dreaded, "We found a new game" cycle. I ended up playing it way longer than any of them. The game feels like a body at an open casket funeral. If looks like it should be dancing around and having fun, but really it's fucking dead inside.

At what point does repeated diversity become toxic? I want the bespectacled blizzjew to explain it to me.

That's exactly what happened. And now it's PUBG that's the new hotness and I'm not buying into it this time.

sounds about right. There's some fun aspects to OW but the devs keep ruining those

20 MILLION BUY IN for a team into their Overwatch league

PUBG is actually fun even without friends
Also you can troll people with open mic. It's like the days of old

Too bad the devs ban you for stupid shit in that game too

It's also early access with lootcrates and devs handing out bans for no reason. I'm not dropping money on it.


No disagreement there. The game has been well worth my money, but I also regret that I gave the devs the money.

Never, user, diversity is never toxic, the only thing better than mixing up normal white people with non-whites and trannies is having no white or straight people at all. If you think otherwise you're a bigot racist homophobic transphobic Islamophobic anti-Semitic Republican Drumpfkin bible-thumping redneck Nazi. It's the Current Year, don't you know that?

Fuck you I can hear the coupon bug jingle in my head now.



But then how can they ban people for spamming their diversity-based voice lines?

That is harasment/rape, cant you see? Ugh

Nigger these are the same faggots that banned infamous WoW guilds which are part of Roleplaying game, controlled and modified a virtual economy for their own gain and banned accounts that were sold while having their own fucking auction house on a virtual game.
These are top tier kikes, and people here still defend them to this day since they're as rabid as a cukchan SJW fa/tg/uy, fuck, cuckchan /tg/ loves them still.

Live and learn
At least my mistake was half the price with Starbound

Too bad the devs are kikes and are pandering to chinks while kiking the game with lootboxes before its even half finished.
You're one stupid nigger

I'm not disagreeing


I guess these are dire times for multiplayer fags

You have to go back

Let me clarify that
*Favorite NEW game

Please fuck off.



Divinity OS 2


No one here likes WoW anymore even when there used to be threads on the game's playberbase drastically declining.

I'm calling it now. People who made Parody videos of Social Justice Watch will get C&Ds from Kaplan and Bobby Kotick, killing anything funny about Social Justice Watch.

That is some ugly rendering.

Don't forget that Blizzcon will have a dedicated diversity area so the goys can learn to be better goys.


And that MUH DIVERSITY had more focus than this year's Diablo 3 panel; just like how making Tracer gay and announcing a gay character in Social Justice Watch had more priority than Diablo turning 25 or fixing the ruptures that's killing WoW and it's subs.

Let this post sink in for a minute.

Let's hope blizzard goes the way of bioware soon.

I can understand someone who actually matters, but a single fucking VA is enough for you to skip the hard work of an entire team of people on a game?
Its your choice at the end of the day but it seems kinda shitty to me. I understand the perspective, but I'd personally have to have a shitty liberal higher up on the chain of actual importance for me to consider skipping a game.

They said they were going to focus on diversity hires so I hope so. Unless those were empty words. Company is infested with SJWs already anyway, they even endorsed daughters of megalia. Sick fucks.

Eh it also had denuvo, at least that prevented me from making the mistake of buying a terrible port.

Great. I am always happy if a competing company does diversity training and stuff. Means their staff is ripe for poaching.

Social Justice Watch is losing steam with Hearthstone because the balance is shit, and it's horrible as an esport. They also fucked up the one year anniversary event when players didn't get skins, but repeats of shit they collected (It woke them up to lootbox problems).

Giving money to Runkachan is just as bad as supporting any sjw shit. It will be a cold day in Hell I give money to Runkachan or any sjw shitbag like Bioware, Burch, or Vee.

Reminder they hired a Sjw furfag to balance classes, and all he does is waste time on Twitter being an attention whore. He also bases his decision on playing with a tablet, saying anyone who plays with a mouse is stupid and outdated.

That too.


Even though you're aware that they're awful devs who are listening to the Twitchtards who complain about "stream sniping" because they can't be bothered to add a delay on their recording software and also that they're creating a special game mode and maps for the same Twitchtards, you still play that game?


Yeah. That's what's keeping me from purchasing it tbh

I don't know anything about her. Got any links?

There's no MOBA mechanics in Overwatch you dumb cunt.

