Children collecting scrap metal in order to afford an education. Isn't America beautiful?

Children collecting scrap metal in order to afford an education. Isn't America beautiful?

I'm so glad that whoever this is will die of CTE within a few decades

Look on the bright side it's green.

This kid pulled his socks up, why can't you? When I left school my father gave me a small loan of a million dollars, now look at me, I'm president, and I'm gonna make America great again.

only once half the poor people have been worked to death and nobody can afford basic human necessities will we have true freedom in America.

If this kid collected 100 cans a day for a year they would have ~$750. They haven't even been on the planet long enough to save ten grand.

This is going to become far more norm in the coming years. More and more of the lower-end jobs will fall out of favor, and the only salvation will be either the reintroduction of trade guilds or state/county level economic protectionism.

I'm pretty sure people who say stuff like this have never worked a similar job.

Fuck these people.

Do you think he's collecting to many cans comrade? Is he taking cans away from the homeless in his area who would normally survive off their recycling?

Should we have a body to regulate the amount of cans per person someone should be able to collect in order to ensure that others can collect cans if they feel the need to?

Further should an agency be made to ensure such cans are not disposed of in such a manner that forces the down trodden to collect these cans? Will this help or hurt the poor?

10k in cans
Did he see a fake article or what made him believe this
How can anyone be this dumb
Also 10k ain't enough for college
The wealthy have no concept of money, they're like children

Maybe we should just fix society so people dont have to pick up cans to eat (well except cleaners I guess but thats hardly the same)

Through playing too much football.

What the fuck is that kid collecting to where he can make $10k?

God bless Ameriga. :DDDD

Stripping copper out of abandoned houses?

Ahh, I misjudged Derek Carr, I feel bad now, didn't realise he was endorsing illegalism

This time around it will be the capitalists that will piss off Fascists and Commies into an alliance, won't it.

Child labor should come back tbh. Children are by definition parasites. In a communist society, parasites would be sent to the gulag. muh privileged little shits who stay in school all day will get some dose of reality when they actually have to work and contribute something.

epic keks


Hopefully someone breaks his other leg next season :)

don't collect cans then

Isn't scrap collecting nowadays mostly stealing from one scrap yard and selling to the other though

Why stop with the capitalist?

Or ripping off copper wires from wherever you can get it.

10k won't even cover a full semester of college. Fuck, classes alone are 7k, at least where I live.

There is no way a 7 year old is going to be able to collect enough scrap to make 10k even if he started when he was 5. This is probably his parents idea and they probably "pay" for the recycle this kid collects to teach him the "value" of hard work. That or Derek Carr is retarded, a liar, or dreamed it all up on whatever mix of steroids he's on.


It's an inspirational story. They exist to make the plebs feel inadequate.

Why stop at all?

fuck off you closet fascist, liberals are 1000 times better than radical right wingers.


Kids these days just don't know the value of hard work. Back in my day I had to walk 18 miles uphill to school, and this was after I tunneled up through six feet of snow to get out of the house(this was in upstate NY, back then there was always 6+ feet of snow in the ground no matter the season). After school was over, I had to go work at the factory for 12 hours to feed my dozens of siblings.


idpol deviationist spotted

shiggy diggy do wop.

for the love of god this shit board.

Thats a big thing here in the rust belt. People will take scrap metal form garbage piles, they'll go into houses and rip all the metal out, theyll steal the glass in the windows, take the doorknobs ect. ive seen people pick a house apart of everything of worth in about 2 hours to get enough food to eat that day.

They are both worse. I will not sit back and see the left turned into stormtroopers for the establishment under the guise of fighting white idpol.

Just how fucking detached from reality you have to be to believe such incredible bullshit?

At least some of them are cool. For example, you have Doug Baldwin talking about class struggle.

The little turd had lots of help. He even sells merchandise. What a load of hogwash.


Absolutely ridiculous…totally Shameless…why didn't she give it all to the state for Redistribution™? Can 't believe these Crapitalist Pigs…

wtf I love child labour now

Wallets? Right out of the trouser's pockets?

wow that piece of shit is lying so hard. I have 10 trash bags of cans and it would only have a recycle value of 5 dollars for the price of metal.


What planet are you on?

I like how you don't even get laid in your wildest fantasies.

Should I start to learn coding immediately?

kekkity kek

another reason why you're a poorfag