Thoughts on the SEGA Genesis...

Thoughts on the SEGA Genesis? I've been trying to get some of the better games & was surprised how many bootlegs there are on eBay.

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Get a model 1. Buy a everdrive for it

And do an S-Video mod for it unless you plan to get a RGB monitor.

Any good games that aren't shmups?

Better than SNES. Always was and always will be.

Streets of Rage

Mortal Kombat
I forget a lot of the games for it that aren't first-party.

When I got mine as a kid, that was the best day of my life. I still remember it.

Golden Axe
Gunstar Heroes
Phantasy Star4
Streets of Rage series
Arcus Oddysey
Alien Storm

Fucking Normy's.

Crusader of Centy
Light Crusader

So…anyone want to explain this?

I still use my coaxial adapter.

Atlus did not print a ton of copies. they're kind of known for doing that before the current gen. Nowadays, not as much, at least not with their IPs.

Seems like anything that isn't a port gets really pricey. this game is over $100 for example.

That thing made my headphones do things I didn't know they could

Fucking great console. A good dev can make it sound great, a bad dev makes it an earraping mess.
As for games, here's some:
Contra: Hard Corps
Columns 3
Dr Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine
Dynamite Headdy (JP, they changed a lot when localizing it)
Flashback: The Quest for Identity
Gunstar Heroes
Rocket Knight Adventures and it's sequel, Sparkster
Toejam & Earl and it's sequel, Panic on Funkotron
Zero Wing (It's actually good)
Sonic 1/2/3 &Knuckles
Sonic 3D Blast for the first level and the boss fights. The rest is shit but the game should be cheap enough for that to not matter
If you find a Power Base Converter get it. It's worth it for Sonic 1/2/Chaos alone.

I really like how SEGA used hard plastic carts for their game boxes. It makes finding boxed copies of games much easier.

Supposedly that's why the 1st model is recommended. The 2nd model has a much worse sound board. There's 1 revision that had good sound though so it's still possible (though unlikely) to get a model 2 with good sound.

I have my Genesis connected to the TV from the headphone jack. The port in the back only does mono audio for some reason.

pic related.

Exactly why an Everdrive X3 is all you need.

Lossless FM Synth, mate. Embrace it. SNES had better sample capability, but god damn it sounded like compressed mud.

That's because you keep looking at the hardcore niche games, shit like vectorman, wonderboy in monster world, rocket knight adventures, shining force aren't anywhere near as expensive.

Why would you buy these games now anyway? Just buy a flash cart.

Not enough pins on the connector, what with it containing RGBs video, Composite video, +5v for SCART compatibility, and ground.

The original developer is actually going back & fixing it.

Define Hardcore. Is Rister hardcore? I'm seeing it go for $40+.

I'm going to rape you bitch!

Pirate it m8
Retrogoys and kikes are a blight upon society.

The games from your previous 2 picks, and i'm not sure where you're getting 40 from, the first two listing i got from the search page lists ristar as 34 and 33 with best offer

3D blast had great presentation at the start but the platforming physics screwed it over in the later levels. It's great that someone's going back and improving it, because the game deserves recognition for what it does right.


It's the actual person from traveler's tales that programmed the game. Word is he just got in contact with the Sonic Mania devs, so hopefully something comes from that.

Emulate nigger.

yeah it's a shame they didn't really bother to improve the game for the saturn, i mean it uses the 3D control dinner dish, but that analog stick is so awkward that you might as well turn it off and use the d-pad.

Which is why he said genesis games that don't have ports of any kind are pricy and all the games you listed save for Rocket Knight Adventures have had ports, iirc.

It was fairly obscure before it too was ported into compilations. I didn't even know that it even had a Game Gear version along with Gunstar Heroes until years after I had heard of them.


I have a job, I can just buy them if they're cheap enough. Most games look like they're in the $10 range, with a few exceptions.

Yeah, that game's really been creeping up in price the last 3 years if the price charts are anything to go by.

Nigger, get an RGB to component adapter.

Me too, and it's great not wasting money on scalper kike carts.
Then buy a fucking flashcart you nigger.
kek at this point the cheap games will be the exceptions in the next 2 years. Buy a fucking flash if you want to play on original hardware and save some dough.

I'm a fucking original hardware autist and I agree with this guy. Get a flashcart man. It's not fucking worth the money these kikes are demanding. Hell, with a cart you can use translation patches and game fixes. I'm looking to get one for my NES to unfuck Simon's Quest.

What did they fix?

Most of those "ports" for the games i mentioned are just roms running off of inferior emulation. If you're really going to go that route you might as well just get a regular emulator and the roms yourself.

