#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Agnus Dei Edition



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no memes

Just crusades


Archive of previous bread

Archive of previous bread:

create some oc you lazy fucks

Wrong thread

Memes and Justice for all.



redistribute the memes

Bullshit, the Reformation would still have come to pass even without the Protestants, care of the Renaissance.

For those interested in a crusade against the Vatican
Protestants need not apply

The story until now, #TorrentialDownpour news related and not.

- archive.is/X1omT
- archive.is/wiJV9

Our Holla Forums and cuckchan /g/ made a replace for nyaa after it was taken down, make sure to use it… Now Approved by Japs.


As a troll move they put the fakku doujins you have to pay for in download state.

Fakku 0001-1000: files.catbox.moe/129di9.torrent
Fakku 1001-1100: files.catbox.moe/h3l457.torrent
Fakku 1101-1200: files.catbox.moe/47batv.torrent
Fakku 1201-1300: files.catbox.moe/c9ntlr.torrent
Fakku 1301-1400: files.catbox.moe/rkuheo.txt
Fakku 1401-1500: files.catbox.moe/ce8oor.txt
Fakku 1501-1600: files.catbox.moe/nmqh3d.txt
Fakku 1601-1700: files.catbox.moe/60v3p6.txt
Fakku 1701-1800: files.catbox.moe/3ii6j8.txt




Really, not being a communist is just a state of normality. Why make a smug face for it.

The PS4 digital jap release was only 15gb, NISA didn't compress anything out of laziness.
Also you need 16 GB ram, an i7 and Radeon R9 Fury X to run a game that looks like a late gen PS3 title at 1080p + 30-60fps

Daily reminder that fair maiden trickery is not sodomy.

We will keep doing this I believe all the bad things happening right now Is because we have abandoned our waifus


Wait, NISA was also in charge of porting Ys to PC?




Any way to suggest all this statue defacing, not only being vandalism, is also destroying art? As in it would be like smashing The Thinker?

>fair maiden trickery is not sodomy.
It is not until you choose to consort with the deceiver even after he has shown his ladylike rod.



God damn, as if I couldn't get more depressed over NISA butchering Ys.

Frays do so. Are you calling men of god sodomites, you saracen?

The book isn't afraid to name the tribe at the very start, just in page 33 out of six-hundred pages it even gives an extensive list of names.

Destroying statues like this is destroying culture, art, and history. Antifa is doing ISIS tactics, and they should be considered like terrorists.

Remember the rules.

Post your face when you didn't spend a single dim on that shit.



Just link it with sandniggers destroying ancient temples.







Social justice is just one big irony.


My brother just said that my country (Trinidad), needs a Socialist government with a capitalist economy.

I don't know how to respond.


Tell him to pay his taxes or to fuck off.

I got a refund.
Does that count?

More like

Make me wonder how much entertainment we would get if we stuck them in a country of their own, walled off from everyone else, stuck cameras in every corner of the place, and told them to live their lives. We'd have a new comedy on TV every single week.

Pic didn't post, reuploading.

It would be like big brother, and I would avoid it like the plague.

What is the best trap in video games?

Now >>13248336 disappeared. Reposting reply too:

Shame Derek Smart turned out to be a #NeverTrumper, based on his recent social media activities.


Derek smart is a fucking retard, he only gets positive attention here because its fun to see a retard sperg on another retard.

I was thinking of something along the lines of The Truman Show.

He seemed like someone with a liberal memory hole.

What he is saying is that he wants a free market with a strong government. Communists would NEVER part with the government controlling the economy, which is why they have such immense hatred towards National Socialism. Hitler nationalised some branches but did far more privatisation and knocking down of regulations. Contrary to what most history books will say about how the Nazis were like a hivemind, there was actually a very strong movement within the party to get rid of beefsteak Nazis (brown on the outside but red on the inside) and this was the reason, the fact that the Communists in the party wanted the economy.

Already on it.

Honestly, they're too ignorant of history to know that.

oh fuck off

Yep. They are going hard on that given that Trump got a lot of minority support. I had expected them to go hard into punishing them somehow, but that might come later.

Leaders, user. The peons are probably all mind killed.


>>>Holla Forums10440447

it all checks out though

user beat me to it.

I would go so far as to say the leaders as well, maybe the 1st generation, but the next ones had drank the kool aid the 1st had given them, that they are just as retarded as their peons.

He's a nigger so there was less than a 10% chance of him supporting Trump.

Why do people keep repeating this lie? Trump got absolutely slaughtered by Clinton with minority voters. Young whites tipped the election with it being the first election in decades where the majority of under 25 whites voted republican.

Nothing good comes out from them

They're now destroying Lincoln statues, trying to paint the grand destroyer of slavery himself as fucking racist.

The recent incident made them crazier. Their actions are going to redpill so many people now.

Is this the beginning of an epic new meme?

Oh gee, my thought and prayers goes to the victims, here's their flag to put on your facebook

Well Lincoln was racist by modern definitions. He recognized racial differences, and was against race mixing.


Tbf he was fairly racist.

I want to bully herwith loveand cock.

So was ghandi, everyone had their own opinions.

Remember that one of the steps of the communist manifesto was to destroy the founding fathers in the eyes of the country.

Do you have a short memory? this was posted yesterday.

This one is, but what about the traps who fuck women?

I want her to assault me with a knife.

All of our founding fathers were "racist" as well. So you can see where this is heading, all of our fucking history destroyed and whites in the same fucking position as Boers unless we start standing up for ourselves. Unfortunately the majority whites would still rather bend over and get fucked as long as it allows them to escape being called racist.

He was. Pic related.

It's just that we live in an era where the content of your character is tied entirely to your beliefs and not your actions.

I'm trying to use the recent events to get my Democrat senator to introduce legislation to take FDR off the dime. Any advice?

