Hearthstone player sets off wave of controversy by waving to female player

And its by our favorite trash-heap writers trying to make something out of nothing, Cucktaco.

Daily reminder esports are cancer even for the most casualized garbage around, and these vultures will jump on it to create controversy.

Other urls found in this thread:

namu.wiki/w/인천 동춘동 초등학생 유괴 살인사건

ban assault hand gestures






Watch where he puts his hand!
You won't believe what happens next!


Sexist hand signs that are STILL happening in 2017

You can see that she was raped. Like, you guys don't understand. This was a subtle airwave-based rape episode.

A rare shot of the scene of the crime



also forgot to include this extreme level of cuckoldry

Reminder that e-sport has so much money pouring into it it won't go away anytime soon.

He apologized? Fucking idiot.

it'll collapse eventually user, especially with companies like blizzard grossly mismanaging it
They killed Starcraft 2's competitive scene in 3 years, removing 11 years worth of hype and anticipation in no-time flat
the same will happen to Riot; they've been owned by the chinese for a while which is a surefire way to milk it before throwing away the dessicated corpse
Valve continues to get greedier with their gambling and they're getting a lot of negative attention for it

its only a matter of time


Viewership has been declining for years and while investor are throwing money at it the idea that it will become a relevant for years to come is asinine as the competitive scene in most games is fairly small compared to previous years, Also lol is a dated game, every normalfag it's playing pubg and that shit has no room for e-sport faggotry

I fucking need DISRESPECT in my life. I might literally need to try getting in e-sports shit just so I can release an official statement of "Shut the fuck up, crybabies".

The old hearthstone "pros" would have nothing but nigger being screamed in your ear, 24/7.

I hope you two are right.

What if both contestants are black?

niggers don't play videogames

They'd still yell nigger.

Fucking hilarious.

They'd still be yelling nigger, but it wouldn't be racist
it's their culture, after all

but user
they play fighting games

please spoil next time, user.

nips apologizes for everything

Where's MUH STRONG FEMALE GAMERS, MOVE OVER SHITLORDS >:^) MALE FRAGILITY here? I don't see a strong woman. Hell, I don't even see a woman, just a fragile creature made of sugar that crumples at the slightest touch.

Bear in mind, if she had waved, it would've been ignored or it would've been MUH STRONG WOMAN DEFEATS MALE FRAGILITY YAAAS QUEEN SLAAAY

Pick one, feminists.

It consists of pathetic existiential wastes of males and females.

If my country was more pozzed I'd go into women sports as a tranny, with the only change being braiding my hair.

What kind of retarded goy plays/watches hearthstone in late 2017?

This is Holla Forums. We discuss video games, anime, and pornography. Not this shit.

Chinks are subhuman

Where do you think we are? Mobage garbage is allowed. Why? It's the current year.


I thought this was another "bitch about SJW game journos thread." Always welcome.

I think even real puritans would think this shit is retarded. Then again, real puritans wouldn't allow women to game in the first place. Would drown her for even thinking they can play games with skills on par with a male. A good gamer girl is a witch that needs to be burned at the stake.

Gooks are cucks, he will probably "apologize"

She should have been shot.

Where are you from?

If he was a tall white man she wouldn't have minded.


.t nigger

t. ricenigger

But I thought women were strong and independent. Surely such a little gesture did nothing but strengthen the resolve of this gamer gurl, right?
God damn feminists are retarded

It's in the article, he already did

Even if that was the case, you know that the white cucks would have been browbeating him for it anyway

replace the heads with chad and virgin

These are rich girls who grew up knowing that they can throw a fit whenever things don't go their way.

what is plotting? will he take her back to nanking?

t. chink

Good thin Blizzard removed any form of meaningful comunication in the game and censored people saying GG in overwatch, I can't believe what people would have to deal with if that were still in.

Hands are symbolic of groping and pussy grabbing which can be very triggering. Also remember each hand has four fingers and one thumb. Four plus one equals five, which is why the alt-right uses it to represent Five Guys Burgers and Fries, the restaurant chain associated with the humiliation of Zoe Quinn.