>Someone with a game store from (((Israel))) managed to sell it for above market price

Unfucked the translation, day-to-night transistion is a fuck of a lot faster and has no text box, save functionality


Get Shadowrun OP. One of the best RPGs on the system, highly underrated and pretty easy to find.

That's a fun action rpg game. Haxoring part was cool.

TFIV was originally named Lightening Force?

No, that's a different game.

Got that backwards. Thunder Force IV is the original name.

Both of these images are the same console, unmodified, taken off my Ikegami. First is composite, second is RGB. Composite it unacceptable.

Cyberpunk as fuck.

They're the same game dipshit

Thunder Force IV is the original name of Lightning Force.

The only reason to use composite is so that dithered meshes into transparencies. Too bad Genesis composite output is bad by composite standards.

Also worth noting is that it's RGB output is great.

I picked up cans and bottles and turned them in for $$ to buy mine. It took almost a year but playing sonic 2 in the comfort of my own home rather than KB or other mall displays was pretty sweet.

Reminder that Genesis Plus GX for the Wii is a fucking great emulator and a cheap option if you just want to play old games on a CRT.

Also, play Alien Soldier and Castlevania Bloodlines nigger

Toejam and Earl's commercials are hilarious commercials thanks to how much they've dated

pick up bio-hazard battle

The first is infinitely better. If I wanted to see every pixel with crystal clarity, which is very much not how vidya looked back in the day, then I'd use a gay LCD screen.

… Nigger, this is an unmodified Genesis, on an Ikegami monitor from 1992. This IS how vidya looked "back in the day"

Shitty proto-walking sim. The sequel was so much better.


It was though. Just fucking crawwwwwwwwwwwling across giant, largely empty randomly generated maps with shitty unresponsive controls. Meanwhile Panic on Funkotron is a very competent platformer, although towards the end of the game it's a little over-reliant on throwing a bunch of highly damaging, deadly spongy enemies at you at once so I hope you saved all of your vacuums.

It's a roguelike, retard.

It's nothing like Rogue and you need to stop misusing that genre.

You'd use RGB you stupid nigger.

Why have none of you mentioned fucking Jungle Strike.

Get model 1, even though it looks "worse" visually it has better sound then the newer models.

Don't you need to mod a model 1 to do that?

look for model 1's with the communication d-sub port on the back. These are the earliest models, have the best sound. Also play Twinkle Tale.

no, just a cheap little converter. Probably 10 bucks?

I'll look into it.

Though my AV ports are used up by my N64 and dreamcast

Component switchboxes are single-digit dollars.

Weird tip. The composite video from a 32X is better than the composite video from its host Genesis. Obsoive:

I kek'd

Are there any emulators that provide model 1 audio capabilities but model 2 visuals?


then edit it and post your list user


Console has delivered.
Many all-time classics that are still fun to play to this day.

Go try Beyond Oasis / Story of Thor (underrated Zelda-like but less kiddified)
Wiz'n'Liz (bree'ish Sonic with "crafting" before it was a thing)
Weaponlord (it's a fightan, but with really chunky art style and meaty soundtrack / sfx)

I wish a nigga would…

Fantastic game. I'm kicking myself for selling it when I was a poorfag…

I don't have any of my old consoles left. I still have some of the vidya and their cases, but they're practically useless now.

What's wrong with it, user? Genesis units really don't have much for surface mounts, and the video signal generator is through-hole. It can be repaired. You can fix it, we can help you.

Consoles aren't expensive, user. Ironically they're cheaper than the games these days.

the saturn 3d control pad analog stick is probably the best ever in a controller. What are you talking about?

As much as I adore my saturn… No. No it isn't. It is really weird. The Gamecube and Playstation sticks were better. And Gamecube's placement was infinitely superior for 3D games.

Holy yuckola.

I think the genesis is great.

I have a quick question about Everdrives. I'm not sure if I should go with a x3 or x5. the feature list on the website is not clear enough for me and I can't seem to find information on the x3 in English. I've heard a bunch of misleading information, like that you cannot save games on the x3.

it's superb once you get used to it


Oh yeah? I got this complete for $20 in a used games store. It sold for over $400 for just the cart on ebay last week.

I wonder how many 32X's you can stack and have the thing still work.

never actually played this version of mega man, how is it?

Its Megaman 1, 2 and 3 with better graphics but a shittier sounding soundtrack due to the Megadrive's robot fart sound chip.