Bruce Forsyth a ded


I thought it was more shitty turnouts everywhere but California, causing plenty of blue votes to lose their hold since Hillary was devisive among democrats



But it is not faggotry if I intend to deceive a woman by crossdressing, is it not?

He hated the gooks.

He was a lich TV Star on the BBC and a national treasure

Who isn't?


This is shitty meme and you're a shitty faggot.

Are you trying to suck up to Gookanon so he'll be more willing to move in with you, user? Because that's pretty gay.

Some major happenings btw, Bannon is out the White House. sage because not vidya, check Holla Forums if you want to learn more.

Speaking of Gookanon, how's he doing? He recently posted some time ago, but is he still struggling with his hormone imbalance?

Mention how he fucked his cousin.

Who's FDR again?


Oh, this game again. Nothing to see here, move along.


Franklin Delano Roosevelt.


muh internment camps

That played a role as well but Trump very narrowly won several swing states. We're talking a few thousand votes. If it had been a normal election year where young whites voted democrat Hillary would have still won.

The worst goddamn president and allowed communist infiltration of the country knowingly.

Thanks, I didn't make the link.

The jerkass who let Pearl Harbor happen and threw my country under the bus in WW2.



The Japanese attacking was an inevitable outcome once we began trade with them. The Eastern Front, however, was pure politics as FDR was just looking for a "quick fix" solution to the Great Depression.

ReaAnon took the life-force of Bonistan's most famous incubus?
Only a few days before the massive eclipse?


so how long till cloudflares gets fucked to death by lawyers? i really like to know what's going on in their office. employes must be mad at the ceo-faggot.

Not unless ReaAnon confirms that he predicted it before it happened and that corpse flowers bloomed afterward.

Wasn't the conflict with Japan started over oil or something?

Thanks, I suck with encoding this shit and I have no cash to spend on better programs.

They always vote, just at a lower proportion than older generations. Again we are talking a few scant thousand votes separating victory from defeat.

no, they wouldn't sell us their
so we nuked them.


No, it was "For the good of the empire", last I remember. We were selling the Nips a lot of our old and outdated equipment, and they turning around and were re-purposing them for modern means, which is why we stopped trade in the first place.

No, his death was not predicted. I'm actually gunning for someone else right now.
Corpse flowers are blooming in Washington DC in preparation for that
Three giant, rotten, putrescent, green cocks

Not oil. Rubber, sugar, etc.


You think you can defeat me?

Are the corpse flowers blooming so much because it is the beginning of the civil war?

Guys, stop. I'm starting to want to jerk off but I'm staying with the family for a while.

Regardless of whether true or not, it's certainly keeping (((Huffpo))) from containing themselves? Not that I'm complaining, mind you.



Funnily enough, it was over China. FDR was sending aid to the Chinese when Imperial Nippon initiated their Greater Eastern Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere plan, so Japan sent what was essentially a Facebook poke at America's general direction. When they found a relatively undefended Hawaiian base the Nips couldn't resist taking the S-Rank and bombed it.
As it was recently learned from declassified files, the American Navy knew about the approaching fleet, but did not raise defenses. Had the Pearl Harbor attack been thwarted, Japan would have played defensively for the rest of the campaign, avoided committing forces to take over East Asian territories with U.S. presence, and focused on subduing the Mainland, instead of zerging out and ending up in a multi-pronged war with the obvious conclusion. However, the U.S. needed a pretext to enter the WW2 campaign on the Allied side, so Pearl Harbor and the American colonies in Asia were sacrifice pawns.
Had FDR not sent aid to the commie chinks back then, the clusterfuck that was WW2 would have been localized to the European Theater, and the aftershocks, including commie infiltration of western society and academia, averted.

The Goy Community!?

It's honestly amazing that HuffPo hasn't been crushed under the weight of their collective stupidity already.


Tard strength, user.



Wow, FDR was more of an asshole than I gave him credit for.

Would it surprise you at all to know that many of America's "best and most beloved" presidents were actually its worst?

Can't fault that logic.

Fuck no. Summarize it in one word.

pls don't tell me my beloved teddy is actually responsible for the jews being over here.

God, fuck FDR…

Teddy was actually a real fuckin' bastard. I used to like him too.

No heroes, user.


Gamer Gate is really about the issue of people trying to destroy gaming culture in order to use gaming to teach people through gamification. There were discussions talking about promoting propaganda and political agendas through gamification.

That is ONE of the numerous aspects of GG, user. The significance of DIGRA/etc's interest in gamifying shit shouldn't be DOWNPLAYED by any means, but it's definitely not its sole casus belli.

Oh, so like my first college English course.

Teddy was a righteous bastard.

Oy vey

Teddy Roosevelt was a badass that had a zero G fight in a giant pre-Columbian stone cat with Scrooge McDuck, did a few frontflips in an excavator with Scrooge McDuck and built the panama canal.

Honestly, if you want a President to be really proud of, it's hard to understate how much of a fantastic (and almost fucking PRESCIENT) dude Jefferson really was. Jackson would probably be a hell of a lot more popular if not for "muh injuns, muh trail of tears".

Jackson and Teddy are my two favorites.

Jackson was honestly a magnificent motherfucker. Something to keep in mind is that his presence on the $20 bill is a fucking INSULT to him, not any kind of honor. When the leftists finally screech and howl loudly enough to get him struck from the $20 all I'm going to do is smile, no matter what miserable piece of nigger shit they put there in his place.



Apparently that was weeks ago user.



He resigned two weeks ago but this is his last day. Wonder what caused him to do so.
Also, check out this shilling on the donald reddit. archive.is/C1Lms

>mfw my English 101 professor required (as in it was like 33% of your entire grade) all her students to attend an extracurricular assembly on "teaching consent and ending rape culture on campus" and write a paper about what you learned

He belongs more on your cash than the bloody fucking queen belongs on ours in canada.

|, ,_  ∩|∀゚) 彡 < Oppai?Oppai? ...That looks wrong.|⊂彡

What was the reason for it anyway?

