#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: The Fifth Primarch Edition



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>>>Holla Forums777548


> Bonegolem is back and updating Deepfreeze: twitter.com/icejournalism/status/ 906948110789877761
> Jed Whitaker booted from DToid: archive.is/r5rrW
> Mike Diver fired from Waypoint: archive.fo/wwwrc
> #NoTatsukiNoTanoshi Updates: archive.fo/VO3Jp archive.fo/EiaPi
> Every time: archive.is/vdpoh archive.fo/FnzSK archive.is/pFi3a
> A strange week indeed: archive.fo/Dzr3b#selection-3633.0-3633.12
> Escapist staff fired: archive.is/6BNDm
> NeoGAF dead with allegations against owner: archive.fo/sDCgX archive.fo/qWncR archive.fo/P6Jg8 archive.is/Ls6Th
> GDC: archive.is/bAF5a


youtube.com/watch?v=wy9bisUIP3w - #GamerGate - If It's Not About Ethics;
youtube.com/watch?v=5fnRSL3d_xU - #GamerGate in 60 Seconds;
archive.is/23Fde - GamerGate: A State of the Union Address.

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• The #GamerGate Dossier: archive.is/nv1Fb
• #GamerGate Wiki: thisisvideogames.com/gamergatewiki/index.php
• History of #GamerGate: historyofgamergate.com/
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I want to fuck a Gilda TONIGHT


So apparently 4chan is burning right now, but I'm not really clear on how it's any different from before.



What I like the most is that this all happened during this site's anniversary.

Hiroshima made the mods let the cucks talk about neogaf and bitch about the mods and they're taking advantage of that opportunity.



What's happened today did discord crash with no survivors?
Did ResetEra birth?

Watch out for GamerGate
The public enemy of the world #1
It is the main hashtag responsible for…
☑ Forcing a historian to prioritize shitposts over reporting their dad's corpse
☑ Vandilizing private property with "Strategic Designation #2"
☑ Causing chaos in Hollywood with an acid rainstorm
☑ Ruined the very concept of anime for everyone
☑ Firing a promising staff member from Platinum Games
☑ Making Colin Moriarty say a misogynistic joke and firing him
☑ Giving a white Iranian a date with DMCAstiny
☑ Creating bait that surpassed Metal Benis
☑ Stole Bioware's checkbook
☑ Making YouTube proud to support the [ERROR: Login to view this content] community
☑ Became Linkedredchannitin
☑ Adorning unrelated posts with images of anime boobs
☑ Overwrote reality with a Tropico save-file
☑ Teaching the Russians how it's done
☑ Spent 4 days legally dead for tax reasons
☑ Manipulated reviews to make Yooka-Laylee look as 64-bit as possible
☑ Revealed international culinary secrets
☑ Convinced an user into becoming a trap
☑ Funded by Russia to cause chaos in the USA
☑ Plotting to invade and take over the fashion world with a new puppet as mascot
☑ Successfully summoned the memeteor, then promptly dispelled it because it wasn't exciting enough
☑ Moved gaming acceptance back decades in the public consciousness
☑ Got seened in an Oakland drive-by
☑ Has trademarked "hikikomori ginger girls with names based on imageboards"
☑ Employed Russia's help in hacking the ESRB
☑ Bestowed upon a penguin a penguin-waifu
☑ Caught a glimpse of the evil that is the Korean Education system
☑ Likes their iced cream 'pure aryan'
☑ Hacked a character into ARMS, then leaked it
☑ Having a girl fetish
☑ Killed people at an Ariana Grande concert with a bomb
☑ Discriminating fantasy from reality
☑ Undoing all the hard work into promoting Far Cry 5
☑ Turned Ren Hoek into a terrorist
☑ Created Gamergate America
☑ Became starmen
☑ Brought misogyny into E3
☑ Turned Mario Mexican
☑ Prevented beloved VAs from reprising their popular roles
☑ Brought back unpopular video games like Metroid
☑ Blowing everything up

#TorrentialDownpour and Nip news:

In the process of organizing and adding more info
Make sure to inform normalfags about websites free of Socjus Influence.

Useful Links:




Localization watch: Not solely from shit companies (need to add more)

>Sekai Project: Teaching Feeling ( >>>/hgg/116640 )


pantsu.cat is a nyaa replacement after it was taken down. It's better than the competition. Use this instead of the cartel run cancer.


They've put up downloads to paywalled fakku doujins.

Fakku 0001-1000: files.catbox.moe/129di9.torrent
Fakku 1001-1100: files.catbox.moe/h3l457.torrent
Fakku 1101-1200: files.catbox.moe/47batv.torrent
Fakku 1201-1300: files.catbox.moe/c9ntlr.torrent
Fakku 1301-1400: files.catbox.moe/rkuheo.txt
Fakku 1401-1500: files.catbox.moe/ce8oor.txt
Fakku 1501-1600: files.catbox.moe/nmqh3d.txt
Fakku 1601-1700: files.catbox.moe/60v3p6.txt
Fakku 1701-1800: files.catbox.moe/3ii6j8.txt
Fakku 1801-1900: files.catbox.moe/m37bm7.txt
Fakku 1901-2000: files.catbox.moe/z9nmm6.txt
Fakku 2001-2100: files.catbox.moe/arpo7h.txt

Info & feedback welcome

Are you going to rape me now

Men who won't rape you.


That depends, are you a female (male)?


Apparently the mods on 4/v/ are revolting against Slanty-eyed gook, deleting the sticky the chink made and deleting the IRC.

Serious fucking business, the internet.

I really hope he ejects those SJW pieces of shit

Enjoy with beer and broken SSL certs.




Here's something not current events related but as a historical reference:
Remember Ghost Stories? How hilarious the english dub was?
Clearly it wasn't accurate in the slightest but according to established behind-the-scenes explanation it was because ADV licensed the series for peanuts because it was such a flop that the original rights-holders told them to do whatever they want with it.
Turns out it was ALL A LIE.
(Source has links and citations in their post.)
Puts the actions of companies like NISA and Funimation into perspective. This "localization" cancer has been festering for a long, long time.



It looks like giant bomb is going to explode.

I wonder if he will get mad enough to kick them all out and replace socjus mods with mods from Holla Forums

lol, the embed for example didn't take.
I guess Hooktuibe doesn't work.

…a NeoGaf shit cascade with causes a 4chins moderation civil war would be …delicious

Mods overpowering the owner into "inmates running the asylum" is exactly what happened to lowtax and SA.

Halfchan mods are just revolting overall.

But who's in charge?

I just need some journos to be thrown to the wolves too and I'm golden.


Would there be a noticeable difference?

During 8ch fourth anniversary 4ch could be saved and socjus/normalfags mods ejected.
Is this kind of omen?

Let it burn. In addition, I believe they have to sign up with their real name and all that to do it 4free now. This week just keeps on giving.

It looks worse than 8/pol/ with obvious baits, normalfags posting there sometimes, cuck/interacial porn but anons there are ok.

I'm more for burning it all down and letting all the lackluster faggots who stayed behind know what it's like to go through an exodus.


Might as well link some relevant files.

Do you truly want to, for these faggots come HERE?

And, some of the more recent shit too.


The clones did nothing wrong.

Actually, screw it, why don't we tie all of the shit going on with imported Japanese media into Torrential Downpour (Not just make it about games) since this is more than just a caner in gaming?



Just send them to .pl and endchan. If the fags are so keen on spamming us every two or three weeks to try to get us to migrate there, I am sure they wouldn't mind an exodus or two.



But why save something that is already beyond saving?

Isn't endchan dead, tho? They've rebranded and set up mewch.net now (they still suck at advertising as apparently their method of spreading the word is trolling infinitechan's twitter account).

Endchan's not dead, just slow. Would be amusing to have 4chan deluge them with 50x their numbers.


OP Timber needs to be higher. AND needs something email/Disnod based beyond using AdNauseum.
OP Highroller also needs better preparation.
All we have for it so far is "mock lootboxes & imply they are casuals via memes".

I was thinking of making an image to spread on Twitter.
Like how after Vegas they had shit like "It's not the wrong time about to talk about gun control- it's too late" with black and white image of misery and all that-
I was gonna do a similar image, based off a tweet I saw (Gaming doesn't have a sexism problem. It has a male feminist problem.)

So no matter who wins, halfchan loses even more (SJWness makes it easier for Hiroshi to con the users, except when it bites him here)?
The biggest risk is the bastards flood us.
Then again- worth reminding them what he's like to burn it to the ground?

