Other urls found in this thread:


oh fug

hah, fucking idiot

Do you think he'll have the balls to purge them? Do you think the "I'm with her" cancer will be removed from 4/v/?

Hiro said silence and then threw his mods under a car? or did the mods start doing it for free BUT for somebody else?


What can we even do? I can't even post unspoilered NSFW shit because of Mark's rules.

What exactly is causing the hub-bub?

NeoGAF started a chain reaction, well…Weinstein actually.

Bully the shit out of them, sage and report all threads and posts made by them.
Don't give them any mercy, force cakeboy to purge every cuckchanner. He's usually lazy for doign it on his own, but with enough reports he actually does take action, same for the vols
Also just breaking out the back to 4chan images and posting nazis and redpills at them should work fine, they're used to nigger-posting

NeoGaf's destruction. Hiroshima allowed them to speak through one thread, and they're banning and deleting posters and unstickied the thread, went silent in the IRC after he joined and are opnely defying him
We might see cuck/v/ either burn down today, or their mods get purged
hopefully the later so we don't have to deal with rapefugees



Someone tell resident cakeJew to hire more hot pockets.

I might be willing to do it.
only problem is I might end up too ban-happy. plus dealing with this place looks like way too much work




If you want to be a janitor fuck off back to cuckchan.

If he does purge all mods, we need to put our own people in play IMMEDIATELY.

woah there so many happenings in such a short time, what happened in cuckchan?

I've gotta go soon, someone else please update from the cyclical

nah, fuck of nigger

This year is just non-stop surprises.
On the topic of a rapefugee influx, /tg/ has already seen a few issues in the past couple days with blatant reddit spacing, SJW style arguments, and other bizarre outsider behavior.

I do not know who to root for in this situation.

Hi guys, I would come here but your board is TOO SLOW. So don't worry :^)
Later nerds.

Root for the inevitable collapse of 4chan, and hope that their FUGEES don't swarm here.

I feel like they'll wash ashore here.

Jesus you fucking gook, you own the site. Tell your mods to stop acting like faggots, don't fucking ask them to.

going to bed good luck

The latter would be inevitable if the former happens
I'd rather the former stay up so they can keep taking the blame and the edgy retards from reddit
I don't want Holla Forums to become the new cuckchan and you know that will happen if Hiro doesn't purge

This won't backfire at all.

This. Mark and the others will just have to suck it up and prepare for the shit-shoveling. Hopefully they'll be ready.

Hopefully reddit to kill it next

They will swarm here.
Where else would they go? Leddit?

Damn I love this timeline. Trump is GETTING SHIT DONE!

We'll be ready, but I doubt it'll be another NeoGAF situation.

Either way it's gonna be a wait and see situation.

If it happens today then it'll be one hell of an Anniversary.


And you know who got trump elected?

yeah that seems like a "good" idea

Ha, send them to endchan.

How could I forget?
Endchan and masterchan

Cucky cucky rong time

I hope you're right

How does any of this mean that people will come here.
Hiroshima will allow Neofag discussion and cuckchanners will celebrate and love him for that.
Even if some mods are rebelling, how does that do anything but get them fired and replaced?

The only board on endchan that's active is /sp/. Hasn't /sp/ suffered enough?



Are you kidding me? This was the most shilled board during the exodus, they won't forget about us its the most likely place for them to go to

Too many endchan shills rub me the wrong way

Ok, you fags are delusional, there's a thread on 4/v/ right now and Hiro's sticky is up.

Did you even bother to check?
There's no migration, the hotpockets are getting a shorter leash.

Dude, why would people go anywhere?
How does some mods maybe getting fired result in 4chan dying or going down?


And now we have hard proof of who owns 4chan.


There will be a new one soon.

lel, fuck off

The only reason why we might get at least a temporary migration here is if hiroshimoot purges most of the mod team and all hell breaks loose since there won't be anyone to ban spammers and shitposters. They sure as hell won't be going to endchan either since it's a fucking wasteland, the chan closest to 4cuck in terms of posting speed is still 8ch as far as I'm aware.

Everyone knows that hiroshitter is a big data selling faggot and probably has yakuza ties.

Looks like they agreed on a compromise already.

Why not just open up the admin CP and unmodding every last one of these fuckers? Obviously someone from the inside is working on ruining cuckchan more than it's already been ruined. This whole thing just tells me how low energy the admin is and how little respect he commanded.

It's over, OP is a faggot.

btw wasnt majority of 4chan always a bit left leaning?


