Game is only good after extensive mods

why can't big triple A game developers not make such trash games, that need to be fixed constantly by the community?

Except with Toddrim it's still a shit game

No it's not. It's still redeemable shit.


Agreed. People keep telling me to play Deus Ex, System Shock 2, Morrowind, Thief 1 and 2 and I look them up and everybody says you have to spend ages modding them to make them good

Poor bait. All those games require little to no fixing and patching.

STALKER on the other hand…

the fuck are you on about, just install GMDX, it comes with everything. Stupid lazy ass moron.


The quality of threads lately have been woefully lacking.
Are we being raided by under 18s who just found out about the "too extreme for 4chan" meme and believed it?

its real, though.
fucking faggot Holla Forums mods did this shit after i educated an user about why HORSE PUSSY is the best vagina on the planet. in a thread that was clearly about bestiality from the start.
(asking about horses in video games, posts grill with horse)
bestiality isn't even fucking illegal in all states. what a bunch of trucking autistic faggots.


You degenerates aren't welcome here either.

Better than half the shit some people here are slobering over.

Somebody post that webm with the combat mod that made it 1% more interesting.
Please, thank you.

where is my horse breeding simulator?

well i guess i wasnt wrong about 4cuck rapefugess
I wonder if theres a word for being disappointed that your right.

I am replaying skyrim right now with 200 gameplay, npc and quest themed mods and its pretty damn good. Really fucking hard sometimes, when dragon chimera starts summoning and resurrecting minions, and dungeons become a chaotic benny hill run because of things like OBIS and Rogue-like encounters, but its pretty damn entertaining. Its just Holla Forums mostly sucks at modding vidya, and they end up with plebian builds that are focused on muh graphics or muh boobs, which are likely much less stable. It requires months of dedication to pull off stable 200 mods build to actually have fun with it. Then you won't even recognize the game.


make it a furry horse girl with a big fat horsecock and you have perfection.

he draws girls with horsecocks too

Why do I still visit this fucking site with you diseased fucks are lurking in it?

report and stop bumping the thread you retard

ive never been a fan of dymitry's though, some of his stuff is okay, but i just dont really like his art style, i guess.

incase is great, jaynaylor is good, kevin sano is good. anything with strong muscular futas pounding girl's pussies is the best.


Nigger this has been going on for years and years. Welcome to Holla Forums, enjoy your vidya-themed shitposting.

I used to love dmitrys before he started doing mostly peach and musclegirls

muscle girls are good…

Maybe on cuckchan
you should go back

not my thingbut I still follow him because from time to time he churns out something really good

You need to go back.

can i get the sauce with that spaghetti?

fit is ok
muscle is faggier than the dick itself

There is nothing to go back to. It is gone. Now I get to watch the same thing happen again here.

thank mark for that

Eating fresh shit is better than eating day-old shit too. Doesn't change the fact that you're still eating shit.

Whenever a retard gets banned from cuckchan, they come here. We've become the imageboard equivalent of Australia.

and you are part of the problem.
Be the change you want to see and kill yourself

I don't remember when I migrated, but the earliest thread I have archived is Share Thread 14 05/14/15. Things were nice then.

Since you are new here, I advise you not to make shit threads. Lurk before you post, acting like you're still in cuckchan here will get you banned eventually.

Ive always wondered. Aside from the typical "it cant be fixed"/"wipe it from existence"/"completely rebuild it"/etc, how would you go about fixing Skyrims combat? What do you think needs to be added or removed to make it playable? I dont mean mods, but as a functional gameplay mechanic.





Those all hold up without mods. Most people recommending tons of mods are wrong, especially if they want you to use mods on your first playthrough.

They should just steal Dark Messiah's combat: include a parry, kicking (it doesn't have to be OP like Dark Messiah's, maybe it's just a guard break), wind-up power attacks where you decide when to release it, and maybe an adrenaline meter that lets you do a finishing move. (That last one would be a better way of doing "kill-cams," since you decide when to do it, rather than the game randomly taking control away from you.) There's no reason not to do this. They can't even be sued over it, since Bethesda now owns Arkane and its IP.
Jumping, swimming, and non-power attacks should go back to having a stamina cost, and running should go back to preventing you from regenerating stamina. (They should keep sprinting as it is.)
They need to get rid of regenerating health (except when you're resting), and have healing items act over time rather than instantly.
They also need to make everything (except bosses) less spongy. And they should introduce something to mix up the monotony of fights; maybe bosses at half-health become frenzied, for example. Or they could rip off that enemy from the new Underworld demo, where the monster can move through any shadow but can't go into the light; you could use light spells to block his path.
Wearing heavy armor should also reduce your agility. And there should be strength requirements for weapons. Both of these would require them to actually bring back attributes.

more reason why centoria is shit and tio is best

Perhaps add a Dark Souls-like combat system, although that falls under the "replace it" category.