Japan gave them the go-ahead to "do whatever it takes to make it sell" irrelevant of it being good in Japan- since it'd be hard to sell as is… Or so they thought.

You can understand 90s Japan thinking America won't get Japanese shit, but with the internet they have no excuse for localization now (both because people like observing tid-bits from other cultures AND they can see themselves if it was good or not).

Why they spun it was probably to dissuade anyone requesting a legit dub, or making themselves out to be big heroes.

Have some more. Don't forget IGDA's "expertize" told people to de-culture shit.

Then you still have .pl

I have that shit too.



So they're not related to mewch? My bad, then.

A lie is still a lie. Well, it's all moot since ADV is gone, but the subversive mindset behind the localization scene still remains.

Main focus should be gaming- but yeah, SJWs corrupting other fields is relevant to us by proxy.

Also god damn it. Really wondering at this point how many are legit accusations.

The hell is mewchan?

Probably a honeypot like the .pl site.

Speaking of downpour do we know how fucked the localization for the new FE game is? I heard NoE was behind it.

Looks like they're fishing for shills over from Holla Forums and /fringe/.


Remember how to speak to someone who is Japanese.
Also- consider what dev you speak to. Kamiya will probably block you, and Game Freak aren't gonna move Pokemon to the PC over this.
1. Find Japanese people on social media who speak english. Mainly those linked with games. Especially those who worked/are working/will work with Nintendo.
2. Reference games ruined in Japan by US style changes- Star Ocean 5, Street Fighter 5, etc.
3. Research who you're talking to. Kamiya will block you and already stands his ground. Odds are, he'll be OK. Likewise, the guys working at Game Freak & Pokemon won't jump ship because of this.
4. Don't talk to them about GamerGate unless asked. You can explain (briefly) why there is a disconnect between what Western Journos and Western Gamers want. Or that the hobby is being politicized by outside forces. Give them small, manageable bits of info that are relevant to their interests. GG is a behemoth that is hard to understand the scope of. Maybe drop them a line to this: roninworksjapan.tumblr.com/ but it is not necessary, nor encouraged.

Other than that, follow the first pic related- and treat it like a DisNod. Do it every day

>>>/gamergatehq/331149 More advise from here down.

I won't send them to endchan. Fuck revolt.
I would send them to meguca.

It's still worth to try.
Do not put all your eggs in one basket, right?

I wonder which smaller channels aren't honeypots.

I'm pretty sure there was a legal battle between them and FUNi, where FUNi was (for once) in the right, they dismantled themselves and reformed as Sentai (and I'm pretty sure FUNi is still pursuing a case against them).

I prefer the four primarchs song to sandy's song. Here's the whole soundtrack too

The point is to flood them with cancer

let them die

They are already dead.
There is no point.
Also /sp/ don't need to suffer that.



Careful with those loli pictures, user.

What the hell did we do last-time we had a cuck exodus?

oh no

I'm posting child pornography and you can't stop me

We didn't do much 'cause they were never as bad as this. Maybe we'll get to spam porn like during Fallout 4's launch.

O fuck



They're from halfchan- they won't care about the porn. It's not like a shill or a hardcore SJW.

Jesus fucking christ.

It might blow over, it might kill the site, and everything between. IMO we are overreacting, but it's better to be prepared.

I guess Holla Forums will need new servers

I'm sure a certain someone will end up having some servers for sale at some point in the near future.


All the mods stop talking in moderation IRC.
It's really bad.

Hopefully Hiroshima was able to pay back his entire debts. Too bad he didn't trashed these mods sooner.

God dammit this site is going to be unusable for the next weeks or so. Every thread will be what the Neogaf thread is right nhow, a bunch of shitters telling everyone to go back and everyone complaining about each other without being on topic.

Keikaku doori.

Translators' Note: "Keikaku doori" means "just as planned".

We can't deal with the site, but how can we protect these threads?

Stop panicking. As usual with refugees, what matters is telling them to lurk before posting, or get the fuck out. If they're not too mentally challenged, they'll catch up easily, otherwise never hesitate to bully them with 16mb sound webms.

So it's going to be exactly the same as ever?



Has it begun? Is the semi-normalfag Internet starting to explode? The hashtag is causing a lot of friendly fire.

How do you manage to be a bigger beta than moot?

I've been waiting for this prophecy to come true and it finally has

It's amazing how SJWs are losing a grip on things now.


Oh shit


Wasted opportunity, fuck you Reanon. Glad the prophecy is coming true, though!

I, for one, welcome this outbreak of complete and utter chaos

Put on the dress, gook.


As fun as it is to bully gookanon, eventually the gay shit gets old.

You failed.

sweet sweet chaos

Holla Forums is the place where you can talk anything about video games. (note from mods. DO NOT talk about video games or anyhing)


Info on French journo bullshit from last thread, including an attempt to go after the CEO of Ankama Games (Wakfu, Dofus, etc.)

This seems worth noting. To the user who posted it I appreciate the information, I didn't like seeing your post with no replies last bread. Hopefully people just didn't have anything to add rather than overlooking it.

They voted for the woman who was arming russia while trying to antagonize russia into attacking the states and all because trump said a few non kosher things. What do you think user?

No. I refuse to belive this. Surely we made this up. Surely some autistic faggot on here made a giant fake list to fuck with people. There's absolutely no way these people could be that fucking retarded and consolidate all their information on the internet like this.

Not only that, but there's also links to their xvideos and pornhub accounts

Such as?

Come on user.
We are talking about neofaggots here.
There is high probability that they were this retarded.

Why? Who makes account there? Do they also link them to their facebook and twitter account so we can see what kind of tranny porn they watch?


Some were convinced that looking at the sun during a solar eclipse doesn't hurt you're eyes and is racist propaganda. They are that retarded.

Now I know why people spam redtext, you fucks ignore it otherwise.

Nobody has anything to lose except time from looking for funny things in the pastebin. Someone already found this.



That looks like something a third-party put together by looking at shared account names, not something they posted. Also I think some of that qualifies as dox, so kindly don't post it here.

fuck… how much more of a degenerate cuck can you be?

I will be more of an obnoxious faggot in the future, no worries. If it gets senpai to notice me that is


Build a wall to keep illegals out.

Being a gay cuck who still worships womens feet because hes a betanodder who hates himself and men yet wants to fuck them and not women because all gays are sexists who hate women.


Stop pretending, Val. We know it's you all along.


I didn't even know they made gay western sex cartoons


Gas yourself.

I saw and Laughed, anakam gives no shits


why has that girl got a penis?

They do, and just like those gay webcomics, it's low quality shit.







There is some delicious stuff in that pastebin.

why would they go after dofus and the delicious thights….oh yeah…thats why


Good find from Neofag sticky.

its pretty well known 8-4 are neofags

Yea but he doesnt even play vidya and dont tell me these fucks knowingly avoid steam to buy games from GoG

Get out of the fucking gamergate thread with this shit, we don't fucking care.

You need to make "friends" if you want to get at those private videos that would otherwise get immediately taken down. It's not like niconico where they have a jack off together kind of atmosphere.

Beat me to it. Here's some archives.

That's not the point, the point is that in the last year he's played Hyper Light Drifter and Undertale. Ps he doesn't even own Mighty Number 9

I would tell you to go back to cuckchan but apparently they allow neogaf threads there too now so I am just going suggest suicide.

You clearly haven't ever been to the gamergate threads before in your life, so kindly fuck off. We don't post personal info here. You want to do that, go to the neogaf thread where a million other anons are doing it and no one has a problem with it.

God I love Felix.


Are traps more appealing now?

Here is your last reply

Glad to see that Holla Forums thinks they can shit all over the entire site the moment there's a happening


Worst Frame arm girls

It's 3D chess. They are operating on intellectual powers we can't even imagine.

agreed, and there's very little art of best girl

Jinrai is garbage also, even her alt version colors her kit has no ass and is just really plain in comparison to other FAGs

Stylet is pretty much the most popular one.

Stop bullying NeoGAF. They suffered enough lol

Their suffering has only begun.

are you the diabeticanon?

Is it worth watching if you dont care about fanservice?

They might form their own Diamond Dogs to take back all they lost now.

Did someone say

Cute slice of life.
Was probably the best show of a particularly shit season, but there are better anime overall to waste your useless NEET life watching.


Alright, thanks

Baselard and Archtec have been my favorite so far
Baihu is looking to be a fun build

No idea, Ive not seen it
I just build the models

Kek, get ready for another exodus.



never let your guard down, they will try something.

