What Do You Think Is the Most Horrific Setting in Vidya?

I would have to go with Heavenly Host Elementary School from Corpse Party.

This school is a hellish pocket dimension held together by brutally murdered vengeful spirits of children. There's no water or food (unless you count people). Anyone you go there with will end up in alternate dimensions where you may or may not see them. Sometimes their deaths will leave indications of their death in your dimension. It's full of ghosts of people who got sucked into that world and died. Some are friendly and others will attack you. And there's no way to defend yourself against them besides running away. The children who host this world are the most dangerous thing you can run into as well. If they feel like killing you (which is often) there is nothing you can do to oppose them. Staying together doesn't really increase your chance of surviving too. There's a curse that make people susceptible to insanity which means staying together will be your demise sooner or later.

Worst of all? Dying there causes your soul to be trapped there forever while the pains you received from your death stay with you. Depending on how brutal someone's death was, it causes them to turn into a red spirit which is likely to attack people. You could jump out the window to escape. But you'll be met with an endless forest. I mean, it's better than the school but no one ever returns from the forest so we don't know what is out there.

san francisco
sunhumans walking around parading leftist propoganda and no access to guns to cleanse them from this white planet is a horrifing experence



great post relating to vidya

Anywhere where there are only whites sounds like its literally hell

I mean they would probably plaster drumf's face everywhere alongside a wall, carrying guns everywhere, with no mosques or synagogues and worst of all, no bathroom for my gender, transliquidfurryqueernegrokin

Literally gave me a anxiety attack trying to write this

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Dont bother replying, he always makes posts like that with the flag.

Reminder that Corpse Party is a shitty edgy gorefest with no real substance.

It's scary

At least you can turn it off, there are games in which you have to edit the game files in order to turn it off.

Is a fucking RPG maker game.

>>>Holla Forums

Comedy and horror is a nice combo at times. Like those silly endings in Silent Hill games.

What exactly make the plot have no substance?

That fact that he doesn't like it.


Mostly this.

Sorry for being a judgemental faggot, but the game doesn't look appealing to me and the little things I saw about the plot is just ghosts doing gory things because a girl was killed by the director of the school and everyone has been sent to a dark version of the world.

Any place with normalfaggots

If you can even edit the game files.

Unrelated, but why don't people who get killed by ghosts haunt/stop those ghosts after they die?

There are so many horror settings where a ghost kills dozens of people in horrible ways and yet none of the victims linger around just to make the ghosts existence a living hell. In fact if anything there are way more stories that result in victims of a ghost just instantly turning around and joining their murderer afterwards.

Come on user, if you were attacked and murdered by a ghost wouldn't you want to get some sweet ghost revenge on it before you crossed over?

Maybe their soul gets twisted and corrupted as their will gets controlled by the one who killed them.

School Days, man. Imagine a world where every woman is so insane that breaking up with her leads to her killing you and your girlfriend. Even some of the good endings are tainted by the implications. That bonus ending where Setsuna shows up about 9 months pregnant? She's probably going to get decapitated for that because the women are all fucking insane in this universe and she's just laid claim to the MC.

Don't despair, user. We have cheat engine tables for Demon's Souls now that it can be emulated. Just wait, soon Bloodborne will be fuckaroundable too.

The Demon's Souls tables are just the Dark Souls tables with pointers changed

You faggot nugoons need to leave.

I will admit it does appeal to gorefags but that's simply the basis of the story. The mystery behind the murder of the children isn't that simple. Sure, it would have no substance if that was the only part of the story and it was simply about cute girls being murdered. However it goes through the events leading up to the murder of the children. What actually went down that day, others that are involved that are also haunting the school, side stories of other high schools who fell into that world, back stories for all these characters, and more.

It being RPG maker doesn't ruin the experience at all. It still looks fine and most of the imagery is told to you if not shown through CG images.

Some help the protags by giving them advice and items. As for the vengeful spirits they're constantly in agony from the way they died or how badly they got shit over. Besides I have no clue if the spirits can actually harm another spirit.

But that would be an interesting game. A ghost that protects others from evil ghosts. Wouldn't be surprised if it wasn't done already though.

fuck off goon

You mean the Dark Souls tables are just the Demon's Souls tables, chronologically speaking.

Well, maybe I don't know enouth about the lore and that's why I might not understand it. Is just that the little I managed to see is ghosts gory killing people.

I find more scary the one about big head badly photoshoped monsters chasing generic anime shonen characters all over a mysterious mansion. And it looks ridiculous.

Brad Pit's Ghost Hunter? but I have to admit I'll play the shit out of that. Or ghosts rescuing people from psychopaths using fear.

By soon you mean by 2030 when the PS4 can be emulated?


And yet it's scary

Is pacman secretly /good/ now?

Another spooky setting is the fourth stage in Super Ghouls and Ghosts. It's a organic hell where all the floor, walls and ceiling can turn to teeth to devour any intruder. Always found it creepy when I was younger. The music really helps the atmosphere too.

Holla Forums has gotten more shitposters recently. It's going to take a while for it to calm down again. It being the weekend doesn't help.

It's not a bad game at all though I guess you can't really take my word for it. You can always read the manga or watch the anime (mind you, I have noo clue how they compare to the game).

Speaking of which, how is Yumi Nikki? I hear people bring it up every blue moon but what makes it good?

Swear if this is a double post I'm gonna be pissed.

Actually ghosts of victims helping out would make for great mechanics for a game. Like you're playing a character that has to find out something like how someone died, or who a victim was, and that gave them just enough power to help you out in some fashion.

