So I just found out the guy who coordinated the first lefty study group I was ever part of killed himself

So I just found out the guy who coordinated the first lefty study group I was ever part of killed himself.

He was really a great dude and intelligent af. He was really active, last I heard of him he was organizing protests against our current interim prez.

Why is depression so common among leftists? Everyone I talk to is always struggling and going through all sorts of shit. It seems like a prerequisite to reflect seriously about the world is to not be happy in it.

Other urls found in this thread:

You've got to be either depressed or egoistic to survive as a leftist in this society.

No one legitimately fucking likes living in this dog shit society, that's why people distract themselves in the spectacle, and with drugs.

Leftists skew young and intellectual, and both of those groups are prone to depression.

I've been considering doing the same for as long as I have memories to be honest. Only that not much would be lost if I did do that in my case.
Oh well.

This is true.

I would take out some porkies if I were you, if you didn't want to like.

There's a third option.

Fuck forgot my still relevant shitposting flag.

what is this gay shit ?

if you're gonna end your own life at least take someone with you

Get beaten the fuck up by antifa?

Nah. I'll be going alone if I commit suicide, thanks FBI.

Kek, took me a second.

Then Holla Forums would be flooded with posts about how violence is bad and make the left looks bad.

I'll just suggest that the area where the Koch's live is a nice place to vacation. ;)

or take up the sites in our nations capital, beautiful views of some office buildings this time of year.

Could help your depression, we all need a vacay as the kids say.

Listen, mental illness can affect anyone. Having political views that are not in vogue with society is not enough of a reason to kill oneself.

Suicide is a selfish act because it murders the person others love.

Believing in an ideology should be refuted only by facts, not appeals to emotion. Remember the old saying "you must stand up for what you believe in, even if you're standing alone".

You're living in a society that's the opposite of what you want.

Literally: "taking your own life is selfish".
The mental gymnastics required for this thinking is astounding.

Maybe having my childhood friend commit suicide, leaving me to grow up without a best friend makes me biased, but it's definitely not a charitable or selfless thing to commit suicide unless in a survival situation.

well, everything is selfish, so….

How do you "part of kill yourself?"

You already know, brother.

I believe you'd find the exact same circumstances in the right, just look at Holla Forums. Every time I get to talk to someone who is from whatever flavor of the right, unironically visits Holla Forums and so on, he usually has some mental disorder to accommodate the aforementioned disorder.

Maybe it's just a bad streak on my part, but I doubt it.

Right-wing discontentment comes from a surplus of mental disorders, left-wing discontentment comes from a severe lack of them.

If you are happy with how things are then how can you change them!?!?!??!?!?!?!!
Seriously OP.

I know a couple Holla Forumsyps who were just being edgy teenagers, and one legitimate Nazi who has never kissed a girl at 19.

I wouldn't really say thats true. Look at Louis Althusser.


No, I mean we are on a Chan. At the same time, that's a bit odd for normies.

Personal suffering is no excuse to not work towards communism.

Also mental illness is real. Depression often seems completely logical to the affected even when its not. There is no shame in getting help.

You already said he was a nazi, I think that may exclude him from the normie categorization.

You see life as it is, and living in a stratified society that only comforts you with spooks like materialism and religion fucking sucks.

i mean i guess i'm not super depressed but god damn, knowing this is all the system's fault fucking kills me

(also sorry for blogposting)

I mean, on a chan not kissing anyone ever is normal but in normie land (and he hangs around with some stoners who have all at least kissed a girl) it's odd.

Why do you mention this in relation to someone being a rightie or a Holla Forumsyp?
Does it scare you that some people value monogamy and chastity?

The left is always going to attract people who are depressed because the left gives a vision for a better, brighter world, where those forces of alienation and oppression that ruin your life don't exist.

This is also one of the main problems with the left, everyone has a view of what their vision of the future is.

because they're spooked

pure and simple

Well fuck. idk, comrade. I guess she knows your a gommie and thinks that makes you evil? I'm guessing, again, that she refuses to understand a simple explanation of socialism. But it sounds like she comes back to you to some degree, occasionally at least, when shit gets particularly out of hand.