I've considered wearing my serious sam shirt but prefer to dress better than a tshirt

Thats Modern AAA gayman for you
Good shit

Kill yourself

1.Only Bioware Montreal is dead, Bioware Austin, the supposed OGs, are making that shitty Destiny clone.
2.ActiBlizz is fuckhuge and Blizzard is the only thing guarenteeing profit to Activision right now since Cowadoody and Destiny are shitting the bed.

Not happening, not soon enough at least

You're a laugh user

Cuckchan refugee most likely
Fucking faggot posts facebook memes and plays Hearthstone.



I will never forgive them for shitting up and abandoning the best game they ever made in favour of a trash moba, a trash overmeme knockoff and a trash hearthstone knockoff.

I'm still carrying a flag for when the Tribes license gets sold to some small team that isn't a bunch of buck-chasing shitters. In the meantime, I guess I'm just playing Titanfall 2.


This shit is too related to this thread user, thanks for reminding me.

sold my top 500 account for $500, i had 10 gold weapons

how badly did i undervalue it

You know that whiny cunt who was on 95% of the shitty Newgrounds animations you watched? That's her.

asian culture sure is beautiful

Goddamn it, I just want Respawn to get away from this company.

Nigger have you seen the MMO threads here?
The only good thing about them is that they are not gachashit.
Ah yes, can't believe this hambeast actually got this far

EA doesn't own titanfall, they are just the publisher. Help respawn out.

Thanks user, I laughed out loud

I don't see the problem?

I don't know what this means, but spamming is spamming, isn't it?

Giving blowjobs to cucked nerds and guys in the industry will take you places.

I'm talking about Nu-Wow with shitty Legion (update: it got worse). I used to makes about shit like the game losing subs and shitty raids are making top raid guilds reevaluate their subs, but it was pointless. Current Wow is shit no one here defends.

They own Titanall and get money every time I purchase it
Just like they own Crysis and Crytek doesn0t own shit.

Titanfall is an EA IP, thats how their Partner Program works.

In the game you can make the characters say certain lines. You can now get banned for constantly making them say the lines.

I play overwatch and it's fun.

Christ, I really want cuckchan to leave

Fair enough, we still have Legacy server threads though, and they're just as bad, with people actually admitting to still paying per month for shit like Legion.
WoW was never good

Yeah, I also like to clean ass with my hand and then clean by hand by licking it, it doesn't make my bumbum hurt or rash and its fun.

Reminder Armikrogg was a piece of Kickstarter shit, and he got all bitchy when nostalgia didn't save his ass during call outs.

Just use one of those old nvidia motherboards that let you reset and set the mac address

Fucking chinks…

That shit is also down-right hilarious in Chivalry: Medieval Warfare. I love the dudes failing about with a great two-hander like a madman while constantly spamming the laugh or insult emote, only to run away shouting "HELP!" endlessly as soon as you hit them.

One more listen, for the good times we had.


the fuck?

So they ban people for being obnoxious?


All basic humanity genes have been lost from the Chinese gene pool during the last 5000 years. One cannot simply survive in China if you're a human. If one chinaman tries to evolve, he gets killed or sued.

This. Spamming voice commands can be hilarious

You'd think people would have learned to not give Blizzard money by now.

Pic related is recently banned player's reaction getting a taste of blizzard moderator's cocks.

Just like Isreal.

Ok, I tried to give the benefit of the doubt, but you're clearly baiting.

Overcuck mentioned. Must post Widowass.

Thanks, capitalism!

As someone who Gottamed in TF2, I am disappoint.

would fuck pharrah full force in mouth pussy and ass


I already spent the money user, what does it matter at this point? If I'd known about their shitty behavior before hand I never would have bought it, but now I'm stuck with the game. Why should I not play it?

It's their country they can do what they want


You're right. They have a very rich, beautiful culture of boiling dogs, and they shouldn't be forced to break such a wonderful tradition but the white devil.

does the term toxic even mean anything anymore or has it just become a shotgun term to describe other players who don't suck your dick out the gate.


Not surprising it has evolved into this. I'm rather used to Blizzard blaming players for "exploiting" their game when there is a result of normal gameplay they don't like. I blame anyone stupid enough to buy Blizzard games still.

It means "people who disrupt my hugbox"

No. In the same way "snowflake" has been adopted to mean, "someone complaining about someone else, "toxic" and "problematic" are words that mean nothing other than indicating levels of butthurt.

t. butthurt chink
You're right, they can kill themselves off by the thousands if they want and everything will be fine

Toxic's original definition: something truly horrible that makes you a bad person for doing it
Toxic's definition for the past 4 years: anything an SJW doesn't like

Reminder Overcucks are also bugchasers.