You mong that was earlier in the day, which is what the earlier posts in this thread referred to

Crisis averted, anchor thread pls.


It's over if the cuck userbase allows it to be over.

Not even close, this is strictly a "last few years" thing. I imagine there have always been pockets here and there but nothing on this scale.

So glad I stopped browsing that lace in 2014


Send them right back to plebbit.

Oh wait, this is the thread the mods originally unstickied BEFORE shutting it all down? In that case shit's still going down big time.

It's stickied right now, the archive is 6 minutes old.

Of course they will, nothing but cucks and shitskins left there.

Well, I've gotta get going.
Hopefully I am a faggot and there's not another influx of rapefugees.


A majority of you act retarded and do it "ironically". Knock that shit off because when the newfags come they'll see it and we'll get fucked because THAT is how they will behave.

See this post? Follow it. Report shit, make the board vols and cakeboy work, especially since mark has no fucking job

start replying to stuff that looks like bait and tell em to go back to halfchan
because it actually might not be bait, especially in the coming days


I applied. Never heard back

thread to check for updates


Fucking this

probably for the best

Holla Forums mods corrupt, who fucking knew?

Continue as normal.
Mock those who do not comply. Do not suffer fools gladly.

If nothing else, this gives us new ammunition to throw against people who after this will still admit to posting there. I know it's not a big consolation, but eh…

Or people act like idiots. A little bit of thought saves lives. Remember board culture only goes so far as a defense.

So cuckchan might stop being as shit?

I bet he pays in cake crumbs.

no thanks,good luck tho

Fucking newfags

after seeing this i'm 100% positive that the 4/v/ mods have ties to NeoGAF

if they are destroyed, they are definitely coming here. if you have any doubt about that you are kidding yourself

yeah I really enjoyed it when new janitors were added and threads about video games they didn't like were removed

Remember to delete your cookies after changing IPs when you get banned.

I hope they dont come here because then you autistic faggots will say GO BACK TO X everytime an user says something you dont like more that you do now. You faggots are barely tolerable as it is.

I would think /sp/ would appreciate the bantz of us getting them raided.

It's time to go back.

go back to plebbit

The glory days of 8chins are over. Done. Gone. They ain't coming back.

Go back to Gaia.

go back to tumblr you nigger

In addition- with a large enough number of people, consensus cracking can happen.
GG didn't try to appeal to mainstream and normalfags- until consensus was cracked and it drove off many of the original members

go back to cuckchan

Are you retarded?

The truth hurts, doesn't it?

Hush goy there's no drama, keep posting and give me your data, make sure to buy a 4Chan® Pass™.

no way, not now. don't worry about it though, just bully and report


No one has ever referred to them as cuckers.
Fuck off.


kys, you autistic fuck.

We now need JP audio webm version

You're a weird one user.


bully this man



My sides

Aren't "shill types" confirmed by leaks of CIA nigger/FBI shit?
Did everyone just ignore this shill tactic, or is Gamergate making up shit on the spot?

Pic 1

Pic 2

Pic 3

Pic 4

why did you do it user? do you want to be bullied?

Now would be a good time to label posts from people with cuckchan cookies for easy identification so we can rev up the bully machine.

Not bad.

Never gonna happen, the jews would go "too big to fail" with it before giving up one of their most powerful tools.

I'm scared guys.

mfw thinking about how to counter this

Peepee Poopoo


TAKE BACK 4chan!! You don't know how bad it's gotten.

Fuck off, that place is disgusting. Let it burn

We should Just keep being us, just keep call faggots faggots and call retards retards regardless of where they come from and things will work out fine.







why? we need them for the site revenue from ads and to mine more ips history

You've good music taste user.

people from 4chan should be perma banned. people posting about 4chan should also be perma banned

Reported :^)


Rate my OC.

God fucking damn it. Another exodus? The one I came in on should have been the last one. Every exodus after the third one has seen a sharp decline in post quality.

I love it
do more please

It is, but that kind was also known as normal thread derailer.

Iv'e been on Holla Forums for the last couple months.

What the fuck is up with Mark and Cake meme?

go back to israel,you filthy kike.

Mark eats cake. It's what he does.

After the first one you mean


Mark ate an entire cake in one sitting.

joke's on you; im posting from marks basement in israel

You guys don't really want refugees from 4chan.
Have you been to the site lately, specifically Holla Forums?
Anyone worth their salt has already moved to other sites, and whatever's left are only the people we don't want coming here.