It's like pottery


You're getting shitposted lad
did mark unfilter that? What happened?

the ym2612 is the best piece of pure sound processing for video games. If it sounds bad, you heard it from a 2632 or an emulator

I heard that earlier, fucking masterpiece of an OST

webM related

I never said there wasn't any good soundtracks on the Megadrive despite it's chip. I just pointed out The Wily Wars soundtrack doesn't sound as good as the original NES soundtrack.


Ive got well over 100 games in my Sega genesis collection, as far as game-play goes for each game Ive played all of them hundreds of times over.
To name a few that haven't been talked about here:
The games in the Shinobi series are fantastic but have a weird title problem, the one most people know is Shinobi 3, There is also Revenge of Shinobi, and Shadow Dancer all of them are fantastic.
XGranadaX or just Granada is a tough as nails top down Tank game.
James Pond 3 is one of the best platformsers I have ever played, while it is a very long and hard game it comes with a password screen and even has a secondary playable character.
Zero Tolerance is Sega's answer to what would happen if they had doom on the console (but were missing 70% of the screen) and it was multiplayer co-op. You needed two copies two systems and the special cable to hook them up together but this was the only game on console at the time that was able to do this. The game-play itself is great aside from the UI being horrible.

sounds pretty solid to me, I could see some areas for improvement, but I think it has its own merits over the NES original.

Oh boy this meme again


I fucking hate normalfags.

There are people who think that just because the SNES has midi means it replicate muh real instruments even though the shit sample rate makes everything sound compressed and its small sample size makes them abruptly cut off.

To be fair, Wily Wars was always rare; the PAL cart was printed in short supply so it was inevitable it would go up.

Also if you by the Wily Wars PAL cart then you're a moron since that version runs at a slower 50hz. Just emulate the NTSC version on an Everdrive

Nintendo thought it brilliant to have a sound format limited by storage space on a media format already incredibly tight on storage space. Weird hardware decisions have pretty much been their MO since the beginning, however.

should run fine on 60hz hardware. region is tied to hardware for sega genesis. Only a few late run games had any sort of region locking on them.

Wasn't that only released on Sega Channel? That's how I played it back in the day. There's a reason even >muh physical fags should have an everdrive.

Get the Jap version. There may also be a fan patch that corrects the PAL version to proper 60fps, but I don't know of one.

I've hear people say otherwise, though that may be because they emulated it

That Reminds me that Shiny and Tommy Tellarico Reused the song Use Your Head in Wild 9 and went under the name Beast Ride

It really does depend if capcom did anything fucky with the design of the game, which is unlikely I think. Region is tied to the console and games are independent of it outside of a few scenarios and some content (like language options.)

I'd be open to trying it on real hardware before saying anything definitely, just going off my own knowledge of Sega hardware. Also I strongly advise you all play one of my favorite Genesis games ever, and a childhood game of mine. It's a lot like Contra.

I've been holding on to it sort of considering fixing it. You're right that I should fix it, no reason to let it go by the wayside. I just pulled it out of storage, I'll give it a look and if it isn't obvious I'll report back.

The X3 can save, you just have to reset your system when you're done for it to save instead of just turning it off. I have an v2 and I highly suggest it as something they don't mention on there is that the v2/X7 also does the FM soundchip for SMS games. Mind you I bought my v2 when there were no budget options so maybe the x5 or even x3 are good enough for your needs.

you can literally just buy a new din connector, de-solder the old one, solder the new one in, and enjoy your fresh new contacts.

I'm getting pissed off over the used games market kikery after looking at the current 4cuck /vr/ users, I grew up on used shit since I was fucking poor, now normalfags eat that shit up. Goddamn niggers.

Good to know. If it comes to it I wouldn't have a problem doing that.

user why go to a place filled with such pozzed faggotry?

one of the few active retro boards sadly

if it comes to it, it shouldn't cost you much at all. Easy solder suck & reinstall job. Just remember to apply new solder, flux, and it should take you 5-10 minutes to take it apart, remove, add a new one, and put it back together.

I needed to know what the fuck they were doing, they're fucking eating away at last-gen shit, jewtube celebs advertising le good games while they cannibalize everything "retro" like pseudo-kikes.

I feel very lucky and very silly. I just hooked it up and it works fine over RGB. Now that I think about it I ended up replacing the RGB cable I tested it with and never thought to check again after I replaced it. I just ran it through some tests (Sega CD, 32x, SMS, Shadowrun) and it's running great. Love how resilient these systems are, and as you've illustrated easy to repair too.

Nigger you HIGH.

That's recorded from an emulator. It's all in the way the upper end sounds. Emulators always have a hissy sound to them if you don't turn on filtering.

X3 saves games fine, you just have to press RESET on your console and wait for it to boot back to the everdrive menu before turning the console off. The only difference between the X3 and X5 is the X5 doesn't need to be reset and has a Master System pause button.

