Overalls with nothing underneath

this character design is a massive, unfair cocktease.

Other urls found in this thread:


She is flat as a plank

How many fucking colors can they put on one character?

She's an island wild girl that made her own outfit out of random shit that drifted ashore and didn't have anyone to explain fashion to her.

That being said, she's still standard jrpg fare.

Is that supposed to be bad?

To each their own, have some more.


Why does her shoulder have a nipple?

I know whom Ricotta is but that still looks a bit stupid. Fair enough it's standard for jRPGs and she looks decent in action I saw. At least she isn't Marche where looking at his shoes makes me uncomfortable. His legs are too fucking thin, it's like his lower half belongs to a stick figure.

Spoiler that shit you idiot!

Those overalls must rub her nipples fucking raw.

That's what keeps her moist so you can just take her at any time.

Overalls, shirtless, and flat is a super great combination. Why aren't naked overalls more popular?

That's fucking hot as shit, fuck

Oh geez you are right and now my chest feels all wierd.

Shit is not hot, unless you are jewish.




I'd plank her if you know what I mean.

It's less hot when certain chest-related thing give you empathetic feelings and you start actually feeling it.

I miss when JRPG characters didn't look like walking thrift stores

So you get off to shit?

Extreme lewd

Tumblr shoulder is now a thing, it seems.


Not to mention suspiciously wide hips compared to his shoulders.


she sure is user

I know, isn't it great?


Is there even porn of her yet? Maybe you should make some.

So she's wearing no pantsu either RIGHT?


I thought Jim banned all the pedophiles?

user delivers, part 1.

user delivers, part 2.

I blame Mark. If that cake eating hobgoblin didn't remove threads with spoilered lewds this thread would be different. Definitely doesn't help that Ricotta barely has anything on typical sites like gelbooru or chan.sankakucomplex etc. Still more than all the other Ys girls which is fucking sad. Laxia is hotter but I see no pics besides these pretty much

is this a new meme?

Is it so hard to call it Sankaku Complex?

I will listen to your dubs and call it Sankaku Complex from now on, user

It's beautiful to witness.


You faggots are truly beyond comprehension.

There is no reason for this thread to exist.

Old hag lovers get out. This is the time of lolicons.

Why pedo scum like all of you are still allowed on this site is beyond me.


Mark is a jew. That's why.

maybe calm down friend and find a more appropriate thread for you

There's always reddit.

It's a shame NISA has this game. They'll do what they can to ruin her I'm sure. Betting she'll be Tiny Tina style in english.

I'd tease her cock in return

oh she's flat because she's a kid not a crossdresser?

I retract that, do not want

Who the fuck makes these characters anyway? There are too many colors going on there

How do you forcefully unconvert jewish people?

You'd like that wouldn't you?

Yes, go there and take your pedo friends with you. I'm sure the redditors love violating little children.

Mentally stunted Japanese men trying to appeal even more severely stunted Japanese men.

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Reddit banned lolicon, they are your people, you should go to them.

Redditers also breath oxygen, so you better stop or else people will think you go to reddit.

I alternate between loli and ara a lot.


8ch was supposed to be free for all legal speech. Why is it always that you faggots want perfectly legal things banned? I understand when they took the pedos out because otherwise there would be no hosting, but lolicons are harmless and don't advocate for censorship every time something doesn't agree with their tastes. Why are you even ITT?

They're the Holla Forums newfags that got over here since the presidential election, they dont know shit about what goes on in 8ch.

Reminder that liking loli or shota is liking children, making you a pedophile and just as bad as the pedo leftists.

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A man of the world.

I personally just like flat chests. My fetish are legal lolis.

I don't mind loli's. I just hate the "call him a redditer" line of arguements. It cheapens discourse down to "No You!" levels.

Been here since January 2015, my man.

That's the kindest thing anyone has ever said to me.

wish I had more ara though. I just have some "teen" stuff

That's some good taste

Well, for those of us the have been online for a while, it's kind of weird for people to overreact this much to a loli being posted and getting all moralfag about it. You're probably not new, since it's been that way for a while now, but some people never left and have been on imageboards for more than a decade. Lolis are a normal part of internet culture, and it's not going away just because it's icky.

