Tfw once again Pokken is going to shit all over Capcoms latest fightan geemu bomb

Tfw once again Pokken is going to shit all over Capcoms latest fightan geemu bomb

The absolute madmons

Other urls found in this thread:én-height-invincibility-interactions/

You don't need to make a shitpost thread about it, Pokken's actually pretty fun.

Anyone had chance to try Decidueye and the other DX characters?

Pokken is shit
Kekmo can't into non DoA fightans.

Its not a shitpost, its smug over Capcom shitting out a rushed product AGAIN and being beaten in sales by the same game that beat them last time.

and its fun, decidueye, gardevoir and braixen were how i bodied some FGC guys i know last knight and they got super salty that spamming mega evolutions didnt work once i got the counter down.

Its a shitpot because Pokken is shit

I don't even recognize whoever the fuck are those two assholes on the pic supposed to be

Some Numom with shit design and the fightan furry from 3rd Gen I think

You type like a cuckchanner or part of the cancer infecting Holla Forums. Fuck off and die.

One is precious Owlboy grown up and the other is the Lightning of pokemon.

You DO like Rowlet don't you user? This is a pro Rowlet board for Pro Rowlet people.
None of that Primarina furshit in here!

No Hawlucha, no purchase
is piracy an option yet?

A ghost owl that shoots arrows and a dbz furry

4th gen, actually

Zoning is pretty good in this game, which sets it apart from shit like SF5 where they even made Guile a rushdown character. I guess I'll pick up a copy of DX and see if I can find a second main out of the new pokemon.

RIP Shadow Mewtwo now that the arcade version nerf finally made it into the console version.

Chandelure aka best ghost fuck gengarfags is bretty fun too

Played the demo. It feels nice but it wouldn't hurt them to throw a training mode in the demo so I know what I'm doing.
The game plays well with the 8bitdo SNES controller, as far as I can tell. It's nicer than the joycons at least.

Apparently the hori pokken controllers work on the switch now and you can grab them as cheap as £8 online so i'm thinking of trying one, i tried a friends pro controller and those giant face buttons feel wrong.

Not even the same audiences play these games. MvCI may be garbage but they're not even the same type of game. Also Pokemon/Nintendo fans will definitely support anything Pokemon as long as it's advertised so it selling well isn't even a surprise.

Red text OP shitting on another company (despite deserving it) and not even talking about the game does not promote any sort of good discussion. You could have discussed what's new with the game, why you like it, or ask if anyone wants to fight you.

I'll be surprised if it doesn't shit itself

GFs forced mascot from 4th gen to the right, and the newest shillmon to the left

In an OP? on Holla Forums? I think we both know after 3 years you cannot start with that and we all know why.

Definitely a cuckchanner. Just go back already. You're the kind of person that made 4/v/ shit before we left.

Holla Forums doesn't hate games Holla Forums finds positive OPs about a recent release suspect to the point of paranoia. If you were a regular you wouldn't even question that instead of parotting cuckchanner like some fresh of the boat goon taking his first stumbling steps outside of Holla Forums.

I've made multiple threads that have gone well without resorting to talk like a ADHD 8th grader.

Provide information, sources, and a reason for people to discuss the game. Guides on how to play certain characters, where to buy a Switch if people can't find one, or reasons not to get the game. Give us your thoughts on the game or what feature content may come out. If you were to actually compare it to other fighters, then make a comparison. Red text isn't needed either, it just makes you look like an obnoxious faggot. Make a webm of some gameplay you thought was cool or funny. There are so many ways you can make a good OP to promote good discussion. The better the OP the less likely people will be willing to shitpost.

Paranoid faggots screaming shill isn't an excuse for a clickbait OP. Those people were never going to discuss the game anyway and can easily be filtered. Not only that but they are a minority of the posters who will post in the thread.

Shit I need to actually proofread my posts before posting.

I don't even know anymore
3rd Gen was already mediocre and everything after it is a fucking blur of a fever dream.
The series should have died with the Gameboy

From what I've seen all the usual FGC people bought MvCI and are posting on social media about the combos they've found, as if really long combos makes the game instantly interesting. However, this and DBZF have both the FGC and casual audiences, so they'll probably outperform that trash

The only negative i've seen for DBFZ is the capcom brand defenders RRREEEEE'ing that "it will get dropped and get no dlc support afterwards". Which if that ain't vidya sotckholm syndrome i dont know what is.

