Layton's Mystery Journey: Katrielle and the Millionaire's Conspiracy

Can't believe I haven't seen anything on this, but I saw this on the shelf and wonder if anybody here knows about it, has anyone played it? Is this suppose to be Layton's daughter? Is this just another cash grab like Hey! Pikmin?

I pirated it on the 3DS. Katrielle is pretty cute. The puzzles are notably easier than from the previous games but maybe that's just because I am older and wiser now. Worth a download if you have homebrew installed.

It was originally a mobile game, and it shows at time. Still worth a pirate, or $10 at the most.
Layton Brothers on the 3DS when?

Does this have anything to do with that godawful web game?

Thanks for the input, forgot there was a mobile game

Who's her mom?

No one knows who the mom of her or the brother is.

So they said they were ending Layton just to genderswap him and continue making the exact same games?

I looked up the solution to every sliding puzzle in every Layton game. Fight me.

They must have meant Prof Layton. Meaning they can retire him but still make games with the name.

fuck level 5 and their yogay watch

Isn't that because the man who made the old puzzles have literally died?

Talking dog
no interest at all

To be fair i haven't played a Layton after unwound future, i felt that game ended the series well enough

Storywsie wernt the games set after just prequels anyway?


Well yea

It's ironic that someone with as little critical thinking as you likes the Layton series.


Well obviously they are easier or a woman wouldn't be able to solve them

wheres the porn

The Layton fanbase were mostly fujoshis.


You're thinking of another game, Layton 7, which was planned to be released first on mobile then 3ds. This game as far as i can tell was released on both simultainiously in japan and mobile platforms in the west, but for god knows whatever reason, the 3ds version was delayed in the west.

Anyways in many ways it feels very weak compared to the previous games, like, the fanfare was changed from thunderous applause to a very frilly jingle, Layton seems to be a cuck based on the ending, there's a fucking brexit pun at the end of the first chapter and other memes, most of the game is focused around some random, mostly meaningless investigations that come across like a very sanitized version of ace attorney investigations, and the new luke is either a dog, or NuLuke, if you get my drift. I could go on, but the point is that it's just not as good as the other layton games

oh yes, and how can i forget the worst thing of all; Paid day 1 DLC. ranging from clothes to actual fucking puzzles.

Do you mean Layton 7 or Katrielle


Layton 7 i'm not even sure was released. I've heard reports that it did, but flopped hard in japan.

Luke. He had an artificial womb installed in his anus.

I don't follow

Is it normal that it's not on FreeShop ?

Nah they are just easier. The old puzzlemaster died.