You must ask yourself if $30 extra is worth not getting up and pressing reset before powering off and playing shitty master system games is worth it.

It's no wonder people thing the thing sounds like a Robot Fart. If you're not playing on a Model 1 you're fucking up the experience.

BTW, anyone here played the Ooze?

Now now, user. Model 2 audio is fixable with a MegaAmp, and do have better video output. The Model 1s have the worst jailbars.

I was talking about stock systems. I play all my genesis games in RGB so I've never noticed any jailbars, but as far as I'm aware that's only an issue in composite.

It's actually an issue with RGB. The carrier signal generator interferes with the RGB. The way to remove them is to lift pin 6 on the video IC.

Anyone here play Burning Force?


Only the first one. Also, if you connect a 32X and a Sega CD, you can't play a lot of Master System games because those devices use resources the Genesis needs for Master System mode.

Pfft. Sega-16 is active, as well as TIZ, and they're both pretty up and up on what's going down. RetroMags, to a lesser degree.

I still have a cartridge. Too bad the series canned after first game. But hey, at least we got appearance in Namco x Capcom and arcade version was somewhat more decent than genesis one. It was one of mine's childhood games, amazingly forgotten by history.

That's only true of the 32x. I leave my Sega CD Model 1 hooked up and play SMS games all the time. The Sega CD doesn't even turn on when there is a cartridge in the Genesis.

Small correction since it needs to be noted: The Sega CD will turn on if there is a cartridge, but only if it's a RAM cart or an Everdrive where you've chosen to turn the Sega CD on from a menu (at which point it acts as a RAM cart).

Right, forgot, the Sega CD hooks stop you from playing 64 megabit games, not Master System.

Are you sure about that? Last I checked Pier Solar was 64 Megabits and it actually uses the Sega CD for enhanced music.

Try playing a 64 megabit demo ROM with both hooked up.

Just bought a complete copy for $25. arcade version looks a bit better, more animations mostly. That said, there isn't a single arcade board for it on eBay so it would be REALLY hard to track a copy down. I own a supergun for hooking up arcade PCBs to tube televisions & some titles are simply impossible to find these days.

Do you know where I can get one? The only 64 Megabit game I can find IS Pier Solar and I don't think it has a demo. I'd love to know what other ones there even are, but my searches are bringing up nothing. Would a 64 Megabit game even run in an Everdrive anyway?

I wonder how much of that 64Mbit is spaghetti code and padding to make it unplayable on most flash carts.

By the way, the X7 can run it just fine.

Didn't the genesis do significantly better than nintendo in both europe and brazil like the sega master system also did? Why did the euros like it so much?

nintendo's european support was awful. sega licensed out the genesis/master system to tectoy and was sold under that company, sega didn't really have to do with the systems success there. tectoy used the cheap design of the systems, sold them for cheap, and tapped into a large, poor market well.

Cheaper games, landed there first, and the Genesis had more European devs supporting it. Many of EA's games on the system were ports of Amiga games.

the amiga thing was a big deal. I think both systems were very similarly capable and this enticed amiga devs do make slightly cut down versions of their games that would largely maintain the game play. I wonder if there was an architectural similarity there.

I heard using the cd's audio out makes the model 2 sound better and I think I notice it, although that might just be confirmation bias. Anyone able to confirm?

It can run on the v2 as well (which makes sense given it's the same as the X7 just older), I just ran a beta rom and it ran fine with the Sega CD hooked in and all.

Slightly harder than the NES games, if only because robot masters take the bare minimum of damage from your mega buster.

My uncle gave me his Genesis and a ton of games. I ended up retardedly selling all but three of the games.

Try getting Midnight resistance, it's a pretty decent shoot em up if you're looking for something besides contra hard corps.

The Lego Game Company used to make pretty good games, the fuck are you on about.

Speaking of Euro/Amiga devs, try Sub-Terrania.

It's Mega Man 1, 2, and 3 with "improved" graphics that really aren't that great but not bad either (except they didn't change Proto Man's sprites so he looks like a midget). That said, saving instead of passwords is nice, and when you beat all three games, you unlock a new mode of new content which basically amounts to half a regular Mega Man game. In this mode, you get to choose your loadout for each level and mix and match any weapons and items from the first three games, which is really cool.

If you're going to play the first three games, I recommend this version, solely for the Wily Tower mode.

Pier Solar's creators are making Paprium which will be at least 40 megs.

And check out Red Zone. Zyrinx were all Demoscene guys, and knew the 68000 inside and out. The music especially was amazing.