Fucking newfag

Easy to have no low-quality shitposts when nobody uses your fucking site.


this is Holla Forums retards, they can literally make their own softboy diet coke Holla Forums and we never have to look at it or interact with them just tell them to fuck off simple as that.

I earned my halfchan ban for the "Poor Pupper Never Stood A Chance" pic.


Really quirky there m8
After the September one then to be specific, you winter shitters ruined the jam

go back to >>>/gaschamber/

We need Sir goosington to come back.

I don't think there will be another exodus. If they didn't jump ship during the first exodus, then they are not jumping ship now.



Gooks believe in trusting their teams.


You're making a couple incorrect assumptions
1) That oldfags who stayed after the initial exodus didn't slowly trickle over here as Holla Forums got worse
and 2) That the newfags who have been pretending to be the Holla Forums oldfag elite can't be convinced that their site has become too shitty, too tumblr-infested, and too corrupt to make them leave.

i'm more worried about the newfags that found 4chan since the third exodus deciding to abandon it tbqhwy my dude

"no" :^)

Is one or more of them a kike? I don’t see why they’d make even the fingerful of jokes they’ve done otherwise.


An SJW (((gaming news))) website called neogaf got shut down. The mods on cuckchan Holla Forums have banned discussion of neogaf, and fags are about to have an exodus if they don't get what they want.



best girl

It's time to define and ratify board culture as board rule, get current residents to adopt secret-club mentality, and ban anyone that fails to conform.

Better dead than cucked.


Say it back

WHATS ITS NAME Holla Forums?


Better dead than cucked

where were you when neogaf was goneaf
i was on 8ch posting meems when mark post: neogaf is kill

Who is this semen demon?

Reasonable. Seconded

I still doubt an exodus would happen. They would just take it in until the neofag storm dies down and it will be business as usual. If there was an exodus, I doubt they'll come here as they pretty much have a hate boner for this place.

Neofag go boom
Cuckchan can't make threads on it
Cuckchan go boom
Holla Forums treats cuckchan as pic related

4chan's Holla Forums mods=fags; 4chan's slant owner is less of a fag. There may be some kind of giant pride parade mod march out because of it, and, ideally, less pillow-biting mods put in; possibly some of the more queermosexual users might bail as well, as if talking about a website will somehow make Holla Forums unbearable NOW, of all times.

Ask /a/ to give us Robomaidos code for own use

There needs to be a zero tolerance rule on this shit while halfchan is here.

4chan’s admin declared that 4/v/ can have one Neofag thread.
Somehow this translates to “CUCKCHAN IS DYING MUH NEW EXODUS” to red texting retards who seem to be overdosing on happenings.

Why not all the time?

Come on niggers lets make a comp like those other 3 webms

Her name is Kagura and she's from Gingtama.

I don't really get it, but whatever. I'm calling this halfchan being a little less cucked than before.

You got nice trips, but it's just Cuckchan or Halfchan. This isn't a Pissed Pedro thing.

Cuckchanner detected you faggots can't even meme nowadays

mark may be autistic and his mod team may take a personal grudge against me
but at least none of them defend pedophiles like halfchans



it should


user, you’re new.

Who let the Reddit in?

That would be even better but I'm saying it needs to be put in place soon so Holla Forums doesn't go to shit any worse at least during the next exodus.

This never works. Nobody ever actually goes back when someone gets mad at them and tells them to go back; if someone has a good reason to, they will. Otherwise all you're doing is telling posters to go to another website because they have an opinion you don't like or they formatted their post wrong. I think it's fine for people to come here so long as they learn how to post and lurk; this website is slowly dying and we need new Anons to replace the old ones. This astroturfing isn't getting anything done at all and is just ruining the board quality for those who care, because threads almost always devolve into "you're not from this website" no matter what. Fostering paranoia isn't the way to go, but Mark doesn't know how to mod Holla Forums and just goes for a full anarchy approach.

reddit came when jim culled /ourpedos/

is this just gamergate 2 in terms of exodus?

/hebe/ will always be remembered, it died as a martyr, a martyr for 8ch

What about an ara whore?

Fuck off cuckchan, telling fags to go back is a time-honored tradition. You deserve to be thrown off a building for this post.

I really hope 4cucks ends just like neoFAGS, i want it to crush and burn

They stayed on reddit and 4cuck after the exodus.This proves that they are irredeemable trash normalfags.
And you're a fucking turbo nigger cunt for being okay and wanting these sub humans to come and stay on this site.

Cuckchan >>>/out/

A little better.

It’s because I was explaining it to a 5 year old user.