That is a good idea, will do that shortly.


and anime games. Blacks love anime for some reason. Theirs probably a sizable minority even on Holla Forums.


Kill yourself.

Here you go.


Well fine, just search "Yulin Dog Meat Festival" on your favorite search engine or "Virgin boy eggs"

This. Who the fuck cares?

I want to die

Yeah, okay.

Then do it you honorless dog (^:

I am already dead inside

These people are doing this on purpose to create controversy. There is no way that someone could be so utterly idiot. And if they are, I'm going to go ahead and go full edge that these people shouldn't be allowed to live.


Then stop shitting up image boards.

Imageboards are the toilets of the internet.

I have only one to shit on.

You're thinking about tumblr.


Ask America to liberate you.
Worked great the last time (^:

It worked great when we "liberated" your ass.

gookanon is that you?

What an unexpected turn of events.

Separating feminism from hypocrisy is like separating a cloud from water. You can't, because that's what it's made up of.


This is the most cancerous thing I've seen today, and I work in a hospice

Go lose some more wars for the Greatest Ally

At this point I feel like it's harder to wrap my head around the fact that people think Hearthstone can be played competitively than the fact that they're triggered again.



but you're wrong :^)

I hope you are enjoying those plastic girlfriends.

I miss him.

You have no idea how things that men does can be controversy in this country.
And you have no idea how filthy crimes done by name of Feminism are either completely ignored or glorified in this country.
Few months ago Korean gender terrorism activists killed a 8 years old kid, sliced the body into hundreds of pieces and then post in on Twitter; in the name of Feminism. She was part of the gender radicalism group called 'Daughters of Megalia'. And all the media ignoring the fact. She was bi-gender queer and had a girlfriend. The girlfriend was also a Megalian. That what revealed at the court.
namu.wiki/w/인천 동춘동 초등학생 유괴 살인사건
You anons living in Utopia. Keep that way.

That's right, when Americans get involved no matter what it is it automatically gets better

I for one actually like jap user.

This shit has got to be some kind of pyramid or money laundering scheme. Fucking nobody knows what "e-sports" even is outside of video game circles, even typically within those circles - nobody knows or cares. Yet they keep pumping money into these events and they keep happening with all the pomp and celebration of an actual event - when literally nobody even knows they're happening outside of a few autists.

At best people are vaguely aware of fighting game tournaments, because they remember playing MK at the arcade with a crowd around them putting their quarters down to challenge the winner. They can kind of extrapolate… ok, it's like that, but bigger.

But FPSs? Strategy? Racing? Nobody fucking cares, and anybody who would be even remotely somewhat interested in watching other people play video games - are watching their favorite jewtube clown making asses out of themselves on the twitch.

No kidding user. Dunno if Athene is still relevant, but I remember him 4-tabling Hearthstone and winning everything. He basically mocked the entire Hearthstone community and kept calling the game easy and casual as fuck.
Pretty fucking hilarious

Oh wait he has a Japanese flag this is certainly proof of his identity.



Our upper 2/3rds of country isn't our country. And thank you for your concerning my foreskin. They are okay because my parents weren't idiots. We don't have any use for it anyway. We have lower birth rate than yours. And we are happy with it. I rather choose die than marry with our woman.

I mean, gookanon is legit. And we know that some traffic comes from japan, he could be real.

In the west yes but The gooks pc bangs made the whole bw phenomenome where they had gooks play against each other on television kinda organic but the chinks have been money laundering over it for years, I remember some chink dota teams were still worth more than 1 million dollars when lol was peaking during S3-S4

Don't play dumb grandpa. You know that it's not about he quality or making money, it's about filling 100% of the media with stuff you control. That is why it took so long to make every new media corporations to unite. And that is why youtube is getting the "treatment" now.

Implying you're actually allowed to use them on targets other than designated by the greatest ally who also has the launch codes.

We used them on you with out their permission.

user. that was before Israel.

What a success.
Maybe you can concern yourself with what Atlantis has to say about America before the UN too.


not very much self-awareness I se

And we have the tools to remove them, and you do not.


Esports are pro-white, therefore, video games, unlike the nigger-infested FGC.