Write "Nothing because I am not a fucking idiot or child who thinks with my dick that needs to be told 'Not to rape'."

Well, the cancer exists here, but the cucking isn't that fucking bad, nor is it pervasive.

Maybe, but it's a shitty way to honor him - really more of a backhanded slap to his legacy than anything else.

I'd say give the man a statue or two instead, but what with the newly-declared open season on such monuments perhaps it would be prudent to wait a bit. I also don't really know how favorably Jackson would look upon such things.

Write exactly fucking that except for replacing "idiot" with "retard".


Andrew Jackson was the best president to be tbh

Don't be afraid to mention the name of your school if it was shitty. People need to know.

This was like ten years ago.
I changed schools

is this a new meme?

Why do they always fall for this shit?

fug now I want burger ::DDDD
t. amerifat

i don't idk

Never trust a journalist.

True enough.


Because the Right isn't full of fucking douchebags. That's why. We have standards, they do not. No one wants to talk about the fact that they're Jews.

So Asanagi triggered a bunch of asshurt retards with someone getting Laci Green'd in a hot new release?

I figured, but thats what I would have done, if I went to a cucked school like that.

You have already defeated your heterosexuality.

Better pics.

The right has some idealists the are not treated well because their ideals are not biased to make everyone worse off than the jews.

Serious question: is it possible to be a decent fucking person without some fucking asshole finding some way to turn your altruism and benevolence into a knife with which to stab you in the fucking kidney?


I don't focus on being Jews or liberals or whatever. I focus solely on the worthless shit the retards or plain faggots are as people and appeal to reason and emotion through that to describe anything I need to attack anything I need to and might influence someone by wording it exactly and honestly that way.

Are they trying to say that the US government is only for jews?

So year 2007 strikes once again.

They didn't checked it. If some journo attempted to do this, while I had that kind of role, it would be their last one.

Not exactly. It was rape, not purification by dick.


More like
But its clumsy.

Ya blew it

First off, don't talk about white house matters unless you have too. And secondly, if you're going to do it, don't do it to someone you don't know.

Because nobody holds journalists accountable by recording their promises.

More stuff about Chancellorsville:

Yes, it is because those people who want to ruin everyone's life are actually in the minority. However, it takes a strong will to fight them because they're the ones trying to stay on top, and have no standards on how they achieve it. Also, it doesn't help when normalfags want to see everyone "better than them" as "evil".

Given what Asanagi is famous for, I'd say she got off easy.

There will be no crusades this time around. The following two reasons combined explain why:
1) The crusades had a pope that encouraged religious cleansing. Now the pope is part of the problem.
2) The people of that time were more religious. The christian religion has long passed its hay day.

How do the Project Veritas people get their information and footage?

Why do we keep getting these weird concern trolling posts lately?

I'm a fedora tipper and I want a crusade.

Like? If they're here I haven't paid them much mind.

What are you talking about? the blonde chick got purified into a slut.

Is that confirmed or a rumor?

Frankfurt School still would have happened. That had nothing to do with the Pacific Theater. Academia still would have been fucked.

I would assume people has seen Asanagi during comiket at least once.
It would not surprise me at all if Asanagi is a legit grill.

No, it was.

I wouldn't even touch the monstrous pathetic filth I read about in the comments on ehentai.

Except with a chainsaw.

You sure Asanagi is a she?

I would say the same to shindol, seeing that they did a one collab for a hunter x hunter yaoi doujin with other artists (some fujo I think). But the artist is actually a dude.

This is seriously the best thing. Death threat-chan. Not sure why she was made a fucking elf, sure there's some backstory I'm missing.

Because elves and rape. Godly reply.

Fair enough

Elves are seen as foreigners and usually have blonde hair?

You're too late for benis anyways.

It wouldn't matter to SJWs if Asanagi was a girl, the triggered horde will just dismiss it as "internalized misogyny" or some shit.
When will we get SJW characters getting loved to shitlording? Rape doesn't just cut it for me.

It wasn't even that good. I enjoyed that elf tsundere more.

It's step up from SJW, I guess.

Yes, she did.

You should have sent them a doujin where the girls love rape after a while and told them that rape is an expression of love.

I've never run into this absolutely infuriating shit, but I swear I'm going to absolutely fucking explode and verbally eviscerate when I finally do.

2007 was a fucked up year.

I believe it already happened with other people. I cannot say from the top of my head, but women targetted by SJWs are probably more common than we think.

It takes a certain mindset that can make a person forget about themselves and throw themselves into battle. You lack the religious zealotry needed for such acts of barbarism. You may like to THINK you have what it takes but the fact that you are a self proclaimed fedora tipper" shows that you probably lack the dedication need even to get /fit/ let alone kill others in cold blood.

In other words, 2007 was also when the EU expanded MASSIVELY into Eastern Europe.

The conflict happened because the Jews demanded it happen despite the majority of Americans being against it. It was mainly Jews who used their media power to demonize Japan and agitate for war.

Please pick one and stick with it Christanons

Apparently some city flew the antifa flag over some government building. Some fat hipster neckbeard attacked Alex Jones and threw hot coffee on him, then threatened to beat him with the cup and walked away flipping him off. Several websites are being pulled off the web, people on twitter are launching a full crusade against any form of media, new or past, that has even the slightest racist content in it. Antifa is being framed as glorious heroes and normalfags are going along with it. Confederate statues are being pulled down now…en masse.

