The only thing that scares me are Greys. Why aren't there any alien horror vidya about them?

The only thing that scares me are Greys. Why aren't there any alien horror vidya about them?

Other urls found in this thread:

What a fucking pussy.

Jews are afraid of the holocaust and that didn't exist so I think I am justified.

just fucking kill yourself

It's just a deformed baby with no pupils.

lol what a gay, for all you know they're vulnerable to faggot shit like water like that gay movie starring Mel Gibson

That was the most retarded shit. Considering every living thing on earth needs water and considering this would be true for every living thing based on carbon why the fuck would water of all things hurt them?

Or invader zim? I think the only games I can think of right now that have greys as they appear in film are deus ex, and Area 51.

Because they are space vampires user.

Perhaps they're not carbon-based?

Is this a template thread because there was an user with the exact same OP a few months ago.

There are some greys in Fallout 3 and New Vegas.

Are you telling me that doesn't sound scary as fuck?

Not at all.


Depends how the body is.

I have to stop clicking spoilered images.

This took a strange turn.

Stop claiming jokes like reddit you dumb fucking cunt this image was made on /x/ 3 years ago

Jews love the holocaust


We had the same thread with the same pictures a few months back

I get you OP

Does she scare you?

Not vidya, but check this out

Greys are at least a tangible fear. Just imagine you can conquer them easily with your dong.


If I don't exist then neither do you.

very glad I was too scared to ever watch this

that was holy water and they were demons

How would you do a horror game to make them scary though? They're usually in charge of superior tech and observing. A grey walking some dimly lit halls with echoing footsteps doesn't really work. Though there is that one found footage movie about some family getting Ayy'd for Thanksgiving that was kind of spooky.

I don't think you really could because the scariest part about them is their power over you. Shit like sleep paralysis and getting experimented on are scary but don't make for compelling gameplay.

Well, you could make something relating to being captured and trying to survive through the horrors and possibly escape.
Maybe first an initial scene in PC's home where you try and fail to escape them. Then you're tortured and expirimented on a bit, maybe deformed strangely, and put in a zoo or cells.
Not putting much thought into this so don't consider it too strictly, but it's just a possibility that isn't too generic.

I never understood this. What is so scary about them?

They look at you from a distance or from where you can't see them and they're so powerful they can kidnap you and do horrible things to you that you can't even begin to understand because they're much more intelligent than we are.
It's creepy shit

They can kidnap you effortlessly, strap you down, and then fuck you. That's inherently scary to a virgin.

What about a pack of thugs holding you down and flossing your colon with barbed wire?

Why would they hide then, you'd think they'd just teleport anyone to their ship in their sleep or something.

Observing you in your natural habitat

How the fuck can you find the generic alien archetype scary? That's like finding witches or some other dumb shit to be scary

Because not all information can be received by probing your asshole


Aera 51 on the original Xbox


You could make a game where you need to escape their research center and the horror part would be the disturbing test subjects you encounter.

If you fucked a grey would it be considered bestiality?

For the grey.


And the idea behind it has been around for at least a decade, since I remember seeing it brought up on the Above Top Secret forums. Probably longer, but I wasn't trolling them before then.

Nigger, they could very easily have fluorine-based biology. What does Earth have to do with anything?

… she just looks like an asian with an unfortunate skin condition and dyed hair.

You don't understand chemistry very well. If we meat other alien life 99.9% chance it will be carbon based or maybe silicon based. Those are the only chemicals able to bind with it self multiple times.


No, because assuming they're actually real, then they're a species of human. At least what we can tell from illustrations and eye witness accounts, the comparative morphology is pretty clear. UFO faggots don't want to admit this, but it's true.


>Considering coitus with Grays and not wanting to fuck the superior Flatwoods Monster instead

You disgust me.

last panel is pretty good though

Maybe they came from space Australia

is there more

Ok but serious now, when are our alien overlords going to take over?

scientists already proved aliens arent real so never

Your evidence of this is what, motherfucker? All the alien life we've already found? MUH CHEMICAL BONDS isn't an argument, particularly when fluorocarbons are 80% as potent AND would be more prevalent in the colder parts of solar systems (which are an order of magnitude more common than the Goldilocks zone).

no, it is.


If they give the slightest fuck about us and the Earth, then they aren't worth being overlords of anything. They would phenomenal cosmic retards. There's nothing on the Earth that can't be found, in abundance, elsewhere in space. It's like being in a near infinite apple orchard, and then coming upon a tree with a hornets nest, and rather than just going to a different tree - you proceed fuck around with the hornets nets trying to get to the apples. Yeah, you could poison the hornets, or put on a "shield" protective suit, or shoot it down from a distance and wait for the hive to die… but why the fuck would you bother when you could just go to a different tree? You wouldn't sit in the tree's branches with a little plastic crown and a can of RAID and proclaim yourself the overlord of the Wasps either - again, unless you were literally retarded.