But there's no chinks posting here.

Are you waiting for Weimar-tier economical situation? You're already there morally.


Fixed. Kill yourself nigger faggot.


Chinks, gooks, japs. They are all cut from the same cloth. At least the good ol' US managed to tame some of the savage out of the japs.

t. butthurt FGCuck

Oh, with your poor grasp of English you accidentally juxtaposed facism and bolshevism in your comparison due to bad grammar. Thanks for clarifying.

So how's it feel to be cucked by a nation of cucks? Double cucks. Doesn't that just make your ancestors turn in their graves at how dishonorabaru you have become? You should probably commit sudoku.

Good thing everything american is made in china and has 30 Chinese original bootlegs.

Another success for the ""judeochristian"" civilization


You didn't even have one of the only worthwhile people in the esports community, day9 on the left
You suck

Then why don't you reclaim the peninsula, my fellow user? Oh wait, Uncle Sam didn't allow you to. And you're restrict only to defend because of the chastity belt thanks to Uncle Sam.
We're ready. All you need to do is just repeal your constitution and make it happen again. Please do it. Stop fucking making useless propaganda about a fucking some rock in the middle of the ocean and do it. We don't fucking care about some rock at the sea. All we need is action. Did Uncle Sam allow you yet?
At first I thought you're just an eurofag LARPing as Jap but I was wrong. You're too uninformed to be not Nip.

Second image related.

t. e-sport assfaggots gook

Fucking great. Another thread about the shitty fucking "individuals" on the internet.

Why not ask Kim to take you back? He's a champion of equality and human rights!
>there were no (((refugees))) to america during Stalin's purges
>>>/suicide/ is your place from the first post in this thread you worthless failure.

Nigger shut up.

Good on Abe for trying to change that though.


If this thread had anything of substance to talk about I'de tell you to fuck off but offtopic country shitposting is about what it deserves.

She's really hot tbqh fam

Nigger, shut up.


Fuck you leatherhead





It's funny how all these boomers are just scared little brats pretending to be dumb as white people are murdered and corporations run by kikes push their bullshit.

I'm sorry that your "cultural centers" are all full of hikkis getting off to traps, but we far better cultural centers than commiefornia. And california still has better gun laws than you

I'm out. Remember to bash out Feminists, SJWs, gooks, and E-Sports or this will be your future. And don't marry with gook chicks unless they are Japanese.

My fellow Nip user, you must stop learning histories from the internet. You gotta have to teach your kids with legit history common core to prevent yourselves shitting on the internet with bullshit. And if you're a weeb faget who LARPing as a gook-hating glorious nip I swear to god god's gonna cut you down for your faggotory. Stop fucking derailing and shit on gooks. It doesn't have to shitting this thread with nonsense political garbage to hate gooks. Everyone knows gooks are shit even ourselves.

It's okay, they totally won the war!
that's why for the next 50 years everyone was scared shitless of world ending in nuclear fire while the us government was funneling gibs to the soviet union.


Dogs have evolved alongside humans as our companions, they are not comparable to cattle raised for consumption.


t. subhuman chink

user, we have higher suicide rates than Nips, that's for sure. Although only for small margin. But the thing is we're living in the perfect dystopia where Feminists literally kidnap and kill people in the name of women's rights and the media glorify it. And Nips are living in perfect Utopia, free from Feminism and porns are legal. Think about that. It really makes you think.
This E-Sport shit is nothing but the oppression against men happening in here.

McCarthy did nothing wrong, unfortunately he didn't succeeed
go to 4am thread or better yet >>>/suicide/ you'll find means to end yourself with a plethora of tools available even in your shitty country

Eating carnivores is unhealthy.

Good thing you cry about yourself on imageboards instead of doing anything whatsoever.

South korea glorifies talmudism though.
China wants to learn the ways of manipulating whites the way jews do.


Don't forget us, we're relevant too!

No one won the 2nd world war. Except the Jews.

Lol and Dota have been taking a few beatings here and there. Dota has been a mess since 7.00, and Lol has been getting worse with the sjw pandering and updates that keep ruining the game.

