I recently saw the original Mad max trilogy and i was wondering if there were any games(besides fallout) that had a...

I recently saw the original Mad max trilogy and i was wondering if there were any games(besides fallout) that had a similiar feel to the films.

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There’s a Mad Max video game. It was alright nothing special.


In english it's called marauder, in transliterated russian it's maryodor. Instead of deserts you have commieblocks and grasslands. Its engine is based on 7.62, but much more stable in my experience. Requires no mods for having much fun with rather active AI and good inventory management and combat. It has cannibal gypsies.


Mad Max (2015). Avalanche really nailed the feeling that you're actually driving around an endless dead fucking wasteland with nothing interesting in it.


Wasn;t that game of of a quicktime event game?

It was another one of those WB Open World™ games featuring Batman melee combat but with more emphasis on vehicle combat.

so a quick time event game

The oil convoy missions are actually pretty entertaining. Mute the game, put on some Judas Priest, and you're good to go.

If you’re asking if it’s a “Telltale experience tm” then no. I liked the driving portions since the combat was Arkham shit.


Hi Torfag


Ken's Rage 1 since it's based on Fist of the North Star which is as close to Anime Mad Max as you'll ever get.

To go a little more indepth for the 2015 Mad Max game.
Now I'v never been a huge Mad Max fan so I don't know if there is lore rape or anything like that. But the part I joyed most about the game is that you can find relics of the world before things went to shit, Mostly photographs with Messeges written on the back of them, When your done reading them Max will sometimes make a little comment, Like if it's a picture of a Dog he will say something like "We didn't used to eat Dogs back then" I like how it adds character to the world.

As for the gameplay it'sself, You get to customize your own cool Death Car and the on foot combat is Batman Arkham style but your actually killing people, the animations are decent so it's ok. The games biggest problem is that you basically have 4 or so tasks that you just do over and over and over again.
I Webm'd some combat but unfortunately for me I was getting my ass kicked. I usually do a bit better then this but this particular group of guys gave me some trouble for some reason.

it's the same as Shadow of Mordor where they just tweaked the Batman Combat.
You can call Batman combat shit for being just counter to win, but it's not QTE's, QTE's are getting an unskipable cutscene and putting button prompts over it.

My only real problem with the game is that by the time you can do some real damage, EVERYTHING IS DEAD AND DESTROYED. Seriously! The ability to upgrade the car (and yourself) is locked to completing plot/side missions, which require you to fetch improvements for strongholds, kill everybody in a particular spot, take out snipers and towers, and other shit. When you've gotten to the point where you're not nitro-boosting your ass away from danger in a flaming wreck, there's nothing left but random enemies you'll come across so infrequently that they may as well not appear, and the end of the game. There's no new-game-plus, which might make the game fun to beat a second time.

If you're looking for the wastelander sorta vibe, it's hard to not go STALKER.

I got a kick out of Crossout lately. Been playing on console, but apparently it also has a PC version.

Super Mario Bros.

the 2015 game was actually pretty good if you ask me. i know just enough about cars to be impressed by how they nailed the cars, and upgrading/driving your interceptor felt really fun

No, it wasn't. It's mindless open-world busy work collect-a-thon heaped up for the sake of just making you fuck around and pad out the checklists. The story is bare bones and non-sensical, with the main villain being apparently killed in the unplayable opening cinematic and you're spending at least half the game cleaning up his minions who apparently don't know he's dead.

The gameplay is extremely lacking. It's that dumb fucking Arkham Knight combat where you basically left click to kill, right click to not be killed. That's it. You get a gun, but ammo is so scarce even after getting a reloading bench and ammo capacity upgrades, that you're only going to be using them situationally. Taking down war-drummers before they can buff the enemies, or hitting exposed gas-tanks on tougher vehicles. There's really no other combat mechanics or gimmicks, on foot anyhow. Car combat is decent enough thanks to the grappling hook that lets you tear off parts of enemy vehicles to expose weaknesses and pull drivers out through the windsheild - though an equally valid tactic is to just get out of your vehicle and stand by a rock while they ram into a brick wall a few times before getting out where you can just beat them down.

It's a garbage modern game for garbage modern audiences. Stay away.

The Metro series?

This one.

Yeah but it's pretty good though.

STALKER is like a rainy, vodka drenched version of Mad Max/Fallout

Loved that game as a kid, my dad used to call it mad max.

Rage, the ID Tech one. Only game I've found that comes close to the feel of it. The Mad Max video game was decent as well, but not on part with Rage.

Borderlands 1, kind of.
Plenty of desert and wasteland and shooting, but not a lot of cars.

Calm down autismo, I didn’t call it the second coming of Christ. It was alright for a general audience and nothing more.

The game. It's not a 10/10 of course but I'd definitely give it an 8

Y o u a r e M a c h R i d e r

Might be better off waiting for the new "not Yakuza" FotNS game.

I think LISA the painful
It borrows the aesthetic

Waterworld was a better movie. Someone should make a game for that.

There was one for Virtual Boy

yeah fuck, that movie was fucken amazing, don't know how it could be a game though

Agreed but its worth a playthru if you like mad max stuff. Also convoys were fun as fuck

Windwaker always reminded me of Waterworld.

Reminder to not buy from Doublefine.

funny I asked just today on the emu thread, where to find windwaker and whats the best emu for it

No worries fellow gaemer, I have just the thing you're looking for!

Not quite. It completely lacks the driving part.

……no. Fuck off Todd.

Sure, pal. Whatever you say, there's only two Fallout games after all!


For a licensed game it was pretty decent. Just recycles the Arkham Asylum combat system once again. Lots of little things in the game that made it a much better fleshed out setting compared to FO4. I got at least 41 hours for one playthrough, so it's a decent timesink. Not to mention runs well on PC.

Auto Duel maybe.
I liked loading up a van with massive guns.

nah tactics was more of a sequel then NV was.

The best part about that game is how stupidly-overpowered the Harpoon is.


The 2015 game is alright. Been playing it today and I'm enjoying it. Nothing amazing, but if you like Mad Max you might like it.

Mad max sucks tho