Ethnic cleansing

in normal circumstances i would ask on Holla Forums, but i was banned for having a different opinion.

so here i am with my question, i hope a Holla Forumsype could answer me.

its not secret than the Alt-right is for ethnic cleansing, "peaceful" or violent.

my question is: then what?
lets assume for a moment that every minority left the country that the alt-right claimed as white.
whats the next step?

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That's it dude. You summed up their while ideology right there.

That's a great question, probably some kind of masturbatory fantasy.
How would they get them all out anyway?

It's literally just cheaper to give them all free education, healthcare and salaries then attempt to deport/kill them lol

buddy they havent thought that far

war is very profitable. not for everyone, but still.

the problem with imperialism is you eventually run out of other peoples countries


Then we can begin the construction of our utopia. Of course I realize purely the removal of non-whites is not a perfect solution (tbh I favor separate but equal segregation over deportation)

But all other problems become much easier to solve once you have a cohesive, strong populace.

Perhaps we can even work to achieve socialism! Unfortunately much of the economic solutions you people propose are sabotaged by parasites. Bernie for instance, I would have voted for him because I like his ideas, but he was naive and thought he could strengthen the welfare state in a country full of niggers

I'm gonna remember this one, quality kek

Holla Forums: politically ignorant

user, you do realize that natural resources aren't equally spread around the world and certenly not withing virtual man made borders.

you will inevitably have to deal with other countries.
what makes you think they would want to deal with you after that ?.

They think pretty much all social strife would magically go away, and blame any that still existed on the lingering effects of the people they disliked. Also they think that's the only reason they aren't swimming in pussy.

fkin saved

Establish a new divisive category to divide workers again. When everyone is white, no one is. A new race will be invented just because it's useful.

My money is on the Irish



Europe and the U.S have been living in relative homogenity for a long time and they ALWAYS end up murdering each others in the millions.


There wouldn't be much difference from now.
Crime would be commited by lower class whites, living in ghetto's, instead of "brown"people. And there would stil be a corrupt elite who rules over everyone. Except they're all white.

"Whats that about sociamalism, boy? ya go on and git outta here with that bullshit, ya hear me?! I aint givin mah hard-earned muney to no-good lazy punks like you!"

i think for an ethno nationalist a crime committed by a white is more acceptable than the same crime committed by a non-white.
i'm still trying to figure out the logic behind this.

Most of the crime committed by so called whites is actually committed by mestizos

There's no logic behind white nationalism (or any kind of nationalism for that matter). It's literally feels > realz

Had they been logical they'd propose that they kill themselves and brown, black people alongside the subhuman filth, so the superior asian and Jewish can lead for a better tomorrow.

But of course, you don't see that.

I think they have some kind of logic that you can make mess "in your house" or something like this.
Or they would invent some new pseudo-science which will explain why those white-skinned criminals are not TRUE WHITES™ and continue genociding.

The same thing that happens after you remove all regulations from the market, or get rid of all hierarchies, or kill all the bourgeoisie, etc.


Making the best country the world has ever seen. Getting rid of problem people was never the end-goal of Nazis, although it may be for neo-nazis, just like eliminating the bourgeois was never the end-goal of communism.

Even if that were the case (it isn't, prisons alone are very expensive), it isn't worth spilling the blood of innocents to save a few shekels you greedy fuck.

It depends on who you ask but the most common answers you're going to get are Nationalization of all industry, enlisting everybody in the military, and building a massive welfare state for the White (and honorary Aryan) race or AnCap HellScape.

thats lovely, but again there is a problem.
where are you gonna get all that money from.

you do realize that porkies are importing immigrants not because they find their tanned skin attractive or their cultures interesting, but because that how capitalism works.
its an exponential growth.
as you already know birthrate is below replacement level for whites.

so how are you gonna run a country's economy without people.

ps: i find amusing that you're ok with white living off welfare but not others.

Just use TOR.

you can't post here trough tor anymore.

Tax it out of everybody.
I am very pro welfare. People will still work but the state needs to provide for when people fall behind in life.


How do you get the money?

Many white conservatives are against welfare or socialism. The libertarian ones are against taxation too. How are you going to deal with that?

If lack of kids is a problem (it is), short of fixing what causes it (bad laws, propaganda), the government must pay stable families for each kid and create propaganda to increase the birthrate to sustainable levels. Instead, our traitorous governments have ignored the problem for a very long time and now have the audacity to expect us to pay to import murderers and rapists while the bastards behind it enjoy themselves in their palaces far from the hellhole they're creating.

Execute them for treason.

that's already in place.
but you already know who uses it.

whites not having kids have nothing to do with money.

it has everything to do with money but please do explain your theory

Yes it does. What kind of petty bourgeois bullshit is this?

theyre degenerate morons who unironically think the next step would be utopia

their goal is to create a society in which tradition is preserved and the old way of life as they've romanticized it is enforced upon the world indefinitely. They fail to understand the nature of capital. It moves. It shatters these barriers. The nation state is itself unsustainable and will collapse into something akin to neoliberalism no matter how hard you try to prevent it.

I know it wouldn't actually solve our problems as these sorts are products of capital so as we get rid of them, new people will always take their place. But sometimes I really wish we had the ability to make time machines. We could send all these right-wingers back to whatever era they feel like going to and the rest of us could finally be free :^)

most people live in 1 bedroom apartments or student communes with random people and no room for children and no hope to afford a better house without letting it be owned by a bank.
Being owned by a bank makes you worst tier of shabbath goy.

what if this work out for us?
capitalism destroying all nations to give birth to one world order.
it will only be us (workers) vs the elite (porkies).
no more spooky shit to distract us from our real enemy.
the hole world would become communist, together, at once!

why do you guys refuse to see reason?

take your meds

Yes you can, I just did a minute ago.

So poor people have more kids, which is the point that was being made.
You have less poverty amongst Whites therefore less babies. It is absolutely related to the money.

If the NWO wins that's it, it's game over. They'd be too strong to defeat, even if you managed a local victory the rest of their global forces could easily steamroll your evil coup in a week and give freedom back to the people (according to all the media, which, of course, they control). A globally coordinated victory is simply impossible. Even ignoring language and lack of contacts in the other side of the planet the Terran government could simply cut the wires and you're back to fighting alone against the world (guess the outcome).

the point is, giving them money won't make them have more kids you dumb nigger !
the more money they have the less kids they make
how fucking dense are you ?

But then we are back at point one, where are you going to take money for that? You can't crush economy by state-owned houses/large grants so fast, especially after you removed large amount of consumers.

This is pretty interesting actually. A lot of what neoliberal institutions are currently doing to developed countries is what they were doing to 3rd world countries during the Cold War. Once they ran out of poor brown countries to exploit they had to turn inward to extract profits.

There exists a related term for this: "internal colony"

For starters, instead of giving money to invaders give it to the people.

I do agree on this. What then? Magic hand of free market will fix it?

You're almost there