Why does Big Boss look shit without the iconic beard and mustache?

Why does Big Boss look shit without the iconic beard and mustache?
His face looks so fat to the point that I can't take him seriously. Put the facial hair back on, and he looks like he has a tight jaw.

He looks like Kurt Russell, if I was gay I would probably find him attractive.

Beards are the only thing that keep men looking attractive. You fucks should have learned this by now.

why did you make this thread again?

You made this exact same thread the other day. The answer hasn't changed.


Have you ever seen Kurt Russel?

Chin's too low, face is too small, forehead is a bit big, ears are also too low and tiny as well. Russel also doesn't have the schnozz nose.


He doesn't look like shit. He looks younger and attractive still. What is your point?

Nigger everybody knows this
It's true even irl

I think OP actually likes him clean shaven, and he just wants us to discuss how sexy Naked is.

That doesn't mean it has to NOT be the same person

I'm Sephardic Jewish so I look like a Muslim terrorist when I grow it out, Fidel Castro up the ass nigga

this shit is why we need QTDDTOT threads

Ironically he looks older.



Remember to not go with the same proxy on Holla Forums. They track who's actually jewish by checking your other posts.

Go away filthy heeb

>>>Holla Forums

Back to your paranoid schizophrenic echo chamber, and stay there.

STOP! YOU VIOLATED THE LAW! Nobody protects jews on my watch! Hang over all your horse shoes, your stale memes are now forfeit.

here is your (you), come get it