I bet you faggots still believe in muh pizzagate yet jerk off to this shit

Lol, I didn't read the part where he said 2015. Deffo a newfag.

Well, I wanted to believe in pizzagate because I was hoping to get sponsored for club membership. :^)

Just drawings mate. Just drawings. You are using the same argument as those talking heads that say video games cause violence.

It's the most enlightened fetish.

Anime is not real, mate.

not with that attitude anyway

It's the same fucking logic that the UN used to make Jap ban "explicit" Jap games and anime because they make you a rapist.

never forget

Hm, somehow the rules change when it comes to anons wanting to fuck little kids.

Lolis are an aesthetic, and NTR is an idea. The two are not comparable, you cuck.


now that you mention it, i wanna fuck marche.

I'm calling the police.

this is what a true patrician seeks

This is what gets to me. I'm not big on lolicon, but I do like the occasional anime or hentai, yet people who have never seen hentai/anime before seem to assume that all hentai is lolicon, and therefore illegal kiddie porn. Look at the anime girl in that pic, she's stacked. How can anyone be stupid enough to think that a depiction of a girl like that, with a fully developed body, is somehow CP? Why are normalfags so retarded?

Probably because they assume that because nerds couldn't have sexy teen girls when they were teens themselves, they have to recreate it. Either way one is real and the other isn't. To say that drawings are equatable to actual young girls is fucking laughable. I'm sure there is a lot more to the issue but normalfags are the most insecure people on the planet and will lash out at anything they dislike or reminds them of how shitty reality actually is.


You can like something in 2D but not in real life. Also the cuck comparison isn't even good because there could be multiple reasons someone could like NTR like most fetishes. If someone likes the beta male having his woman taken and self inserts as the bull, then how are they a cuckold? Some people just like watching others suffer. They may be sadistic, but not a cuck.

There's also the fact that 2D just handles things differently than the real thing. Many lolis have exaggerated proportions, adult mindsets or bodies (internally and externally. 2D loli can have wide hips, huge tits, and other things), or could be stronger than people larger than them due to many things. There are plenty of things I like in 2D but the real version the same thing disgusts me. If it was the other way around, then your average person would love hentai. Everything in any well drawn hentai focuses on the fetishes people love way more than 3D ever could. Then why doesn't everyone who appreciates real women think 2D are on the same level or better despite having better bodies or personalities? Clearly, they're not the same thing.

It's socially unpopular to like hentai for one. And to make sure others know that they don't like it, they label it with the worst thing they can possibly think of. It gets even worse when they do actually like it but know that letting others find out could get them funny looks. Then they will really double down on their hate for it. It's like when you have people who scream "Kill all furfags". Not because they hate them, which they do, but because they like the same material and don't want to believe it. These people will become the most obnoxious of furfags once they accept their fetish.

I'm not a pedo. I only like legal lolis.

Very insightful, well said user.

To add to this. One thing that 2D does right that you can't get away with in 3D are flaws. For idols (3D), Japan started to realize that having perfect girls as idols doesn't make them moe for many. Instead, they've found that girls with obvious flaws who are willing (at least to the public) to try and grow past them are much more cute. In 2D, I love stupid female characters like Satania from Gabriel Dropout, Michiru from Le Fruit of Grisaea, or Yoshiko from Aho-Girl. I find them endearing. But I can't stand them in real life. Stupid females ruin so much it's not even funny. At least stupid men can get away with being funny or strong. Stupid females can only look cute so it comes down to men to pick up everything they mess up. That's just an easy example of things that can work in 2D but not in 3D but this is pretty subjective.

Meant to say "It's socially unpopular to like 2D for one."

Unless you meme around the word waifu that is. Then you can get away with saying things like "Mei is bai" or "No lie hombre, but bacon face is best waifu".


Dana a cute

what an egoist, all lolis deserve a little love

I give illegal lolis platonic love, legal lolicons brotherly love, and legal lolis sexual love.

I'm still on Holla Forums, right? Did I make a mistake typing in the url?

We do this, remember the cascade of boards as hebe was mostly driven off?
We don't do this because we're not idiots.

you forgot agape for divine lolis

It's not healthy or natural to find flat women attractive.