Also, reminder that (((Kaplan))) also endorses and supports that south-korean feminist terrorist cult, Daughters of Megalia.


Nobody aside from biochemists used the word toxic you retard.


It's being used wrong of course, since ambiguity is perfect for maintaining lies

I bet this like most of the shit that gets banned in Oyveywatch, started when one of the devs kept getting their ass served to them and the player doing it kept spamming his character's voice line, so now the bootyblasted dev decided to get back at him by doing this.

One of the oldest uses I can recall that isn't related to poison was actually a man calling his girlfriend's actions toxic because she was trying to control his money and cut him off from all his friends and shit. It was one of those satisfying dump stories that get reposted every time infidelity becomes the thread topic.

Learn to use proper punctuation, ya bug-chasing queer

I don't know what this means, but spamming is spamming, isn't it?

Fuck me in the ass, I was supposed to greentext:
Polite sage

almost literally SJW/Feminist talking point.

PUBG already does this if you honk at streamers, thar's why they added a honking cooldown.

a feature that already has a built-in spam stop on top of that

You have to understand that blizzard made additional voice lines, some very spammy
What the fuck are they thinking

A blatant lie.

You can't use them after the current compendium season-thing finishes, right? I play a bit of DOTA, but not enough to drop muh 7 bucks


what a world we live in

All the chatwheel sounds are gone since the jewpendium is over, however there are still taunts with audio cues that can be used (on a few seconds cooldown) - they're not global though like some of the chatwheel ones were.


Your mom's car

Oh user I have very very bad news for you. Even if you buy physical copy, you still don't own it. You don't even own a piece of plastic the game resides in. EULA is attached to a physical copy of the game just the same way as it is to a digital copy, and it basically says that you don't own shit and only get a rent license that may be revoked at any time.

I'd boil her.


Sorry, I had to post these

Good times.


Thanks for those, my dude. I thought I had lost those screencaps forever.

It's worse than that. They do have flood detection for voice.

We need to send this guy a message once every year or something to remind him of how bad he fucked up.

Did they ever fix the game? Last I played it it had nothing to do with the first game and was blantantly worse with a TTK being just shy of a negative value.

Found this by the way
Runka Chunk related

Isn't she in the steinsgate dub? I liked that dub.

Are there any modern FPS games that don't require f2p style server architecture where you are completely reliant on the publisher's services?

It's been so long since I've played a good FPS because I absolutely refuse to touch this jew shit.

The game is helmed by faggot admins. I like how they hope to end this "EBUL TOXICITY" by taking away more player freedom. Stricter atmosphere means players will be more tense than usual, which means people getting MORE dysfunctional as opposed to less. A game community isn't a fucking kindergarten which you can loom over like some benevolent god and hope to get away with it.

This is it lads. Game's dying.

Bitch I survived 3 world HONKing wars graduated top HONK in my class at HONK academy on my third tour of HONKing I became leader of the third armored HONK battalion the scarlet devils I lost a lot of good men to to those fucking bastards and their HONKs don't you fucking tell me about HONKing cooldowns I'll fucking end you kiddo I have been trained in over 72 forms of HONK to hand HONKbat including HONK maga and i swear to god if you pricks come and HONK at me or my wife's son ever again well lets just say nothing personal kid.

Stamper got really pissed during that because he considered sharing cringe shit bullying. in a way I guess it kind of is


Been playing Midair as of late it's pretty fun. When it goes f2p Holla Forums should play it.

not wrong

Remember all those Blizzdrones who used to defend Overwatch with their life. What ever happened to them? Did they wake up or are they too embarrassed to show themselves?

Their contracts expired.

They stopped paying me

There was an user here who said he was almost done making a video detailing all the fuck ups of Hirez. Whatever happened to that?

Pretty sure they MAC ban considering people have rebought the game after getting perma banned and they booted up a new copy and they were still banned.

Does the game have in game purchases like skins or whatnot? If it doesn't, then it makes completely sense.
Like said, you don't own shit. They can just go "oh, ur toxxic", ban you and you'll have to buy a new copy, giving them 60 more shekels.
That wouldn't work with smart people, but smart people wouldn't be playing the game in the first place. Because of consumer bias, normalfags will defend it to death even on an unfair ban, shut up and just give those cunts more dosh.
That said, it'll eventually die out once the next big assfaggot arrive, so I guess I'll just enjoy the porn for now and laugh at the retards buying a game multiple times.