Came here in 2013 or so when the Gamergate shitstorm happened on Holla Forums. No matter how many times I get told to go to whatever website, I never leave. Your astroturfing is never going to work and I'm never going to stop caring about board quality.

nice way to out yourself faggot
the exodus was in 2014
kill yourself

Get the fuck out you retarded cuckchanner



The idea is to acquire new volunteers BEFORE the migration happens. That way you are more likely to pull them from the old userbase.

Now, but it means we'll be getting more low effort and shitty threads and a lot more thread derails from stupid cunts who think they speak for the whole site.

Nice try, exodus was September of 2014

dont worry about all these bullies, friend. we were all newfriends once. indeed, i only came here after the whole altright radioshow debacle a year or two ago

Sure bud

I don't suppose you have any more on you, by any chance?

Man, I want to be smug, but I spent a decade of my life on that website. I still love it. It's like watching a beloved pet die slowly and in pain. I wish I could relive 2004-2009 or so, just in a loop.

Maybe I do, maybe I don't.
I probably shouldn't shit up this thread any further though.

I may be being a cuck here with all of this, but… take em. A lot of folks came here when gamergate happened and basically make up the bulk of the scene. Rather than trying to scare them off, we should assimilate them. With a few exceptions, we were once them, and we learned how to not be colossal faggots. They can too.

And if not, we can always laugh at them.
Linking this just because the gallery name gets a sensible chuckle from me whenever I remember it.

Hiroyuki's a little more level headed.
What really ruined 4chan in the first place are the mods.
I wouldn't be surprised if the mods influenced moot in the first place either.

Fuck that, they had multiple chances to abandon that sinking ship and they stayed. Nothing good will come from letting them in now.

they didnt come over in the exodus in the first place and they have had 3 years to learn about Holla Forums and see if its worth coming over.
3 years.
If they were quality posters they would have come over already.

Ah, 2014. I forgot; it's been a few years but I knew it was 3 years ago at least. My memory is just shit and I assumed it was still 2016 mentally for some fucking retarded reason. I care a lot about this site however, and I want to learn to drawfag so I can make good OC; there have been some great threads here and there recently and I know there's hope for this site. Shitposting does nothing to contribute to the thread however, and I firmly believe that people from other websites would be better than the constant horde of astroturfers raping Holla Forums up the ass at the moment, so long as they lurked and learned how to contribute.

Yeah, everyone was a newfag once and they just need to be told to lurk moar if they're incredibly cancerous. Shitposting is to be expected on a chan, but recently I'm afraid new users are going to expect it to be the status quo and start jumping in with them instead of lurking and learning about the importance of contributing to threads and giving users a good reason to stay instead of just using it as a shitpost box.

Fags like you shat all over this site back in 2015
Fool he who takes your advice, there should be no pity towards the cuckold newfag

If they lurk for at least a year or two before posting I'd have no problem with new posters, the issue is that they won't.


It will take a lot more than a little mod drama to kill that site.


Oy vey, what a human rights disaster. Us goyim need to take in these refugees and give them homes.

sure thing fuckhead
backpedal all you want and fucking kill yourself

This is what gloating gets you. Coulda had a chuckle from afar and moved on.

But no, you faggots had to torture some faggot and remind people we exist.

hi 4cucks

Nigger just stop.
Hopefully you get thrown off the wall. Refugees deserve no quarter.

Confirmed impostor who wasn't here in the first months

You're still fresh off the boat buddy


There's a part of me that just wishes it would die already, though. I think it might be better at this point.

I hope newfags come because I am upset and want to yell at people.

Fuck off.

You guys had your chance in 2014, hell refugees from the exodus were welcomed 2 years after. But you decided to cuckold yourselves. Now you want us to accept your gaggle of retards?


Where do you think you are?
Go be a nhilist back to cuckchan with all the normalfags

Nice spacingby the way


We came here to get away from your kind. What makes you think you're welcome here?


Nope fuck those guys, they had their chance.


We don't need to deal with 4rapefugees. In the end, what's happening changes nothing.

We should all leave and play vidya and read books instead.

No matter the reason, cuckchan refugees should stay out.


you can yell at me bby. I browse
both sides

Ok, you first

And we should encourage this for the examples of people not knowing that much; I personally don't mind spoonfeeding and I always spoonfeed when I actually can, unless it's a sensitive topic that people only want the more core audience to know about.

I've been here forever and I'm not going to stop visiting here. I've seen this same shit over and over again all over the board directed at tons of Anons just for formatting their post wrong. All it does is take up bumps in a perfectly good thread and turn it into some gay drama over paranoia.