I'm not particularly in tune with these issues, so take it with a teaspoon of salt, but perhaps don't stone wall her. Lend an ear to show you care beyond whether or not she's alive, show honest interest to some degree. But, == don't == make offers that actually sacrifice something substantial of your own life to temporarily relieve hers, as it creates a viscous cycle. Good luck user.

larpers lol

Don't be an insecure fag. Monogamy and dedicated love is my fetish, but they don't have to be everyone's.

The system definitely contributes, but ultimately that kind of shit can't solely be blamed on it and it is in the person's power to change and they can only blame themself if they refuse to improve or change anything. I can't tell you how to live your life m8, but an unhealthy, negative person isn't good for you and if she refuses to change anything then you won't be able to help her and will only drive yourself insane in trying.

well she refuses to understand because she pulls childish shit like calling me disgusting and then ignoring me, etc, she's older than me but not particularly mature, mostly bc she hasn't had any real friends in a very long time, i blame her current bf

i'm only stonewalling her bc she refuses to talk about it at all, and she's lying about a lot of it; she could be in serious danger, i only found out a few days ago and i've known her current bf to be physically abusive in the past, so

idk what you're talking about fam, no amount of changing can keep her away from the shitty life that capitalism has given her, regardless of how shitty a person she is

and don't get me wrong, she is a super shitty, toxic person and has been toxic to some degree all i've known her but she's really regressed as a person bc of how fucking depressed she is and how much abuse she gets at home

i really don't blame her for her shortcomings when she wasn't a great person to begin with

How come interesting shit never happens in my life? Where's my drama?

at least you have dub dubs to compensate you

[spoiler]where the quads go?

are you implying this?

Who said anything about the latter?

If you're her only friend right now and she chooses to attack you, it means she's become trapped. From the behaviour and conditions you're describing, she's gonna take a long, long time to ever handle emotions and relationships in a minimally healthy way.

If you choose to still be around this situation, your best bet would be to be as calm, warm and understanding as you can during your interactions with her. You'll need her complete trust before she opens up in any meaningful way. If she ever does.
If you think she's in immediate danger and want to protect her, you'll have to take it into your own hands. Or call the armed thugs of the bourgeois state.

be thankful you aren't subjected to carry the burden of the oppressed to such a degree as i

nah im kidding im not that edgy, just get a shitty gf, drama will find itself

Capitalism didn't force her to choose an abusive significant other, stay around an abusive family, or adopt a toxic personality. It definitely influenced her, but she still made the choice. She can't change her shitty past but she could put it behind her and get therapy for her mental issues.

I'm not saying you should blame her, I'm just saying it might be best to disassociate from her. If you can't do anything to help her then there's no reason to damage yourself by being around her.

she thinks i've stopped being her friend, and she's freaking out because she's clingy and possessive of me and wants me to a normal friend

i can't take shit into my own hands bc i'd prob just get shot, the bf has a gun and lives next to his gun owning relatives and i am too poor to afford a gun, and calling the thuggies is a risk i can't monetarily afford, or so i assume

it didn't force her to choose an abuser yeah but how was she supposed to know that; she sort of had to stay with her family during high school (we're both young, mind you) she doesn't believe in (a great deal of, especially psychological) medical attention for some stupid reason (i can effectively blame capitalism for this, she thinks doctors are overpaid and everyone overdiagnoses everything)

obviously her life with her current boyfriend was great when she decided to move in with him, only later she found out he was such a terrible person and by that point she had cut all ties with her relatives

her only other "choice" at that point would be to become homeless

how is it that you post with an ancom flag and not realise that this is the fault of private property

History implies this. The left splits more than a Kitkat.

It did not force her, but it shaped her ideals and values. She wants to believe in the authority of the bf because she believes it is is natural right as a rich person to do so.

