People often make the mistake of equating capitalism with democracy
Jimmy Dore is waking up folks

Other urls found in this thread:

hell, people on here even do that

I also like how he calls china capitalist

We've been saying this for years but he won't turn red until he has a convo with Richard Wolff.

Jimmy is indeed fully woke.
Jimmy just doesn't want to frighten the horses.
Jimmy knows softly softly catches monkey.

quick some one hook them up. I really wanna see a Marxist Jimmy D.

this is great

You gotta speak softly to the horses, rub their chin a little bit, whisper in its ear how good of a horse it is, then you violently grab it's giant member and yank the life out of it until you get a love explosion. It's like revolution

Jimmy's internal diamat cant be stopped.

It just makes me sad that he is at best a socdem.


All the TYT crew is socdem, he's the closest to crossing over

indeed. I think he'll make a great comrade.

Comrade Jimmy has balls. Alex deserved what he got.


Holy shit, he's based as fuck. Also shows the difference between a leftist and a liberal.


Here's the video:

Communism requires so much power located in the state that it wouldn't be possible in a democracy. The non authoritarian way just leads to liberalism, which is a hippie fairytale that has no practical applications.

they'll still use the russian conspiracy?
so is 911 a valid conspiracy by now?

obvious b8 is obvious

Don't reply to it then