Yeah, like this. I used a word and now an user is getting all pissy about it.

The exodus from Gamergate was all the guys with some sort of talent finding a place away from how shit halfchan was.
This exodus is the worst cuckchan has to offer desperately finding somewhere to go because they can't live without an imageboard to shit all over.
Go try mewchan, they'd love your kind.

Fuck off Satan

I thought there were more faggots since yesterday, I can see I was not mistaken.

This. If they're still around, they generally aren't worth having here. It means they either stayed despite the staff shitting all over 4chan, or they didn't show up until after we left.

It's not his team, it never was. He should've purged the old mods and brought new mods on the moment the site was his. This is the end-result of trying to work with a team you did not personally select.

Bullying is the fastest way to induce social conditioning and encourage group cohesion or to drive off the weak and unworthy.

But I did read a book today. And scan one to share with likeminded anons.

I wonder if he'll ever purge them.

I have a dynamic IP.

It's never made me leave once before. The only thing it does is ruin post quality which has driven away Anons before. It encouraged me to become a better person back when I first started posting on 4chan back in around 2010, but now I'm firm in my beliefs and I understand what's important to an imageboard. Not a circlejerk, but a community.

which is why we're getting such a strong public movement to prevent bullying in schools. its all another step in social demoralization to weaken western competition to israel

Early AND often

Is that Jim sterling wife or himself?

Moot probably lied to him by saying the mods will listen to whatever he says. He flat out lied to Hiro so that no one could ruin the circlejerk moot left behind for his buddies.

conspiracy theorist

pls no bully

Nobody went far enough though. We should have been taking care of the mods back then when we had the chance. Instead everyone gave up and now look. Troid should have been removed by now had we only gone after him harder. We had his dox, we knew where he lived and his parents lived, we should have gone all the way.

I'm hearing rumors that apparently BEAM, the female mod, is either going to be fired or she's planning to step down.

Heard about NeoGAF, but couldn't make out any of this 4chan noise.

Still don't understand it, though. Looks like they're allowed one thread about it just like Holla Forums here is allowed to have one thread about GamerGate.

But I am playing vidya, user~

Wouldn't he be able to get rid of some of them? If he owns the site he should be able to sack some of the mods. He could also not be interested enough to, because he seems more like he bought it just for (((information))) and profit, rather than to foster a community.

At least your posts serve as an excellent warning that cuckchanners are here, wallowing in filth.
Please hang yourself immediately.

The mods and Nagasaki aren't seeing eye to eye. Let's see how this plays out.


Either you've gotten better at knowing not to ruffle feathers by avoiding topics you know will just be aimless bitching and derailing, or you resort to lurking more than posting, which are both signs that the bullying has worked.

You’re understanding the situation better than most in this thread.


Mods are in an open revolt against him. They're taking out their range on even the tiniest thread that looks "off topic"

You sure showed him here take le upboat


We have IDS here cuckboy

Probably because they know people are watching it and laughing at their drama.

SJWs were talking about bringing back bullying before Trump.

Wait isnt this commotion only advertises neogaf?
Everyone is talking about it now.

Holla Forums is going to be better than ever
At least sonyfags will fit right in.

In the same way a burning building lets everyone know it's there yes.

You can filter me if you’re so upset.

What good is free advertisement when the site is completely blown to pieces?

Feels good


Are you finally realizing that "any publicity is good publicity" is bullshit or what?

No. You'll just be incorrectly called a second exodus newfag

This is more like the 4th or 5th exodus at this point.

If 4chan refugees remember who they were; who we are, then they can stay.

>He could also not be interested enough to, because he seems more like he bought it just for (((information))) and profit, rather than to foster a community.
And there you go, that's the reason Hiro didn't bring in a new mod team when he got the site or purge the old one after this latest embarrassment. He doesn't care and doesn't want the extra work.

I can't tell if this is bait or pure retardation
Cuckchanners are making if hard to tell

Most of my problems with this board are the people shitposting over inane things that don't really matter. I don't care if people come in and if they're going to try and come in, we can try and benefit and teach them how to post. Give them some time and I'm sure they'll fit right in, and even give good posts at times, too.

Yeah, it's called making them lurk the fuck more. Part of the reason 4chan went to shit in the first place was because people stopped doing this.

The only people who use newfag are newfags.
Protip: There are no oldfags

Fuckoff Tristan

If I had a week, I couldn't list all the reasons you're wrong.

8ch is infinitely better.