Fucking comprehend before you open your whore mouth.

If an alien race that was thousands, or tens of thousands of years more advanced than us invaded earth it would be to either use us as exhibits, or slaves for their upper class.


It's paradoxical on it's own user. The paradox is aliens should be everywhere, but it is clear by observation that they are not. There are many theories why this is.

Either that or the specific morphology of the humanoid is one of the most effective frames and thus as common as eyes in the animal kingdom.


Consider the ultraterrestrial hypothesis though.

Many-Worlds or Many-Minds




I can't wait to upvote this on r/4chan

delete this


greys don't real man

Only people that have been encountred with them are scared by them. There have been test with children too that where asked to draw with they saw in their nightmares, it all was greys. I think greys are demons though, because ancient texts descriptions of demons are the same as those of greys

Greys get out this is now a Flatwoods thread!


It's under the premise that other intelligent aliens exist. The paradox shows that they don't.

Just explained otherwise, nigger. Good luck looking for carbon and having fluorine whip your ass.


I can summarize the only theory as to why we haven't HEARD from them as follows:
There are no policemen. There is no way out. And the night never ends.

Natural selection dictates that if aliens exist that can travel through space then they would have expanded to live on every place it is possible to live.

that ufo

What if I told you the aliens were already among us ?

The flatwoods aliens looks like women in dresses, and bonnets with flashlight eyes.

Got any more?

Then it's time to launch the X-COM Project!


And what if what you're looking for is hornets and not apples?


The fermi paradox is almost as retarded as the doomsday argument. It's a fallacy.
It assumes because we somehow managed to get to this point, everyone else out there should had also been able to do so "probabilistically". But in any possible scenario the first civilization (In some close proximity, both space wise and time wise) to reach our level of awareness will always feel alone in the universe and thus develop the fermi paradox, and the rest that follow will not reach the point of developing the fermi paradox since they will be influenced much earlier by the first civilization.
The fallacy comes from taking our own awareness out of the equation, the simple fact we haven't made contact with anything implies we are the first ones. The doomsday argument makes the exact same fallacy.

I been abducted by aliens.

Did they hug you?

Not in that album, but there's more from the artist.


Incorrect. The femi paradox states that given the age of the universe alien life some millions of years more advanced than us should have colonized the entire universe by now several times over.

It's like if we had the technology to travel to Venus, and we did, and we went there butt naked.

They took all of my ovum from me.

Are you sure you didn't just lose the jar you were keeping them in?



Well that's obviously not true, because unlike the eye which has independently evolved several times over into a myriad of both different and similar forms, the human frame has only apparently evolved once and is only represented among hominids, with more basal primate forms in the species that humans evolved from.

The idea springs from the old misconception that since humanity apparently has dominion over the other animals, then we are the fittest species and our particular evolutionary path is the optimal one which all others will eventually reach given enough time.

As a kid, I remember reading a speculative piece about what dinosaurs might have ended up looking like if they had evolved further rather than go extinct. First pic related is what their poor understanding of evolution produced. This was before the ancestry of modern birds was so thoroughly established that it could trickle down into pre-internet lay-understandings.

A few of the dumber conspiracy theorists still think that Dinosaurs evolved into our hidden reptilian overlords, driven underground by the meteor and who hate humans and mammals for taking over the Earth in their absence. I love to agree with them, that humanoid reptilians have taken over the Earth and are in control of all governmental systems both local and global, as well as control the media.

Because mammals are descended from a branch of reptiles, which have been highly adapted over the epochs to what would eventually become human beings. No matter what else we have "shapeshifted" to over time, we are still descended from reptiles, and in a way, will always be a very specially adapted form of reptile - well, synapsid.

But intelligence on par with humans has only ever evolved once, and we have a bipedal frame. It's not too much of stretch to believe bipedalism (or at least something with the same concept, separate appendages for manipulating and moving) would be common place for intelligent life forms.


They're afraid of holy retribution.

This is possibly the best analogy I have ever heard about aliens.

Muh nigga nice ID digits.


Out of the billions of potential aliens there might be a few that are more retarded than the others, who themselves would just watch the "wasp overlord" do his thing at recess.

Post pics of your Ovum user, I will try looking for them for you.

Nice try pervert.

You dont want us to help you find them?

Ah, so you’re fuckable without consequences, then? Where do you live? It’s tumble time.

How can a virgins like you get me something that was stolen from me, and cant be replaced?

I had my bike stolen from me a week ago but found it in a homeless shelter a week ago. Maybe your Ovum are there.

If ayys were real, why hasn't there been an ayy that revolts from the other ayys and appears in a crowded place with so many cameras that the evidence is irrefutable that ayys exist?