/hebe/ may be gone but the posters remain.

You just can't find childlike proportions, completely LITERALLY flat chests and diminutive childlike features in adult women and as an user said above most 2D artists ruin their loli with adult features/proportions.

I wonder if the faggot Effinrawz is in here with the rest of the pedos.

Anyone got some screenshots of her with her skirt torn and hood off?

That guy was looking at actual kids. I just like adults that look like lolis.

And even then, only 2D, because real life adults do not like the vidya.

Your taste is shit.
Also what's with all these "lolis are pedophilia" posters.

goons and normalshits


That design sure is something.

Two bombs were not enough.

Do not tell me that you are implying that lolicon is somehow pedoshit

did someone say loli milfs?
well she ain't exactly a mom but supposedly she's in her 30s so, close enough 4 me


Jap ricers are weird, man.

You make her a milf at the end of her route.


That's 11 kids, unless she means the entire family should form the team where she and their dad are included, then it's 9. In the case the team is not to be made only from kids, depending on whether or not grandparents or other relatives also count, it can be merely 5 or even less (assuming none died).

sex is for making babies user



fixed :^)


I fundamentally lack the ability to process this desire.

Wow this sure looks like a videogames thread and non just porn discussion

Jews don’t convert from judaism, ever, so bullet.

Yeah, except I’ve been here since before the “first” exodus, so slurp a chode kike.

are you a woman?

And who's fault is that?

I want to be impregnated but I'm not a girl.

I'm just shitting up the board, purposely derailing even!

We're all little girls here user.

flat is justice

no wonder you fags jumped to traps so fast, all that changed was the sex organ

It's a patrician discussion thread about user tastes that concerns a design of a particular vidya loli character. It's incredibly insightful. In other words, fuck off you double nigger. You have a point however, maybe more designs of not spoilerworthy variety are needed to get it back on track, if it can even be done.

That's not how traps work for the most part. For some reason, many artists draw a girl, and then say it's a boy instead of drawing a boy with feminine features. A trap wouldn't have narrow shoulders and child bearing hips. It annoys the shit out of me when I see a cute girl and then they go "Lol it's a boy" when the character has no male body structure or features. It's pretty lazy to be honest.

are you a faggot?

Is Etna even loli? She has always come off as a teenager to me with the way she acts and her voice. Not only that but she's taller than the other loli characters in the series like Desco, Usalia, and Beryl.

this is the problem with an imprecise term like loli. she falls under most definitions of it though.

There's no cheapening discourse with people who are only trying to be thread derailing shitters. 'Fuck off Reddit' is a very appropriate response. Not every shitpost deserves expending mental energy.

I’m hoping none of you faggots gave money to NISA for this. Importing is the only way until their broken PC version releases so you can pirate it.

She doesn't get any recognition these days. But she's a CUTE.

Well, she looks like a loli and is flat, but then there is a difference between her and the obvious lolis, like Majorita or Desco, but that the difference between her and Jennifer is way bigger makes me certain she's a loli. I suppose she's just an older, teenage-like one, while the others are more blatant? Voice and behavior don't matter, she's a thousand year old or something, same as Edna from Tales and Rachel from Blazblue in that post. I think she is one.

Pettanko not loli ok praise jesus

I think many people confuse loli with pettanko. Many girls can be both but that doesn't mean all pettanko are loli. And the only loli that aren't pettanko are oppai loli.

Reporting and filtering is the most effective way.

Best thing about D3 except for the song Great Glider.

Take that back right now. Lolibaba are God tier.


this thread gave me coitophobia and I think I may be asexual now


Now that I think about it, if she and Flonne didn't count as lolis that'd explain why they were given shit for being flat. I don't remember clear lolis being told that. Not just flatness but the proportions still make them look loli though. I know that's the artstyle, but still.

You misundersand, I meant they don't matter to determine whether they're lolis because they are old by human standards and not even human (vampire Rachel, malak Edna, demon Etna). They matter that way.

I completely understood you. I was just joking around.


Everyone at Google needs to be executed.



Is it by Noise?


It's Benantoka.

google lolibaba


Always glad to see my brothers around here

I thank you from the bottom of my heart


Stop spoonfeeding the newfriends. Stop setting a precedent of mollycoddling

Almost as much of a sin as no paizuri only tag.