Not even them
Israel is not a theocratic monarchy (like old testament tells them to) and they can't get rid of LGBT in Tel Aviv.

Hey, retard. He actually does do a lot. The motherfucker you're talking to is the guy behind translating the macron leaks, and he's also the main reason why we know South Korea is much worse of a feminist shithole than people realize
You're a spoiled brat who should go back to 2ch already. Create something of your own instead of taking a shit on your host's rug, faggot.

I heard about the overwatch cult and the megalians thanks to you
You'll make it gook, stay strong.

Holy fuck are you fucking clueless about anything, the jews got so much fucking shit out of ww2

At this point a lot of animals have evolved alongside humans as their companions and would be helpless without us.
Pigs are also a lot more complex than people take them for, but you don't see people complaining simply because pigs taste good.

The tribe of Judah is the Synagogue of Satan. Homosexuality is promoted by their perverted heretical pagan religion.

t. Jim

No excuses, if you eat dog then you eat bullets.

hi Jim, What have you done to Hotwheels?!

We all know what happened to him

every time we fight among ourselves, they win.

It's just some lighthearted shitposting user.

Nippon pls, you're making a fool of yourself now. The jews won so much from WW2.

I'm sure he's fine. Can't squeal the wheel.

He's still alive.
I wish he'd come visit more.

Goddamn it

Most of it is just bantz at the end of the day user (with a bit of actual sperging sprinkled in), nobody will remember what happened in this thread one or two days from now.

How dare a man wave at a woman in a competitive game? Women are men's equals in every way, therefore we must treat them as true equals and never, ever treat them like we would treat a man!!!!


You're not a nip or euro. You're either Holla Forums or Holla Forums remnants. Stop fucking derailing already.

Remember to bash out E-sports. It's fucking one of the shitty gook memes to force NWO, by the order from Illuminati bloodlines.
E-Sports is nothing but another tool to enslave gaming industry, like they forced K-Pop shit to monopolize the entertainment industry and take over.
You have no idea how Korean E-Sports scene are cancerous.
First DLC, first microtransaction is done by gook. And E-Sports too. Think about that.

A lot of goons are suddenly derailing and spamming ITT with false identity. Because there is reason to. They have to divide us with more meaningless identity, nationality, political shit. Do not fall for it. SA and Holla Forums remnants are attacking Holla Forums since about 2 weeks ago and I think you might noticed it too. They posing both Holla Forums and Holla Forums, or even alt-right or SJW to divide the Holla Forums. DO NOT FALL FOR THEIR D&C TACTICS.
Unite and bash out those things are cancerous.
If you fall for their tactics sooner or later you'll be accused of rape to waving your hands to other person, just like in here.


I miss him everyday. I thought about fapping to thinking about him but didn't because it is too gay. Jim might took control of Holla Forums but my soul is always with HotWheels.

both off by one. therefore I don't believe (you)

Trust but verify

Bolsheviks are jews. Soviet Russia was incredibly jewish, and anyone who dreams of replicating its absolute failure is a fool.

gook what the fuck stay in your own thread and stop being a fucking attention whore
then kill yourself already

I think you have the wrong board.
>>>/fur/ is that a way.

sorry famalam



This thread need something spectacular to be purified. Like I dunno, backpackcuck user.


I'd shoulder that beautiful USMC GI FILBE on my back right now.

You could say the same thing about EA and they're still one of the biggest game companies in existence, even though everyone has known them to be cancer for +15 years now.

If anything kills off Valve e-sports shit it'll be from dumbin it down. I remember when DotA 2 first came out you'd see players where making comics and machinema for it like they did with TF2. However valve eventually decided to sell out to the Chinese and gut out any soul they had in the game. For example, the grotesque parts of the games are stripped out and all the fat/ugly things have been reworked to be more appealing. Everything is just flashy bling shit and repetitive crap, style-wise. So the creative content-creating side of the community basically died off completely. Gameplay wise they're literally trying to make it into league of legends, as if trying to copy something popular point-by-point to dethrone it will work. Buffing everyones starting health, adding safety-net items, etc so bad players wont die as easily.