Just these.

I remember Deus Ex Invisible War having them

truth revealed.

Is this Holla Forums or retarded /x/?

UFO: Enemy Unknown from 1994.
The game scared me quite a lot - shots from out of the darkness, and if there were greys, they were highly accurate at shooting - meaning a shot from the dark would likely kill one of my soldiers.
The rest would panic, drop their guns, go berserk and start shooting their own men.
Their fear transferred to me.


What if humanity are actually just a bunch of ayys that were a survivor of a previously hyper-advanced species of prior humans that were all wiped out due to a huge intergalactic war and we are simply their last resort for survival and were put on Earth to carry on the bloodline?

That is what I'm afraid to be the likeliest of answers.

I had tumple pop for gameboy a long time ago. I even think it was called something else, but the thing is I don't remember that alien from West Virginia anywhere in it. I'll have to look in to it.

Then they deserved to be wiped out.

And niggers/pajeets are the natives?

What you say might be true, they might also wear a protective grey suit for avoiding cross contamination that gives them an uncanny esthetic and look a lot more human without them

Carbon forms 4 bonds that means that it can be tied to 4 other atoms, fluorine forms 1 bond that means it can be tied to 1 atom.

We say life is carbon based because carbon is 100% present in all organic molecules(and hydrogen 2), the cool thing about carbon is that it can be used to form long chains plains or in combination with other elements to form complex molecules that make peptides, proteins and DNA. Carbon is a multy purpose LEGO brick

Florine dose not do that, it cant form complex structures because it can only be tied with a single atom, therefore fluorine life is impossible

So far as we know, and it would be presumptuous of us to assume that human level intelligence must also lead to urban development and plastics and alloyed formed metal works and whatnot. Remember that for roughly 140,000~190,000 years of our history, we were hunter gatherers scratching in the dirt to survive with tools barely more sophisticated than what other hominids had. It's really only been in the last 10,000 years or so that we've been building civilizations. Maybe only 5,000 years after the domestication of plants. And we don't even have a frame of reference for how quickly or slowly we self-domesticated.

There's something else going on, and it's not likely aliens, but that just having the raw brainpower is only half the picture. My guess is that it took that long to develop a robust enough symbolic language to allow the transfer of complex ideas to other individuals.

Maybe millions of other species have evolved that had even greater capacity for intelligence, but never managed to self domesticate due to external factors. Like a highly intelligent species of cephalopod, but which had no use for language due to being a largely solitary hunter. Or a species of dolphins, which are highly intelligent and social - and may even have a sophisticated language - but lack the ability to meaningfully manipulate their environment the way a human hand, or a arboreal foot, or flexible tentacle could.

The thing of the matter is, though, that evolution will produce the most efficient physical forms required to survive in an environment - based on what it can carve out of existing structures. An octopus isn't going to suddenly evolve a skeleton and five digits on each hand before it can use it's intelligence. Intelligence will evolve - because the ability to predicatively adapt and problem solve is itself a huge evolutionary advantage since it allows for the manipulation of a changing environment to suit the organism. The morphological form that the intelligence evolves in is ancillary, so long as it doesn't hold back the survival potential of the organism. Even if it never produces civilizations. It will still evolve along it's own lines - based on it's own existing traits.

They are waiting the "right" time to show upthe evil day. Maybe, even bring a great revelationa great delusion before taking over who is like unto the beast ? and never being matched by humans who is able to make war with him ?

Like I said, it doesn't have to be our exact form, and like you said, if they are intelligent but capable enough hunters on their own or lack the ability to communicate or alter their environment, they will most likely never become a civilization nor spacefaring. Some manner of communication and ability to manipulate the environment is a must for a species to become a civilization and beyond.

A better argument is that if intelligent life is out there but is too far apart to ever come into contact with each other. If every single galactic cluster has but a single planet in one of it's galaxies that has intelligent life then there are trillions of intelligent races in the universe but they might as well be in separate universes. In fact if species are more than about 16 billion light years apart then they can NEVER encounter each other unless they invent FTL travel.

Niggers are natives of Earth, and Jews are the species of ayy that wiped out our space faring ancestors and are simply here to clean up. Of course, why wouldn't they just nuke Earth from orbit to clean us up? I think they might want to keep Earth as another world for settling and want to keep this planet as intact as possible so they don't have to deal with trying to fix the planet, and they want to keep the niggers around as a slave race.

It makes sense in this context why the Jews have always been our enemy, it's because they wiped out our ancestors and trapped us on this planet.

You don't really know what kind of political system the ayys have and what sort of status one needs to have to even visit us. For all we know, visiting earth for them could be on the level of us flying to the moon expensive.

If that was a thing, then it would have been easier to just wipe us out by conventional means back when there werent many humans.