It’s like mighty number nine all over again.

You haven't learned a damn fucking thing, you still act like a filthy faggot who knows nothing about this place. You are worth less than garbage. If your neck was in front of me I wouldn't hesitate to snap it.

This never works. On any level. And any context. Look at how the rapefugees did in Europe.

I remember when I first went to 4chan and got told that and boku no pic and how that forced me to get the culture first before finally figuring out the proper way to ask questions and shit and I must admit I haven't been keeping up the tradtion.

>Don't ban discussion of things like Escapist dying until their bullshit is pointed out this is because halfchan's mods have long been known to have a large crossover with NeoFAG staff
>People bitch to an hiro I still think Jackie 4chan, mootwo or gookt would have been better because he actually hardly uses his own site and treats it as a cash cow
>He shows up and overrules the mods with that post
This isn't a hard chain of events to follow user.

I saw we welcome all the fleeing rats. In fact, I would like absolutely nothing more. As long as every single one of them goes to and stays at /a/.

Edge isn't going to scare me. I've seen far far worse than this, user.

I think this is a bit of an imagined problem, guys. They're clearly not coming here.

From NintendoEra server

See that (u) next to your image filename?
Click on it and see what the name of the linked image is.

Didn't Hiro cave in to the mods now?

Those are shorter than 4chan filenames, it's easy to tell them apart.

Another screenshot

It would take a long time, but a certain percentage of cuckchan rapefugees could be trained and reeducated to understand the esoteric wisdom of the true posting arts.. but I really don't want to spend the next few years conditioning faggots not to be faggots.



I don't know user, I'm only really following things second hand and occasionally popping my head into the shithole that is 4/v/ to confirm rumours for this thread. I'll go have a look.

A lot of people rename images for ease of shitposting nowadays user, I know I do. Picrelated, for example.

This is my point. Holla Forums casually flings around "nigger" like it's a basic word that's a mainstay to any lexicon, and during Mark's Sonic Mania stream everyone was flipping shit about him being really edgy for using it. Nobody that faggy is going to want to touch this website, hell.

Those numbers are shorter. The image in the post that that user brought up had the amount of numbers you'd see in a 4chan filename.

It's kind of like watching chairmen looking to oust the president of the board in order to make a sweeter deal for their competition.

Hell I can't even stand having images saved without a proper name.


Nope, still a neofag thread on half/v/ and still the sticky stating one is allowed. I suspect the gook will just use this as an excuse to remove the existing mod team and replace them with faggots picked from the current userbase, probably limiting them only to anons who have purchased a pass (he never turns up a chance to shill those).

Or you're autistic enough to write a shitty basic python script to rename the files to the same format you've used for a decade.

I like you user.

You think I was being edgy?
I can tell what kind of person you are by your posts. You're a parasite no different from a virulent SJW trying to weedle its way inside. It would be better for the world if you stopped existing.

I already addressed that part

that vehicle makes absolutely no sense.

It's a real vehicle called a Kettenkrad. It was the unsung warhorse of the Wehrmacht.

Reminder to check out the IRC logs if you care about the halfchan mods responsible for this travesty

It's essentially a heavy-duty snowmobile.

Inside a proper set of autistically organised folders too, of course. **Anyone who likes Girls' Last Tour should check out Sora no Woto, similarish vibes.

Nigger that's more or less a Kettenkrad, a ww2 German vehicle.

They didn't leave or stop tolerating the intolerable years ago. That says everything you need to know about them. The first exodus was great in that it separated those with principles from those without and now you are inviting them in.
they fucking wont and you know it
No they won't, there will be too many and we will be drowned out. It will be just be cuckchan 2: electric boogaloo

fact: any time fuccboichan goes down 8/v/ gets a flood of garbage like console war threads and almost every thread getting shitposted to hell making discussion impossible.

I'm still mad.

In fact have this.


He could just send a call out on twitter for anyone who wants to be a mod for free

Seriously, I'd do it

A downer ending wouldn't really have meshed well with what the show was going for user though the OVA Episode 13 provides a much more satisfying ending. Also rewatch it, there's plenty of little touches in the early episodes you'll only pick up on the second time through. From episode 1 consider that Rio being mad at Kanata until she shows evidence of a cold from being soaked - this makes a lot of sense considering that's exactly how her sister died. There's other more subtle shit though.

Well shit. it seems another Grand Cuckchan exodus is on the horizon

Please be baiting. PLEASE be baiting, I can't handle all of this faggot shit.

