Yo wassup Gameboi's

Yo wassup Gameboi's

My launch 3DS has finally given up the ghost and died, looking at these new ones to replace it now the 3D meme has died. Anyone tried one? does it have huge retard buttons like the Switch pro controller? that shit is extremely uncomfortable.

Replace it with this

ooo stinkyyyyy!

Same size buttons as 2DS. Bigger screen, NFC compatible for spoofing Amiibos, c-stick for monhun and smash, ZL ZR for the whopping 6 games that use it.

If you like the 3DSXL, get this as it's the same thing but cheaper. I like the blue/cyan design more than the black/navy design of the 2DS, so I'll get one in the next few months as my 2DS is slowly dying and I liked the one my mate got.

Literally everything Nintendo makes now is extremely uncomfortable to hold.

I've already moved onto monhun for the switch with XX but i've still got a small stack of 3DS games like Ever Oasis to play and buying another original seems like a bad idea at this point.

Whatever happened to the 'new' games? i think i saw one xenogears one or something and no others.

Joycons are pretty comfy man. but that pro controller feels like a fisher price xbone controller.

From memory, the N3DS games are MHX/XX (for better frames), Pokemon SM for more frames, Xenoblade X, some shitty thing called Rainbow Riders I never hear mentioned, Binding of Isaac Afterbirth+ and Memecraft comes out in a bit.

Fire Emblem Warriors is going to be N3DS only as well.

Ah, the sound of freedom.

Well maybe i'll finally get around to finishing Pokemon Moon then.

They focus on aesthetics over feels now. Blame the people who complained that the Gamecube controller looked gay.

I don't understand where this meme complaint came from. Sure, the newest stuff is no NGC controller, but "extremely uncomfortable"? C'mon.
Also the wiiU gamepad is pretty comfy.

God damn it, that's sad. Not that the others companies are any better. But there was a time when it wasn't like this. Did the nintendium mines dry up or something?

The only way you can believe this is if you haven't touched a non-nintendo product in the last decade.

You may have forgotten since its been so long now but the launch 3ds are infamously the shittiest quaity hardware nintendo ever made.

Remember all the stories of them snapping at the hinge? doesnt happen with the new ones because they werent rushed out to beat the vita like the 3ds was.

The DS Lite was notorious for snapping in half so it definitely wasn't the first.

pretty much all nintendo hardware except the n64 has serious flaws that will result in the thing falling apart and requiring repairs.

Getting it depends on whether or not you can get custom firmware on the latest firmware.

No user, thats more like a


Speaking of Musou's, Hyrule Warriors runs better on N3DS. Without it, it caps framerate and reduces enemy count by 2/3rds.

Your English is under all pig.

wheres the furry porn

Fuck that glossy smudgy piece of shit.

How the fuck did you manage to kill a 3ds that fast?
I have a Phat DS that although it needed its battery replaced once STILL works.


This tbhbbq.