Why though? There's nothing special about humanity, biologically speaking. And even if there was, any species which has mastered the complexities of technology and energies required to facilitate interstellar space travel as a civilization would surely be able to fabricate whatever it is we can biologically provide out of whole cloth. I mean, we've already gotten to the point where we can clone simple organs for transplant and are starting to genetically modify them to avoid potential defects that required the transplant to begin with. And our best efforts at space travel are basically equivilent to sticking a bomb under a garbage can and lighting it off. (Sometimes more successfully than not)

They would need to abduct precisely ONE human to get everything they need to fabricate raw materials that they need from quite literally the most abundant materials in the universe.

They might have only just recently discovered us. If we were the last resort for survival it would make sense that the species before us would've kept the whole "Earth-Humanity Project" a secret.

Why do humans want a manned mission to mars? We know quite a lot from the rovers and there seems to be nothing of value there. I'm sure if you were an alien race, and indeed mastered space travel, you'd be down to just explore and fuck with any kind of intelligent life you came across.

That's not the issue.
Water basically has the best effect/abundant solvent ratio in the universe. If anything evolved to use chemical interactions as a catalyst for energy/work, how would it not use water? This completely leaves aside the fact that an alien race can even exist, while receiving that an adverse effect from water, one of the most common chemical compounds in the entire fucking universe. The only way to explain any of this is to chalk it up to another one of Mel Gibsons crazy "inspired" works, actually somehow being about the bible, and the "aliens" all being from hell. Either way that's just AAAA TTTHHHHHEEEEEEOOOOOOOOOOORRRRRRRYYYYYYYYYYYYY

Also, how would ANYTHING not use chemical interactions to do work?

So, basically Halo is what you're saying.

That's a pretty bold statement. We know far too little to know if there is anything special about us or earth to make such conclusions. Why do you think they even want raw materials in the fist place? If it is how you describe then they are surely past the point of having to look for them, since the entire universe is jam packed with them.
Well, that's the best we've got until we find some way to cheese physics for infinite energy or find an exploit that will allow us to defy gravity.

fuck halo 4 and beyond.

The jew could have wiped us out since the bronze age then, again, much easier and could have been done with conventional ways.

Because we are stuck on Earth. It's imperative to our long-term survival as a species to colonize space. That's not something that an already intergalactic species would require.

Also, colonizing space will be the extinction of our species. As human populations continue to spread across increasingly distant solar systems - our genetic transference is going to slow to a trickle and each population center will evolve along it's own lines. We'll become a galactic version of Darwin's Finches, and the process will be so slow, that nobody is going to notice or care. It will just happen, and from anybody's perspective at any point in time, that'll just be how it's always been.

So like 40k abhumans and mutants?

Then one thing can be derived from us humans, entertainment, maybe the ayys like anime or Jersey shore

I'm a heretic, so I don't know 40k or what you're talking about, but sure. Something like that.

Someone else played this game.

Over time, humanity has mutated in the 40k universe to adapt to different planets, stable mutations are considered an offshot of humanity and are called abhumans.

I doubt we could breed with out ancestors on earth from millions of years back either. It's completely irrelevant. Besides, it's the goal of life to replace itself with something better.

Or maybe they just like seeing what happens when they land right by some poor unsuspecting soul whom no one's going to believe and then strut up and down in front of him wearing silly antennas on their head and making beep beep noises.

Humanity is only about 20k years old in it's current form, and has remained virtually unchanged genetically since then. Millions of years ago there wouldn't even be any humans to begin with.


Or maybe a bear trap or two on floor, cue waking up in the night to a screaming grey with a bear trap on it's leg, drawing related.

Then why the fuck didn't they land in regular non-space Australia or any other desert region with little water?

You're contradicting your earlier post here

It could easily be the case that an alien species capable of spaceflight would be more interested in our evolution of symbolic language that you talked about here

Of course any species that has managed to figure out space flight would be very advanced in an intelligence/autism kind of way where they can process (with the assistance of technology) extremely advanced equations, but they could easily be spiritually, culturally, or aesthetically bankrupt or at least have an interest in what non-empirical developments other species come up with. In which case, humans would, in fact, be worthy of study.

What if they are so strange in form, substance, and thought that we are mutually incapable with observing or interacting with them and them with us. What if that is for the best.

I don't know whether I should be scared or turned on.

Thinking Humans are the only intelligent life seems to me to be the pinnacle of hubris and vanity

Mel Gibson didn't direct the movie.
Shamalamadingdong the Poo who made Sixth Sense did.

So, Ephesians 6:12 ?
This isnt new.

You dick-sucking chodes don't get it, do you? If ayys were real and as advanced as everyone thinks they are, the only real reason they would come here for is simply to study what life on other planets is like. And even if they still keep coming after that, its probably just drunk/college-tier ayys who like to screw and prank others for their own sick amusements. /x/-tier faggots the lot of you with your non-vidya shit.