The Bad Apple demo is 64mbit, but it's also distributed in two 32mbit ROMs. Shitty webm related, warning, high volume.

Just use an emulator.

More's the pity that you will never understand.

was like a mix of flashback and x-men. collectan, jumpan puzzles n shit.

Ah, okay, I just tried the Bad Apple demo and got an error message from my Everdrive telling me I needed to unhook my Sega CD. You were right, interesting, I wonder what processes the Sega CD is up to when just hooked in. Oh well, not a big deal as those games are rare and when I do encounter them I can just move my Genesis to the side to unhook it. I wonder if it's just an Everdrive limitation, because like I said I'm sure Pier Solar had a bonus Sega CD disc that would give it a better soundtrack (still maybe the disc was just the game).

Is this really impressive or not? I mean, I think it is, but on but on a technical level all it does is use an entire cart for a single cutscene.

Where'd you get that demo? I tried searching but the download links are dead.

A good example of an arcade port where they took the original soundtrack and reworked it with superior sound programming. The C64/SID interpretation bests the arcade too.

Data East always had lame FM patches, nowhere near the level of Capcom and SEGA.

Bad Apple is just about making an FMV on a Genesis cart. The impressive stuff is stuff like TiTAN Overdrive.

Pretty sure the SegaTV ROM was dumped, if not you can just play the Japanese version.
Here it is, though the sound fucked up for me about mid way but that may be my genesis being an early model.

Playing on the original hardware is good, but only if you're also playing on a 1970s-1980s era CRT.
There's absolutely nothing you can do to "emulate" the original intended experience.
That said, if you can't be fucked to do that because it's slightly absurd, emulating is roughly 70% accurate so it's good enough if you just want to check out the vidya and have a good time.

For 20+ years I played NES and SNES on a 60 inch rear-projection CRT flat-screen TV from the mid-70s that my neighbor just gave me because he couldn't take it with him when he moved. I offered him money for it, but he wouldn't take it. When that thing died, my heart died with it. I just emulate now. It's not the same, but finding another beauty like that is just never going to happen. Everyone only gets one miracle, and that was mine.

Yes. Not bad, good 1st level song.

Still garbage made by braindead niggers

Kega Fusions CVBS Filter can blur the screen just enough to turn meshes into transparencies like how composite video dies

*turn meshes into transparencies like how composite video does on original hardware.

Sorry, phone posting

Or use a period accurate PVM monitor, because that's what the devs were likely using when creating the games.

My sides

I'm laffin'

So whats the best emulator out there now? I haven't touched emulation in something like 10-15 years and the last things I remember using were Gens and Kega. Things have surely improved since then, right?

Devs also had consumer sets for reference.


Kega is pretty good. Ignore Libretrofags.

Which had the better line up?

The Sonic Games
Streets or Rage 2&3 1 is ok but some of the bosses are really cheap. Double dragon is also a good choice.
Jungle Strike & Desert Strike(really hard past level 2)
The Chaos Engine. its quite rare but very good
Phantasy star games
Strider is top tier
Space harrier 2 is good if available
Terminator 2 is good but hard to find
Ecco is over-rated and so is Shinobi avoid.
all sports games are terrible bar the boxing ones.
The simpsons games are really good,
the batman games are terrible
gunstar heroes is already on everyones list for a reason

The mega drive had a better line up. the snes had more decent rpgs but thats about it.

Why are all collectors subhuman with awful taste?

but it is, those anti air tanks are near impossible to dodge.
Road rash is great, albeit repetitive.
ecco sucks
sports games didnt get gud until 3d
i enjoyed the simpsons games, they may not be for everyone but i like them.
And tbh i probably am exaggerating with gunstar heroes.
I'm not even a collector though i just have one in my attic.

You got robbed. It's a gigantic notorious pile of shit. Megaman fans aren't the brightest bunch.

Good system better than the SNES in every way.

Super Metroid blows Sonic out of the water.

The fact you think Shinobi is overrated shows are a nigger of shit taste. Kill yourself.

That's a retarded comparison to make.

Genesis's library has aged rather unfortunately. It had a great selection of games but shmups and fast platformers don't age nearly as well as 2D RPGs unfortunately.
Not to mention it has so many sports games, jesus fucking Christ. It makes navigating the libraries an absolute headache.

That said, Sega has their own lesser known but still phenomenal RPGs on the genesis, even if only a few like Phantasy Star, Shining Force, Langrisser and whatnot.

Probably because it was during the days when official name license for sports titles was getting bigger, big enough to start overshadowing fantasy type sports games or ones that didn't have an official name or team name deal.