If pokemon died with the gameboy, it would have been recently revived in the wave of "everything from the late 80s and 90s is cool again" and it'd be just as bad or worse than Sun & Moon

People actually like lucario tho

The only people that defend MvCI are people that only make a living on fighting games like youtubers and the ones getting paid for it in tournaments. They want to make it successful, especially the one who host EVO since they have the guy who actually made the shit rollback net code that persist in Infinite.

So basically it's like when Blizzinga signed up a bunch a tf2 jewtubers into contracts for overwatch where legally they couldn't say they like any other game or they would get the fuck sued out of them?

Autistics born after 1998 and gay furries like Lucario and legally they are considered people yes.

Yes but it also includes cosplayers doing unboxings now.

Yup. Just stream monsters and pros hype the game because Capcom feeds them. The game sold terribly on PC so far.

Absurd how this is even an argument. Speaking of "it will get dropped", they had a SF2 Turbo tourney at SoCal yesterday. Game is old as shit and still played. I don't know why DBF will suddenly be dropped after a year for no reason. CEOtaku also proves even those obscure anime games still have a audience. I got myself Chaos Code after seeing the tourney. Game looks way more fun than I previously thought.

They wouldn't be sued in this case. Just denied weed money if they stop supporting Capcom.

It was actually
Shit there were still plenty of good shit in the 00s despite some abundant mediocrity.
After the financial crisis and consequent recession theres beeen a drough of creativity thats only now seeing some more sparks due to the the increasingly stabilization of the global market.
The 10s will always be remembered by me as a decade of uninspired poor quality shit that people ate out of desperation, lowering standarts altogether.

Honestly I'd would had rather see a several year Pokemon hiatus and then a nostalgic revival than the nearly yearly releases Nintendo does to the cashcow.
Which a huge chunk of people buy out of nostalgia or brand loyalty.


I don't care, i will never not be salty Haunter wasn't the pick instead.

normalfags love Lucario, get fucked autist

Found the gay furry.


How does it feel to have absolute shit taste?

Haven't played Pokemon since Black & White which was shit, so I wouldn't know.
Heard the remakes were pretty bad though, but 80% of the reason faggots here still play these games is nostalgia, so I'd rather play it 100% because of that.

And no, I don't play Yokai Watch, I just posted the image because a based drawfag did it and it was related to the thread.

HeartGold and SoulSilver were Crystal remakes, dumbass. They both had all the features Crystal did.
This is your only legitimate complaint. The lack of Emerald content in ORAS was disappointing.
How does it feel to form opinions on games based on what retards say about them?

Fuck off Nintendo shill.

You get Hawlucha when i get Foretress

Your opinion regarding design and artistic merit means nothing when you play NuMon

Tell me when they drop the retarded Ashnime third person name shit and cram a Pokemon fighter with awesome Legendaries like Groudon, Kyogre, Rayquaza, Giratina, Reshiram, Zekrom, Xerneas and Yveltal on top of whatever other non iconic evolutionary lines for catharsis of beating the shit out of each other with them.

Pokemon in general should have a shit ton of different rarities and levels of Pokemon, but what a surprise, it fucking doesn't and even makes a shitty Pikajew alt. At least they threw in fucking Chandelure impressively. No one would have expected that with Gengar already especially.

He's so round.


But Pokken is fucking hot stinking dogshit as well

Everything you said makes you sound like a 10 year old.

They are. In G/S you could get gud and memorize the route through Mt. Silver trivially instead of wasting a move slot on flash. HG/SS just makes it a full brightness area and compensates by making the path really, really, really, really fucking long.

So more or less like OP?

No, you stupid fuck, especially with something like Pokemon that is not "gitting gud". Also of all the problems of the various remakes that isn't even a problem. It eliminates the need for stupid HM moves like Flash that only exist because the first games used it. How the fuck are you actually arguing against of a quality of life change to the map?

What Pokemon makes for a good cuntboy boyfriend?