Doesn't mean different leftist groups are incapable of collaborating

If only the left made as much of an effort in making friends with itself as the right does.

it goes farther than this

her social conditioning leads her to want to support traditional gender roles because she believes nobody will find her attractive beyond her skills as a home-maker, her "normality", and the desire to raise children

ironically she hates children, hates being home bound, and isn't normal in the slightest

There's a ridiculous amount of shelters for domestically abused women and lots of resources there and elsewhere for them to get away from that life. It's not a material problem but a psychological one.
It might've created the circumstances that put her where she is but that doesn't mean she doesn't have any choice or power to change anything. I'm not blaming her for her life, I'm saying that she chose where she is presently and can chose something different and blaming it all on capitalism takes away any agency she has.

It's shaped all of us here but we all also made a choice to choose our own values and ideals and not let them be chosen for us.

Oh I see.

Well as Zizek said, getting out of one's ideology is painful, that's why so many people resist it so strongly.

After all none wants to hear their all life was lived under a false premise.

It's not that easy, buddy. You cannot just say "well choose not to be exploited". It would be like saying to a lonely person "talk yourself out of loneliness". Some people might need some help.

There is a point where a person begins to exist outside of the spectacle and this point can be reached both on the left and on the right.

Living outside of this spectacle is horror.

how can you seek shelter for domestic abuse when you don't think you're being abused, fam?

also frankly i didn't even know that shit, i'm stupid as hell

what's the info on this, or should i just google it

I don't deny that, but when a person refuses any help and refuses to change it's a pointless and unhealthy effort to try to help them.

I guess you can't, that's why I said it's a psychological problem, not a material one.

Ya, just google women shelters. You might also find some info on how to deal with someone who's unwilling to leave an abusive relationship.

This is why she is refusing help:

I think depression is really just a psychosomatic manifestation of severe alienation that is omnipresent within late capitalist societies and alienation is a somewhat core prerequisite for splitting of from mainstream ideology; I would also imagine depression is rife amongst the far right aswell but they, for ideological reasons, won't talk about it as openly as leftists.

The right's response to discomfort is to externalize it. I'm depressed because I can't get a girlfriend. I can't get a girlfriend because of niggers. Etc.

The left's response is to internalize discomfort for analysis. I'm depressed because I can't get a girlfriend. I can't get a girlfriend because of my crippling flaws. Etc.

Oh wow you convinced me!

Retard are easily convinced.

frankly i don't, she might not be, but if she is it might be worse than just cutting

she *said* she was, then she lied and said she was joking, then she said she was again, etc, drama shit

it could be the boyfriend, he's been physically abusive before, and it could be her, she's hurt herself on purpose before, attempted suicide but didn't go all the way, constantly tells me she wants to kill herself, etc

jesus buddy slow down, I cannot take so much wisdom at once.

That's fucked up. If she's vacillating between lying and wanting to legitimately act on wanting to kill herself, breaking contact could just fuck her up even more, as she'll have one more reason. idk how you'll have to do it, but you've got to show her that there's something outside where she's at now. The worst that could happen is she mocks you by telling you how she tells her bf everything about your conversations.

Then shut up?

she recognizes that i treat her leagues better than her "boyfriend" but at the same time she thinks that i cannot provide for her because i am poor

also she's delusional and thinks that i stroke her ego just to suck up to her bc i am "submissive"

but that's just her being stupid, self-hating, and delusional tbh

Fuck knows then. How long have you been out of contact with her?

It's on her at this point. Be around but it's her own bullshit holding her back. Either she realizes it's not worth it or she licks the boots.

she's been messaging me daily attempting to contact me since this friday but i haven't conceded

i mean obviously but if i don't do anything and act like a normal friend like she wants me to i'll feel very responsible if she attempts suicide again

I'd say this is pure liberalism. The world is such a twisted hellhole that depression is a perfectly rational response to the horrid things you things you see all around you, especially if you don't have a pleasant personal life yourself.

Don't. You did what you could. It sounds callous but you can't help someone who doesn't want to be helped.

The happiness myth is often spread, we just assume we're meant to be happy. It's not the case. We're made happy by chemicals that reward us for fulfilling the meat.

Your friend had a chemical imbalance or simply didn't spend enough time with a Skinner box.

You need to feed the meat or it kills you.