There's good reason why that sort of thing isn't welcome here. Especially when it's for no better purpose than making fun of random irrelevant people from a website we already know is terrible.

Just for the Hell of it, I decided to just how trigger happy the mods are getting at cuckchan. They deleted both of my topics with 10 minutes. Here was the OP (and I used the linked GIF as the thread's picture):
That's how much the site is going "Shut it down!"

I thought they allowed discussion now.

In a containment thread I believe

This is the year of the flops and I can only hope it goes out with a bang. Come to think of it, this entire year has been amazing.


Prophet Moviebob (diabeetus be upon him) was right gaming will be dragged back to the dark ages of pre 2007 now that NeoFag is ded.

I still have yet to watch NGE

The good games are doing well, and the AAA shit is flopping. Thank fuck.

Not playing games on Steam doesn't mean anything. I'm pretty fucking sure that most Nintendo devs don't even have a Steam account.

Is it wrong to be sad that movieblob outlived neogaf?

How many devs still listened to them to the very end? There were the yooka laylee faggots and I guess naughty dog too.

It's shit

Yea I am sure he buys games from GoG or pirates them all :^)

Good year.

The first half is mediocre. The second half gets more interesting as it builds upon its premise and you start seeing the characters really develop. The last two episodes don't exist. EoE was awesome, at least visually. The last 30 minutes of that film are just…something else.

No, I was implying he's a console baby.

How about we cause the shut down of another site that will return gaming back to it's '97 days?

Neither have I.

But, they do user.

wait a minute. Grape-kun died just before all of this kicked off.

Was his pure love for his waifu the blood sacrifice, rea?


I haven't been to these threads for over 6 months. Please don't tell me you fags got butthurt over that "Make America Nazi-Free Again." tweet shit. If I was a developer, I would have done the same fucking thing to sell my game.



>Trying to start shit just because we mentioned Wolfenstein

Get the fuck out of here NeoGaf!

Its more so Pete playing dumb saying its not. Also have you seen the fucking "resistance". Its a fucking bad poz joke.

Would you be mad if I said I got worried that corpse flowers stopped blooming for October and desperately wished for a sacrifice in its place?

I watched NGE for the first time this year.
I thought 25+26 were vastly more interesting than EoE. It had some good parts but I spent most of the movie getting actually angry at Shinji. Fucking lay there and die if that's what you want you piece of shit.

Misato is best girl by far. Reifags and Auskafags are both delusional. Kaji was also the best character.



I don't like CRPGs, but if it's good, then good. I just don't have the time to get invested into something like that.

Don't forget that Speebot, a game from a yesdev, came out finally.

I like 9S is cuter.

user pls.

All I have of him is this.

You mean the rebuild films don't exist. The series and EoE were alright, but SJWeebs and normalfags overly praise it.

Evangelion is "Nerd Cred" to these people and think they'll fit in by overly praising it and pretending that it has any deep meaning.

This is good

>impersonate a normalfag SJW
Other than that, you're right. They wouldn't even hint that we're against corruption and just say we're against PoC or some shit.

I dont think you actually understand what "deep" means in narrative context

It's one of those stories/shows that certainly has something INTERESTING about it, but whether it's good or bad is up to the viewer. It's also worth watching just for the historical context of anime, if you're a fan of the medium.

Funny thing is Eva is actually pretty anti sjw in it's over all meaning seeing as it calls out sjw types for running away and not dealing with reality, in fact Eva is arguably about being yourself and living with your issues.

This year has been good to us, might of taken 10 years but finally the curse pf 07 is gone.



8ch is a honeypot.

Don't. It's the definition of overrated shit that pseudo-intellectual pricks think is sooooo good. You want the deep themes and messages? Here you go: Otaku are pathetic losers. There I saved you 2 cour and a movie. Don't you feel intellectually enlightened by that amazing theme and messaging that was obvious to fucking anyone? Next in our line up is "killing is bad" and "friends are cool" and other fucking obvious crap that doesn't make for interesting themes in a show only to be delivered by the most annoying main character in any show ever. What's that? You want to know what was up with all the religious imagery and naming schemes? Literally nothing. They just thought it was cool. It meant nothing.
Fuck EVA, FUCK its shitty waifus that only fags with no taste like, fuck the pride parade robots, fuck the stupid fag who thinks his problems matter over saving the world, fuck the depressed cunt who wrote the dumbest message and fuck the brainless slackjawed fuckstains that consume and worship that awful franchise.


The state of NeoGAF


Pretty much this but I dont even remember the ending, what a shitshow. I didnt even go in expecting a mecha anime and I was still let down.

yeah nothing special about that show at all

Holy shit thank God I never watched Prison School in English

Fuck off you niggers. Eva is good, just because fags have been jacking it off for the last 20 years doesn't mean it's any worse or better. It's fine.

It's good at what though? Story is complete shit, characters are all shit too lol thats the point. The animation was good though but thats it

Thread is full of neofags shitting on him lel

Eva a shit.
Prove me wrong, nerds.

This is not a message necessarily direct at people responding to this post, but…
Why the Fuck do people talk about how shitty something is, explain why it's shitty, but do not point to parts where this shit actually is?



You know I watched the whole Evangelion series besides the movies

Are they even worth it?

I don't believe the last 2 episodes ever existed as well

This is correct

i wonder how many more pedos and rapists are still hidden among the ranks of gaffersmods and users.

NeoGAF is back online and just like old times, they ban half the users already.

What about it is shit? The characters are all human, even though some are ass holes, the story is all it needs to be, and the animation is great with cool designs.

Karma is the biggest bitch.

I'd say it's worth watching EoE just once. I mean, it's where TUMBLING DOWN TUMBLING DOWN TUMBLING DOWN came from. At the very fucking least, the entire Third Impact sequence was glorious. The Rebuilds don't exist.

I meant the other one and the pastebin. I don't think his Steam profile qualifies as private information or a separate identity. Though remember Steam profiles aren't necessarily too informative for reasons ranging from consoles to how some game journalists keep secondary accounts for prerelease copies.

Don't care about that show either or tbh. Your pic on the other hand was a pretty good show.



So first and 3rd no go?


Some of those might be undercover shitposters.

not only is this the thread for the biggest retards on the board, they're also outing themselves as too stupid to get evangelion. it's not even deep, but it's apparently too deep for you redditor fucks.

It's alright show, but the Rebuild movies are shit. 4.0 never ever.


Neogaf requires a long ass waiting time. I'm in the Gaf Discords right now, it's genuinely Neogaf shitting up the boards.

Wow, very human, amazing pathos, so compelling.

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Neon Genesis Evangelion.

I want to say it's gotta be a shitposter. But I don't know if that might be moviebob finally coming out or something.

get that ass banned

Are you sure?


>While reading NGE hentai

I think I found my new past-time.

The animation is the only genuinely good thing about it.

I thought they employ the regressive stack, wasn't it from the discord that if you're a non wipipo your waiting time is cut down to half. Unless that was the parody account. It's getting hard to tell sometimes.
Well whatever happens, they might splinter off into at least what, 3 different sites now.

so wait, is he lying when he says there's no evidence? I haven't been keeping up with this bit of drama so I don't know why this is so funny (other than that NeoGAF is burning, which is pretty funny in its own right). Is his mod team imploding because they Listened and Believed, or is he actually a scumfuck and the fact that he was anti-GG and accused us of being sexual predators is just even more hilarious?

Nigger I've been reading their discords for the past day. I'm in the know.

It was a parody account you're thinking of.

All I know about NGE is this post, which is enough to both make me laugh a lot and not actually want to watch it.


Half my family died in the span of 6 months this year and you don't see me moping around.
It's not fucking interesting to watch a character succumb and fail to get over himself and just be miserable no matter how justified it is.
But the hack writing made him only accomplish step 1 of any of this in the LAST FUCKING EPISODE

I'll be honest with you, I'm pretty sure her did nothing wrong and the bitch simply virtue signaled to get some attention in the #metoo clusterfuck of a tag. But that asshole gettinf Listened and Believed is pretty funny so I'll let it pass.

Is it time to post toblerones?

Maybe you're just fucking autistic and can't feel emotion, because you SHOULD be moping in that fucking situation. And shinji gets better over the course of the series as he gets closer to rei, asuka, his friends, and misato.


ahahhaa all these threads

Figures, the last bit with the diversity consultant was too good to be true. Just waiting for the implosion of nu-neogaf.