Like you have a list of disappearances and in some places you just find a corpse that matches up and that's your saferoom/savepoint. Others types of spirits would kind of depend on the type of game, from horror titles giving you things like increased vision, ghost sense and perhaps even a way to bind or slow down evil spirits. For something action oriented with ghost themes they could simply be made into your different attacks and abilities.

Actually that would be a rather interesting game. Particularly if you had to figure out who died where correctly by paying attention to the in world materials. Like if you paid attention to the area around a body in rubble and notice a red ribbon and would have to remember that the class photo you saw earlier had a girl with a red ribbon in her hair and then cross reference her student number with her name in order to identify her.

Now that I think about it. If you made the game a slow burn cascading failure game where the longer you go without getting more ghosts on your side results in scarier and scarier shit happening before death, with a few freebie bodies to find and identify, that could make for a decent actual game out of what would otherwise be a spooky walking simulator.

*/kinš—ˆ/, fug

This is why you faggots should have just listened to Xehanort.

Basically it's a game where you control a neet in her dreams and it's weird & shit, haven't tried it but it looks cool.

Yume nikki is comfy and creepy. It's really of a walking simulator "game", but the exploration aspect is pretty cool


It's really more of a walking sim "game", but exploring things in it is pretty cool*

Wouldn't that still be considered bait? It works on catfish.

What did he even want to do again? I don't keep up with KH.

Doesn't sound bad. Reminds me how people here would sometimes shit on walking sims but I don't blame them. Most are advertised as "A very deep and engaging experience that will change the ways you look at life." and mention nothing else. Something that could easily be a visual novel. It also doesn't help that many are made by hipsters who don't actually care about video games.

The part of the dark zone near central park in The Division with large piles of smallpox victims everywhere, some of them charred. Great stuff.

Dark Souls tables came first so no.

Remember userā€¦

Meant for

part of the plot to Ghost Trick. But I would like to see it in a horror context

Uhhh user. I enjoyed it

gonna pirate it and see if it's worth a buy


Obviously, why do you think so many horror games use it.

Nah he's right. moe artstyle isn't fucking scary at all since it's meant to make people look "cute". I laughed more at Corpse Party than anything because of how badly the artstyle went against the theme.

Literally any place in which if you die you're stuck there and still feel pain.

It's an adventure game with some sneaking around thrown in for good measure. Don't expect a masterpiece but it's okay if you like old adventure games like Harvester or whatever

The most horrific setting in vidya? Probably Half-life 2. Humanity is on the verge of being assimilated by trans-dimensional beings and the few humans who are not half-alien are sterilized. The planet is also being drained of its natural resources and what little of the original fauna is being replaced by more aliens. Also there won't be any continuation of the story at all in the next 10+ years. This means that if you were in the HL2 universe, on Earth and a human your life would subsist off of hunting the few wild animals left and trying not to be caught or killed by the combine or aliens. Even worse there won't be any squeals or games in this same universe for another 10+ years (if we're un/lucky). Not only that, but you get none of the cool super-science toys and you will always have to deal with shittier than real life physics for the rest of your existence with no resolution.

open world survival games

be soul traped in endless entropy as your body is repeatedly mutilated, starved, frozen and burnt. only to come back time and time again. in an endless wasteland. devoid of any meaningful human contact.

Be tricked by an evil ancient god to steal an eye, only to have him rip your out and then stick you in his weird oddly shaped house with strange beasts walking around looking for you.

What game?

Pretty sure that's Thief 1.

It's similar to Corpse Party in the story, but it is lot more gruesome. The MC is destined to die over and over, forever.

Corpse Party actually has sort of a story, decent art and good music. Demonophobia has none of that.

It's like comparing a pile of trash to a pile of shit tbh.

smh tbh fam

Worship negativity incarnate supernatural powers, get negativity incarnate supernatural powers to rip apart supernatural faggots or keep from approaching altogether.

So what happens if you die from an orgasm in that dimension?

Or just take your chances with the fucking forest in a world with nothing but pussy little shit ghosts to threaten you compared to what you might actually find lying around if it's so foreboding and dangerous.

Hell, I'd even hypothetically go back there just to fuck them up with it out of spite.


stop killing my cute anime girls pls

EA's offices

Being a normalfag in Bayonetta

Of course nobody returns you dumb fuck, it's because they escaped. What kind of retard would return to ghost rape school after escaping? What the hell would they even return for? To butter up their buttholes?


god damn i want to fuck illya so hard some days it physically hurts

They slammed a girl against the wall so hard she exploded into a pile of meat. No one could even recognize anything about her after it.

To use the bathroom of course.

Stop masturbating so much and it will go awa, works for me haha! h

They're still just edgy asshurt little shits you could slice up effortlessly with enough spectral power and if a curse is strong enough to drive people insane and imprison there, there's officially way more power than just some ghosts.

You're in grave danger anyways, so you might as well take your chances with getting mercifully ripped to shreds in seconds by a giant demon or fog beast VS being stuck there with the faggots and living with the aftermath of their unsympathetic drawn out bullshit for eternity.

Real world, present day.

It is though.

Dark Souls 3
Dark Souls 3 as a human would be fucking terrifying.

Just outer space in general.

Fuck outer space. Fuck the universe. Nevermind the fact that there could be trillions of hideous space beasties with physiology and traits beyond our comprehension. Nevermind the fact that there are an uncountable number of anomalies like black holes and wormholes that you could be lost in until the end of time. Nevermind the fact that we don't have any fucking clue how it came into existence. Just the fact that it's infinitely dark, vast and unknowable makes it the most horrific setting of any.