We haven't proved it, but we have come to the conclusion there is an excessively small chance they exist, or that we will ever contact them.

He knows where the Old Ones broke through of old, and where They shall break through again. He knows where They have trod earth's fields, and where They still tread them, and why no one can behold Them as They tread.

Meant for

Y'all are really starved for porn of this thing.

make some more

Is there any media that portrays ayyliums as explicitly nonhumanoid? Arrival did that pretty well by making them smoke squids. I've always disliked that separate alien races in fiction are usually just humans with some cosmetic makeup on their faces. What about intelligent balls of worms that work together like a hive mind? What about a ring creature that looks like a donut and rolls around, and communicates by wiggling and chirping?

Kinda like Prometheus?


Yes please do.


There is alot of evidence to suggest we are older and keep having collapses. We have foud cities 15k years of age, tools hundreds ofbthousands of yeats old.

We are not alone and even declassified docs occasionally let this slip.


especially if you've never toyed with hornets

Star Control?

Same, there's so much more potential for creative aliens and in the end it's just blue/green skinned humans to homage Star Trek/classic sci-fi. The only reason that was done at the time for budget reasons.
If they have any other alien creature the female it will always have tits (even if it's not a mammal) and hourglass figure to indicate it's female because we can't be bothered to look outside our own recognizable human females. With most real life species you can't even fucking tell without close examination. If your truly desperate at you can always have plumage/colour (birds like ducks/peacocks) or hair (lion mane presence/absence).
In Japanese mythology a female Kappa doesn't even have any feature that we would recognize as "female." If they could handle that idea hundreds of years of ago, why can't we have it now?

Area 51 had some pretty gruesome dissection sequences rivaling the first time you saw Quake 4s Stroggification from what I remember.

There is no contradiction. I was referring to the eye of the Nautilus, which operates like a pinhole camera. And that's I mean, it's similar in operating mechanism - compared to, say, compound eyes. But just because the mechanism is similar, doesn't mean that the actual organ in question shares any of the same analogs to the eyes that developed in vertebrates.

Similar environments will at times produce similar adaptations. Flight evolved independently in birds and in mammals, and even some reptile and fish species have adaptations for gliding - but the wing of a bird does not equal the wing of a bat does not equal the fins of a exocoetidae (flying fish). They are all very different structures.

So the human form isn't likely something that's going to evolve independently twice in a row, especially in an environment that may be radically different from ours, but they will have some kind of frame that serves a similar purpose if the environment their ancestors evolved in is similar (such as an arboreal canopy)

We haven't come close to proving it, and in fact, the evidence seems to suggest that life may well be EXTREMELY common in the universe. I mean, like rain forest dense crawling with life. The problem is, that's all grand scheme. The gulf of distance and time between islands of life that pop up and fade out are so extreme that we will may well never run across another alien form of life, especially not advanced technologically capable life capable of communicating and anally date raping us for their version of science.

Get out.

fd86ba is a fed



Shower shitters

It does. Literally everything involving reproduction involves natural selection. All living things want to make as many copies of themselves as they can.

I'd be ok with that.

Hence why I included the chances of us contacting them being extremely low.

Take your bait somewhere else.

Morphology =! relation, you triple nigger. Unless reptilians are hominids too.


Given that Greys are generally seen as being able to disable electronic devices through superior technology, I doubt that'd work.

That doesn't necessarily mean they'd have already spread to inhabit every possible planet. A single planet can sustain billions if not trillions of individuals if you manage your resources properly, and there are estimated to be ~40 billion habitable planets in our galaxy alone. It's highly unlikely that any space-faring species could expand to completely fill up that much territory in any reasonable amount of time.

I will dump some xenonauts lore+ plus picks to bump

hello OP, i did not read thread completely and this is not exactly what you are asking for (grey-liens), but the recently released Prey has ayys


Fermi Paradox disagrees with you. In fact, it is highly improbable that any species capable of expanding wouldn't have ALREADY filled up all the available space.




When does Xenonauts 2 comes out?

dont know, i just know that they released only concept art some time ago. You can also hype for Open Apocalypse.

i like when you get MAG technology and you can wipe the floor whit them.

The Fermi Paradox is the astrobiological equivalent to those various philosophical arguments that claim nothing truly exists. It's an interesting talking point that gets completely misunderstood by retards who treat it as an "I'm smarter than you" card and who ignore all possible solutions by tipping their fedora and smugly stating "Well that solution is VERY unlikely, don't you think?"

u will neber snug a barn owel

You have to be over 18 to post on this site.

You probably have elite porn on your hard drive too. Fag.

Stop shilling your big bazinga theory-tier paradox here, fed. Humanity not filling up all space on earth blows your shit out of the water without having to even look at space.