It's a Rashomon based play as performed by Neofaggots. Tyler is walter mitty grade delusional but the juggalo chick in the shower involved sounds bugnuts as well. They type that would cry RAEEP when she realized "ohno if my boyfriend found out I fucked around I might be accused of cheating or some sexist shit like that so yeah HE RAAAEEEP MEEE". They're now reaping what they've been sowing with Listen&Believe. So fuck em all.

He's got a very long history of pulling dumb shit like this. People just ignored it until now, when suddenly it seems to matter that some chick accuses you of shower-shocking them years ago. No one's coming out of this looking good but us, he's shit, the chick seems crazy, the mods knew full well he was like that but never did anything till now, and the users get fucked. It's a perfect shitstorm, but a lot of people have been seeing this coming for years. He's a very classical "I'm a good feminist, ignore my old posts about how rape is funny and my long trail of angry women".

Also, every Evangelion thread is exactly the same. Every last one of them. There's only one last thing required to complete the process. And every time this happens, the franchise gets another nonsensical piece of merchandise.


Well congrats, you're far more resilient than most people.

Listanon was it shinji who killed your dad or someshit what the fuck


I never said it wasn't realistic, I'm asking is it actually interesting or compelling in any way to you?

Honestly, it's probably exaggerated to an extreme, given this in the screencap that everyone lost their shit over. The joy is because the environment Malka fostered, one of walking lockstep in line, and progressive stances including Listen and Believe, is why he's getting eaten. That and NeoFAG being a marketer puppeted shithole for over a decade, of course.

There's no evidence besides he said/she said. And she admits they had a sexual relationship later. However saying a later relationship makes her claims seems less likely is considered "victim blaming" by SJWs. And of course EvilLore isn't exactly a very credible person either.

Just like all the braindead, panicked, hysterical, heterophobic, perpetually-offended neogaf users and mods. Literally, the same fucking behavior daily.

A hysterical white/male/hetero-hating cult of virtue-signaling hypocrites is embedded in the press and neogaf alike. It's always a joy to see it eating itself.

Truth is not me or ANYONE else gives a shit if the story is made up
Its the narrative Evilore helped create to always listen to woman
I'm not gonna defend him over this and I will laugh at his own downfall

its a story about people struggling with their issues to various degrees of success, how can it not be interesting or compelling to anyone isnt in denial about his own shortcomings

cock.li works on registering for Neogaf
begin hyper shitposting

I don't like this image. It looks like someone is saying they won the argument and that it should stop because they say so.

Because they don't struggle. They wallow. They sit in their filth for hours and even in the end there is no resolution beyond a vague acknowledgement. There is no character arc. It's masturbatory and lurid display of human despair for no reason other than so the pathetic viewers might empathize with an equally pathetic protagonist.

Have a webm.


They do. Asuka learns not to be a cunt, rei learns to feel, shinji learns to let people in.


It looks like that because you dont know the context of why its funny, newfriend.

they struggle, break, and overcome
some just break and suffer the consequences
you must have watched the show with your ass if you actually believe what you just stated

I agree that they are, but it doesn't make it any less enjoyable to see these faggots held to their own standards.

It's an image with a guy that BTFO Marxists.

This is wonderful.

shilling intensifies



Hahahaha, I'm waiting for that idiotic furfag Brian to donate all of his life-savings on whatever shitstain crowdfunding those faggots will do.

its an image of a guy that gets on 20 minute long all encompassing explanations by the end of which if you still oppose his statement on a given topic, you might as well be a retard

Is this from that blue gold dress meme normalfags wouldn't shut up about a while back?

Looks like it.


They're pretty late on this, I expected at least a Patreon at this time.

Of course Tyler comes out of three days of radio silence lying through his teeth. Of course.

They're probably looking for anyone insane enough to invest on their neo-neofag clonem doubt it and just expect either their own hugbox to fund them or getting so elitist enough, they'll close in and become an even smaller echo chamber.


Well, they can't say I didn't warn them.

daily reminder that NeoGAF is raiding itself and will probably be in eternal diaspora now

Has Evilore made a statement yet?

Legends say he's still typing.

Don't forget facepainting revenge porn and selling user data to Gawker. I wish there were clearer paths than screenshots taken after shit was deleted due to executive meddling on Malka's part, but what can you do?
Revenge porn
Selling user data

Yeah, and predictably, he's trying to bury it under the same old bullshit tactics he's pulled to turn GAF into the hugbox it became.

With a dramatic reading by an user


"Can't we just talk about video games again after I purposely deleted off topic, avoided responding for hours and banned other users for the same accusations before?"'



Everything sounds retarded if you condense it and exaggerate it hard enough.

And, archive and reaction image (Because previous post was an embed). Also, now I don't have to watch that series.

If a series is good enough, even satirizing the entire synopsis should give a person some interest in it.

Jesus cuckchan.

What's your excuse for not learning Nip?

Because I feel like as soon as I finish learning it they are going to make a machine translator that works perfectly and all my work would have been for nothing.

Thanks for that, had a good chuckle.

He says in capslock on an Austrian woodcarving forum, totally in control of his mental faculties

Literally never going to happen. Never ever not ever. We'll be lucky if we see a translator that does a better job than the average bilingual human in our lifetimes; machine translation still sucks and will suck until large changes occur.

Didn't someone screencap numerous posts explaining why machine translations will never really work for non-Latin based languages (Which, even then, aren't all that great anyway)?

The best anime are always weird. That's what people like about the medium.

I've seen the series and the movies and I'm still confused after reading that

About 90% of what he describes takes up less than 5% of the series. The backstory is mostly just extrapolated from short flashbacks and things like the groundwork books. A plot summary of Eva should be the last thing to get you interested in it, since the series itself barely bothers to deal with it. Getting into it because you like classical music or production details is massively more likely.

Language itself will probably change first. It'll be interesting to see how we speak in a few hundred years.

There are ways you can find out, you know.

Allan Poe, Jules Vernes, HG wells is a century old

Your digits recommend Mein Kampf.

That's the central problem with machine translation imo; language changes so fast, and so many different vernacular phrases are coined and drift in meaning, that a translation requires far more context than just the words it is given.

Oh wait, Vernes is French.
Mark Twain, instead.

I'm also surprised those writers feel modern despite the century

>Got thetrapmod to work in CM3D2
I've fucking jacked off ten times today because of this shit.

Wow, just thinking about the fact that I haven't downloaded that (So, I just did). Also decided to grab a copy of Ford's The International Jew while I was at it. Any other works to recommend? Also, is it pretentious to have The Art of War since the book is just Sun's personal journal on his military experience (Instead of some "life changing revelation" that people make it out to be)?

What's wrong with Verne being French? Also, remember that H. G. Wells is a woman. :^)

lol gay

I fucking hate this image.

You know theres an influx of cuckchan refugees when pepe posting increases.

more like peepee



You listed English writers Shakespeare and Paine as examples of how to observe change in language. It wouldn't work with other languages since they are translated and modernized, otherwise I would've suggested Homer and Russian writers

What did Neogaf mean by this?

It just means that Jontron is involved in the game.

what is the racism supposed to be about?
The mafia?

aren't the devs typical college commies?

they want to ravioli ravioli the loli, but need to put the blame on someone else?

We don't know if that book was just in the game, or something belonging to a villain and thus shwon in a negative light. Do we know now?

so do i
And the game is also neat, which is a nice bonus, plus the devs didn't cuck out.

I just remembered that while Shakespeare was entertaining London, Smith was out settling "The New World". And, that he has his stories to tell as well.

Damn, NeoGAF falling down is one hell of a site birthday present. How was your day, anons? I'd post more, and earlier but I need a break after catching up on all that


lel some of these comments
and fucking of course there is some faggot crying about Holla Forums

Poland is a just myth to scare globalists


Have you not noticed he influx of newfags? Weinstein began a chain reaction and everywhere is getting fucked in some way or another.

This is the screenshot I want context for. Is that some random book or does it belong to a villain?

If you're studying the text itself in context no. If you just have it for a coffee table book, meh who cares. It's still better than something like "the Secret".

I certainly chuckled at that

I've been digging everywhere and still can't find anything. I played the game myself and didn't see this, so I assume it must be tucked away in some corner. Someone more familiar with the game might be able identify what portion it's from from the stone walls, the books, the lantern, and the fact that Hat Kid is wearing the grappling hook and scooter pins.

What if it's a shoop?

Do you think somebody would really do that? Just go on the internet and lie to people?