This Cville shit just blew it all. It's all fucked now. Everything. The left was being beaten back, they were losing. But then a bunch of spergs had to go out flashing nazi salutes and flying nazi flags and wearing klan hoods. Every single normalfag in america will side with antifa. Every single one. I can't help but notice the timing. Google was even on the ropes. The MSM was on the ropes. Antifa was being seen as a violent mob. I honestly think that rally was arranged by a double agent. I think someone on the left arranged it. I think they posed as a klan member or some shit, rounded up every klan member and neo-nazi they could find, and set them loose. Either that, or the fucking right is so spergy, they just couldn't contain themselves for just a little bit longer. They just HAD to do their fucking nazi salutes on live television. And now it's all fucked. Now the left can erase history as they see fit, censor anyone they want with no opposition, and they'll do it all to the cheers of the common man. Oh, and free speech is now officially code for "I support Nazis." It's gotta be the left's doing. It's a master stroke if it is.

Time for civil war 2.0. I feel depressed as all get out and fucking super nova pissed at the same time and I don't know what to do about it.

Why do you want to break my dreams?

I just want a papal pardon for being a fedora tipper and maybe some bonds in case heaven is real and can't go there without the forgiveness of the church.

That's a typical communist cultural revolution for you, now is truly the time to start packing heat.

The trash deserves nothing but to fucking suffer and die, not know love.

Impossible things like Ian Miles Cheong and Laci Green are the exception. These monsters choose to reject facts and insist everything that doesn't agree or fit retarded pathetic feelings is somehow wrong and has to be removed and destroyed along with anyone that dare oppose it. No matter how horrible and indefensible. And all it does is mock us and anyone else pointing it out insisting its right because of pseudointellectual bullshit.

I have to and I will fucking destroy it

Good. Time to purge this shit like it deserves once and for all.

Its an exact repeat of the commie revolution in china.
Get a gun

It was turned into a goosestepping march because of many right-wing advocates cucking out and boycotting the event to avoid being labelled as being Nazis, which obviously didn't work. And due to the boycott, the Nazi presence was made to seem far larger than it really was because the people that cucked out went to claim that it's not their fault because "hurr durr, I told you boycotting was the right thing to do" and the left took advantage of that.

This. For the love of fuck get armed and get armed NOW. It's not going to be a matter of storming the streets with RWDS. We really don't have that luxury and arguably never did. It's a matter of protecting yourself (and the ones you love, if applicable), building a network of people you're pretty sure you can trust, and if it comes to it selling your life dearly.

It's gonna come to a head soon enough. I don't think many of us will make it from the coming inevitable conflict. These next few years will either go down as the time when the left tried to take over only to eat itself alive till it imploded. Or the time that the right died and western civilization collapsed.

Instituted a bunch of shitty laws because of the great depression that we still have today that step on snek and funs.

To be fair though, that would've led to grorious Nippon becoming ruled by the soviets.

I found that working out has helped my depression. Civil war honestly will be pretty horrible but I think there will quite a few people out there that are utterly disillusioned with everything and want to make a solid meritocracy. Think of it as a slate to wipe clean and try to build a foundation on it. All things come to an end eventually, you have to make peace with that fact.

Scam Citizen really is genius. Instead of developing a freemium game where you attract whales to fund your studio Scam Citizen skipped the having a game part and attracted whales so they could make a shitty game.

Cheong is, was and always will be an opportunist. This is not necessarily a terrible thing, and could honestly be considered very understandable. I worry about Green, somewhat, because she was a fucking TRUE BELIEVER in the Left's narrative for quite a while, as near as I could tell. I'm EXTREMELY hesitant about welcoming with open arms a potentially blinkered zealot into our fold, because whatever danger you think an opportunist might pose to us I assure you a "true believer" who suddenly becomes very upset with their newly-adopted cause is MUCH more dangerous. Watch them both carefully, but I consider Green a potentially HUGE liability in particular.

Nice blackpill, but in exploding out with this right now they forgot their slow, grinding millstone approach that had been working for decades and decades, and are now appalling normalfags left and right by burning statues of Lincoln and essentially calling for the removal of all white culture and statues everywhere. The snapback on this is going to be enormous.

I'm honestly scared. I live near chicago. I live in a blue haired county. I'm terrified that I'm going to wake up someday with a thousand antifa marching in the streets pulling people out of their homes and gunning us down if we voted for Trump. That shit is public record.

But the game will never release.


Send it to /pone/, they'll twist it up.

For example, people like Gavin McInnes are extremely keen on buying into the media narrative and are actually ACTIVELY pushing it themselves because of confirmation bias.

I hope to god that's how it plays out.

Holy fuck the cringe.

Are the monuments being destroyed actually shown in the media? Where I live there is nothing about it. News here just copies CNN with the "muh copycats of charlottesville".

user, I meant porn and not sjws themselves.

Honestly, I will have to buy one too. I don't know how gun laws work in my country though.
I live too close to two major European cancer pools. Germoney and Swedistan.


/k/ might be helpful here. Might. I mean, I like the /k/ommandos, but expect to get shit for being a nofuns in the first place.

user, the problem is all the shit leading up to this is ''fucking lies and straight up bullshit about being attracted to women or skin color".

And we're the ones who have to put our lives on the line along with anyone else we like who has to do the same over absolutely fucking nothing.

Over that we might have to kill people we used to care about and respect and tear down fucking society.

Where the fuck did you get that idea from in my post?

>Why do you want to break my dreams?
Because reality is a bitch sometimes. Reality (and its acceptance of) is what separates us from SJWs

Only certain ones. Nobody is going to care about an isolated town's monument getting destroyed. And yes, when they show up it's your responsibility to shoot em'.

Bury the bodies and shut up.

Not your post, but it's come up before elsewhere.
>therefore commie atrocities were atheist atrocities :^)

Shit like that.

Not everyone lives in america

I might have to improvise.

