This is a good opportunity guys! Muke was too dismissive and ideological (he would just use a bunch of terms in the...

this is a good opportunity guys! Muke was too dismissive and ideological (he would just use a bunch of terms in the marxist sense that he knew no ppl other than his left circlejerk would understand). don't like Rebel but he's like the only leftist we have that has this access.

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I guess even cancer can do something good once in a while

I just wonder if Rebel will Muke himself on a stream with Sargon of Akkad.



can you just go back to your gaia online clan or wherever you used to get attention?

You can whine all you want but at the end of the day I get results and you guys don't ;)


sargon has a large following

You're doing it at the moment too

I love you rebel

I'm not claiming to be productive

Stay mad faggot

Kick some ass out there in youtube land man. Massive potential

I like your channel.

Stay mad

I honestly only dislike you because you're a tripfag, but I'm sincere in disliking you.

Rebel is the one who got sargon to read rousseau who could be described as a proto-socialist which led sargon to claim pic related about "anarcho" capitalis. It used to be worse. He used to clam that libertarian socialism and anarchist communism were "oxymorons".

Look at what twitter users are being suggested to sargon!

he got sargon to read rousseau with his video

Let rebel deal with Sargon, their self ego stroking goes well together.

I've been talking to other youtubes like That Guy T. He actually said Socialism was worker ownership of the MoP in his last video.

he's also openly talked about violence against leftists and how it is not contradictory to "libertarian" principles, muke.


That guy's stupid. You need to stick around the weird left associated with Holla Forums

That's not ideaology specific though, all that is is him realising morals and pacifism are bullshit, much like we have.

I can still convince him of the economics. That's why someone like T is easier for me, rather than the tedious shit I'm sure Sargon and Rebel will get into.

But they are also not that good. pissy went to Syria yeah but what do the other guys like Chapo do? They write for Jacobin and tell you to join the DSA.

rebel, can we get a sneak peak of your argument? I hope leftypol doesn't throw its support behind you only for you to do something retarded on camera

I dont want your support, I happen to agree with Sargon that we need to purge certain elements of the left

that doesn't make it any better. Everybody's on the "libertarian" side has been getting more aggessive towards the left. It doesn't matter if he knows what leftism is or not.

you aren't Rebel, fuck off.

You would need to learn some economics first =)

Sargon isn't part of the Left. Not even the bourgeois left.

Wrong, and why would I care if you throw weight around me?


regardless, can you just tell us what you're planing to say

My point was he's not too far gone just because of that. He listens to my arguments instead of just strawmanning still, so there's hope.

I think I have a pretty good understanding, good enough to talk to an ancap with:

I plan to talk about the individualist tradition of the left since that is what I care about

thank you. I think that's a great idea

Are you going to run him trough The Soul of Man under Socialism?

/r/ing screencaps of that one time when Sargon did a video featuring LSR and some YouTube drama happened around it. IIRC Sargon even said workers' ownership of the MoP was a good idea near the end.

Just look at the successes and failures of the past and learn from them. The best YouTube guy Holla Forums has supported is undoubtedly RDW. Model your statements after his and emphasize that libertarian socialism is a real thing. You should probably namedrop RDW as well and direct people to the video Holla Forums sponsored.

Also, make a list of extra books, articles and videos people can watch if they want to learn more and put it at the end of your video.

Is there any hope that Sargon of Akkad will drop the whole "cultural Marxism" meme?

Greaves is based

Better understanding of Marxism than 99% of weird twitter


yes. Rebel, you need to convince him to start calling it cultural liberalism or cultural capitalism!

Some good ideas
