Look, we both obviously have our differences, but it is clearly obvious we have a common enemy that fuels us both with rage more than the happy banker.
We both agree these scumbag normies are the most vile, indecisive, annoying people on the planet that make both our movements look pretty shit.
So how many of you would be opposed to a sort of temporary alliance while we genocide the Liberals, then when they're all gone and order is restored to both of our worlds, THEN we can kill each other.
Lucas Young
the only people who think this are tankies who are basically fascists anyway. fuck off.
Jack Morgan
fuck off retard
Landon Anderson
No thanks.
Asher Thomas
Jayden Taylor
I want to genocide both liberals AND fascists, sorry OP.
Samuel Martinez
And I want to genocide Bolsheviks, but neither of us will get what we want as long as these douchebag Liberals keep shunning us both and try to hold us back
Evan Collins
why are you talking to yourself lmao
Wyatt Smith
I rather hang out with liberals than with nazis
Not manspreading seems easier than pic related
Jaxson Scott
Nah, some blue-haired college kid moaning about colonialism or something really doesn't bother me compared to the people who actually own the means of productions, hoard wealth, and wield state power.
Blake Bennett
If liberals didn't let you torment the proletariat with fearmongering about other "races" and "nationalities" under the guise of "free speech" a mass of workers would already be busting down your door.
Ian Martinez
Are you being retarded on purpose friend\
Joseph Adams
liberals suck but they don't have your purestrain autism imho
Jose King
They will be the end of us both and you know it.
Cameron Collins
No, you're just farce.
Juan Sanchez
Who are these moderate families being terrified?
Jacob Jones
There are no similitudes between your ideology and mine
Logan Gray
It wasn't actually his claim, but a joke, paraphrase of Hegel.
Dylan Hill
Actually, Hegel said that great world-historic facts and events happen twice. Marx added that it was in fact first time as tragedy, second time as farce.
Connor Thompson
There is no record of Hegel saying anything remotely similar to that. Engels said it in a letter to Marx.
Thomas Carter
I'm cool with 99% of libs. Requiring an ideological purity test in order to get basic human dignity is what we mock the liberals for doing. Almost all of them are liberal because it's cool and they don't know about anything else, I only hate the ones with power.
Hudson Myers
This is what Engels wrote. Note that he isn't quoting or paraphrasing Hegel, he is just making a quip that Hegel is causing things to be re-enacted from beyond the grave.
Luke Garcia
Napoleon- Tragedy Napoleon III - Farce Hitler- ??? Trump - ??????????????
John Morales
What is a fashy goy? In what specific ways does it differ from a fascist?
Joshua Mitchell
No. The liberals aren't going to fight us. No alliance with you benefits us as our victory is inevitable.
Dominic Hughes
Except the biggest problem with liberals is that they tolerate people like you.
Ethan Clark
How the fuck was Hitler a continuation of Napoleon?
Adrian Green
The fact that you called yourself a "fashy goy" is reason enough not to ally with you. You're probably just a edgy right wing racist liberal anyway(I doubt you support corporatism or anything syndicalist)
Anthony Howard
You probably encountered those shitty strawman comics about ideologies, they got largely popular by a shitty facebook page called counter signal memes for fashy goys. Thankfully this garbage has mostly died.
Brandon Williams
Liberals aren't our true enemy, the capitalists are. Libs are useful idiots and turn reactionary when the shit hits the fan but not who we ultimately are in charge of things
Nathaniel Diaz
Shouldn't you be reading Evola?
Ryan King
Kill yourself my friend.
Eli Scott
always accurate
Easton Roberts
You are the liberal
Nathan King
Liberals are on YOUR side you fucking moron. They love giving fascists a platform and you agree with them on economic issues on almost everything.
Zachary Price
they also let antifags beat motherfuckers for forgetting your pronouns, so it looks like there on your side.
Liam Cruz
I'd be fine with that. With that said, this thread is pretty much larping since neither Nazis nor Socialists are in power. No he's not.
Grayson Anderson
Mason Thomas
What are we gonna do, freeze our asses off in front of a camera in NYC while telling liberals how gay they are?
Nathaniel Rivera
dear god, what was that?
Asher Roberts
Why do modern Fascists think that we want to be buddies? We aren't your fucking pals, Fascism is the terroristic reign of the petite-bourgeois while Liberals were merely the yes men of the high-bourgeois content to float around in artificial capitalist culture.
Your alt-reich is quite literally a poor man's take on capitalist dystopia.