Conventional media trust is at an all-time low, while people have an unprecedented access to information, correct or incorrect, through the internet and social media. Regardless of whether or not all media is in on the same narrative (and they are) and are refusing to show what is actually happening, people find out about it anyway. Burning a statue of Lincoln is already approaching the normalfag bottom line, and from there they've already started making movies on Teddy Roosevelt, another normalfag favorite. They haven't completed their erosion on the public image of Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt, the Founding Fathers, etc, yet. If they'd waited another 20 or 30 years they might have completed it, but now they've moved far too quickly, and are drunken on their own successes. People in the north might not speak up in favor of confederate statues, but they're already talking about erasing monuments that are carved into mountains like Stone Mountain and Mt. FUCKING Rushmore.

Their own momentum on this is going to land their necks right in a goddamn noose, and the velocity will snap it right on impact.

user, if shit really does devolve into "shoot 'em", I'm really not going to be worried about burying them to hide evidence because SHIT WILL HAVE LONG SINCE HIT MULTIPLE FANS AND LAW MIGHT NOT FUCKING EXIST ANYMORE.

Most high school fags associate with right wing "HITLER DID NOTHING WRONG" edgyness than left wing "MUH ANARCHY" edgyness. Most of it's half-ironic, but believe me when I say very few teenagers see leftists as "Cool".
Leftist anarchy is kind of a faggot thing.

/k/ has a fuckton of guides how DIY guns and ammo.

fug, Holla Forums ate my pic

Excuse me for sounding doubtful, but how much of this shit is actually just blown out of proportion? As media is infamously popular for, there have been decades of evidence of companies hyping things beyond belief when they were really just a tiny pit in the essence of life. Remember shit like Evolve, Avatar, Titanic, Halo 5, E.T., Simple Minds, New Radicals, and so on? How much of that shit is still relevant, much less actually remembered? I think that's what's going on hear. They're trying to spread around the word that this insignificant event is having HUGE' repercussions when it normally would have been passed over on any other day.

And, as for what we're seeing of people going around everywhere doing shit now, that's just evidence that this shit is working. People are scared, or they think "Our time has come." There is no big "mysterious" event causing all this to happen. It's just one insignificant protest that had everyone get involved with it to make it sound like a huge incident. AND DO YOU WANT TO KNOW HOW INSIGNIFICANT CHARLOTTESVILLE IS? 47,000 people. That's how big of a deal Charlottesville is. There is no' Civil War, but they're trying to make it sound like there is one.


If it matters at all I've been a "Northerner" all my life and I think folks like Lee were goddamn heroes. Self-confessed "Dixieboo" I guess.

Communism is a religion
t. fedora tipper

It was that fact that the user in question was a "fedora tipper" that draws question to his violent capabilities, not if the user is an atheist,

Fair enough, though they get treated as synonyms an awful lot.

Is it still crazy in the US? I have to go to Washington next week and don't really want to run into some violent leftist mob. This whole thing is ridiculous, where is the rule of law?

The law is bought out and controlled by leftists. So most officers aren't allowed to apprehend or stop them. Even if they really want to.

to bad they banned the bronies from Holla Forums. Would have loved to see their reaction to this. But then again they were a bunch of faggots too.

Pretty much, also exactly the reason why they are trying to tie charlottesville to the spain attacks. Keep it in peoples minds and asociate more negative and bad things to it.

For the union, keeping the south and north together was definitely beneficial. The U.S. would've never been a superpower as it is now. Even worse, if the south seceded, what's to stop the rest of the U.S. from balkanizing as well?

It's the eclipse user, afterwards everything will calm down.

Wrong that state only lasts for a limited time, until then you must pay lip service to the law and not get caught.

So is feminism. Have you noticed that the vast majority of leftist feminists are atheists? Feminism and "equality" has become their new religion to fill the void left by their rejection of religions in general. They may support islamism due to some misguided belief that white have oppressed them but they are not islamic themselves, as an example.

That old lad was still kicking til just now?
Huh. Thought he died years ago.


There's no need, I just checked it myself.
My country gun laws are complete shit.
Gun permit is only valid for 5 years.
1 gun per 100 citizen.

What do you mean? He's still kicking! The bucket.


The funny thing is the the goldfish attention span of the normalfags has been created by the msm and social medias. They have been engineering them for years. Now they need them to be focused because their message has become more complex since their recent losses. They are going against the current since the elections and it is starting to become costly to maintain the narrative.



Yea and this is why I believe normalfags need religion. Otherwise some of them go absolutely crazy with something else

Like they're going to let a pesky thing like public opinion stop them.


Nietzsche and C S Lewis tried to warn us

No glorification, they are cults.


I fully expect some more talk about charlottesville a few weeks in the future where they use language like "events that shook america to its core" and try to make it like 9/11. That is if they havent false flagged some other shit to go down

I thought the reason Ancient Greece ate shit was because all the city-states refused to stop being unbelievable niggers to each other at every opportunity. (They still gave the Western world a lot of shit.)

The raid on Holla Forums is going strong now, look at the fucking catalog.

I fully expect a shooting or bombing to go down by next month.

Boston has one, 500 police. Cap this, a police officer will be shot by "a nazi"

Alright then, any plans on how we can downplay the narrative to prevent people from going on a hype train to Civil War?

Yep. One devoted shill is trying to convince everyone that "alt left" is a kike move and it should be abandoned now.

Looks like they've taken appropriate measures (stickying the fuck out of anything important).

On a related note


According to Philip Defranco people that cuss a lot are stupid.

Nigga, the entire thread gets archived.


I have to agree.

The overuse of swear words does tend to dull their impact. I have no problem with people saying fuck or shit or cunt or anything, but if you use it every other word it becomes meaningless fluff, often used to make yourself sound edgy.


I was thinking more along the lines of taking something from their playbook and completely twisting it. So, what is their equivalent of an "It's about ethics in journalism" line?