Thanks for the mention, dear

To finish off the shitposting about the "evolution of language", I also found Beowulf (Though this is more of a modern translation of the Old English poem), The Owl and The Nightingale (Which has two of the earliest "Middle English manuscripts side by side), a claimed unabridged version of The Canterbury Tales (For all but two of the stories), and the two volumes of The Life and Times of Arthur Pendragon''.

And, I screwed up the text formatting.


This, but ironically unironically.

Nigga, this is interesting shit.

It's over.

Oh fuck.

I've been years out from cuckchan. How cancerous have it turned?

I'm pretty sure our shitposting is spread out between this and the Neogaf shit, plus it's not longer summer, and it's the middle of the night on a weekday.



McIntosh deletes his infamous "I'm calling it. Gamergate lost" tweet, mere hours after it's 3 year annivwersary is mentioned on KIA.


I would think he's preparing to come at us again, except absolutely no one gives a shit about him anymore.

What is this meme of GG being nearly 80% left leaning based off one poll?

The nazis were left wing though.

I know this image triggers both Holla Forums and Holla Forums

We took a poll. Turns out we were leftwinged libertarians mostly.

Then I see this

Gonna be honest I doubt it just like I doubt that it would be mostly right wing.

This a reddit fag?
My main issue is when was GG purely one side or another?

The one dimensional Left/Right spectrum thing triggers me because I'm neither

The two dimensional Left/Right Libertarian/Authoritarian matrix thing triggers me because I'm not anything left/right up/down

The three dimensional cubic thing triggers me because I'm not definably on any of the three axises anywhere


I'm not a "I'm neutral with a superior IQ lol!" asshole, but none of those things are anything I identify with as an adult.

I hate you for posting this

Ghazi thinks we're fucking their beloved NeoFAG.
We've become chads.

The square is significantly more accurate than a line, but the problem still exists that wanting gays to marry but refusing social programs would stick you right into the middle, which wouldn't be fair to that person.

I found the old strawpoll which was posted around here. strawpoll.me/4396676/r
Another user was referencing another study a guy personally did, which is where he got the 86% figure from. That study is worthless, because he never came to either 4chan or Holla Forums for it.


I'm not sure I remember Archon sexually harassing someone by pulling the naked man play on a girl in the shower and then having his site explode, but maybe my memory is just fuzzy from all this misogyny filling up my brain.

From what I've gathered on this thread at least most GG anons here are this weird mix of right and left or not part of either reminds me of 2014 8/pol/ to be honest.

That poll is worthless because it only was on the most left leaning sites not sites where you'd find a more diverse set of views such as here.

That strawpoll was definitely posted on Holla Forums>>13650499
That poll was posted here, as well as on KiA, which are exactly the places I would go to get the results.

I'm way too fucking tired and need to go to sleep.


I remember him intellectually fisting genderless brainlets with his sharp wit while they try to openly cleanse themselves of whatever sin they think they had on the internet.

Why do you guys always have this kind of fun on days I'm busy IRL? Goddammit I missed a chance to autistically defend my waifu and shit on the Rebuilds!

That said, holy shit this is some next level crazy. I'm going to be laughing about pic 2 for a long, long time. The ride is accelerating and we're all strapped in to the limit.

If Satan trips, Cuckchan dies forever and NeoFAG goes with them.

Don't worry, no one insulted her. There's nothing to defend Because she isn't worth mentioning

Just to spite I hope I get dubs to say Rei is better.

Misato was the best.

I'm re-watching the rebuilds because of this thread;
where the fuck have you been faggot?

You've also missed Neogaf shitposting neogaf to get banned. And because the Neogaffers are now all shitposting, the Neogaffers are claiming this is proof that Neogaf was really gamergate all along, so thank god the Neogaffers are moving to a new Neogaf site just for them.


We don't need you crossposting threads to look for people to agree with you

I'm more shocked I found Val outside of the GG thread.

You can smell a frog from miles away

what is this hell


Must be a great gift.

I played the game, didn't see it.

I think NeoFag has been infiltrated by right wing meanies.

Val did nothing wrong.


Val is just plan wrong.

What ? I haven't posted outside the GG thread in days.


Well, no one else was responding or contributing to the topic, I as far back as you can pretty much go with English (Since "Modern" English didn't start appearing until the 1300's/1400's), and I had to get to sleep. So, what did you find interesting about it.

And, they're not going to learn a damn thing, are they?

Requesting the link to the second pic, please.

Thereby cementing the fact that you're a loser who deserves to get trucked.

Well, I mean, I did post on Holla Forums a few times, and was heavily lurking twitter and Holla Forums for the neogaf mess.


Can someone please explain this to me? How tf did you get all their account info from a discord? Did they all post it at the same time or did you just ctrl+f?

Its a secret
you will never find out neofag

Stop roleplaying Marche

oh ffs. Im not from neogaf. I just want to make sure I don't do this.

shkreli lives

Oh h**k

was he writing that while being buggered by Tyrone?

Anyone got a link to the 8ch discord or Holla Forums discord?

Get out of her Neofag

They all get insta removed by Evilore (I assume since there are no mods)



On unrelated news, the frogs begin to wake up.

Video linked is about "anti-white racism", covering all that happens at the moment and pointing out how white people are getting shafted everywhere.

Go Back to reddit

2nd pic is from Parasite Eve 2

this guy's vids have been going on forever dude
france has been talking about that kinda shit for years. Hell, even the left is harshly divided between people who think we need to care about privileges and islamophobia and whatever, and those who call it bullshit. Even leftist JOURNOS do that regularly, that's how insanely not "waking up" we are to this whole mess.

They should learn, this here is gondola country.

It's french you reatard

France is the Reddit of Europe

That's Marche being an australian again.

Oh yeah, like how he got mad when someone posted about miranda rights

no first for benis, therefore sage

shamefur dispray



Will Usher - "Star Wars: Battlefront 2 Has Useless Devs From BioWare Montreal Working On it, Says Heir"







Too soon man


I chuckled bit at first but after seeing
I full on laughing now.



Step 1 Don't be a fucking retard
Step 2 Don't be a fucking retard
Step 3 Don't be a fucking retard

Have you tried turning your life off and on again?

That's pretty low user.

Thanks for unintentionally reminding me that there's a Flatliners remake.

And I see Hollywood isn't done rummaging through their necropolis of old ideas

Why won't Sony Pictures just die.Why is it trying so hard to live,just stop ruining everything for everyone already.

the first one sucked and this one smelled like a bomb from the get-go



please help spread this information or this video around
So a girl who has a username called Red pilled black and her goons have created a website to doxx people for "hate speech" and have set up fake accounts to doxx said people
Watch the video for yourself

unironically delete this

Remember when she was Holla Forums's waifu,Then she came out as a gay

Heres Harmful Opinion's video on how spooky social autopsy is.

were it not for the laws of this country i would have slaughtered you

Another fine example of why hentai is superior to all other porn:


What's the source for that image?

Poe's law makes it hard for me to tell whether or not this is satire anymore. Polite sage for off-topic

Jesus Christ what a bunch of faggots.


But you do't under stand user. Hillary would have broken the glass ceiling as being the first woman president.
Immediately followed by a second glass ceiling being broken where should also be the first president to ever be impeached.

Remember, guys, before Hill-dawg entered the picture, women couldn't be noteworthy for ANYTHING!


the idealogical left is really getting their ass blown out lately.

Candace is a retard but so are you for linking this video. Fuck off.

Hi, Randi.

Pick up a history book nigger

I would just kill myself

Well, I guess everything just follows gravity when you sit around doing credit card fraud all day.


Big breasts wouldn't compensate for a belly so bloated.
A little fat with large breasts, I could tolerate, but this is way too much, no matter what.

Mate, we recognized it as a bad idea when she pandered it to the left wing, it is still a bad idea when she panders it to the right wing.

The principal of the matter is bad, no matter what ideology it is oriented towards.

it's because she's naturally flat chested user. Chicks with big cans get bigger cans as they put on weight. And like the other guy said, when your gut is so large that even light itself cannot escape from it, no pair of tits will look right.

This nigga gets it


I wonder if there is any research out there that supports this. I mean I agree with the hypothesis, and have seen it play out.

But I'd love to see something like:

People put on fat differrently. That's why some girls are "thick," while others look like two servings of mashed potatoes even though they're the same weight.

2017 Golden Joystick Awards


Wonder what fresh cancer awaits us? What are they trying to shill? Over 20 categories too.

Archive.is is not loading for me

Didn't they give every award to the most hate AAA games last year?

wow we've got a biotruther here

This fucking .webm

Only the best biotruths in this Mongolian cave painting forum.