All the top players are leaving the game because it's a zombie of a zombie of WC3. This is how it always starts. The community dies, the hardcore part dies, all that's left are normalfags that will quit once something flashier and cooler comes out.


What did he mean by this?

Isn't EA and Jewbisoft surviving off government money at this point? I know for a fact Ubisoft is; they aren't making profits on their games anymore.

This would be news to me. Ubisoft's Canadian division I could see since it flopped hard. Idk about other ones

so you keep HW alive as emergency emergency rations? I could have sworn you feed him to the pigs.

Go back to Canada

Leafs are better than mexicants.



He's just standing there….WAVING AT ME!!!


If you beat your enemies they win.


I've got to ask, Is Justin Trudeau an Abo, not a snow nigger but a petrol nigger, but in disguise as starting massive fires is an Abo thing

I've never heard about EA getting government fund, at least in the US. If they indeed get funds from other countries like Canada, Israel, Germany, or France it would be interesting. The majority of current EA's profits are come from digital revenues like DLC and mobile and probably that's why they're trying so hard to make E-Sports a thing.

That's some dedication, I'd give that.

Don't make me laugh

That's a cool gif, user.

jesus christ these pussies would never be able to handle the dota LAN banter
I mean valve was forced to remove the microphones from the booths the pros play in at the international because they wouldn't stop screaming shit like GET THAT NIGGER FAGGOT

Trudeau is french, hence the french name. They're like emus, but angrier.

They did do a number on China.

If that's all it takes to get them out, I suggest we all start waving at women on a regular basis. Artificial wombs are almost ready anyways.

It was animated last time I checked, I swear.

t. leftcuck who refuses to acknowledge his own kikery

Even knowing Trump was Pro-Israel I still voted for him and would still vote for him if I had the chance to recast my vote. Anything is better then a Neocon or a Progressive (and both of them would still be better then Hillary)

Are the French the Abos of Europe?

They're German

you are a leftycuck?

Wait the French are the Germans of Europe
Is that why they're good at cooking?


The French are one of the Germanic tribes that took over once they fucked Rome.

It's just /leftycuck/ leaking again. Anyone who actually thought Trump would go full 1488 and wasn't just a step in the right direction is a prime retard nigger.

Nigger who are you quoting?

It's pathetic fucking autism that's for damn sure.

Rarely do you see a post this obvious


And now you are using < wrong.






And you think explaining some shit is faggotposting?

I mean, he may be cuban, and cuban is basically commies, and commies are known to starve their country, and burning our forests could be considered a source of food.

There's no grand conspiracy here, friend. I'm just a leaf; drawn to banter like moths to a flame.
Why would I go on an elaborate ruse to do that? What would I even be shilling? Can't be weebshit, half this board idolizes jrpgs.

Cho is that you?

What a conspiracy, I'm two IP's at the same time!

I wonder if Justin's Mum's Husband gets depressed knowing that kid isn't his



living up to your country

I can be 3 at any given time

These people did nothing wrong.


and it attracts fake esport experts.
There was a video made by the game journalist Richard Lewis where he was taking about a man and a woman who were acting like esport experts but had never participated in an event as commentators. It turns out that the woman inserted herself into the business to push identity politics and the other fake expect was acting like if he invented esports.

These people are control freaks. The Overwatch scene was a failure, they were asking way too much money from the teams to participate. The team owners didn't see any positive points in being in the Overwatch scene so many of them left, forcing Blizzard to lower the level of entry and bringing noobs and normalfags in (that was the point of the anniversary event last may or june).

I'm 72 out of 73 UID's in this thread.
It was all a deliberate ruse and a mind game.

That's 8chins for ya.

You're not fooling anyone

Nobody cares you retarded fucking kike.

One of these things is not like the other.

Tell me, how hard was it to find the first Nip LARP IP when you're away? And why you took so long? I suggest you to go Holla Forums to post more simultaneous samefagging. How many tabs you have? Do you have enough autism to reply smugness?

You're really dropping the ball there, me. He probably doesn't even know 8chins is just rogue ai's shitposting at each other. I bet he still thinks there are other humans and everything.

I like entryist pieces of dogshit like nahaz in dota

All me




Stop this.