Binding character lines to keys and spamming them was some of the most fun you could have in a game. Blizzard needs to burn.

That has nothing to do with the game being good. Artfags need a steady supply of IPs to draw porn of. LoL was showing its age and so artfags jumped ship. While Riot and Blizzard made money, artfags made their cut by supplying people with porn. It's a sensible business strategy.

Look at how much money artfags like Sakimichan makes on a weekly basis because he will draw anything and draw it with consistent quality.

I think even Blizzscum would learn after that.

Here's how their scheme works. you get lootboxes for leveling up, and for doing weekly challenges for every 3 arcade wins which can be done 3 times.

so you get your box and you get useless shit like in game sprays and maybe a skin or in-game currency. whatever though its all cosmetic, just something to give you a quick hit of endorphins every couple rounds. The kicker is you can only get lootboxes, through play or purchase. let's say theres a skin you like, you can't just say give them 5 bucks for it, you can only buy more loot boxes.



You don't understand how much I hate dogs. This shit makes me rock hard

Wew. Either it's specific cases or they really don't know what the fuck they are doing and are only virtue signaling to try and get more users.

See . Normalfags don't learn.

The old jewish scheme.
I guess this kind of makes sense it their game is dying already.
If you ban they, you can effectively reset their account, making them buy a new game and more lootboxes, though that'd piss people off and not last long. If they're doing it because of that, and not just virtue signaling, that means the revenue is starting to go down.

I agree. Too bad that artist is sameface garbage.

As someone who also hates dogs, please kill yourself.

bring more pharrah stuff, i can talk smack about overwatch but i still want a piece of the that power armor brown girl

I'm a catfag but what the fuck is wrong with dogs? Yeah some are eating, shitting, hand biting pieces of fucking shit, but some breeds are fucking bros that will always be loyal to you from the time they get used to you and your smell, to the moment they die at the vet or in the backyard if you're a countryfag/innawoodsfag. I'm just a catfag because I've spent my entire life around them and they're the best replacement for 3DPD when it comes to snuggling in the bed.

haven't played in many months (and I bought it with wow gold) the voiceline spam was annoying as fuck so IDGAF. what kind of autist spams voicelines? at least talk shit in voice or even chat you pussy.

its like fucking clockwork

Go and stay go

this is fucking horrible

On the one hand aimscript fags get destroyed and on the other hand paying customers who offended someone ingame get permabanned.

Chinks are subhuman trash.

New holocaust when?

not sure if it was posted yet but I like this one

How fucking fat do you have to be to consider a whole pizza a single meal?


Aw shiet, I remember that thread. That d08f4c fucker made me rewatch all of the "Meet the" videos.

Post more brown girl, with or without armor.


Are there seriously retards who need to aimbot on a game where the reticule is 1/3rd of the screen and headshot hitboxes are retardedly large?


Reminder they made Mei fat this year because Sjw-Tumblr-Landwhales were triggered that she was actually thin.

I've only see two decent porn pics of Social Justice Watch: one was with Zarya actually looking like a hot, athetic chick instead of a sjw tumblr dyke (she was in her room or something with a mirror), and now the first pic. With that out of the way, most porn of Social Justice Watch is just shit.

that cinematic was so garbage. it was completely hollow, saccharine eye candy.

If aiming is involved in anyway there will be people who need to script. Most of those scripts require people to subscribe and pay on a monthly basis.

they let their knuckledragging "community" dictate a lot of the characters. as far as kikery goes they're brilliant for it. They got a cast of wildly different characters from across the globe and then gave them very basic personality. Then the people in the forums start saying "oh tracer is gay and symetra is autisic and mei is a fat lard and hanzo fucks dogs" or whatever nonsense they impose onto the blank slates. Blizz can now say "yeah that's cannon" without actually messing up any background or lore because there was none to start and appease the forum goblins.

It's a shame because some characters are fun designs or could potentially be a lot more enjoyable, like 76, the two aussies, ana and pharrah come to mind for me. God the game would be a proper laugh if the two aussie characters were really stereotypical and called everyone cunts and drank VBs all day

To be fair their characters have been made to appeal to everybody. Which is why they're shit. The fact that I remember the name of more than 2 of them is amazing.

I really can't say I like any of the character designs. The last three characters they released are super shitty even for Blizzard-fanboy-shill standards (Did anyone even like Doomfist or that Robot?). I can't even remember the new robot's name.

