Why does gunplay in every video game before and after WW2 CoD games suck ass?

Why does gunplay in every video game before and after WW2 CoD games suck ass?

I remember how snappy yet realistic the gunplay of CoD 2 was. Hip auto-firing a submachine gun will remove the crosshair entirely and turn it into a spray and pray weapon. Shooting with iron sight doesn't increase the spread, but makes your gun jump all over the place. Most of the bolt action rifles you find don't have a scope attached. Enemies die in 3 shots at most. All the guns sound powerful, yet the sfx volume doesn't make your ear bleed like all those "realistic" tacticool fps and brutal doom.

Now compare it to the latest installment, CoD:WW2, there's barely any recoil there. Or the floaty and sluggish controls of Red Orchestra and Day of Infamy. Or STALKER where a guy can take a whole mag of AK unless shot in the face. It's ridiculous how inferior modern games are.

ever try the fallout series? that has great shooting mechanics

You mean FO4? It improved a lot, but still far from CoD 2.

you really have no idea what you're talking about
kill yourself my man


It doesn't matter if it's hitscan or realistic projectile, there's no difference unless it's a wide open area, slow paced sniping focused game. I'm talking about how the guns themselves handle, not the bullets that they spit. It's the snappy yet realistic handling that modern games are missing.

How is it retarded?

Fooaty and sluggish
You are retarded OP, stop posting

Have you even played the game? The recoil is more viscous than STALKER.

Yes, and? Hip firing is ineffective at any range. Your character moves like a tank compared to how swift it is to run around, jump, and duck in CoD.

MOAA has stuttering issues. And inferior weapon animations? You've got to be kidding me.

I was a huge fan of cod:united offensive and after that Cod2 was definately a step down.
Everything got worse in it compared to the first one. You kids came in late to the party back then.

As someone who grew up playing mohaa, you're full of shit.

Say what you want about the level design and autoheal, but the gunplay is as good if not a bit improved. And I'm not strictly talking about CoD 2, but classic WW2 CoD games as a whole.

I grew up with it too, and for some reason the framerate drops were awful. I downloaded the GoG version a while ago, and the issue was still the same. CoD runs smooth like hot butter.

Well in reality, weapons are pretty earrape.

seriously my man your nostalgia is blinding you to the fact that the gunplay in call of duty has always been complete fucking garbage. lazy programming even for the time made hitscan weapons an instant hit/miss with no leading the target or ballistics drop. i'm not saying every game needs to have ARMA tier autism physics for bullets but cod has literally always been the worst example in the industry


doesn't know what he's talking about, RO doesn't treat hip firing like randomly spraying everywhere with an expanded crosshair, you can aim properly if you're good and can see where the gun is aiming

Not saying that but OP complained about "realistic" tacticool fps.

COD2 was designed to be played with a mouse+KB. Later COD sequels were designed to be played with a gamepad. That's why they got rid of the recoil and made aiming easier. It's getting a bit tiresome to blame consoles for everything but that's the truth even in this case.

This user knows his shit. CoD 2 was a consolification of the original CoD games with shitty tiny killbox maps, regenerating health and so on. UO is where it's at.

The two things that consoles are responsible for fucking up are:
1. The FPS genre: it simply does not work with the control scheme and expected distance from the screen. Verticality, at the very least, has to go to be even mildly playable with a controller and autoaim is almost a must.
2. Online multiplayer games: the lack of dedicated servers began the cancer of matchmaking super-'competitive' modes instead of the classic dedicated servers set up with fun in mind. Throw in the lack of mod support and the love of persistent unlocks and welcome to modern online vidya.

Things were fine when consoles stuck to console-friendly genres and PC games mostly to PC-friendly genres (the was the case until the end of the fifth generation and halfway through the sixth generation). Once they started porting PC genres to console they had to be dumbed down and then someone realised they might as well make the dumbed down version the primary version and be done with it.

ur stupid.

How many times should I say that it's the weapon animation, not ballistics, that made COD2 great?