Mt Silver 2 Spiral Boogaloo is the punchline to gen 4's grinding slog and you know it

Goddamit every time I see Decidueye I get excited for a sec because I thought they actually put in Hawlucha… but wait Hawlucha doesn't lazerbeam aw, fuck.

You people are the reason why it took Game Freak over two decades to finally get rid of them. You aren't special for memorizing the way through Mt. Silver back in Gen 2. Anybody could do it, especially if you had a piece of paper and a pencil like I did. It doesn't take skill to navigate the Pokemon overworld, I can only think of one time it has and it was in Emerald with the Sky Tower Mach Bike puzzle.

Holla Forums's thirst for lucha libre can never be exhausted.

Speaking of 8bitdo, how's the build quality of their controllers? I was thinking of buying one of their new Snes ones.

The SNES30 and SFC30 are very well built. I got two for 4 player Bomberman on the go, and they haven't failed me yet. The NES30 pro is pretty neat, and works as a low budget Pro controller if you don't care for gyro or rumble.
I haven't tried the SNES one with the sticks, but if it's as good as the others it'll be worth it.

Couldn't you just turn up the contrast on the brick GB and see just fine? Or was that gen 1 only?

Squirtle is okay I guess

Pokken is by Namco, not Tecmo

is hawk hogan in the game yet or what?

Same, Hawlucha or bust

Who are you maining?

The general nintendo/pokemon fanbase hates pokken because like most other competitive fighting games it lacks single player/casual content/doesn't have 60 characters that all play the same, and because for pokemon fans in particular their one obscure bromon didn't get in (see , , etc) and it cucked them during the direct where they wanted info on a switch game.

Pokken's playerbase is mostly FGC people who are just also pokemon fans, very few of them are just pokemon fans without also being FGC

4h gen is objectively the best though: Platinum and HGSS are easily the best games in the series

But it's not. Explain why you think it is

Braixen or Chandelure.

No feraligatr no buy

Got this last night.
I have only tried Gengar so far. I've played 5 hours of Gengar and Gengar only.
I don't think anything else can beat Gengar.
Gengar is great.

For fuck sake, the Burst attack is Gengar EATING the other pokemon. How fucking cool is that?
I'm gonna take the switch and find some young kids to play with me. I wanna scare the living shit out of them.


said the machamp main

lrn 2 id nigga

You know what other game did this? Digimon World Dawn/Dusk but you could actually see the stats you were boosting.

Well put, actually

News at 11.

All I wanted was Pokken but with digimon. Since we can't have that, I'll settle for Pokken.
Last mainline game I played was Crystal and I'm not touching that series again with a 10 foot pole.

Does Gardevoir still sound like a vocaloid milf?

Acutally Gengar beats Chandalure since he can avoid all Chandys Fire attacks and Beyblade shit

Just buy ducking it in Field Phase
Its how I got to A rank LUL



PS YOU CAN DUCK MACHAMPS SPINNING COUNTER ATTACKén-height-invincibility-interactions/

has all of these, btw.

In general if you want to git gud you should be looking at that site and joining the community discord (

I know discord has a reputation of circlejerks and faggotry but the pokken community discord is seriously where the entire community discusses and talks about stuff (the pokkenarena site is only for posting resources/info for posterity to refer to), so if you want to improve you really should join it.

If this game didn't use the Pokemon license and had it's own original characters instead, I bet nobody would bat an eye at it.

If it was still on Switch, probably. If it was on PS4/PC, you;d be wrong: It's actually great competitively.

Anything can be great competitively when you gather the right group of halfwits to play it, that's why speedrun races are a thing.

Hori also sells a wired switch controller for 26 or so if you are wanting a full button controller but don't care if it is wireless/has motion control/etc.

Also, there's chinese shops selling adapters online now that let you plug a 360/bone/ps3/ps4 controller into a switch and use it like a pro controller. I'm going to do so with a cheap qanba stick I got and see how it plays.

Except Pokken is actually designed as a competitive fighting game to begin with and has all the same mechanics and systems as them, unlike something like Smash. It's got attack heights, multiple attack buttons, each character has different inputs, there are cancels, resets, crossups; and it's got the same competitive fundamentals with Oki/wakeup play, footsies, mixups, etc.

