Life is Dranks: Before the Storm reportedly removes Denuvo
LiS is a Squeenix """game,""" so this is a big fucking deal if it's not just an accident.

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They probably removed it after they realized no one wants to pirate it.


wow no one cares


2018 is going to be a fun year

Time for LiS nude mods.

Certainly doesn't have as many owners as the first one, primarily due to that one's first episode being now free and being a regular on humble bundle, but it did fairly well.

I guess denuvo is hella dead.

The only reason anyone cared about the original is the porn anyway. Prompto gangbang porno when?

the last time I listened to a giant bomb episode, all they could fucking talk about was LiS.

That site should relax on the shilling, there's such a thing as too much.

user all of global culture has been reduced to shilling.

His stream of the first episode of Before The Storm was pretty good, he got dead drunk and told people to seek professional help if they didn't feel good.

This really is a good day. Lining up to be a good year as well, all things considered.

That's the exact opposite of good advice.

that's hella dope my dude

The ride is only getting started user. Make sure you're properly armed though just in case.

Honestly, this. Piracy is a very important metric for how popular something actually IS: for instance, the producers of the awful new Star Trek are now citing the number of seeders on The Pirate Bay as evidence that the show is actually "popular" (which I suppose it is, in the same way as a fatal car accident is popular - everyone slows down to have a good look at the flaming wreckage).

They were probably counting on the usual formula: Denuvo is cracked day one, everyone downloads the pirated version, talks about it with their friends, and stupid people who don't know what a torrent is or think that applying patches is for advanced superhackers go "oh, that sounds good, I guess I will buy it".

They didn't factor in that it was possible to make a game so uninteresting that nobody was even interested in removing the copy protection.

you are a fucking idiot.


Denvo death for 2018

they didn't get rid of Vinny he got his own office out in ((((New York))) he legit married a Jewess and become just as much of an SJW as Alex.

Ryan was also a hypocritical druggy piece of shit, he was the reason patrick ever got a foothold in the games press. that along with all of them supporting the literal who's from the shadows.

they where always cancer. just like 1up.


>implying it wasn't formed because the cancer became too much at fucking gamestop gamespot
At most you can blame Jeff for losing his balls and letting his pet project fly off the rails.


yeah, I don't so. Jeff and Ryan being a pieces of shit was part of the GB cult of personality, the cognitive dissonance of GB was (and i'm sure, still is) insane. also, I don't think they get the acknowledgement they deserve as being a driving force in the lead up to GG.


was meant for

My thoughts exactly.


Who are you quoting retard?

Talk about a know nothing know it all~

Try again lad

I have completely forgotten anything about that game except that it's a walking simulator

I'm waiting for Square Enix to remove Denuvo from Neir: Automata and Rise of the Tomb Raider.

In other words what said.

I giggled

I wondered why he was seeming to turn into a faggot. Ryan left just in time before he could live to become the villain.

That's fucking pathetic. Really fucking pathetic. That's like a comedian saying "look! people really like me!" because the one cellphone video of him absolutely humiliating himself on stage got viral.
LiS is one of those games that don't even need to pirated, just like TWD and Wolf Among Us. All you really need to do is simply watch a lets play on youtube and done, you have "played" the "game".

Is vinny the textbook example of an older man who gave up the fight?

I'd say so, possibly a sadder story than Ryan. His T levels must have crashed or something. At least Drew bailed.


After living in commieforina and getting saddled with a baby that your jew wife gave you, it's not that shocking. It is sad, but at least Drew fucked off before he was forced to drink the kool-aid.
Like tears in the rain.

That's an anarchy symbol, you bingus. But.

At least one made it out of the wreckage, Drew always seemed like an outlier. Funny how he became a normalfag meme before going mobile.


These things write themselves.

You know back when I was depressed, I developed misanthropy, as in hatred of humans and humanity. I turned to anime because the characters looked nothing like humans, and the barbaric languages of the east were less grating on my ears than hearing a person speak a language I could understand. After a few years I slipped out of depression, back into reality, and I stopped watching anime.

I think this is how there are people who seem to not even remotely want to play videogames, but are absolutely enamored with these walking sims and cinematic games. Maybe they just hate the world, but they want to watch movies, so they watch games with poorly modeled characters going through janky animations with crap voice acting so that they don't recognize the characters as humans, and can continue living in their escapist bubble where humans don't exist.