I never thought i would see the day that i'd hope a Ys game bombed.

I hate being the barer of bad news here, because I really hate NISA too, but the games script, outside of a few minor things was extremely accurate to the Japanese script. From what I heard Falcom put a very tight leash on them and demanded that they be as accurate as XSseed.

Ys VIII was Falcom giving NISA a chance because they wanted Ys VIII out quickly, but they still wanted it to be accurate. NISA knew that if it wasn't they wouldn't another shot at the Falcom gravy train again.

Good to know. NISA has behaved decently when devs/original JP publishers were looking over their shoulders (Spike Chunsoft, Kadokawa Games, etc)
I might grab an used copy eventually.

Yeah i've seen it, extremely "accurate" in the machine translated sense. They also screwed up giving food items the wrong descriptions for what they do, it's a hackjob like usual and google translate could have done the same thing.

Funny thing is i'm betting part of the reason they managed to undercut Xseed was because they promised a fast PC release (Xseed has no excuse they should have Celceta on PC by now) but that shits now delayed indefinitely.

Still hoping it bombs as even if a machine translation is less offensive than their usual work (pic related) giving them money would just fund them to go on and ruin some other series for people.

Even if NISA releases an absolutely 100% perfect game, you should still shit on the game, not buy it new, and lambast NISA forever and ever. They have proven themselves, over multiple years (almost a decade) to be devoted to being bottom of the barrel garbage that releases buggy and butchered products. Giving them money for any reason, any at all, is just funding the next fuckup and dumbing down of the industry.

Do not forget who pioneered the cowardly tactic of lying about the ESRB to justify self-censorship. Do not forget the multitude of games they have outright broken. Do not forget the memes and LMAOSORANDUMB XDDDD (STD ya'gedddit?) bullshit they have vomitted into the script of nearly everything they touch.

Do not forget, you piece of shit shill. NISA must burn.

And to add to this

If the game's good just buy it.

switching ids doesn't help shill

If you ever buy something NISA related I will hunt you down to the ends of the earth

wait danganronpa3 was translated by nisa?

I bought Unlosing Ranger vs Darkdeath Evilman and I liked it and they even included a joke about a girl with a penis where they called her the Tripod Ranger and it was voice acted as well. Fuck you.

You are some sort of paranoid retard? I'm not whoever the fuck you think I am, mongoloid.

You're fucking dead kiddo

Even if they do an "acceptable" job once, they will just move on to ruin something else. Ys aside i'm still mad they killed Touhou fangames ever having a chance in the west. Actually XSeed released one Touhou fangame in the west at the same time NISA started, only for NISA to seemingly grab everything they can. This is the second time in recent memory NISA cucked XSeed out of shit and after a point coincidences stop being coincidences. What are you not satisfied with just ruining some games so you try and sink the semi decent translators too?

Why wouldn't it be? They brought over the others too, i blame Danganronpa for keeping them alive.

I bought Prinny 2

If you're talking about the videogame, it was published by NISA but only in America. In the rest of the world (and every PC version) it was published by Spike Chunsoft (who was also the developer).

Yes, Spike Chunsoft haven't completely cut them off. Pic related originally had them talking about how Monokuma only knows so much through a "certain juvenile magazine" or Shonen Jump. Perfect time for a political jab to be thrown into the game.

Some of the smarter companies have started trying to hide NISAs involvement in bringing shit over apparently. You know shit like >>13507190 is classic NISA.

Localizing a joke like that so westerners can understand jt is just par for the course.

I'm pretty sure the weebs who play DR know what Shonen Jump is.

Danganronpa is AoT tier.

yeah i saw that too in any place is there NISA on the description
you mean spike chunsoft actually are selling their game without displaying their logo?

my roommate was playing this and this scene came up at the time, everyone in the room groaned audibly

Or, maybe the people at Chunsoft tried to do an Americanized version of a joke for people who might not have read Shonen Jump. Its not a company's job to make sure a game is tailored to your weeb ass tastes when you're too poor to even live in Japan. It uses language political people have used but it isn't clearly taking a side. In fact, in that sentence, it uses both "alternative facts" and "fake news" in a positive light, which means they're poking fun at both sides.