Who would've guessed, it's cancer.

If there is a god it is a sick fuck.

Literally vote for anyone besides them

At least they're upfront straight from the beginning that these awards have nothing to do with quality


I'm not even surprised anymore.


here ya go

Gee, I wonder if nuBF2 paid enough money to get winning votes.

Gimme the link to that Shit I'll vote everything but them


Mass Effect Androgynous
Ass Creed:Kangz Edition
Wolfenstien:When I'm Punching Nazis
Will win some category
Tacoma will win indieshit category
Cuphead might win something for being the dark souls of platformers
Battle Brothers, Dungeon Rats [Insert good or jap game here] will win fuck all

Cliffy sounds really desperate.



I'm a stupid nigger that actually likes and follows this shit and I'm still mad this is a category.

There is not a single game on that list that I care about.

Mass effect is, thankfully, not on there.
Doesn't excuse the shit categories, Horizon/Ninja Theory/Life is Strange/Tacoma/Lawbreakers shilling and Esport/celeb shit. There's even an Esport moment category
Also, is there even gameplay in Dream Daddy?



I don't even remember what exclusives the PS4 had this year.


I just got there too user, and lost my shit. I voted for Slime Rancher because they actually did something unlike everyone else on the list.

How many bucks that she will win at the end because "rigged"

I'm calling it now and I'll still want to kill everyone when it happens anyway.

Oh i forgot about the Don Quixote of video game
Its got gays in it,fuck you

None of the U.S. Presidents have ever been impeached from office. Congress acquitted Johnson and Clinton, and Nixon resigned before they could do anything.

Didn't this list first come out two months ago, and we were laughing about it then too?

In the U.S., there was that Yakuza game

interesting video from the bald /mu/man on reviewing people he knows

No, it probably was some other circlejerk list.

To impeach a president is to officially bring up charges. It does NOT mean to remove them from office. Multiple presidents have been impeached, none have been forcibly removed.

☑Laughing at halfchan at its time of need

That's not the BJ I'm familiar with.

She somehow manages to give less of a shit about her performance than Tara Strong, what the fuck?

Okay, I get what you mean. In some of today's history books, they try to say that Nixon really was impeached.

Nope, it's the same list: archive.fo/VxUVv#selection-50291.0-50291.8

Just how many roles has she taken this year alone? There's a moment where using her relationships to get roles has to stop. She's almost everywhere, you cannot avoid her even if you're careful!

It came out last month but yeah we were laughing about it then especially since you could vote for games not even out yet

The switch is the dark souls of save game management
This guy is editor in chief of polygon


I don't have the first part's archive because the people who shared it didn't add the archives and he deleted it
Here's some bonus as an apology : archive.is/aFPCU
It actually isn't possible because the game has a dozen autosave what is he even fucking talking about why does he keep doubling-down instead of just admitting he fucked up why are they always like that

Shit, just too slow, goddamn captcha

That's what I needed to know

How is that nintendos fault?

Yours is more complete though friendo, don't feel too bad.

That means every game with save slots ever are defective.



he didn't even delete the save
the editor in chief of polygon is too fucking dumb to operate a children's games console

Get these feels ready

I should be laughing at this, but this is sad how game journalism became. These people never actually touch games, they just take reviews from other places and make one of their own, parroting everyone. This is the only explanation for such ineptitude.

The only thing I could think of is how shitty Nintendo's account system is. If you have PSN or Xbox Live or Steam you get cloud saves to back-up all your data. Even a dead system like the vita lets you create back-ups of your save files and games so you can make room on your 8gb memory card that cost you $40.


Is anyone surprised that the website that seems to pride itself on it's incompetence is headed by an incompetent editor in chief?

I can see why Kuchera still has a job.

I would have tried being a game journalist and do way better than those hacks if I didn't just get a more fulfilling job about a week ago.

Make it stop

Reminder that Polygon considered that NuDoom fuckup serviceable enough to post, and is still up to this day.

Neogaf forums are in a no-holds barred shitposting contest between the hyper-liberal faggots, and the other users who learned they had to shut the fuck up if they wanted to stay now that all the moderators are gone.


Did Burch even do anything other than protest?


I don't think she actually protested, she "expressed solidarity." AKA, took scab work while everyone else did all the picketing.

A blind, deaf, paraplegic old man could kick his ass on Quake anytime.

She and tara both, the biggest loud moths still scabbed. And everyone agrees, tara is a fucking hack who should be turned away for VA with actual talent.


Shit, even DSP knows he's more competent than them now.

Yeah, that's what pissed me off the most, the person who caused the strike still took work.

DSP is retarded, but not that retarded.


What the fuck?


I have no idea what would happen, but it will be catastrophic.

Kikes gonna kike.

I'm trawling through NeoGaf finding juicy posts. The lefties of Gaf are in a no-hold barred shitpostathon with the Gaf users who always disagreed but were too afraid to say anything. Now that viewpoints are being challenged because mods left, we're getting some fucking GOLDEN posts from these people.

She's basically pushed everywhere. I don't know if she just gives phone calls to insert herself in AAA vidya or if it's someone backing her up, but relationships are involved here.

First post feels like he's denying reality or something.

You don't have to identify with any of the groups to fit into one or at least most closely align with one. I'm sorry you feel that your view is too unique and special to fit into the defined categroies.

There is no words need for this level of ignorance.


But…they lost? It was the most heroic defense of anything since the Battle of Thermopylae but they still lost

Also, isn't GG more along the lines of someone getting thrown out of their apartment for "Disturbance of the peace"?

Going by the name, I want to say it's shitposting. But considering users of this site cried about objectification due to a brothel in Planescape, said brothel having absolutely nothing to do with prostitution or really anything that could be objectifiable, it's hard to say for sure.

Poe's law is in full effect , who knows whats trolling or whats sincere. Either way, it's still neofag at the end of the day so it's all gay

If we're thinking of counter attacks, Operation Uranus, or the Battle of Cannae for "ragtag band of weebs and autists outmaneuver the larger force of progressives and journalists"

I would say it's pretty much like the American revolution. The British fought in Napoleanic warfare style. Their concern was conquering land. In that style of warfare, when you routed an army, they fucked off and went home, and you didn't have to worry about them anymore. But the Americans were already home, and kept regrouping, so we fought a ton of battles with the same army that never actually left.

So they're the Brits. They keep encountering us, hoot and holler about how they won against us, unaware that they're fighting the exact same people every time, but with dwindling numbers.

You're right, the only important thing is that we're watching Sony's marketing arm burn in real time.

Sonys marketing arm that influenced the vita to have stupid shit like the back panel and propritary cards. Gaf killed the sony handheld.

I never heard this one before. Sony focus tested their handheld with fucking neogaf?

What is master mode? Are they normal save files or auto saves?


More like they never called out the memory card thing with the psp, claiming they had all that weight and all, makes them complicit in my eyes, though I would not be surprised if neofag had some say during development.

And, Val and Kukuruyo are our French and Spanish backup? May God have mercy on our souls.

It's basically hard mode. All enemies are one level harder and you die way faster. Also enemies have health recovery. It's the same game otherwise, but it has different save files so you don't delete your "normal mode" game if you start a master mode.

Don't compare me to kukuruyo I'm begging you. We have Eltonel instead of kuku regarding spaniards.

At least we have the shitposting weapon of marche destruction.

Wasted quads. 自殺しろ

Speaking of which, what's the bad blood with Kukuruyo? I don't think I've heard the story yet.

I don't think there is any bad blood, his art/comics are just a bit shit and somewhat cringe.

Pretty much. His porn is bearable but his jokes are filled with stale memes and inefficient attempts at humor. He even included a "arrow to the knee" joke at some point. Five fucking years after skyrim got released.

best mod for skyrim is a lightningbolt for all guards who say that

What the fuck is with Sankarea's affinity with meme magic? What caused this?

The thing that I find hilarious is that GAF died because of a Juggalo.

And he can clearly draw well when he decides to take his time but he puts out a lot of low quality art just to say that he's constantly putting things out. Not really a reason to hate him, but it's very disappointing

Oh I don't think anyone hates him, it's more of a "please, just… just stop. Let other people do it. We're begging you"

Welcome my new friend!

Women, of (((the chosen))) variety and otherwise are selfish and (((the chosen))) are gonna try and use them for a little longer and risk it. But jews are getting sloppier each day, and it makes me smile.

what new hell is this

But you don't deserve to be compared to Eltonel


Never said I was. I said we have eltonel as a spaniard representative.