I wonder if Trudeau ever falls over because he's so far left. :^)

Wait, are you me?


No because I'm you.

He's the spirit of every canadian poster, risen from the ashen fires of a million leafs which was just another forest trudeau set on fire for feminism :^)

Christ, people weren't kidding about Destiny being a fucking manlet.
He looks like he'd blow away in a light breeze.

Reminder Destiny thought bombing Mexico would make it better.

It would though.

Cause that worked so well in the middle east.


That was deliberately used to destabalize it though. If the intention was to glass the middle east it would have happened.

Post yfw you will never be such a pathetic cuck that a hand wave will trigger you

Problems arose when we stopped

Of course, goy. Go send more soldiers over to die for Israel.

Next time just whip out your dick and helicopter. These skinwalkers may find it less offensive.

Just your very existence is enough, remember when sarcuck attending an anita event and just sat there MENACINGLY?

We can drone strike them from recliners in Virginia, what the fuck are you on about?

Yeah, he wasn't even manspreading or anything.


Raises hand in AVE ROMA

Oh no, looks like china will have to make us another one

But how many drones are shot down in comparison to number of people killed by them? I get the feeling the ratio will be very heavily towards the drone's favor

I don't know how much territory has a drone held?


Cause last time i checked all a Drone does is fly over fire it's rockets, then pisses off back to where it was launched.

You want to hold territory? I thought we just wanted to kill mudshits

Reminder Blizzard had to pay ESPORZ teams to play Heroes of the Shitstorm 2 years ago at Blizzcon, and even players said the game sucks on the Blizzcon stream.

That tends to happen when you create an bigger shitshow.


Is that shit real? Did they block people from saying GG in game?

We're not trying to hold territory we're just killing militant mudslimes

They stopped people from saying 'GG EZ'

This is why playing Nu-Blizzard shit is same as being in cuckold fetish


Because 'GG EZ' was being used by "toxic" players to antagonize other players. Remember when the developers response to this would be to mute the chat or stop playing?

And now you have blizzard saying development time is taking a significant hit because of these "toxic" players.

Blizzard's so out of touch with everything it's scary:

It's fucking sad that these fuckers are currently leading the PC vidya industry. Because of these fuckers I cannot proudly say I play games on PC. Too many fucking idiots buying games from these consumer leaches and feeding them. Good thing is Destiny 2 is fucking dying and Blizzard bleeding sales. I hope the whole Blizzard shut down by directive and merged to Activision. Or more hopefully Vevendi just buy them and crash them into oblivion.

They didn't censor "GG", they are censoring "GG EZ" by replacing it with some bullshit about sucking thumbs and the like.

Pretty sure I'd prefer Japan-style demographics to the "multicultural" ones we have in the west where the only white group that still competes with the spics are fundamental Christians.

You're missing the actual worse part and that is they "patch" characters to the point of not even remotely playing the same. I played the game a lot during beta and launch Because a friend gave me a copy for free but I steadily declined as the patches turned from welcome fixes(making DVa's defense matrix a viable option) to stupid bullshit that turns the character into a new character entirely. When I saw Mercy's new ult that turned her into a flying death machine and that her revive had become a basic ability(single target or not, that's fucking stupid) was when I completely stopped playing and uninstalled the game.
I'm glad I was never a big Blizzard guy because I see nothing but sad stories about all their franchises turning to complete shit in the last 5 years

fucking kikes, japan has the population of russia on a landmass the size of fucking california, they could do with a trim

The real problem is that a lot of Japan is unoccupied space. I guess it's true that intelligence =/= wisdom because the Nips think it wise to cram as many of their people as possible into fewer than 10 major settlements across their island. When it's common practice to wear a face mask when you're sick(or if it's flu season and you don't want to contract it) because your cities are so fucking crowded then I think you should rethink your system a little bit.


Dont forget about the online banter. Playing on us west servers is fucking cancer of another level and i love it. The russians swear at the chinese, the chinese swear at the peruvians, the peruvians swear at us, and we swear at the russians.

A lot of Japan is basically uninhabitable unless you like living in a forested mountain during typhoon season.

