People at my college probably think i'm an alt-righter because of my anti identity politics stance when in reality i'm...

I'm just trying to say that bitching about sexist air conditioning and how some celebrity did culturual appropriation or whatever isn't going to defeat le drumpf.

There are supposedly left wing people in my classes who defend JK Rowling as a "leftist" and "great person" because she donates to charity and does women idpol shit. I brought up the fact that Rowling hates poor people and votes libertarian and I got told "Well thats just politics"

I hate this depolitized society. If there is one thing Bookchin was right about then it was that we have to repolitize society before we can change anything.

Not according to them.
These types of dialogues will never work because you'll always argue past each other, regardless of who's right, you're trapped in a game with no well-defined terms.

I never actually told them that.

why tell them anything, or talk to them about anything?
Theres no hope for them. Its like arguing with Holla Forums. They're not your comrades.

I know that feel, op

You should explain to them how the alt right/white nationalism is identity politics

OP no one gives a shit about solidarity.

Liberal IDpol is "fuck you, I want mine." Conservative IDpol is "fuck you, got mine"

It's funny how women of colour see it as a positive when the share of CEOs who are women of colour is higher. But they speak nothing of the women of colour in the labor artistocracy or positions of power who exploit women of colour who are part of the precariat (ie. food service workers, maids, etc)

I don't get why you don't get idpol.

Doesn't matter as the previous poster mentioned; right now we live in a post-factual world where context is more important and defining than content. It matters more who and how events are framed rather than the details of the event itself. It's part of the reason why the Spectacle is a powerful tool.

They're not leftist, just neoliberal. They've never known them apart.

Those are just memes trying to excuse your lack of solidarity.


I realize you're just memeing, but please don't misuse that word. It refers specifically to policies of free trade, open borders, privatization, and deregulation. PC, idpol, and SJWs often align with neoliberalism, but they are not the same thing.

What's that about?

She votes libertarian.

The gulag is too good for these people, just execute on sight.

reason #15158 why everyone needs to read debord

Fuck off SocDem, you have no right to speak of solidarity whilst keeping a system aloft that starves thousands of Africans to death every day.

from SOTS

someone suggested to refer to them as neoleftists, similar to how neolibs and neocons are porkie corruptions of the original ideology.

PC is a norm. Idpol is a tactic. SJWs are activists. Don't even call them leftists. Social liberalism was not, is not, and will never be "left" in any sense meaningful outside the bourgeoisie.

Fight fire with fire. Remind them that they're idolizing someone who called Corbyn (who was protesting apartheid while Reagan and Thatcher were calling Mandela a terrorist) and his supporters "nazis of the left" for not immediately bending over for continuing shitty Blairite imperialism. Then remind them where she and her fans can stick it.

When dealing with idpol'd "leftists" ALWAYS remind them of the shitty imperialists/neo-colonialists they and their celebs bootlick and that that's 99% of the forces behind all the racism they claim hate

Is that why Africa's population has absolutely exploded after integration into the Western hegemony?