All ads are fine as long they are able to fund site.
But fuck pop-ups, google ads and adware.

Are you talking about the ad?
Looks like a Nip retailer trying to get western business.

Oh my god, they're actually doing it.

They're actually going to try the "neofag was gamergaters all along" angle.

No neofag you are the gamergays

Is that a legitimate store? And are the ads legitimately from there?


Read it, ironically not.
He's calling the moderation Nazi for trying to control what is deemed true

Seems like it. Their twitter account is from 2010, same time as the company founding.

Apparently sharixshard had nudes drop

So NeoGaf were the real nazi's all along and Evilore would've gotten away with if it weren't for those pesky Gamergaters?

was looking at it a while back for other unrelated reasons. its one of those on demand book publishing sites. you send them a PDF and they'll print it and ship it on demand anytime someone orders it. kinda neat but if you're making skeevier stuff, customs might snatch it and if you're not making lewd stuff, you can just get it printed locally and sell it yourself for cheaper. but hey. more options is a good thing.

Yes, and it's always fun to bully the newfags.

Christ almighty I thought her elbow was a massive, sagging tit


Nah, it's still GamerGate's fault. Somehow.


Why should anyone care about some russian twitch camwhore?


Capcucks on suicide watch.

Eat shit you SRK assholes, Apoc was right from the start




Good. Now if only Arika doesn't go full jew with DLC characters being announced ahead of release like Bamco did with that DBZ game.

Agreed. She's getting media worship over BAD roles (and even I can admit she performed some roles decently). There's no way she can be getting pushed like this without sleeping with someone or pushing some strange media agenda.


Does anyone have any redpills on Michael Jackson?
I hate to ask this here, but nu-Holla Forums is useless to ask this on now. I remember some threads from forever ago that I forgot to save content from.

He was a lolicon

Lolicon =/ pedophilia you useless twat

But he wasn't a pedo; I know that much

Never said he was. also

Come on over

He was a shoutacon.
Get your degeneracy right you pleb.
Michael and his brothers was passed around like a party favors to various music and TV (((producers))) during his early teens by his literal nigger father Joe Jackson which fucked Michael up in a truly terrible way

Except that he was a pedo, not a lolicon, is what I'm saying.

literally only requires copypasting the post number when replying to it user

Michael Jackson was a broken human being. Destroyed by his parents and the showbusiness industry. He was paced into pop-stardom as a child and didn't really have a proper childhood/youth and it got to him in the end. When he needed help and therapy the most there were only Hollywood bootlickers, corrupt doctors who were more interested in feeding superstars' drug habits and insane fans.
He probably did creepy things with children, but I assume it was more a case of him somehow wanting their childhood rather than anything overtly sexual. It's not a coincidence his mansion was called "Neverland Ranch".

This user is right. Joe Jackson is the real villain here.


Hm. That definitely makes sense and adds context.
Got anything more substantial?


IIRC, Sony fucked him hard on his contracts. He was gonna drop them in the shit (over how they screw people in contracts or Eyes Wide Shut shit), but thanks to him being treated like shit as a kid, he saw nothing wrong with what he did (whether he was a pedo or innocent in the head). Prime black-mail material against him.
Since nothing in court really stuck, Sony then offed him.
That's the rumor anyhow.

He was part of Illuminati clown show but he was too good-hearted to do all the despicable shits required to do earn fame. He never accepted to be in inner circle member of Illuminati and been outsider. He planned concerts that partially revealing the Illuminati influence on entertainment and Hollywood but few months before the scheduled concert he assassinated. Before death he contacted numerous friends and sources and said 'They' gonna murder him within few weeks. He never did such a thing in his whole life before. His family also knows. Before the assassination the Illuminati used bunch of puppets to ruin his career and fame, by false rape accusation using the fact he loved to do child charities and invite kids to his home. Notice that almost every children who used as this false rape accusation later confessed it was order from their parents now. And at the court all the evidences, witnesses, clues and confessions directed MJ was 100% innocent and there is not a single clue for his sexual interaction with children.
He is the most ridiculed, vilified, attacked person of modern history, while did absolutely nothing wrong. It is different from Hitler did nothing wrong meme, MJ did literally nothing wrong. In fact, he was too good and naive. And there is reason for that. You know when people being targeted as prey of media defamation campaign there is reason for it.

Actually recall several people including his own son years ago saying Michael Jackson was freaking out right before his death about Sony trying to get their hands on his various holdings of music and other media rights worth billions and they were probably going to kill him for it.

Found it via Twitter, so sorry it's on an even shittier part of Reddit.
All the links under "Links to similar cases within the last few hours of this post" need to be archived.
No info yet if there is a pattern or not.
A. A genuine glitch (fucking unlikely).
B. Youtube's algorithms for deleting "bad" accounts hit to wide an area.
C. Google testing how far they can push mass deletions before being noticed.

Thanks for all the info anons. This was incredibly useful. The nice thing about the GG threads is they will never die to shilling or be killed off by shitty mods

As long as Mark is around, at least. I love that jew, no matter how much people complain.

He has his problems, yes
raise the bump limit you turbokike
But he does earn his cake, I'll say that much

Are you referring to cocaine?

Why would anyone want to be a celeb anymore? It seems like the worst kind of hell.

Harrison Ford and Kevin Spacey do being a celebrity right. They don't give a FUCK about the limelight, acting is just their job. Also Keanu Reeves, he's a guy that genuinely likes people.

also here's a good overview of his career

Micheal Jackson who owned the Beatles, Elvis catalogues, half of Sony, was going to leave Sony when his contract was up with them and become a free agent. Sony tried to jew him out of his catalogue rights when re-negotiating his contract. Sony attempts to sabotage MJ's newest album by ballooning the production budget for Invincible and giving it zero marketing budge hoping it would sink him to sell them the catalogues to pay them back, the album was a success instead. Even criticising MJ publicly for pulling out of an invincible tour, because 9/11 happened.

So now you understand the business side of MJ and Sony, does it really surprise you that Sony did absolutely nothing when the accusations came up from a (((fellow screenwriter))) who on recording admitting he was doing this to sabotage MJ's career?

MJ talking about leaving and how Sony was "very angry" with him. Breaking down what I just wrote.

Evan Chandler recording.

Thanks for the sauces and resources anons

A friend sent me these
Do you think antifa will go through with it?
Considering how in hinged the left has become

Having an open board log and actually having mods explain their actions goes a long way.
Also helps that Mark is so autistic, almost impossible for him to be covertly malicious. He usually admits fault and reverses shit when called out, good luck getting any faggot 4chan mod admit to being wrong.


Keanu Reeves is depressed as fuck and had a sad life. Kevin Spacy is a closet case who isn't coming out because that's all he'll ever be known for. Harrison Ford is jaded and cynical, even begged for Han Solo to be killed off so he wouldn't have to be in more than one film.

I'm not saying they are bad people, what I am saying is that being a celeb fucking sucks.

Okay, then what are the know "facts" about whatever is happening on the 4th?

I'm thinking a good part of it is because halfchan mods are still completely anonymous to the general userbase and generally don't interact with them ever (unless you count that one former mod that was obviously an EA shill). Hell, the only one you could argue is "active" would be Redwood, and he only ever shows up to protect his Tumblr friends and try to recruit /r9k/ as a personal army for his witch hunts.

This is antifa we're talking about
The same people who believe we live in Nazi Germany

Garbage cans need to look out and keep their rape whistles on them

archive link not workin' mate.

Found this. They are obviously planning something, question is how far this is going? I tried looking but didn't see anything about planned attacks, but I'm on guard.


Make sure its real though. If you do you can pass this along to right-wing groups and we'll get to see an antifa turkey shoot

Archive.is is down. I cant even get on the site at all

The only ones who ever came close was the handful of former /a/ mods who exclusively handled that board, actually gave a shit about the anons and even stopped encroaching horseshit from the others in the modteam.

But mods like that are long fucking gone now.

That's all I need to fucking know.

Remember user these people are not very smart

This is the source:







Conservative YouTube channel PragerU is suing Google and YouTube over repeated censorship of their videos




Julia Alexander for Polygon on ResetEra ("there were concerns that trolls from popular GamerGate and alt-right forums — including the subreddit KotakuInAction, VOAT, certain 4chan boards and Holla Forums — were masquerading as legitimate NeoGAF members.")



Looks like they have a hastag up.


His life has gotten better and he has a pretty supporting girlfriend now.