Basically, here's a business lesson, kid. And sorry that videogames are a business. But Persona 5 showed us that when you literally translate something, it becomes completely unfun and jumbled. If you want to play the Japanese version with all the "Shonen Jumps" and "onii-sans" intact, then you go ahead and import it. But these people have a job to do, and they won't lower their sales numbers from 15 to 10 copies because they put an obscure Japanese magazine in there that nobody knows. You need to stop being so selfish and realize that when companies pander to purists like you that are going to pirate it anyway, it means that nobody, not even you, gets the game in English next time around.

Keep telling yourself that, weeb trash.

Please stop copy pasting reddit comments

if censorship bothers you so much then just play the japanese version

I'm not a weeb, I hate weebs.

good grief

Holy fuck you're one of those niggers that tried to shill against the P5 translation cause it didn't go through your (((approved localizers))). Here's a lesson for you m8. All this hate didn't pop up over night, you have had years of fucked up buggy releases and have proven you have no interest in improving yourselves. We aren't going to buy your fucked up game, way to ruin years of work building up the Ys franchise in the west. I hope Danganronpa being driven into the fucking ground finally kills it so your shitty localization business finally dies.

tl;dr kill yourself.

Yep, on steam they're shown as the developer and publisher.

Trying working out, it'll up your test and stop you from playing weeb trash

I have not played it yet but all the stills and videos I have seen with dialogue read just fine, maybe your simply retarded.

I don't play weeb trash, fuck you nigger

Why would I shill against a game that sold like 3 copies? What's the point? Oh dang, you found out that I went after all the Brazilians playing it with their PS3s. Weeb trash has already been driven into the ground, and its because nobody is allowed to like the shit without weeb fucks like you blowing a gasket. You don't need to worry about Danganronpa's sales, only so many table legs can break and need a leveler in a day.

Just sit back, you sly devil you. You've finally done it, you made Japanese games safe for everybody. Now you can sit at home all day and play all those really good Japanese games that are getting localized all the time. You sure showed me!

Oh hey shill-kun, go off yourself. You're the cancer killing this industry. In no way does their political jab come close to what the original script is. They wanted to force politics into something that doesn't have politics in it at that very moment. That's why NISA is shit.

Congrats for telling us shit we already knew you mongoloid child. It is a business. A shitty business that has become filled with cancerous tumors like yourself who defend these practices and more people are starting to wake up and get pissed about everything getting political in an age where politics are shoved down our throats left and right. So when the source material doesn't have political shit in it, the localization shouldn't have that political shit in it.

Is it too fucking hard to get through your thick skull? Also, let's go ahead and bring piracy into it since your retarded ass brought it up. Piracy has no bearing on anything regarding sales. It never has.

Connor, your campaign to put a smear campaign out on P5 failed. Ironically, there was an interview with a NISA employee WORKING ON DRv3 also jumping on the smear campaign and saying how much better they are than Atlus when it comes to localizations.

Sure you don't, you just bought a game called dawn of operation panties because you hate weeb trash that much. Go jerk into your body pillow fag.

My name is not Connor and I only posted one of the two posts you are quoting.

I bought it for the platforming

Wow, I remember when we used to call people who got this triggered about their safe spaces being invaded SJWs. Horseshoe theory really is real. You weeb faggots are the worst, you'll cry that companies pander to people who don't buy their games, and then expect them to pander to you, a jobless NEET who is upset that his absowute favowitest Nippon magazine isn't named in a videogame. Absolutely fucking hilarious.

There isn't a single hot character from Falcom games.

Are you seriously trying to say P5 didn't sell? I don't even like Persona that much and i know 5 has been one of the best selling in the series. Also the only people that didn't like the translation were you faggots. No one thinks tossing in dank memes and unwarranted political bullshit is clever. We just want people to do their damn job and translate the game. You can have all your cronies throw as many twitter shitfits as you want and no one will care because everyone wants you to fuck off from the industry.

Damn nigga, you have no reading skills at all, do you?
You're not even trying and it's hilarious how bad you are at this.

Also, stop implying that I'm hopping between proxies, I am not and you can't prove it.

