Which version of PAC-man was the best? And what was the best spin off of Pac-Man?

Which version of PAC-man was the best? And what was the best spin off of Pac-Man?

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The answer to these both questions is Ms. Pac-Man

What's the name of the DS download play pacman where you can play versus mode locally?

Ms. is fun to play casually, but the game for playing marathons on is Pac-man no doubt

I enjoyed Championship DX

Fucking this for the base game, otherwise the first Pac Man World is on goddamn point
Also, Pac Man Vs. on the Gamecube had its moments if you had one of those gba thingamajigs

That's the DS one I was talking about. That shit was fly.

I'm not sure if World 2 is considered a spin-off, but it's really fucking good. I'd say it's one of the best 3d platformers out there. That and Rayman 1 are some of my favorite game soundtracks.

I want normalfags to leave

welcome to fullchan, land of youtube embeds
now fuck off

Have you tried reading the comments of that video which could have been perfectly converted into a webm? now fuck off

DX Championship Edition

have embeds disabled then faggot there is a reason they are supported, guess what nobody cares, go back to your thread,, you guys just run a mini youtube in there, except your taste is shit, all webms are unrelated to videogames, and you suffer in an eternal purgatory of reposts

It's not the fact that you embedded instead of webm'ing, it's the fact you embedded something really fucking gay.

shit taste get off my board

Since no one else is willing to do it, here's the webm.

it's either for the man on the run or to tell reddit from fullchan
also where's the lie in what he just said, webm threads have become so cancerous that even (((Mark))) thinks they need to go, people can't keep it to vidya or even sfw

Holla Forums's webm threads have literally never been solely vidya

yoyoyo motha fuckers im high on crack

I recently discovered the Tengen version of Ms Pac-man for NES. Kind of embarrassing how much better this is than Namco's own port.

Great animation.
vid related

Which is exactly why it's a problem. >>>/webm/ exists for the purpose of generic webms. What's the point of having threads that are not about videogames on the vidcon board?

>>>/svidya/ exists for faggots just like (you)

but was it always barely vidya?

Don't lie OP, you made a thread about Pac-Man just to post that right?

I've seen the SWF, i've seen the webm; they're both huge and the webm looks like shit for some reason. I think Utub is perfectly fine in this instance. And yeah, the webm thread on the largest board will have all kinds of shit put in it, partially for exposure and partially for FUNPOSTING. Mark made 8/v/ with the mindset of lax moderation, and this is where it's taken things; guess we all better start posting on >>>/svidya/ now.

>even (((Mark))) thinks they need to go
The thing is, I could believe that Mark has recently said the webm threads need to go but was just too much of a faggot to do actually do anything about it.

Purple > blue > red > orange

Also when did this happen? I remember minus8 just being like other porn artists except he happened to make animations. Why is there so much autism and normalfag shit now? You don't see this with other porn artists. Is it because "muh HE ANIMATES" or the fact that his stuff is always on normalfag sites like youtube and pornhub? If you're a porn artist who doesn't want obnoxious fans you can just not make animations, you won't have your fans going on videos primarily watched by kids and saying shit like "THE [porn] VERSION IS BETTER ( ° ʖ °) GO WATCH THE [porn] VERSION ( ° ʖ °) I LIKE PORN YOU GUYS HAHA XD"


CE and CE:DX

minus8 is only popular among children with shit taste

fucking saved
where did you get some of the info on the left side? I don't remember him admitting to wanting to fuck kids. It's hard to find some of the retarded shit he said because he constantly deletes it and his fans don't ever save this shit. I think he also said he has a dentist fetish and has a sub boyfriend.

and I thought floor tiles were weird

Fucking cancer, I can just imagine the comments.

I think the idea of being tied down and operated on, describing it as "pain but is a good pain".

Yes, we know that the site has been subverted for the purpose of shutting it down ever since Hotwheels was killed. And?

If I remember correcty somebody linked one his Mario animations in a Miiverse post somehow and that gave him a huge new following

Is that Mega Man music?

Damn user what did he ever do to you?

Like even as bait this is just plain bad.


It's essentially youtube comments being youtube comments.
Virtually all "erotic" video on youtube have comments like that.
Sometimes even not then. You got people talking about how they want to fuck ProtonJonSA


Some guy who still can't finish a Superman 64 let's play even after 7 years of starting it.


And it's either all or nothing

Would be the only good thing to be done in SK since Comfort Women.

Anyone who stumbles here looking for lewds, this is the nudes version
I'd post it but swf is still broke last I looked

How about a test, then? Remember to click the filename and not the paperclip, no matter how much sense it'd make otherwise.

Now the source song will be infested with faggots.


Even pedophiles admit that he cannot draw for shit, or the time when a britcuck called him out in a stream, he just bent over.