Megaman Zero

So I've decided to play through this series again, haven't played them since I was young, never played the 1st one and holy fuck. Is it just me or is this game fucking difficult?
Am I just bad or is the game actually difficult? Not complaining since the feeling of finally beating them is greater than the frustration, plus the game is just fucking awesome.

also megaman thread i guess. :^)

The games are hard, especially if you try to get good ranks.
Don't burn yourself trying to beat all of them with good ranks in one go, take it easy.

Game is legit hard, but in a good way. Don't be afraid to use cyber elves but be warned doing it fucks with your score.

Intifags should be gassed.

The first game is a little rough but still very good.

2 and 3 are top tier though

haven't really noticed the ranks, been getting b's and c's for most of them.
Burning myself just trying to beat them let alone get a good rank kek.

Absolutely. The feeling of accomplishment when beating the bosses is worth playing for that reason alone.
Haven't used many cyber elves since, as far as i'm aware, once you use them you can't use them again. However the only ones I use (if i have to) are the HP restoring ones.

keen to play them after finishing the 1st. Does the difficulty go up after 1? or is it a healthy balance between skill and difficulty. i've spent the most time playing through 4, don't remember much of 2 and 3


I believe 1 is considered the hardest, actually.

I believe the consensus is that 2 is the hardest, expect some trouble from Phoenix Magnion, but don't give up.

Harpuia is pretty easy. Possibly the easiest boss in the game if you know what to do. Just jump over him when he's attacking and destroy him while he does his combo. Something like that. Phantom is my favorite of the four whatever they were called. I played it again and beat it on normal and on hard a few months ago, but I didn't read anything because I already did a long time ago, and now I just don't care.

It's a difficult game. Zero 2 is very much an improvement, though. I still have to play 2, 3 and 4 again. Played all of the classic and X games some time ago, and the first Zero. Playing all the RPGs again in Japanese at some point, because they seem to be very easy to read.

I like the art style. And Zero Zero doesn't have green boobs.

Use the ones that give you upgrades, like more health and sub tanks. Those are the most useful.

That guy is an asshole.

Phoenix Magnion is interesting from a plot/cosmology standpoint if you considered his special attack in context with Zero's situation.


yeah if you develop a muscle memory for his attack patterns which i did eventually lol but when u jump over him, he will turn around for the final attack that puts him in the air. That shit is unavoidable unless i'm just retarded

yeah i've been working on getting those

Personally, I thought 3 was the hardest.

Harpuia is ez just hit him with a charged attack and he resets his attack pattern

he resets his attack pattern whenever you hit him out of the sky, it's just avoiding the attacks was he difficult part, but then again that might just be because i'm still shit at the game

Reminder that fuck the factory stage.

jump over first slash, let second slash go over, jump over third slash, then jump over rising slash and hit him with charge attack while he's rising, repeat, ez

So I completed the game last night, also downloaded the Megaman X series and plan on playing them after i finish Megaman zero 2, 3 and 4

Yeah, figured out you can reset the pattern before he does the rising slash, just gotta be quick and u can get him in a neat loop, killed him way faster than last time kek i'm (OP)


I just hate the shit with jumping and repeatedly wall jumping over the wood shipments.

Harpuia was literally no problem as soon as I got his pattern down.

Aztec Falcon somehow was the hardest thing in the game for me because apparently only I experienced some game breaking glitch the first 2 sittings I tried out the collection before I was gifted it then actually made a data and played through it for real. Faggot would not stop chasing and clipping me as well as firing off attacks one after the other before immediately picking back up the pace. I swear to this day and to the destruction of the universe by a combination of 2D and meme magic he was somehow faster than my autistic reaction time and I just couldn't dodge fast enough.

You literally just have to practice dodging the 3 waves he fires on the ground before being open. You can do that.

The only thing to worry about is that fucking giant diagonal wave.

Oh, so you already beat him.

Here's a tip for the next time you play a new data: you can dodge that attack I know you're talking about, but you have to immediately dash to the opposite side of the screen and jump when you see him initiating it.


Sales do not make a game good.

Does that faggot do anything special on S Rank or is that just 2 and 3?

It's worse than that. Every pixie thing you use permanently hurts your score for every mission afterwards. By mission 3 you will never see an A rank again.

X6 and 7 killed the X series and Mega Man in general, especially 7. Zero games are great except 4. Capcom tried to bring MM back with MM9 but fucked up by pandering to nostalgiafags.