>Near instantaneously, all the shills jump out of the woodwork and put on their A-game.

Why? No, really now. Every single time you mention NISA shills in any related thread, these pathetic garbage appear out of the mist to defend their dogshit company to the death. It's the one company I can think of that has such rabid and everpresent shills. It's baffling.

Silly me I forgot Brandish was Falcom.
There isn't a single hot game in either Ys or the Legend of Heroes games.

Sure weeb, the "Platforming" I got you. Look if you want panties that bad just ask your mom for a pair, she'll understand.

Not me bro, but, I did buy it. I still agree that NISA is shit and needs to go, but I caved because of Ys.


They're desperate your turn employees. Their company keeps loosing heavy hitter titles due to hilariously bad business practices, and because everyone rightfully hates them the only thing they can do is undercut other companies to get access to well loved series and shill them like crazy.

Basically like EA.

We aren't buying your fucked up localization of a good game NISA-kun. Kill yourself.

You kill yourself too. For anyone else desperate to play this just wait for the inevitable PC release so that it can be retranslated.

you Pol babbies are pathetic

I know you wont believe me but, I'm not a shill. I'd love to see NISA die. Ever since they hired Stephanie Moran as their Human Resources director, which was around the time the PS2 Disgaea 2 was released, that place has been going down the shitter. If it means anything I'm the guy that is contracted out through Marvelous USA legal and was in some of the old Senran Kagura threads explaining how Funimation was fucking with XSeed and making it impossible to get the Ikki Tousen characters released.

I'm sorry if you don't believe me though.

ironic shitposting is still shitposting user

>I did buy it


I never understand why people say this. If a girl is small and flat, she's a loli. Is Etna not small and flat?

Pettanko is not the same as loli

It is in anime, manga, and games, 99.99999% of the time. I suppose you could have some tall amazon with a flat chest, and then it somehow technically wouldn't be loli, but I can't think of even one character like that off the top of my head. Small + flat is almost always a package deal.


Is it a sin to look up a nun's habit?

It is most certainly a sin not to post results.


but all lolis are pettan

Nice graphics

I want a tag for when a busty girl and flat girl sandwich a paizrui.

pretty sure the game was made with the vita in mind

Thank you user.
Now i can fap to Sister Nia's gorgeous legs.

multiple_girls naizuri gives a few but naizuri is such a dumb fetish.

Shush, don't start it.

It's not a sin as long as you don't make it a regular habit.

I need to see a doujin of a deeply religious nun being raped into atheism

Depends. Some artists like Yukiu Con do really good naizuri.

Start what? Oppai loli discussion?
Flat loli is best but titty loli is okay too.

No such thing. You may as well be rubbing against a cutting board. Why can't she please you with her thighs or something more constructive? Then you can be cuddling and kissing too!

Can corroborate with this.

Gas yourself queer

Are still shilling your website about how "bad" the Persona 5 translation is you cuckold?

Go away Connor.

Happy lolis are the absolute best.


Because its softer than a cutting board and adorable to see them doing their best.

Wow gay

please kys

Sorry, could you translate that to human?


None of that negates the fact that she should be pleasing you in other ways. Leave breast play to the ones who have the things.

She shouldn't need to be forced to pleasure in other ways. Any girl can give a thighjob, let the loli overcome her breast envy.

That image is not naizuri, she's actually got something to work with.

Shonen Jump isn't obscure you retarded faggot. Everybody knows it because of Dragon Ball Z.

Most normalfags think that Dragon Ball Z was created by Cartoon Network or something

Then why not just draw young petite adults
why not draw flat chested adults/barely legal women
why draw a 14/15 year old looking woman and give her the mind of a 60/100000 year old?
I don't really care much, and in the same way playing violent video games doesn't make you a mass murderer but I still raise my eyebrows when people talk about love for lolis.

especially when they're written as naive/vulnerable

I know a retarded stoner normalfag that picked up Toriko because he thought it was from the same people that did Dragon Ball because of Shonen Jump.

Because lolibaba aka loligranny/lolihag is lovely.

Besides, why even bother trying to justify loli to normalfags? They never will accept it because they're bombarded by feminists and the mass media telling them that anyone who looks younger than a 30+ hideous hag is pedophilia. Also legal loli is a thing and pretty much what you described, girls that technically are old enough but look similar to lolis. Has overlap with lolibaba but not the same thing.