Are you not scared shitless by that picture?
How does that picture not invoke panic-level fight-or-flight instincts in you?

If you're taking a fear of aliens at face value, you're and idiot. Ayylmao's are an representation of several fears;
>even the fear of rape maybe (anal probing)
Fear of Aliens isn't an actual fear of Aliens it's a fear of everything they have cone to represent.

Been around for ages.

Nah kill yourself. I played it and it was trash, and 5 is just more of the same but more diversity and shitting on chief.

The owls are NOT what they seem
Walk softly

That owl's pretty cute, but that fucking crow girl still pisses me off to high hell on account of having absolute jack shit to do with a crow.
This is why I hate /monster/ these days.
They don't even fucking try. They just make carbon-copy humans what happen to have some shitty feathers glued on, and call it a day.

It's not like all monstergirls are bad, they can be done well, but fucking hell most the shit that gets produced is no better than your average furshit.
Drives me up the wall. What's the fucking point if you're just making a human, on top of your what already looks like a fucking human with some extra bits glued on? Might as well call the board "Cosplaying girls".

4 doesn't exist. They stopped after Reach.

You're in the club and this guy slaps your gf's ass.
What do you do?

Got a gift for you, OP.

Fucking anything with human-level-or-greater intelligence is perfectly fine, and not bestiality, anyway.

Thanks for reminding me that new episode just came out this damn minute.

I never said Halo was the first FPS ever and Reach never ran at 18fps.

It was probably fake anyway, but it is a nice story.

Greys used to terrify me. But now I just make up stories about them being galactic potheads out to have a good time, all thanks to the ayy lmao meme. Thank god for whoever started that shit because it halped me overcome one of my fears.

Aliens aren't real, you dingus.

The biggest trick aliens have ever done on man is convince them that they don't exist.

Exactly the kind of lies I'd expect from a Moleman trying to divert attention from the ground to the skies.

The biggest trick that Santa Clause has ever pulled on Adults is to convince them that he doesn't exist.

Lazy fucking bastard gets to sit back and eat cookies and get fat, meanwhile I gotta pay out of pocket for my kid's toys. Seriously, fuck that guy.

How do you know?
Why would they know? Why should they know? Do you really think technology works like unlocking tiers in a strategy game and once you get a new tier you have all the shit in it?
What does human achievements have to do with anything?

You assume a lot of shit. You are a retard.

Yes, especially when you realize the face is 3 feet long

yes but high intelligence has not
octopus are a great example of a form that could very easily become a human level dominant species, since two BIG helping factors are advanced brains and the ability to easily manipulate objects
but dolphins are also very intelligent despite this, orcas border on even having language
corvids like crows are insanely smart, solving problems, understanding certain concepts, and are pretty much the real life counterparts to the bogus "dinosauroid" pictured in
here in 3 different branches of animals intelligence has come up, and none of those species have shown a trend toward a humanoid appearance
we have a very good generalist body build, and that helped us evolve how we did, but it clearly isn't the only "intelligent" body-type

Because basic biochemistry is such an esoteric arena of knowledge, you'd never suspect that a biological species would have any interest in investigating how they work or how to fix something if it goes wrong. No, they'd immediately dump all of their resources into interstellar travel.

Really? Speaking of treating the subject like a videogame, you seem to think they operate as if they were imputing cheat codes.

What will she do when she realizes that her human camouflage is ineffective? What happens when it knows you know?

Because they were actually demons. The water in the house was blessed by his girl child who his wife said was like an angel.
The final news clip mentions how the the three religions figured out how to defeat them in Jerusalem.

The entire film is about faith and religion. The main character is a preacher.
His dying wife received a message from god.
The villains are tricksters that can be stopped by locks and wood.

Demons are xenos.

What I find scary about them is that we are to them as they are to animals, and they would view us not as a another sentient species but as lesser forms of life as we see animals. Their threat to us isn't physical like a bear, in fact it would be more accurate to consider us the bears. Bears would never stand a chance against humans as a species, a bear cannot even comprehend what we are.

I still remember what said, and i double it, i remember this kind of copycat thread being made since at least 2010
While many of us agree this is a silly fear, many of us too feel a deep ingrained fear against these fellas, like deep sea threads, that was the general consensus, which i see hasn't been reached lately
Are we getting replaced or do all the special kids that feared this stopped lurking, do these kids fear them because of some deep dark idea or just because we were given plenty of nightmare fuel in the 90's?

You've probably been abducted therefore seeing them triggers your subconscious fear of them even though your conscious memories of encounters have been suppressed/erased. This is most likely achieved through implantation of a small organic device in your sinuses. Have any weird animal memories from when you were a kid?

Sleep tight.