Why would you want to interrupt your enemies when they're making a huge mistake?

Literally fucking who?








I cuss a lot out of habit. It's a reflection of the environment I grew up in. But there are doctors and scientist that cuss like sailors too. I just find it silly to judge someone's intelligence based purely on whether they use the word fuck a lot or not.

I have plans to use power of solar eclipse to kickstart armageddon.

Something seems to be on your mind. What is it?

Iunno. Try a panda. Meme Common Fucking Sense Panda into existence.


Habit user.

I knew it would happen.

Its a crying shame that we on this thread have asked for peace 3+ years now and the left just do not want it.

I vote for Red Panda.

I never swear unless its being typed out on a computer. I just feel bad when i do swear out loud.

French Canadian swears are also holy words so they are easy to use in a conversation. They can also be used as verbs/adjectives and sometimes combined with another swear word used as a modifier to intensify the meaning. As such we swear without really being aware of it.

Even the darkest of years has its bright spots.

Sep 24th, mark your calendars. That's when there will be blood in the streets. That's when the civil war will start.

That's my birthday.

I really try not to shit on your religion so can you please stop shitting on atheists, particularly with ridiculous bullshit like this.


fat atheist faggot detected

No. You got us into this mess.

I'm in pretty good shape actually and the skeptic community crap is cancerous as fuck.

No retards denying race.

did that*


sure thing

Atheism is like the gays. You have decent atheists who just try and live like normal people, and then you have atheists who shove it down your throat and think it's some sort of lifestyle.

Semites dindunuffin.

Yes, because its not like you don't have Christians who try to shove it down your throat and import tons of niggers or anything. Remember that a ton of the funding to the rapefugees comes from Christian groups.

No, all athiests try to shove that shit down your throat.

It's not black though.

Get bullied, fellow fedora.


That's bullshit user, and Christians did the same shit. Do I have to remind you when you faggots tried to ban DOOM, heavy metal, D&D, rock n roll, etc?

That was a Democrat.

That was years ago and this is now. Christians might have done that because i still think its the left that did that but right now we need to destroy atheism.

Because girls can love girls and demons and aliens.

So was Che. Seems every Leftest Communist "hero" hated niggers too. So why are these faggots upholding an ideology that promotes racism?

How about you make the church worthy of respect first you faggots? Get them to stop helping niggers come over here, while they're still doing that its fucking ridiculous to act like the church is going to save us.

Steve Shives and a few other SJWs tried to get Shoeonhead banned from some con she's going to.

You forgot to mention

All it took was a crowd of unashamed whites with tiki torches to make the jewish media lose it's collective goddamn mind. I predict more insane displays of hubris in the coming days.

American atheists, because you guys are total newfags regarding this. Every religion vs atheism clip on youtube looks like something made by edgy teenagers who just discovered evolution and science. Religion is total cancer and needs to go. Religion is forced upon people, they oppose progress and censor media like violent games and movies or porn.

She's not womaning right


The catholic church and the vatican city are not christian anymore. Stop thinking of them as christians.

t. Atheist

Do you know me and post this just cause you knew it would upset my autism?

Nigger, your special snowflake Christianity is maybe 1% of people who call themselves Christian.

She reads her own rational wiki page, and it's literally all bold faced lies and shit taken out of context or purposely misconstrued.

>not realising that vatican city has been taken over by (((them)))



what do you think the jews believe in? The old testament, that's like 75% of the bible.

It's time to stop

Quads demand it

So is every kind of cancerous ideology.
Religious or not.
Especially with dawn of sjws, atheism+, feminists and communists.

Come on, current (((pope))) helped fucking communists in Argentina.

They believe in the talmud

This tbh fam.

I'm still amazed that every time I check some cunt's religion, it's automatically a jew.
At this point, I'm gonna check Holla Forums's religion and find out most of them are jews.

Well done police girl.

What exactly is atheism or nihilism banning?


Probably because you are checking out people in positions of power.

In Holla Forums case its usually a nigger, a spic, a chink, a nip or a mutt. Much of Holla Forums is not white. and I find I mentally am now saying slash when typing a /


They already did it themselves years ago.

I know those sites skew the results to make everyone a jew or minority in some way but it's still funny.


The jews I find are not always people in power.
I found out one of my parent's friends is a jew after knowing him for over 15 years.


The hooked noses are purely religious, Adolf.
It's like in Wakfu if you worship a certain deity you take on their appearance.

I want to fuck those humans especially the one in the red dress.


Atheism is torpeding any kind of attempt to connect science and religion into one thing, because someone will screech about it.
Nihilism doesn't ban anything, but it makes people lazy.

Good morning, Marche.

French animation is still rather good from some reason.

Of course. If it was made in canada at this time, it would not have been worth the hype.



Canadian animation is nothing to write home about.

Even if France French, it was better than the English dub, a lot of hard to translate innuendos.

Atari sues over KitKat ad campaign



Paste - Videogames Have a Personality Problem


Not for long if France becomes another caliphate.

Pre flash it was, rupert and little bear were fun. Flash ruined everything.

Don't forget Martin Mystery.

I do forget that,

Iunno user.

>find out I share it with a fairly high-ranking Nazi politician and member of the Waffen-SS


My father's name is from France, my mother's from Russia. I'm a weird mix, my father is French Canadian and my mother Russian.

The Coffeefags fear the Water Filter salesman.

When will crimes against water filter salesmen end?

Well, the thing about my family ( ) is that my father's line is of Polish (Granddad's) and French (Grandmum's) decent, while my mother' line is of German and Scottish decent (Don't know which is which).

no first for benis, therefore sage

I love how that thumbnail makes the coffee-thrower look inbred.

I bet you do great in cold weather though.

For fuck's sake. Don't they realize they look like fucking fools?