Guess she's gonna have to grow up on her own. Whipping someone with kindness won't work, and you've probably spoken to her about how this entire circumstance could be changed if she sought help.

Maybe talk to her when she's calmed down so it's clear that things aren't really the way they appear.

Why on earth would you then be interested in her? She gave you the Luxembourg treatment, fuck err

Did someone nominate you to save the world? Did someone nominate you to save her? NO

What this user said, but the actual answer is to tell her to read Lacan. If she's obsessed about contacting you she'll likely listen.


Far right leaning areas are also full of meth epidemics. People in the far right that fall through the cracks often deteriorate like Krokadil users.

feels are superior to reals when your loved ones die fam

i nominated MYSELF, for the cause of keeping her alive is my own cause and obviously not hers

shitposting aside, i sincerely care about her and regardless of my own actions and logic i feel responsible for her actions because i'm her only friend, again, i'm not particularly depressed at the moment and i'm just worried, but my point was that capitalism does this shit to people and it's easy to fall depressed bc of it

I know man. Feel your feels. Know that you did everything in your power to stop it.


Look on the bright side; he had a choice and he made it. He didn't die by surprise from Cancer or gradually from organ failure. Is it better or worse to have no say?

Just because something isn't generous doesn't mean it's selfish, though. There are definitely situations wherein killing oneself could arguably be selfish (if, say, you were the sole caretaker of your child and suicide would put them into foster homes), but those are so rare that they just get used to spook people into thinking they aren't allowed to make the ultimate personal decision.

Look on the bright side; he had a choice and he made it. He didn't die by surprise from Cancer or gradually from organ failure. Is it better or worse to have no say?

honestly it's experiencing this shit over the past 5 years that's turned me away from liberalism and straight into anarkiddie-dom

i can't stand the thought of people having an experince like mine and seek to rid the possibility from all of existance

I find myself agreeing more with posters like this every day. I had to lol at 'tell her to read Lacan' though.

I'm sorry for your loss, OP. he sounds like an awesome guy.

I think you have to be both kinda abnormal in some way to become a leftist, our ideas do go against the grain of everything we're taught, even if everything we're taught is insane in the first place.

I'm always fascinated at how the left and right say the exact same things about one another.

Depression as the clinical symptomatic disease that makes you feel shit even when doing things you have enjoyed at some point in time or that are objectively enjoyable?
I haven't seen that tied to any specific ideology. Do you have studies defining specifically what they mean by depression proving any such links?

That has nothing to do with politics or capitalism.

Sic semper sinistra.

Who /SSRIs/ here?


Holla Forums thinks they're introverts and we're extroverts?

My psychologist is telling me to go down this path, but I'm skeptical of literally any large business so I wonder about the sort of shit they hide and how antidepressants are probably in the same stage of public misinformation as cigarettes were in the 50s.

No, it can be quite damaging to one's health. The "help" society provides can consist of electro-shock therapy and imprisonment. Stop with this liberal bullshit of "depressed people just need to get help." It's as bad as "just be yourself."

Electroshock therapy actually has a very high success rate against depression. The it's still risky for your memory.

luckily i get them for free. they've helped me a bit, i was reluctant too but they're not that bad

they do make me feel a bit numb and tired but that's better than crying and being a nervous wreck imo

I wasn't referring to normal depression you idiot. I was referring to some of the many other psychological abnormalities which can lead to depression because of the fucking contemptible, evil society we live in. Also, I don't think we're talking about the same kind of electroshock therapy. I'm talking about the one they do while you're awake with the specific goal of hurting you.


It's because of cognitive dissonance from spouting bullshit 24/7. Protip: you should kill yourself too.

Bless, did you get bullied to bits in another thread? Brainlet.

Do you live in a Third World secret prison, by any chance?

No. That was standard practice for treating homosexuality a scant few decades ago, and still is used to treat certain other sexual abnormalities.

Wanting to fight everyone gets so tiresome for both sides

I wanna say fuck it all and just go live in the woods as a hermit with no ideology at all.

How much would you be willing to self-medicate?

mein gott

You're an awful fascist.

t. Heidegger