They Failed to kill pewdiepie career twice

Did game journalism always sucked or did it start getting shitty around 2007?

I don't pay attention to e-celebs user, why don't you webm whoever that is before making a shit thread.

The whole job of modern journalists, of any kind, revolves around telling you what you're supposed to think and feel. So, yes, gaming journalism always sucked.


You know what's depressing? Kid born in 2007 are 10 years old now and are becoming the core demographic for game marketing




Journalism always sucked. In the past refered to it as propaganda.
But people are inherently dumb and ininvolved with most events around them. Thus the media ends up being the prime informer for them and many buy into it.

I used to read a PC game mag called PCPOWERPLAY here in Australia. They were pretty good but you could always tell when they were shilling something in the lead up to a release, after the release they'd let loose with how they actually felt about it. Havent read it in years but last I heard one of the editors for the website was against gamergate. Not sure how they are now.

I used to read one called PCPLAY here in the Balkans, and it became obvious they were cocksucking harlots when they gave Kings of Dragon Pass a 2%, while praising some pleb trash.

Then again, in the late 90s and early 00s it was much easier to get away with their bullshit because so many good games were being released year after year.

I don't pay attention to e-celebs user, why don't you webm whoever that is before making a shit thread.

The video is completely unrelated to Pewdiepie, so don't even bother webm-ing.



Well fuck.

I used to read a German magazine called GAMESTAR that was really good and had actual journalists that could actually write, it also gave you a free game with every magazine copy. But then they got bought by, no joke, fucking Disney and the every good thing about the magazine just faded away.

but pewdiepie is a broken cuckwagon and Trump is going to censor the internet to fight (((ISIS))). It seems like the left might actually be winning all along.

The last time I picked that up, all the reviews and articles shoehorned in various social justice issues of the week.


They've been fucking shit up for decades. No surprise that one election is not going to fix everything, but you make do with the lemons.

Stop this retarded meme, it never made sense.

but its CY+++

Game journalism should not even be a thing in my opinion, why would I want someone else's shitty opinion on a game if I just can pirate it and try it out myself?

Sometimes people don't or can't pirate.

because this is the >>>/cuckchan/ cancer upteenth attempt to metastasize here

You forgot:

They don't have to make further progress to win. It's enough that you don't gain ground, and certainly you didn't lately.

The Holla Forums club is one block up, Shariablue.

I'll use any excuse to post this, tbh.

i think they switched more or less to online. a friend of mine seems to still follow their videos, as he sends them to me from time to time, but i just cant like their videos anymore. i dont know if its because ive grown up, them becoming worse or both.

If they actually analyse and lay out why certain aspects and the game as a whole are good or bad i think they deserve to be paid, because that takes skill.
Of course thats probably not in the best interest of todays journos, as clickbait and advertising are very important.

fucking kek

Gaming press is getting pretty fucked lately. Even casuals are calling out game journalists for sucking at videogames, and all the SJWs constantly have to close comment sections or all around avoid being around the commmunity because they keep getting blown out. Anita herself performed in an absolutely abysmal manner when she had to sit down and interact with a local circlejerk.

It always sucked, they just got louder.

I had a feeling that may be the case. Kicking myself I threw out all my old magazines. I figured they'd be archived somewhere but now I wish I could go back and read them again.
On a related note I remember they really used to push the gaames = art, muh cinematics and HL2 was the most complex and masterful game ever guys! angle.

It wont be for much longer. Enthusiasts being able to post their own opinions online has totally killed the need for them. I wonder if that's what the sperging out is all really about.