2 and 9's intro themes are similar, but not the same. It's a moot point anyway, since 2's intro theme was already a copy/continuation of 1's victory/credits roll theme, so even if 9 was using that motif, it'd still just be copying 1.

You know what I really fucking hate about Zero 1?
The screen is so stupidly tiny, so if you try and go MMX on the game and dash through the thing you end up getting fucked by enemies that end up in view for half a second, and more often than not your shitty dash slash or jump slash isn't strong enough to actually kill it, so you either need to memorize locations or just go slow as ass which impacts your score.

Indeed Megaman Zero was among the first games in the nintendo hard revival genre, later followed by Castlevania Order of Ecclesia and ultimately Demon's Souls. But memekids throw a fit whenever you mention the latter, so don't or you're gonna get memed boy.

Rightfully so, the first reports about Cuphead here on Holla Forumsirgin central mentioned it resembled trial and error in Zero.

Read more after the jump

Git gub fgagot

other than the crab I didnt find order of ecclesia all that hard


It's been years, I think the trick was you were supposed to restart the level if you wiped on a boss.

The first one is hard but not entirely because of good reasons.
It feels like a 1 hour game stretched to 3. I also didn't like the twink redesigns.

I never actually thought of this. My strat was to stay ranged and use the Z-Buster.

Dash everywhere and spam charged sword. Maybe learn the combo system if you want to kill things fast.

There isn't a lot of trial and error, but you do have to take the game pretty slowly your first couple times through. I can see how it'd be frustrating though, since the game lets you go very fast but punishes it dearly.

Tying getting new moves to rank was dumb as shit though. I understand not rewarding shitty players but it should have just given to you for beating the bosses like every other traditional megaman game does.

I haven't seen any cuphead gameplay but I'm willing to bet that it's legit a trial and error game where some things kill you and some things just don't with little explanation or just going to certain spots triggers instant death lasers or some shit.

goddamn auto-charge is the best QOL upgrade in the entire fucking series. My hands fucking HURT trying to sustain charges all the time.

It's not hard or anything but I just know it shaved a couple years off my arthritis-free life

Yeah that part was a pain in the ass, especially during the part where u gotta disarm the bombs

Yeah second time i vsed him he was piss easy
Literally this. As soon as the 3rd attacks done dash in with charge saber atk. Rise nd repeat

Underrated post. This was my gameplan after i got the hang of it. However some parts are trial and error in regards to afew stages. For instance in the last level of the game i think theres a part where there are 2 helicopter enemies that are in a line leading upto a rooftop. The only way i found possible to get there was by using the spear, jumping over one of the enemies, using a down attacks midair while holding down the A button to use the enemies as stepping stones to get to the rooftop. Like, what the fuck. How the fuck was i supposed to know i could do that? The game made absolutely no mention of such mechanics. **unless it did and i just wasnt paying attention. As far as im aware that was the only place in the game that required using that technique to get somewhere i couldnt access otherwise. Either way fuckin awesome vidya gaem. Gonna play through the rest of them then go back and play them the next difficulty up.

All valid points.
This especially was fucking annoying.

there's no charged attack in hard mode, you filthy casual

Not really no, it seems like a pretty fair game. It's simply relentless, and you only have 3 HP. All Cuphead really demands is pattern memorization.

I have to kill fast and bullets too slow.

The only fight that's hard in this game is the very last one, and even then its not terribly hard. Play the second one

Fucking love the Zero series.


That's hardly exclusive to the first game. All the Zero games have shit level design.

spam charged shield, git gud

isn't auto-charge only in 3 though

Is it worth finishing the 4th game? I'm not really feeling it compared to the other games.

No. It was never supposed to exist and it shows.

3 is the intended conclusion to Zero himself and it could have resulted in an entirely different continuation. Also, Ciel is an incorruptible waifu who deserves that Z-Saber for the future of human and reploid coexistence.

holy shit this picture is accurate
Zerofags are what children use to feel "hella epic"
X users are gentlemen enjoying the gameplay as designed and cooked.

Speed Charge is better. Auto Charge fucks you if you want to do the 3 hit combo.


Their playstyles are extensions of their personalities, and both very enjoyable.

Yeah but user, people always have to find SOMETHINGWORTHFIGHTINGFOOOOOOOOOORRR

That's not even the lineā€¦

It doesn't have to be exact, user; though I could have done that grammatically better.

Megaman ZX is unironically the best Megaman Zero game