I'm pretty sure halfchan mods have to sign a 'contract' of some sort nowadays, certainly that was the policy with the last few years under moot according to the various leaks.

Unlikely to be one the scale of the original ones, most of the faggots on Holla Forums who were going to leave are already here. What would be better would be something pushing anons from the more niche boards to move over.

I went to 4chan's Holla Forums a few days ago for the first time in forever just to look at it, and the quality was pretty bad, yeah. People were legit having an Overwatch thread. I like to hold out hope that there are good Anons that can learn to contribute, either from here or somewhere else, but you do bring up a good point about quality. If anything I'd just like the quality of posts here to go up and for Anons to stop making such a big mess out of everything. I assume it'll go away though and it's just a phase, like anything else. I should weather the shitstorm and wait, but even then, a year or so ago the problem was that everyone was flipping shit about everyone else being a shill whenever you tried to bring up video games. The new flavor of shitposts is just "you're from a shitty website, aren't you?".

chinkmoot is back on IRC

If he somehow fires at least a few of the problem mods, he'll gain a point in my books.

Moot's shitty contract is still in place, although Hiro hasn't hired any new mods. Hiro could easily rip up the contract and just say you only need to give me your email or twitter account to be a mod, and if you fuck up then you'll be fired. Seriously just a simple tie in of your email or a shitty twitter account is enough

I like how people in their stickied thread keep getting mad at Holla Forums for some reason.


nigger it would've been fucking perfect, and you cannot deny that the entire show was leading up to it. the ending was clearly inserted to appease waifufags and make sure depressed neets wouldn't kill themselves instead of buying all the blurays.

that said, the anime really could've used a second cour - and i believe it was the first in a long line of anime that suffered being cut into half, essentially. so many ideas and plot threads left dangling.

Stop posting.

Imagine the amount of degenerates, low functional autists and unironic faggots/trannies we are going to get. We are already infested for fuck sake, can Mark even save this place

You motherfucker


Also GLT needs to be added to a new version of the /abe/ chart.

Why would he though? He can find willing retards from the userbase who will jump through the current hoops and if he ties being a mod into having a halfchan pass he'll sell even more of them. The only actions he's taken are to make more money and short of advertising passes are the easiest way to do that.

SnW was never leading up to grimdark ending user, it's was about various things to do with redemption, finding your place: see the lyrics of Servante du Feu, following your dreams/goals: see ep13 for that laid out explicitly and not just running away from your problems among other things. Really that's all pretty on the nose, it's also part of the reason they play amazing grace so much if you think about the lyrics along with it being so excessively simple and overplayed it's halfway believable it could survive the apocalypse and be understood across cultural boundaries (as it has indeed done today) since it's clear the German Empire has heard of it too.

Nothing wrong with /d/ to be honest.

nothing right with it either

this place is going to burn if another cuckchan exodus happens. You can say this is our 4-year aniversary present and NeoFAG implosion

Hit reply too soon:
This I agree on, SnW needed to be maybe 3-4 episodes longer. The ending feels a bit rushed even with the two OVAs. I think a sequel would ruin a lot of the show's good points but another OVA or two would be nice. As you can see from picrelated the faggots behind the show would agree with you also.

He can't even protect against the 3 or 4 cuckchan refugees in this thread.
I don't have much confidence in them anymore.


Does anyone else wonder why the guy that they encountered in the last episode didn't breed the girls?

Shouldn't the main objective after the apocalypse be to gather as many survivors as possible and try to create a stable population?

Pretty sure one of the janitors or volunteers is a straight cuckchan refugee anyway.

To add into that whole spoilered shit Rio also gives a little speech about being lost, running away and actually not running away right before she fucks off to do her royal marriage shit.

Really? Didn't know, also what I meant was /d/ content in general.
Thats the only important thing on /d/.

I won't believed this till I see proof tbh

these girls don't bathe for months, user. pic related

I don't understand how you can find images in a sea of 13-digit filenames



To be fair SnW was partly sunk by a change in art-style and poor advertising that made it look like it was just going to be military K-On!, a line some faggots are still pushing to this day.

Hiroshimoot is also good, I knew there was one I'd forgotten. Of all these good options the most common one is by far the worst.

They literally took a bath last episode.


Have a free (You)

This thread is now an /abe/ thread.

And then they literally counted the number of baths they'd had since they set out.

7 years later, and on a different chan, the salt still flows.
For all its flaws, that show was truly special.

I for one look forward to the Japanese restoration of order to the Korean provinces.


