Was leftypol always this brosocialist?
Was leftypol always this brosocialist?
This image is pretty much the mods of /r/socialism apart from the 'class should come first' stuff lol
Projection much?
Fuck off.
hi /r/soc
fuck off back to reddit
Why don't you fuck off back to reddit.
ban all brocialists
Holla Forums is feminist board
Have fun having no posters, no traction and no appeal. Have fun being told that economics and class are sexist distractions from SJW feminist idpol.
In ancient times the brocialist dwelled in peace with the femscoc, but after the end of the first era and the withdrawing of the gods, fems retreated into the hinterlands of reddit then known as Liberia the land of nod. They were tainted and became greedy and they valued their own identities over the end of capitalism. This turned their souls black and their hearts to stone. Since then we have warred constantly with their kind and all they represent.
Yes. Now fuck off faggot.
No actually it was even more brocalist. I miss it.
Consider the patriarchy-subverting value of consuming feces and expiring.
At first I thought this was another Richard Spencer joke
Oh look another reddit mod
brosocialism is fun
/liberty/ go home
I think we need to physically remove all ancaps from flying helicopters because there cannot be any rights between two individuals when they lack the reciprocity in recognizing each others' most fundamental right of freedom from private property, and so their beliefs themselves are a form of aggression
t. left-hoppean
You, sir or ma'am, are not my nigger.
Stop using porky terminology.
Well done, mods, for sinking this obvious bait.
At least you can admit you're not a socialist.