Owl memories are so out of vogue, i flat out remember my brother smacking my room's window at night with a grey mask on, literally shitting myself in the process
Plus a vague memory with a shadow figure seeing me at bed, but that one is too bizarre, as i don't remember my bed being ever in the placement i recall it

is the flatwoods monster /clang/?


The reasoning of that idea reminds me of the reasoning they adopt in Larry Niven's A Gift From Earth, in which once they figure out how to solve the problems associated with organ extraction and transplantation, why wouldn't the world turn into a dystopian nightmare of organ-harvesting murder?


uh, wtf is going on in that image?

Well I didn't expect to see Gotlib on an imageboard.

Not Op but no.
Don't like MJ nose.
Don't like hyper giga azn eyes.
Don't like Blond hair, needs either black, auburn, or red hair.
Don't like irisless eyes, needs either blue or green iris, the sclera can remain black.

Helps if you aren't a manlet.

They're shoving a camera into the bears stomach by the looks of it.

You know what actually deserves more love?

Witches. Whether it be plain old Baba Yaga-style hags with iron claws or Blair Witch style entities without an actual physical body (or at least not one you can see).

That, and putting the fear of a dark forest back into people's hearts.

I miss the innawoods threads /x/ used to have, those freaked me out.

I miss /x/ in general. That is, /x/ when it still largely was creepypasta and ARG enthusiasts, not /x/ after the dawn of the Tulpa era.

Not to speak of our own stillbirth.

Indeed. The quality of imageboards in general has declined, to be honest.

They've been saying that since imageboards were first made, though.

They are completely correct

If this was LotR this would be something like the fourth age. First age was BBs, when powerlevels were through the roof.

Fuck you, you made it hard to sleep last night.



Because you're probably the last person alive scared of them.

Don't worry, they'll get you too soon enough

Quality can be rebooted, as it once happened in the 2014 days here and the 4chon experiment after /n/'s original demise.
Problem is you need something that pushes a solid block of dozens if not hundreds of users into a new zone AND (key piece) make them work in content and decent posts.
Key piece here was fear of having to go back to Burchan after m00t's sticky and key piece in 4chon was fear of never having a good place to talk shit and conspiracies without /x/ stuff lying around.
Can't say i know /x/'s original breaking conditions, but from some anons i can collect they never had that fear of not talking about paranormal stuff, they just went to other boards after multiple Holla Forums raids and the ideas/attitudes diluted in other topics, resurfacing rarely in threads like space elevator/deep sea/grey threads once or twice a month in Holla Forums or other places



ya sure mr ayy lmao
i made a think, and im ashamed

We will demonstrate our superiority with the magical power of nukes. Simple and easy.

That shit looks like a Yugioh monster.

Greys used to terrify me too. Now i just think they're cute.

That's what they want. They want humans to think they are cute and have sex with them so they can collect the sperm and analyze it. You are playing into their trap.

The best way to face your fears is to fuck them.

even better

So long as qt ayy girls collect it with their mouth, I'm okay with it. No teeth.

They have fangs.

They doesn't mean they have to use them.

They will suck off your dick, in the literal sense, man.

Were are you getting this from?

Ever played S.T.A.L.K.E.R?
Bloodsuckers, man.

That's not what I'm talking about. I have yet to play stalker. I need to.

They are not scary anymore, because 4chan culture spread the manlet meme too far.

They are ridiculously tiny and can't be taken seriously.

It's the snorks, man.
Those things give me nightmares.

a midget with a gun can still kill you

But while doing it he'll look ridiculous with the oversized gun too big for his tiny hand.

We have so fucking few drawfags left that you really have to take whatever you get.

I want to Banelive

Why is there hardly any R34 Anal Probing?

or we're just a species of grey

What this user said. After the exodus out of halfchan we had something really special here. It felt comfy and shitposting was at a low after the initial move. We discouraged toy wars and shitposting.

Why do some anons here actually believe this? Is it because the existence of a intelligent species that's potentially millions of years more advanced than us would make the white race appear mediocre?

Honestly, we humans have overhyped ourselves at what an alien would look and act like. that I honestly believe the moment we find one it is going to be so disappointing to most people.

You got an answer for the fermi paradox then, user?

no, because i don't believe that as humans we know everything about the universe.

and, besides, fermi's point wasn't that aliens didn't exist at all, so his theory has nothing to do with what i said.

All things considered, I'd rather have Pic Related [Left] staring at me through my window than Pic Related [Right]. After all, with the alien, there a chance that they come in peace.

But how do you know that isnt the nigger version of an alien?

Even if almost every alien was one of the nigger aliens, that's still infinitely bigger chance of not being a nigger than a nigger has.

all aliens are hostile to humans, user

There are a couple of hypothesis I've heard. Physics proves true, and aliens are just too damn far away, or maybe we are among the first.