That wouldn't even have mattered unless said "trolls" were THE FUCKING MODS. You know, the ones that gave the site its goddamn authoritarian hivemind reputation?

Some faggots said he was dating a tranny, were they just bullshitting or what.

I expect literally nothing but I suppose I should get my guns out of storage.

Well look at this.


I'm willing to bet those are all airsoft.

She is a pretty brown haired woman.


This shit is just like the good old days, back when the shills were still new

Edward Carnby probably feels ashamed as a father right now

Fricking /k/ now i can't see poor trigger discipline without getting triggered

Is that a fucking ass full of shit? Spoiler that crap, pun unintended.


I think he's wearing a Punisher shirt under his Punisher shirt.

I know they're stupid as fuck but they're now yelling

Is that tbfp lauging?



That is pretty goofy after he spent that whole fighting episode pretending to be creeped out by underage anime girls.

Looking at the hashtag, they are going "Alt Right news are making us look bad, don't believe them". Even they seem to know they are looking bad with this shit. It's kind of hard to claim they are lying when you're going to places armed and loaded, but what do i know.

The HWNDU flag better be down by then

It's a fake gun. There's a red cap at the end.

The capturing of the flag is what starts it all.

It's still poor trigger discipline; airsoft guns won't kill you, but they can still hurt and break stuff in your house.

Unrelated: any news on when archive.is will be back up?

Sure when it's an isolated incident. But when there's enough of them it becomes a problem. Like people who can't format their paragraphs properly and get triggered when user's say they're plebbit spacing because shit formatting isn't unique to plebbit. It's still shit formatting and it needs to stop. But when there are enough of them say it's not shit, or enough to start arguemnts with user's bullying newfags left and right, that it derails threads left and right, there's a problem.

Yes. And bara is not gay.

Yes. And violent video games make you violent.

Bara isn't gay, if you're a girl and enjoy that sort of thing.

Putting aside that facts that a pure enjoyment of game's mechanics can exist separately from the violence within it and there is a difference between sexual enjoyment and the kind of fun you get from fictional violence, are you seriously trying to argue that a man who is attracted to drawings of burly hairy men with giant cocks is not gay?

But you already know that is not what I'm talking about.

The whole story is too crude to be real. The BLM is fucking shit organization with no proper goal or rules. If they really preparing some shit like this there's no way it couldn't possibly leak out. Also it sounds like BS.


Straight from twitter

Reads like a fanfic version of what happens when soros moves his money around which he recently did

I believe it, but you should know better than to post without links and/or archives.

Yeah sure, and yuri isn't lesbian because I'm a fucking guy.
What a fucking retard.


Is there a list of anti-GG male feminist allies who have been confirmed to being women abusers?

That post wasn't actually meant for you. I thought I had made a mistake when I did not. Regardless, see

Not necessarily.
Like user said, you can like something in a fictional setting (for example, hyperviolence) and not have it reflect on your tastes in the slightest in the real world.
Many people who are into bara also happen to be gay though, but that's besides the point. Pedophilia and homosexuality refer to what your mind is attracted to in the physical world. There is no term to refer to "fictional" pedophilia or homosexuality.

bad wording user

"Game Boss interview: How Zoe Quinn survived Gamergate and lived to fight Internet hate"

GamesBeat: I feel like I have more empathy for you, after becoming the focus of my own Twitter shitstorm.
Quinn: It’s hard to describe to anybody. Even when I was writing the book—I don’t fully know how to convey the asymmetrical nature of being just one person and having this thing that’s not true, or modified, about you out there, and just the weight of stuff that comes your way. It’s hard to get that across to anybody.
GamesBeat: In my own case, I tried to have some arguments with haters, and it dawned on me that I wasn’t just arguing with one person. I was arguing with every possible person out there who could think of some kind of response that was more witty than mine. If there was something to dig up, they’d dig it up. It’s eye-opening in that way. It’s hard to argue against the whole internet.

Liking Yuri doesn't make you a lesbian if you're male.

Well duh. But that doesn't change the fact that the content is lesbian, faggot.

You know what he meant, fuck off

There is nothing in the definition of those words that says whether or it matters that you are attracted something physically in front of you or a representation of that thing.
And like I said. Sexual attraction is a different matter.
Gee I wonder why?


some frogs just tried to burn down the flag using a flaming ball attached to a drone

it, uh, didn't work



You're playing semantics. We're talking practical purposes here.

The EU has some pretty strict guidelines on flammable materials. There's a video somewhere of a Brexit poster trying and failing to light an EU flag on fire.


thanks bro

Yes, and in the practical use of the words homosexual and pedophilia, you will not find any real psychologist or person working in the field of mental health (Not (((psychologists))) mind you.) that would consider liking drawing of cock to not be homosexual, or a sexual attraction to drawings of prepubescent children to not be pedophilia.

Oh, and trying to saying liking drawings of cocks isn't gay because they aren't real cocks is already playing semantics.

>not (((psychologists))) mind you
kek, so disregarding about 80-90% of the people working in the profession then?
Bravo. Truly a working definition.

Touching any dick is gay, so I keep a pair of pissing tongs next to the toilet.

I forgot to bring them to work once so I had to ask a gay colleague to hold my dick for me.

Still not gay.

The appeal is literally because it is gay. You are retarded.
I love yuri, but it is gay as hell.


What aniemay?

Can we blacklist this site already?

So this is it. Consensus is that liking bara isn't gay, liking otokonoko isn't gay, and fantasizing about taking a thick 2D cock up your boimanko is completely not gay. As a hypothetical, what would one call it when someone only likes 2D cock, but doesn't like anything 3D? Would it be asexual? Would liking only 2D titties and manko also be asexual? Genuinely curious about those last two questions.

You know both know the full question is implicitly "Is it gay for a male to like [X]?" and the answer is no. This is as autistic as those fags who think "Are traps gay?" is referring to sexual orientation of the trap, not the viewer.

I literally do not ever masturbate because my own dick turns me off and I cannnot reach climax.

That's gay.
You're gay.

Don't be a fag.

Actually never mind, this whole fucking VA list is the most cancerous thing I've ever seen, maybe that blacklist idea wasn't so tongue-in-cheek after all

It doesn't make it inherently gay to like those things, no.
You can be gay and like those things though, and that probably applies to most, but not all of the people who like those things.
In my opinion there needs to be a new term for it.

No Hollow Knight either
This whole fucking poll sucks major dick. The only decent pages were the first and second ones.


There's also this twitter thread:

So yes. You believe that liking thick bara cock is not inherently gay.


On top of that, I've been meaning to ask for the source of the song.

I do not. Fiction is too big of a barrier from reality for me to say that.


Wew lad. I'm just going to go look at my completely asexual doujins now. I'm sorry, drawing-sexual doujins.

Nigger it doesn't make the content asexual, it refers to the person watching the porn
In other words you're still probably a flaming faggot

Hey guys!
Math is now racists.

I wasn't referring to the content, I was referring to my viewing of it. When has the content and not the viewer been in question?
I don't like 3DPD and even if I did like 2D cock, I wouldn't be a faggot by your logic.

Next bread?

Then that's just plain autistic user.
And no, you would not necessarily be a faggot by my logic. I'll still call you one though because you sound salty as hell about this


I am truly sorry your mental illness, likely either homosexuality or pedophilia, has led you to try and justify it with such nonsense as trying to come up with new sexual orientations like a lefty faggot.

I'll bake, since no one else has offered.


If you have no attraction towards anyone in the physical realm, what does that make you orientation-wise?

Lesbians Lesbians

Asexual, in terms of orientation. There is asexual for reproduction and asexual for orientation. Before psychology reached the degenerate point it is at today, it was considered a mental illness like homosexuality as it meant you are not aroused by females thus hindering your biological imperative of reproduction.

New bread

New bread

New bread

You can be an individual attracted to the opposite sex and still engage in homosexual behavior.

Yuru Yuri
You Reposted in the Wrong Neighborhood by SHOKK

m8. You just checkmated yourself.

I am retarded. Please explain how.

That's true


I never claimed I didn't have a mental illness, and me being asexual/drawing-sexual by your definition and not wanting children doesn't disprove anything I've said.

So what makes you believe you're qualified to speak on practical terms of sexual orientation when you're coming from a perspective of mental illness?

If I had to try and justify my speaking on the subject, it's that I don't pretend it's not something wrong with me. I am fully aware.


w/e man. Let's say you're right and move on to the next thread. You can call my "orientation" things bullshit another time.

So damn close

It's only a matter of time at this rate.