I was going to wish the worst for him, but I guess he is already in hell.

the pretending to be retarded makes you retarded

Yep, and I volunteered for northern Quebec work in Kuujuaq, Salluit and Blanc Sablonc. My body forgot how it feels above 10 Celsius.

If you think the thumbnail does, wait until you watch the video.

I felt actual unease just seeing that guy.

How much longer until that guy gets doxed by Holla Forums?


I hope he presses charges on him for assault.

>Coffee Throwing Goblin
He memed it on himself.

I expected all of this two years ago.

I expected victories, both small and big, all of these carried by the power of autism. Some were truly unexpected, such as the rise of Trump (since I'm not American, and thus not versed into your politics), but in the end, it carried the same result of garnering all the cancer in one little corner, pointed out and laughed out by everyone. But I also expected the followup. The fact that those nutjobs were about to use their positions of power to try and take us down in a blaze of glory, considering us as the last step to their final victory and not getting the impact we had on people. And the blaze is glorious, since they're attacking what many consider the foundation of America.

And the result is also expected. An incredible, unstoppable fail of epic proportions. Any actions have consequences, and these actions are seen by everyone, despite the media liars trying to hide it all. I'm in the middle of Europe, and when I talk about these things with my coworkers, the answer is the same - "Media lies through their teeth, it's too visible, their actions will fail.". And we are laughing at the attempts of the media to hide it. The pendulum is striking back, and it is striking hard. I expect that, in three years' of time, we'll be seeing drastic changes, as more and more companies and people will act against the powers in charge. Big companies such as Google, Apple, Sony, Facebook and many others will either fall or fade to obscurity, and big people will be condemned for their acts.

Now, you can still do something, and that is to prepare yourself for the incoming months of apocalypse. Stock food that can be conserved for months. Keep something that can be used as a weapon at hand when you're home. Get out of your home as carefully and as few as possible. Keep an eye for your loved ones. Nothing will happen for most of us, but it's better for everyone to be prepared for the few that will have to face it. Perhaps is it the good time to catch back on your log of unplayed or unfinished games. Perhaps is it the moment to replay all those classics you downloaded but never played.

But keep fighting the good fight, everyone, and never, never, NEVER give up. For I will never give up on any of you.






Yes, people actually believe we all of the sudden got really mad at women playing vidya



Of coursh!

PowerPoint? That's charitable of you. Good PowerPoint presentations take more work than Depression Quest did.

at least try to look intelligent

Rent free

No, I mean people thinking that we were a test run for Russia.

The Holla Forumsronies were mostly Steven Universe shitposters too.

I was making a joke by intentionally not responding to the highlighted tweet

They suddenly hate russia even if they are all communist faggots.

I guess they are maoist communists? Even more retarded than soviets.





>She mails me a printout showing my direct ancestry to Robert the Bruce

Were cuck demons mentioned in Revelations.These are truly the last days.


Mike Pence is so offensive he is hillarious.

But I thought Russia banned gays.



By user
(Hosted by CNN)

Bless his hair.

To be honest, soviet uniforms were the coolest amont the big 2 in world war 2.

The big 3 I meant.

Holy shit Pence you absolute legend.

Oh no, they're on to me…

I am apparently the ancestor of the bastard child of davy crockett

I think he meant it as "will lead to women claiming they were raped" (falsely or not)

I guess beep boop I'm a Russian bot 🤖

Пришло время закрыть ворота

Off topic as fuck, but this Barcelona shit has me angry. Is there any (Legit) charities for the victims families? What happened is a tragedy and I really want to help, but i can't trust the fundraising charities going on now since most of them are scams at this point.

Occultist skeleton Styxhexenhammer666 says bannon getting shitcanned is Trump playing the long game like in the primary.

cyka blyat.


Здравствуйте товарищи!

You mean descendant?

You're conveniently forgetting the period before that where the right pushed hard against rock, DnD, and vidya.

Владимир, вы не должны позволять западным жителям знать, за кого они работают.



You all are faggots who eat up whatever's put in front of you.

Тихо! Перед тем как они увидели нас.

I'm guessing by the lack of responses that means there's nothing?
What a shitty past couple weeks.

For something calling itself "Boss" and "Big Boss," those are some damn thin patties.

"Actually, it started when a bunch of game journos got caught with their pants down and rather than acknowledge their faults and move on they doomed mankind."


I seriously don't care if it's real user, it's fucking hilarious and the left would believe it regardless. Might as well roll with it.

At least when we talked in spanish we used spoilers.

Как так?

GTA Hot Coffee comparisons when?

You forgot "Verified by KoP"

You sure about that? Want to find dig up some info that states who was against "alternative" media aside from the soccer-moms who believe everything CNN has to say?

You don't understand user. I want those faggots to come here and take screencaps of anons babbling in Russkie. It will make them LOSE THEIR FUCKING MINDS. I mean, my god, can you imagine the amount of hysteria?

Well, do what you want, but what do we win besides feeding the narrative?

Eso es por que no lo hiciamos ironicamente.
Yo no hablo russo.

Allow me to modify that request. Find actual ARTICLES detailing the events, don't find retellings explaining "What really happened".

Puritans are puritans, user. Neither the political "left" nor "right" in America has any shortage of them.

Сколько русских используют Holla Forums? Я американец, а изучаю русский язык в университете

хахахахахахахахахахахааааааа лол

Наконец, они выяснили наши злые русские планы! Теперь мы можем говорить свободно на языке нашей славной матери России! Теперь о наших планах на 2020 год, позвольте нам выбрать президента Стива Бэннона, да?

Mermaid Jesus.

Gaslight retards and me-mes

When that narrative is "leftists are batshit crazy" hell fucking yes I'm going to feed that narrative user. I want to make them lose their fucking minds in public and push them past breaking points so that normalfags want nothing more than to GET AS FAR AWAY FROM THE LUNATIC BABBLING ABOUT RUSSIANS AS POSSIBLE.