It's really the only way I could ever imagine anyone ever paying attention to this shit.

i have a feeling someone wanted automata to fail but it didn't' so they probably holding up shit internally in which is why it never got patched after its release.
it bet its the lightning waifu man considering he had the power to hold up square for years with his three games of literally who

I thought this was copypasta at first. I think there really is a vicariousness to it like that. Why'd you give up on anime entirely though? Some of the older stuff is absolutely classic.

"please pirate" - Squenix

Stupid Denuvo!

what's the difference?

Anarchists are retards who want no government whatsoever.
Antifa are retards who want to kill anything more right leaning than them and establish a left leaning fascist government.

I'd consider them both controlled, either way.

Giant Bomb has been shit since whatshisname died. Seriously. Keep Yourself Safe.

Simple, anarchy's mascot isn't as retarded.

Anarchy = no rulers.
Antifa = jewish rulers.

And who do you think is behind Anarchists? I'm sure there's absolutely no jewish influence in a political group that wants absolute erasure of white forms of governing bodies.

Reminder: Ben is a blessing to the internet as a whole and definitely, without a shadow of a doubt, /ourguy/

Couldn't anarchy be considered a meritocracy where people get by on their own efforts? Obviously true anarchy would never last because somebody would rise to the occasion and become some kind of ruler within days, but theoretically.

Anarchy = weaken the state so subversion can happen more easily.

Only and absolutely ONLY true if the destruction prior to the reboot is total and complete, leaving no hold outs whatsoever to swoop in and "set things right" as they view it. The wealthy elite would need to be utterly annihilated along with those loyal to them and the resources they've stock piled.

If that does not occur the state of anarchy is not more than a speed bump for a new age fascist power (rebirth is a constant theme in fascist ideology - some analysts have even identified it as the sole distinguishing feature of fascism over other forms of social organization). Which may or may not be good for you as an individual, it depends where you fall within the interpretations of the winning force's doctrine.

True anarchy is the ultimate meritocracy. But we know how it ends, if you have any doubts just step outside. This was its logical conclusion. The reason resetting it is a crap shoot is the simple level of personal power held by the ultra elite.

Could Holla Forums's birthday present be the video games industry becoming great again?

This, just ends up being another way to undermine the current system for (((them))).

Anarchy is abolishing every single form of hierarchy so everyone is equal.
Antifa is demanding the government to enforce the shitty rules you make because you can't do shit on your own.

They both act similar because they are both retarded. You can't abolish hierarchy ever, as long as there's 2 people on earth, an hierarchy will be established since it has a good side to it as well, but both sides depend heavily on the government to keep things from spiraling out of control so they can live easy lives, and in the case of Antifa, they wouldn't enforce anything with black blocks or even have an actually productive community. They'd always need the government to step in and enforce the laws they make as well as provide financial support for them since they produce nothing but chaos.

If you want a better idea, Anarchy is a bunch of Mad Max fanboys, delusional that they will all be Immortan Joe. Antifa is a bunch of faggots that willingly want 1984 because they all believe they'd be menbers of the Party.

Underrated post.

No, because nobody else but you would acknowledge your merit and if you weren't serving yourself you'd be wasting your time.

If you were using your talents to serve someone else, you're establishing that he is superior to you, creating an hierarchy and breaking your principals. If you'd do it in exchange for something, that's different and okay but that's Libertarianism then.

And regardless of that, some people would band together and make a gang with their own hierarchy and conquer everyone else that stood alone because teamwork is fucking invaluable. Even animals understand this, it's only selfish brats that have nothing of value to add to the group that opose the idea of contributing and working together, which is why both Antifa and Holla Forums despise the idea of working with anyone that doesn't agree 100% with them.

The only thing I know about this game comes from the SFM porn it's produced. Do people actually play this shit?

In order to create equality you need to enforce inequality at a personal level. If everyone is free to do as they will in an anarchy, why can't I make a government?

But isn't the current system filled with jews? :^)





Wouldn't surprise me. It would give them a reason to ignore people wanting another Nier sequel. Despite Automata being miles better then any FF since, what? The PS2 era? I really doubt it makes near the amount of jew gold.

Not sober. Playing it drunk was honestly a really good experience.

Being fat with no muscle must be the outright curse of all time