It's a good one at that, too: Very neutral focused with lots of great mindgames, fantastic character balance despite each character playing so differently, and mechanics that reward combo diversity and adaption rather then using the same BnB's and autopiloting based on the matchup

why can't i get any rematches in this fucking game

this is the only fighting game i've ever played where 99.999% of the time, the other guy only wants to play you once

i make friends just by butting heads in every fighting game except this one too.

Not sure user, I didn't have that issue on WiiU and I haven't done friendlies much yet on the switch verson.

Yeah, but so can a 1 button fighter. The dragonball fighter is gonna be the game to put crapcom in its place.

In ten years we will have lots of people saying it died with gen 5, 6, 7, etc.

if you main any of the pokemon that are pre forms or are also in smash bros, you're cancer that needs to die.

yes and i don't know how to feel about it i don't want to become a pokefucking degenerate but whenver i play her i feel like one

That sounds boring as fuck and discounts around half of all the pokemon from being entrants.

And those pre form pokemon are fucking useless in comparison to their final form. It's always been that way. Only an anime loving dumbass doesn't know hat.

Too lewd.

I know Pokken was on the Wii U, is the DX version only for the Switch?

Oh yes so we should let the meta of the mainline games influence a fighting spin off? We should just only have legendaries too? Nah man, some of the pre evolved forms are just flat out designed better. Pikachu looks better than raichu, croagunk looks better than toxicroak, etc.

Why are so many people this retarded? EVERY fighting game character can do the stuff fighting type pokemon do, having the entire roster be mostly or all fighting types would defeat the entire point of Pokken existing because it'd be as generic as any other fighting game.

The entire appeal of fighting types in Pokemon is that they are just dudes that punch and kick shit in a setting with elemental monsters. But in the context of a fighting game, EVERYBODY punches and kicks shit. Having a pokemon fighting game with mostly non or duel typed fighting types is way more interesting because it's actually unique from other fighting games and the few pure fighting types the game will have will be cooler because they are the sole characters doing martial arts in a roster with elemental magic.

Also the hitmons in particular would be super boring. Breloom has both of their gimmicks (boxing and stretchy limbs) while also having grass spore bullshit.

I agree with you here though. Normal pikachu should have just been libre and libre should be been hawlucha.


I feel bad for the Wii U people that bought it.

The game doesn't look all that fun to me, looks very generic actually

It's fun as a competitive fighter, it's shit as a casual button masher

How's it feel to know you have shit taste?

For those who don't care for the anime additons and the smash bros roster ,the additional characters are no loss and are somewhat beneficial.


Its the grave they chose.

I thought there was just barely more than 10 characters? Still could use 1 more quadruped, a flier and a snake. Maybe even something more buglike.

Man I wish I had the time to mess around with Pokken, seems really fun.

Goes to show that the best pokemon games aren't the RPGs.

Does this game work on CEMU or any other emulator yet?


I'd dig more bugs. Such a bullied and belittled typing, it is.

Get these fagets outta here, theres only one top tier buggo!

The main problem with the game not going with fighting type pokemon only was that, as soon as it WASN'T fighting type only, the roster was bloated with the smash bros roster (IE: the same 6 pokemon that are in fucking everything) and then anime trash was thrown in.

When the game was announced, the only three pokemon teased were Machamp, Lucario, and Blaziken, all pokemon who have unique skills to bring to the table and are also all fighting types. This works since the game is MMA: Pokemon. Cool, then we can see some cool shit like;

All are part fighting type, but have vastly unique things to bring to the table. But then they said "not fighting type only".

What did that mean? Well it meant;
>Gardevoir (waifu bait as shown in this thread instead of the superior and more fitting Gallade. Also in smash bros)

Maybe the DLC will make it better…

Man, if only they listened to the fanbase as to what they wanted…

I wasn't opposed to non-fighting types, but where is Metagross? Dragonite? Nidos? Deoxies? Tyranitar?

Well they aren't popular in the anime, so fuck you if you wanted something other than the same handful pokemon shoved into everything.