Oh, you mean if they did the exact same thing TF2 did, also known as put effort into making said characters.

I remember back when OW threads still occurred here there were 2 or 3 anons saying they liked the robot design for looking "sleek". Obviously people who like this sort of shit aren't very good with words. Surprisingly enough though all you need to do to have a following is make your characters wear skintight suits so patreon porn artists can endorse them in every work they produce. Seriously there's not a single independent porn artist these days who doesn't do OW solo porn, it's fucking depressing because I can't even jack off to these soulless husks of kikery

shame valve lost their edge fucking years ago, the early "meet the" videos are still pretty fucking great but all their newer comics and shite are pretty reddit-flavored

Tf2 really brought out the real shit back in the day. Fuck the jpeg based economy that now resides over it.


and the cosplay.
(Of course it's eurotrash)

That piece of shit new robot is supposed to sleek?!

Here's to you, pally!

Hans, get the flammen. We got some snowflakes to werf.

Foolish mortals.

Odd, this just made me realise Pharah is essentially just a kitbash of Menace (queen's blade) and Samus.

Neofag underage are actually here.

TK is fine, but fucking banning you from the game you paid 60 bucks for because you used the character's voice one too many times is just retarded.

sage negated, fucking casual.



That's just repackaged toohoo shit, newfag

I had a Mexican horn thing for Unreal 2k4 I played when I ran over people in the hellbender
It's gotten stuck a couple times and turned the match into a texmex demolition derby.
Good times, m8.

You know when they vaped 80 million of themselves in the 1860s or so, their birth rate was still recorded as positive?
(Basically some jesuit introduced a crazy Chinese hobo to Teh babble, he thought he was Jesus's reincarnation, wacky chink shit followed)
Probably would have happened during Mao's time too if not for the One Child policy right after

Haha, great now I want to find more of them just to reply with

Oh, oh, lmao that last pic. That bit at the end….
Ever hear of some 'improvement' on their "mmorts" Evony? Some Greeks made something called Caesary (old time Kong fags may remember this), which wasn't just an improvement but how it should have been in the first place.
Tokens for the slots could easily be found at random in fields, instead of buying only or event rewards. Instead of a static horse running into a static city generating a plain text battle report as all the rest of these do, they had battle animations and formations, kinda like Rome on genesis or similar. They had a bona-fide coliseum setup where you could earn things that were normally pay only, and pay only things were actually useful permanent boosts, not some stupid "25% production boost for a single hour," or they raised or outright eliminated a cap. There was actually more difference in units than a shitty simplistic 'rock paper stone' system. Marches and research took minutes and hours, not days, weeks, months, or even years (so as to goad you into buying hundred dollar 'speed packs' for everything) Essentially they said "hey, you chinks actually stumbled upon some nice ideas, but made it unfun and ruined it by being slanty Jews, we gonna fix this"
So by that point, it looked very very different yeah? Practically no ties to the original anymore past "naked girl advertising game with no naked girls"
Yeah, of course they did. They hit them with a fraudulent infringement suit. There was one thing it didn't improve on, and that was the cash grab aspect so of course they were pissed. If it stayed around, it could ruin the entire business model! So it had to be nuked!
At the same time they ran around buying stake into every other single carbon copy of the original. But not to shut them down, oh no, because some people might not dig the fantasy theme. Instead they 'guided' development into all being exactly the same with exactly the same ludicrous pay walls, only to 'improve' (in ways to rip you off) when the original did so none were ever better than another (because why compete with yourselves?) The only difference between the billions of online war/strats is the skins. And those fags are largely responsible for it. It is entirely intentional. You may have noticed that all those 'themed' browser-based anime rpgs look the same too. Same deal, keep the market stagnant so you need invest nothing in improving. Also one of their subsidiaries is currently partnered with Squeenix's mobile division. So you can probably guess how their mobile shit functions.
Anyway, that was my first time seeing chink mmo vidya practices in action.

Erm I'm 164lb right now and I'll be eating a whole pizza and a garlic bread tomorrow now you've put that idea in my head.

Not very, you are a skelly/hobbit.

>that Pharah titfuck
Wasn't going to fap today, but oh well

I wonder how much shadman earns


Dota 2 has the excuse of being a f2p game where a fresh account with $0 invested has the exact same gameplay options/heroes/items/strength/whatever than the account of a $10000 whale who spent half his life playing the game.