I just get mad at anons misrepresenting SnW. I'm happy to disagree with people about it (as indeed I do with that other user currently ITT) but a difference of opinion is not the same thing as bullshitting about the show. Friendly reminder that halfchan's /a/ has a group of faggots who stream SnW for a re-watch every year in earlyish January. It's the only reason to even consider going near that shithole and it doesn't quite recapture the magic of the original threads and speculah but it's something. It'd be nice if faggots over here could get together and organise something similar actually.

Don't forget shows like LWA, something that got twice as many episodes as SnW and had maybe a quarter of the plot/character development/quality. It probably made more money too.

ABe user, not Abe.

For the love of God, go the fuck back to 4chan.
I remember when our /d/ didn't even allow futa, then somebody else took the board and ruined everything.

Didn't this homo make a bid for 4chan once?

Nobody wanted to sell?

For what purpose?

Would it really be a surprise if they did?

Because it's over-saturating.

my god its almost like thats what the board was created for; maybe next therell be too many video games on Holla Forums i say in a thread that isnt directly video games but had enough attention to make it past the bump limit, perhaps proving my point

What's next, you gonna say NeoGaf wasn't video games?
Fuck off back to cuckchan, you're a little faggot

As long as the rafugees respect the rules I can tolerate them.

There's directly video games, which is, you know, actual video games, and then there's indirectly video games, which is shot like neofag imploding because their head homo wanted some of that free love that female liberation was supposed to get him. I know full well why the first 4/v/ exodus happened, and went with it, but they wern't technically wrong when they say it isn't video games. Unless you think lol threads going into every webcomic imaginable, and most recently reddit screen caps, are video games too.

Remember, we don't appear on Google, does.

By the way, they weren't banned, instead internal in fighting did us in, though I had left by that point.

I always wondered was happened to the 100 anons who were here before the first exodus.

I'm still here at the very least.

Redwood banned us from Holla Forums, though in retrospect our threads did become a nuisance to that otherwise slow board.

lol threads are entirely different from most threads in general user. That's a very false equivalence.

Are you fucking retarded?
Removing futa from /d/ would like Holla Forums discussing only mobile games and VNs.

I can only imagine the cancer they will exude

There's video games and then there's video games, and both this and gamergate aren't DIRECTLY video games. The reason we left was over the disagreement of what was allowable and, perhaps more importantly, that the friend-of-a-friend mod appointees no longer represented the community. I'm not saying we should nuke threads like this, and in fact 8/v/ pretty much exists for these sorts of threads, but them yelling 'this isn't videogames' isn't completely unfounded.

And that being said, all the alt-Holla Forums boards like /svidya/ and /gamesx/ are dead as fuck, so all people REALLY want is light-hearted shitposting with a video games theme, and here we are.

That's fair enough.
still comes across as autistic as fuck though

I thought those things only ate insects.




Mods and shit need to be ready for this.

Posters need to just keep on being "toxic" and in general true to what this board is about. That alone will scare off the normalfags, rapefugees and newfaggotry that will inevitably show up

Not really, futa overlaps with a lot of other stuff but still manages to annoy a lot of people.
Removing futa from /d/ is more like removing casual from Holla Forums.

Step it up.

Are you literally retarded? If anything this means a bunch of people will leave Holla Forums and go to 4chan.

Read the thread, the mods are being uncooperative and nuking any vaguely meta-looking thread they see.

I will never go back there, just because there may not be that much censorship it doesn't mean they won't keep allying themselves with SJWs, not to mention the whole per post capcha and draconian rules in general.

Welp, this site is gonna get cucked soon with all the influx. At least I'll still be able to laugh at the triggered oldfags before I move.

all our nuclear deterrents were removed long ago by squeamish plebbitors that came here


I kek everytime, that one was mine.


you fool they have balloon technology

Send all those newfags to /intb/ and other goon owned boards, let's see how they like it!

Just gonna leave this here.

It was a ruse by hiro to jew out 4cvhan pass money from retards
Notch, Cernovich, Le """conservative""" interracial sodomite and Shkreli all reached out to Hiro with serious offers and he ignored them.

At this point Futa is like Traps. Normalfags are into dicks now and they still insist they are not gay. Although futa is slightly less gay, still a normalfag fetish.

That is the most retarded logic I have seen. There's already legitimate methods of competition that don't revolve around ostracizing others.

You're not a fucking mod, it's not about them respecting the rules, it's about them not being cancerous faggots, and unless the moderation uses rules to remove them, which they don't, rules don't have anything to do with it.


Bump limit is 300 replies, bucko.