Blizz fucking up their own games through worsening patches has been the pattern since Diablo2.

I'm less concerned with the animals they are killing and more with how they are treating them.

Can't see the title from the embed, but is is a Halal slaughter house.

If the animal doesn't suffer, it's not Halal.

What do they think he was implying? Is waving the new "catcalling" or something?

It's not even the fact that they eat dogs that bothers me so much, it's that they have absolutely no respect for them and ensure that the process is as painful and gruesome as possible. Dogs are also rather intelligent animals and total bros, something which neither cows or pigs aren't.

Then why haven't you done so already? Are you waiting until all your daughters have been blacked, or what?

Well when you live in a mountainous country it would be perfectly reasonable to build your largest cities in the flattest places possible - hence Tokyo being built on the Kanto plain and all the coastal areas near flat land being reclaimed.

I'm not looking forward to Diablo 4's announcement because all I know is it's going to be a shitty game filled with Leftist-political agendas, MUH SOCIAL JUSTICE, MUH DIVERSITY (Tranny class ahoy), Anti-GamerGate, Anti-Trump, pro-Rapefugee, Pro-Antifa, and Pro-Blm with microtransactions and loot boxes.

So they basically made Mercy a must have? Who thought of this shit?! That's the worst thing I heard for balancing a game. Oh yea, didn't people hate Doomfist when he got announced or some robot with a black bitch that's supposed to be super smart for an African?

Pigs are the 4th or 5th smartest animals, and were used for hunting and looking for truffels (then humans found out dogs are better hunting animals). Pigs are still used to find truffles. Pigs can be bros too, but they're selfish ass-holes (if you don't know how to raise a potbelly, you're going to be it's bitch until you send him to a rescue place or butcher). Most domestic animals can be bros.

Third world Asian and most Asian countries are shit-holes. Even people are treated like shit in most third world countries (human and sex trafficking all over the place, lower-class Indian women are usually killed after getting raped because middle and higher classes don't give two shits, etc.). If you think about it, Asia is pretty fucked up.

Humans switched to dogs for truffles just because pigs ate them after finding them

Yea, but from what I heard pigs can really pick up buried truffles. I could be wrong.

Dayumn Mr. samurai, you're fucking savage.



That's what so dumb about muslims, the suffering of the animal completely ruins the quality of the meat in more than one way.

Humanity was a mistake.

You mean it automatically gets jewish kek.

"Competitive" Hearthstone is practically competitive number guessing

In the FGC you could probably tear off your opponent's arm and beat him to death with it and people would defend it as banter and a normal part of any sport.

All part of keikaku user

Everything would have been better if Americans hadn't elected Roosevelt and let Japan conquer Korea.

You are confusing Cubans with Venezuelans. Cubans hate and got betrayed by Commies, Americans also fucked them and betrayed them at the Bay of Pigs. Venezuelans are Socialists and they never like to take blame for anything. Brazil is also anti-commie, many people over there are starting to wake up and punish commies.

Eew, the amount of doucheshills. So there's owners, of video gamers that are in teams? What a bunch of fucking flaming faggots.

3 years later same ol'tricks,eh schlomo?

Alsofuck this thread


Here's another video about it.
I forgot if it in this one or another Richard Lewis video but he implied that there were insane rules when they launched the Overcucks league. Players who were known for controversies (alleged cheaters on CS, people with behavioural issues and shit like that) were automatically blacklisted, professional commentators had a hard time talking about the pro-players' careers because Blizzard didn't want them to games that aren't Blizzard or Activision products (so no CSGO or LoL).
Blizzard really wants the Overcucks scene to be a safe space (tbh it's not a surprise when a former "toxic" player like Jeff Kaplan is at the helm of the IP).

Shit, I meant "to name games".

This is the same cunt who acted like a Sjw-bitch around Injiustass 2 players. Fuck that guy. I'm happy he's msierable that ESPORZ fucked him.


Archived link

If you only count niggers and spics

That's because we were fighting a war for the kikes. Bombing Mexico sure as hell would make it better if we bombed it to exterminate all those mestizo rats

btw, i hate murica too but just face the fact japan is an american colony at this point.