It's shallow as fuck. Don't listen to anyone who says it's some deep meaningful fighting system; you either spam beams with chandelure or suicune to win or you play as machamp for a semblance of something resembling a fighting game where you steamroll anyone you get close to.

I racked up a 100 win streak and just stopped playing because the game was not deep, thought provoking, or challenging in any manner and I could win every match with the same basic routine. Yes, this includes post patches.

I agree that Mineshao, Breloom, and Hawlucha would have been neat though

You clearly didn't actually get very far into the game then, since Chandelure and Suicuine are universally considered some of the worst characters in the game. The game's got all the same mechanics, gameplay systems, and fundamentals as other competitive fighting games.

Oh, wow, 100 wins, how impressive, it's not like any player you'd see in a local has around 3000 matches played and most players who actually make it to top 8's have well over 5000 or anything.

What rank did you get to?

I guess folks are figuring out its way cheaper than the switch rerelease?

But it works on most switch games not just Pokken, had a good time with it playing Sanic Mania earlier. If you see one cheap i would recommend it.

I'm a machamp main, and aside from the exclusion of hawlucha, you're retarded



Wew lad.

those are the japanese numbers, aren't they? not UK

They are i just checked the site i copy pasted from just corrected it. Which means Capcoms native audience probably doesnt give a fuck about the piggu gaijin movie universe pushing.

Those are jap numbers, but pokken was #5 in united cuckdom, while shitfinite was #12, so I wouldn't be too surprised if they were similar

Unless its FUKKEN FIFA SON bongland is heavy japan leaning in its game interests, dates back to a heavy import industry and bootleg black market in the late 1980's when the whole 'video nasty' sjw moral panic of its time forced people to go to 'dodgy blokes me m8 knows' to get shit.

Lead to a lot of copies of legend of the overfiend filling VHS rental joints later when i was a kid i tell you what.

Really? Doesn't seem to have that many mix ups, especially compared to other characters.


It hurts I can no longer decide between Butterfree and Galvantula as my favorite Bug.

People are mad about it because Pikachu-Libre got in, you forgot about that
You're just dumb, nevermind

Explain how it's not. Gen 1 is a buggy broken mess. Gen 2 is great, but HGSS is just a better version of GSC. Gen 3 is good and emerald is great, but emerald doesn't have a physical/special split and the sprites are ugly.

Platnium and HGSS both have tons of content, the physical special split, good sprites, decent amounts of challenge, and are overall fantastic games.

Also instead of having Hawlucha we get another Pikachu, that's the other thing that pisses people off.

Hawlucha sucks and I'd much rather have a sweaty Pikachu suplex things

To be clear I agree Hawlucha should have been in over Libre (rather, I think libre should have just been the default pikachu); but people mad at the game for lacking a single specific pokemon is exactly the sort of thing I mean

As if we didn't need further proof you're a faggot.



I'm glad Lucha Piakchu in this game is female just to deny you the pleasure.


I'd still assume the vagina would terrify them, but this is the same board that argues whether traps and futa are gay so I guess I just don't understand people.

it was alot better than i expected when I picked it up last year.

Aside from that
As a counterpoint, Platinum got really fucking boring and slow at times, emphasis on SLOW. Can't argue for HGSS
That was good and all, but it isn't the greatest shit in the story of Pokemon, the fights were still ridiculously simple
Emerald's sprites weren't even bad
Some gyms and the elite 4? I wouldn't call that a decent amount, or very challenging.
Cool hyperbole my dude

Gen 5 has basically everything you mentioned, and although you could argue B&W have the same problems i mentioned, at least the best games of it weren't remakes

Why the fuck is this comic posted all the time. It makes no fucking sense to ask someone why they are eating ice cream. What kind of retarded question is that? And then there's actually a fucking reason for eating ice cream. It's not like you just eat ice cream because want to fucking eat ice cream. Do people need a fucking backstory that explains why they sleep at night? Should I walk up to people and randomly ask them why they are breathing?

Just awful. You need to get the faggot shit beaten out of you.

I get most of roster except

If it helps, the characters depicted are sisters, so it is probably more along the lines of sibling nagging.

It's over, [insert other fighting game here] is finished.

Chandelure is one of my favorite mons

You're a fucking faggot.

That sounds kinda hot.
