So is being a video game developer really profitable in this day and age?

So is being a video game developer really profitable in this day and age?

Not as much, but enough for the market to be flooded with games. I really wonder how profitable entertainment is going to be in the future with the sheer amount of content being made.

Nothing done on salary or on contract is profitable. The games may be profitable for the publisher, but the devs make no profit.

It's not a job you wanna make if all you want is money. Granted there are people who make and localize games for political reasons, however this is usually due to either corrupt political ideologies or just stupidity in general.

With that said gamedev is something you need a passion for, and you need to enjoy it. Otherwise you're better off working for a subway and becoming a store manager.

If you are good at what you do you aren't wasting time working for videogames.

Except if you are good at making video games you will see much larger returns with clever business strategy.

What if the dev has no publisher?

If you have the talent as a programmer you can get paid more for less work in other fields. If you get a good portfolio, vidya art and music might be viable.

Then it can be profitable. Probably not profitable enough to pay your bills.

do you have a source
because is it less work if i have to test the program a hundred times for bugs

I like that pic. What's the point of being rich and famous if you're fat ugly fuck who can only have sex for money.
That being said they should have use some other dude for the Chad side, as we all know how much of a cuck AVGN is.

I haven't got anything from the Internet. I went to uni and had a lot of friends who wanted to get into game dev. Only one actually kept a job, the rest either couldn't get in or they gave up because of the workload. There was also a hipster game dev who came in and kept complaining about the crunch times, and how he ended up losing sleep constantly over trying to get his game done.
If you want to get a decent programming job, try databases. They're a bit tricky to learn, but if you can get a job working with them you'll have a much nicer time.

You'll have to bug test whether you're making a game or a piece of software, but at least with normal programs it's a bit easier to automate testing. Most programming languages have test libraries, which you can set to check different functions to see if they're returning what they should. Automated testing isn't a cure-all for bugs, but it massively saves time.

I thought uncucked himself with Ghostbusters. He's just washed up and unfunny is all.

I mean literally cuckold with his wife being fucked by other men.
Damn, words these days can't be used in primary meanings anymore.

In what year they made that pic?

Wasn't this actually not the case and it just had more to do with his wife already having a kid or something? Post pics.


Only if you're working for yourself, working for a big company is traditional "do all the hard shit for shit pay" like many jobs tend to be.
Reasoning games are becoming shittier is because the parasites who had no talent and weren't invested prior are now latching themselves on to invest their "IDEAS" in it.

This is one of many reasons people hate "idea guys."

Guy spends his days fucking fangirls while touring cons. He lives like a rockstar but keeps a low profile. He WANTS people to think he's a cuck nerd, but he's a player.

It can be if you find a niche market or get really really lucky.

That's called an indie dev, do you see them making a bunch of money?

It's not impossible… Just very unlikely.

I see you're being autistic both here and on /argentina/

If you wanna make money in the game industry churn out cut and paste shit mixed with virtue signaling as a producer or be a backstabbing dirty work of a "journalist" for some garbage site like Kotaku.

The publisher does what the name says: he publishes the game. Usually they give the devs some upfront money and deal with marketing, localization, etc. In return they take a huge percentage of sales. Without a publisher you have to do the selling yourself. You can just put it on Steam or whatever, who charges like 30%, but getting the word out is still your problem.

b-b-b-b-but I was told that developers don't get money from used games! why are you saying they don't get money from new games either!?

Don't have any sources, but it would make quite a lot of sense to me, since there are millions of idiots who are very enthusiastic about working with video games, so they'll accept shitty working conditions ans low pay.
And you have to compete with them if you want to work in that field, whereas there aren't that many people who are enthusiastic about writing accounting software.

He merely said that he wouldn't watch/review the movie. Nothing else.

Usually when their games are profitable, they sell out.

Yea and he got shit on by the media and stuck to his guns.

The average income of an IOS game is zero.

I bet the nerd preps the bull and slurps nigger cum out of his wife's asshole.

If they need money so much, why don't they just sell the rights to their game and continue on being indies with something new? At least that's my master plan if I make it. If they managed to gamedev when they were poorfags, it should be even easier now that they'd have money not only from sales but from selling the rights to their ip. They could always go work in some company if indie wouldn't work out again.

I just tried calculating sales of the indie game that came out few days ago based on information from SteamSpy. I'm taking lowest estimates to get the idea what is the lowest profit for the dev.
He was making the game for about 3-4 years so lets assume it was 4.

That's a lot of fucking money, is he rich now or am I missing something?
>tfw you'll never be financially sustained by a small group of fans who love what you do

Fucking kikewheels.


Reminder that James' pig of a wife forced him to see Fembusters anyway

So how much would American and international taxes suck out of that?

you would probably end up with half of that total in your pocket
it's only a lot of money if you live in a cheap location or in thirdworldia

30k copies at $10 each would be 150k if you only got half. That's quite a lot of money for a solo project, though not nearly enough for a team.

man you niggers just don't know when to give up.

It can be profitable if you aren't a AAA code slave or try to compete with Vietnamese scammers on highly saturated markets.

Depends on the contract.
Don't say generic bullshit.

The only ones making any money, in ANY INDUSTRY AT ALL, are the (((owners))). Every other employee is essentially making slave wage.

I earn 25% more (at least) doing less hours as a regular software developer compared to any game developer out there. It's shit tier work and studios are still not making money even though they're pretty much using slaves these days.

This is actually happening to Hollywood right now, it's crumbling under its own weight. Simply put, there are way too few slots in cinemas compared to the amount of movies being made, and there's only so many times capeshit can be pulled off before audiences lose interest.

Ah, thank goodness for tattoos.
They tell us who is stupid enough to engrave tribal ink on their body permanently and let us know to stay away: Good chance it's a roastie feminist/future roastie feminist.

Why the FUCK would you want to be a game designer? I know nothing about Burgerland's needed jobs, but aren't STEM way better for you? (Thu I heard that it is getting overpopulated because the bar is getting lower with nu-males and cunts getting in). What about being a lecturer in a uni? I know it is a communist heaven, but can't you take the money and run?

Can't see well from the picture but I'm pretty sure her tatoo is of cauliflower and potatoes.

Even if just 5,000 people buy it (which is considered dead on arrival), you still make a shitload of money. Now if you were to make a game that costed even LESS money to develop and yet was something casual and hip enough to attract the normals, you would be considered rich within a month.
It is one of the most profitable jobs, especially if you're an indie studio that can shit out countless indieshit and still receive a shitload of cash in return.

"It Depends"™
Independent developers usually don't have the capacity to make money unless they make a REALLY appealing game.
Indie teams usually can afford to offload costs of development
Big Development teams usually make less per individual but collectively they make a bit better money than Indie teams.

Just telling it how it is.

Nice fetish projections, my man.

Do you have any proof for that statement?

honestly no
One of the most successful Publishers hasn't made a game in 5 years and barely even publishes shit