Just no point in trying to justify every loli to people that won't be fine with it regardless, especially since they're fucking fictional.

Absolutely, don't try to justify it. Even if it was legal I would still look upon you with disgust.

I only like lolis sexually, personality wise they can fuck off

Murderers are usually also seen with disgust. How many fictional people have you killed, murderer?

Sexual attraction towards children is not comparable to murder, murderers be them virtual or real get more respect from me than pedos.

Pray tell what's so wrong about pedophilia?

It's icky and wrong duh

yeah, but, like, why?

Because kids are not for sexual, they are pure and for protecting.

2D > 3DPD

Murder takes balls of a sort. And sometimes brain damage. Pedophilia takes only brain damage to commit.

sure is /leftupol/ in here.


kids are sexy, what is your counterargument to this fact?

That's a rather silly idea.

You can sexualize anything you want in any way you want, and I'm pretty surprised I have to say that on Holla Forums.

Most of you fuckers are furries.


that's one of those fringe fetishes that really only the tiniest handful of people ever commit to in any real way and everybody else in that hole are just chronic masturbators who could probably jerk it to a video recording of their own childbirth

you are not worth the full sentence



Don't project your shitty fetishes onto all of us.

hahaha he thinks he can normalize animalfaggotry by pinning his trash-tier fetish on us too.

Kill yourself furfag.

This board is slowly getting raided, they are always finding a way to inject their shit imto any lewd threaf, be it with Kemono or Furry faggotory.

Some do, like Noise. However a big appeal for loli to me is size difference. Loli femdom is something I enjoy but at the same time I don't mind seeing a loli being dominated. Also lolibaba is another thing I enjoy where the loli is very mature mentally. Personality goes a long way.

774 has perfected lolibaba.
It's less justification and more trying to clear up some odd logic that others will think is actually a legit reason.

A man of taste.

So this character was designed by gay pride group?

okay sure
hahaha no


To each his own, if you rather have people killing themselves instead of drawings of cute children then fine, but don't expect your respect to be worth shit


Don't reply to my posts from yesterday, it's annoying.


Uhh, might want to look in a mirror, lad. I think the only furry here is (You)

Well, user, do you imply that 3d kids are sexy? Would you say, that going to a public park or playground makes your pants tight? Do you have or had fantasies about your own cousins because they were children? If you answered yes to any or all of these questions, then congratulations, you have terminal brain problems! The easiest way to solve this is by committing suicide. There are plenty of ways to go about it, so be creative! Make that death YOURS!

You lie and it hurts. I cant find her on gelbooru

Go away FBI.

It's great


It wasn't yesterday yet you fucking faggot


Take as many as you want, but do not take contradicting picks.




Fuck you

The flatter the chest, the closer you can get to her without having things in the way

Canadians get out.

Now that's a fine piece of wood


spotted the newfag. pedos have always been on imageboards

spotted the pedo
Keep crying


Loli has always been around here and back on halfchan too, you being autistic about it doesn't make a difference

Who the fuck are you

I might be autistic but at least i'm not a pedo like you.


I rather have a harmless lolicon around over an angry autist that cries about drawings

choose one

That's a pretty big jump even for you

Can confirm. This song is from 2007. Ten fucking years ago. It was a point of contention that 4chan's mods were banning CP/loli too aggressively, and it partially led to 7chan being a thing. And this was after 4chan's /l/ had already come and gone.

It's the same shit


No arguments, just anime. As to br expected from the japanese drawing pedophile.

Well congratulations! You got the thread past the bump limit, what is the next step of your master plan?

What argument are you looking for? First explain to me how it's "the same shit" and then we can keep talking

Crashing this thread, with no lolicons

It just is, look at this sick SHIT

I don't know man, I need to see the full picture if I'm going to form any conclusions on it


I see, I see. Well I'm not particularly into this, but I can understand, and say with absolute certainty, that this is, for all intents and purposes, a drawing of what looks like a child and a dick. I'll save it just in case further research is required. Any further material you can contribute would be appreciated

got you covered fam

Have something better from the same general age category.