Have you people never read a HFY story?
Ayylmaos don't come here because we live in the universe's death trap, sure there are many worse planets but those don't have life at all.
Meanwhile we're living in the middle of a planet whose surface is mostly the universal solvent that constantly comes down from the skies, our air is full of invisible organisms specifically built to kill and we have millions of different types of somewhat sentient murderous beasts competing for the spot as 2nd place to us.
Oh yeah and if we stop absorbing radiation from a massive ball of fire we die.
And that's obviously not all, there are many more incredible dangers that we just live with.

I'm sure there's an exclusion area that's a few centillion lightyears big around our planet titled "I DON'T KNOW WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH THESE GUYS BUT I DON'T WANT TO FIGURE IT OUT"

There is something enigmatic about this gif that makes it hilarious. I don't know if it's the 90's Web 1.0 aesthetic, the stoner logic behind it ("Dude, what if aliens came here to smoke weed?"), the needless rotation that signals the pride of a mediocre 3D artist, or the juxtaposition of an alien impossibly defying gravity just to smoke out of a bong twice his size - like he learned telepathy just to be able to pull this off. I could stare at it for hours and never stop smiling.

So are all niggers, but an alien is just going to date rape you and take some tissue samples. A nigger will rob your ass blind and then stomp your face in and force you to drink toilet water on a Facebook stream while yelling "Fuck Trump, Fuck White People".

Aliens also don't make your property value plummet when they move in next door.

Earth is the Australia of the Universe, and we are the Abbos of galactic civilization.

I don't think you understand the paradox then. The point is that we should have (a lot) of observable evidence for aliens. There should be a fuck ton of transmissions at the very least. The lack of any means either we're one of the very first intelligent species in the galaxy or there's something that restricts colonization even on very long term scales. It's not saying there are no aliens, it's asking why given the potential for someone to have started colonizing planets millions of years ago and how that process becomes exponential, that there is no evidence.

Personally I could imagine there's some sort of restriction on interacting with underdeveloped species. Maybe they quarantine areas and filter certain wavelengths in/out? At least that would explain some things. Maybe there's some shit out there that dines on sentient life and everyone thinks we're fucking nuts for broadcasting a free meal ticket out.

I think it's that we are the first intelligent alien species in the galactic cluster. That makes us the old one and is a pretty cool idea.

We are doing a pretty shit job then at getting out there and conquesting and capturing alien women

That's what I personally believe too.
We're among the first or the first. If you look at what people say in the big bang theory we basically popped up as soon as our planet was hospitable and our planet being hospitable happened really fast. I'm sure somewhere there's a planet that can host life that's a bit too close to a bright star or another that's too radioactive to let anything survive, whereas ours is just fine.


We are descendants of the original colonists.



I drew flatwoods monster with her tits on user's head but no one's ever posted that lmao.
It's been bayleeted off the internet as far as I know though.


This is one nice thought, hopefully we dont die before leaving this rock.

It would make sense cause wouldn't we have at least heard a transmission from millions of years ago by now?

we're the universe's oldfags.

Naw. Even if a civilization lasted 50,000 years, the Earth is 4.5 billion years old. Earth might have been blasted by communications signals 10 million years ago, which lasted for 50,000 years, and then fell silent. Or maybe they're still on their way here, but we'll be 100,000 years extinct by the time they reach Earth.

Or, we just don't recognize the communications signals. Any kind of useful communication between ships and planets in an intergalactic empire would have to be superluminal or use quantum tunneling or some such exotic sci-fi technology. How would we even be able to detect such signals? We're still basically fucking around with slightly beefed-up ham radios and laser pointers.

Or it could be that there is no way to really achieve faster-than-light communications - and that Ayys are basically space nomads where each ship is it's own independent nation/tribe/people and they are that way simply because communication over the vast distances of space are impossible.

The span of time between when a civilization harnesses the technology necessary for radio communications, and when that species is capable of eradicating it's own society may well be extremely small. It has been for us, anyhow. Hell, the first atomic bombs were dropped during the "Golden Age of Radio", and only 25 or so years after the first public radio broadcasts.

We could be getting blasted by multitudes of radio signals from alien civilizations that rise up and destroy themselves - and we'd never known, because they're over too quickly for us to have witnessed one in the brief flash of time that humanity has existed - let alone had the technology to pick up on them, or the understanding to make sense of them.

But if human broadcasts only have that reach who took the picture?

In all seriousness I think if everything else proved to be worthless to try I think in the end what anyone including the ayylmaos would do is at least leave an undeniably unnatural and as long lasting as possible mark in the universe, something that proved to whoever found it that they're not alone. Something like digging a perfect square that can be seen from space on a planet or sticking rods made of refined metal in asteroids.
Just something that said "this was obviously deliberately made by a sentient being", and have it done as many times as possible.

my nibba i know where you come from