Nice little mod team you have here, shame if anything happened to them

thanks for locking my big thread, you totally just preserved the epic quality of this board and secured the continued struggle for ethics in gaming journalism. Games are NOT political, remember guys, that's how we took down Gawker :^)
Wolfenstein was always about being a strong American and doing strong American things, Pete Hines and his sessler legions are 'totally a coincidence, you bigoted asshole for focusing on those things anyway, it's about ethics, fucking shill.

You are a fucking nigger.


video games?

You admitted there was a thread about it already. Use the existing one.

your welcome goy



There was a thread already you nigger. You admitted it yourself. Use your brain in addition to your anger.

I'm glad :^)

>subhuman can't use the designated (((wolfenstein)))
Can't say I'm shocked

>I know there's already a thread on Wolfenstein but
>I know there's already a thread on Wolfenstein but let me create another thread anyways
>I know there's already a thread on Wolfenstein but the rules don't apply to me or my threads


take a hike kike

you might as well leave this board then lmao


epic meme

Remind me why this needed it's own thread.

kiss my ass for all I care
btw, it was my thread, you stupid fucking idiot

Yeah it's seriously not worth going through a shitload of cocksucking for it


head for the hills shills!


not locked

you dumb nigger

It's locked, m8.

Holla Forums is a hugbox.
You can't even tell casuals to git gud without your post being hastily deleted.
This place is barely different from cuckchan for a while now.

a hugbox of ethics cuckoldry

tbh fam I'll post the torrent to this shitty game on your YouTube channel and v. -2 shekels have been deducted from your account.