The problem comes from the fact that people simply do not question the narrative.

Да, брат мой, давайте продолжим выпуск психотического агента в либеральное питание! Является ли starbucks все еще добавлением его к каждому латте?

Итак, сколько это всего лишь чистый шитпостинг и бессмысленный бред. Думаю, я попробую…
Я люблю пиццу.
Мой любимый сериал "Звёздные врата".
Мои любимые три видеоигры-это "Райский рай", "Halo 2" и "инопланетный солдат".
Думаешь, они уже обмочили кровать?

Nein, user. The problem comes from the fact that people don't CHALLENGE or attempt to DISTANCE THEMSELVES from the narrative. What good's a narrative when it becomes fucking radioactive waste?

Just keep something in mind - NO normalfag WANTS A WAR WITH RUSSIA.

And honestly, there's probably about a 50/50 chance nothing we do here is going to avert shit hitting the fan. Might as well do it for the lulz at least.

you ruined it

With Bannon gone, the Neocons will push for a war. It's inevitable, and I fucking hate it.


Меня Я изучаю русский язык в школах, но большинство из них волшебный интернет человек. Я могу читать по крайней мере. Я славянин.

Yeah, copy pasted the wrong side by accident. FUCK.

Они рейдерство нас?

who's saying there isn't already a silent war with Russia?


It makes sense now -
When I was a kid, our 'family car' was a Lada.
A Lada Estate no less

Бесславные западники здесь.

No tengo teclado español.
Y no esperes gramatica fina de caribeños.

I honestly can't put together what your point is here.

Ah, that I can do.


Fuck. Yeah i mean decendant im tired today.

since we are talking about bots, you guys ever notice how every time you criticise turks those roaches pop out of nowhere. They can't speak english but somehow find their way in here. I genuinely believe that the turkish government has a agency or something that hires people to say pro turkish things on the internet.

They are all hotheads

that amuses me way more than it should

Fuck this shit.


He's not wrong and I'm hopeful that's what he really meant.

Would it matter either way, user? Pence isn't really in a position of great political power right now, and if anything the best shit he brings to the table is his ability to piss off lefties every time he opens his mouth and remind them that if they try shenanigans with Trump they'll just get HIM instead in the Oval Office. As much as they piss and moan about Trump, you better believe you'd see some genuine pants-shitting fear if Pence ascended to Commander in Chief.

You know what pisses me off?
When all these fucking cucks say "America has a racist slaveholding history" and completely ignore the fact that America also fought the single bloodiest war in American history history to end it. As far as I am aware no other nation on earth did that. It's not black and white. We can go into all the details and politics of how it happened and what these people believed etc, but the result is the result. If you're going to shit on the confederates then I hope to god you're prepared to kiss the boots of the union. But to attack both sides just because they came from a less civilized time in history? INSANITY. Get some historical perspective. Educate yourself you lunatic.

These people have been brainwashed to completely ignore everything that isnt slaves, even the civil war. As far as they know, the civil war isnt real. Nothing is real. Everything is racist.



The civil war was fought over secession. Ending slavery is a side effect.

Does that make us "Russian Bot Creed"?

Is that what they teach in history class now?

Give me a reason not to go on a warpath.

Regardless, the very notion is fucking bullshit and someone would have every right to bloodily rip out and trash something that was literally forced to be there by accident.

Pence would be 100% an indefensible authoritarian fucking faggot with no sense.

Except there were still slaves in some union states well after the Civil War.

That is what they taught us in europe over a decade ago already, the whole thing only gets briefly mentioned though. Gotta fill the rest of history class with WW2

You'd think so, wouldn't you? Except for all those pesky slaveholders up North (like Ulysses S. Grant) that the Emancipation Proclamation and Underground Railroad and shit didn't even touch. Ooooops.



That's what they've taught in public schools for years. Mostly they just go over a few set key events of the creation of America, the Civil War, the Alamo here in Texas, and that's about it. Just barely glancing over WW2. Mostly just Pearl Harbor.

Well it really depends upon your beliefs on when life starts. My mom for instance believes that life begins at conception so she's against abortion in all cases other than where the mother's life is endangered because she doesn't feel the child should be killed over something the child's father did.

I don't know that much about charities, and it just happened so I don't think there's anything specifically for the victims yet. You can search as well as we can, if you find one maybe post it and I'll try to find out if it's legit?

The clock on slavery was running out regardless. The Industrial Revolution was going to eventually hit the South and you better fucking believe the plantation owners would have been all over that shit like white on cotton. Even Jefferson knew it was not going to last forever, it COULDN'T.

Furthermore, keep something in mind.

The South could have kept slavery at ANY FUCKING TIME before Lincoln dropped the EP. All they had to do was surrender (and let the North continue assraping them with taxes).

Haiti was born from a slave rebellion. Usual method to end slavery is for a government to buyout the slaves and like other anons so like others said it wasn't the main factor in the war.

Yes, and I mean literally yes, no caveats to it. At least in elementary school. I luckily didn't end up in a cucked school after that but we finally started learning a real perspective of history in 8th grade, every year before that was sugar coated to hell or foreign history. Also, Black History month is a unit we took every year for all of February. At least they didn't say Malcolm X was a good man

No, that's fucking bullshit. You can't force a mother to have a baby just because it was put there by rape. Vacuum the fucking thing before it's even been a week and see if any retarded moralfaggots have shit.

Not what they taught when I was in high school, though that was about 15 years ago. Hell I even went full northern war of aggression on one of the essay portions of my US history AP exam and still got full marks. Not sure what they taught in the college I went to as the exam gave me college credit so I didn't have to worry about college history credits.

You don't have to be a good man to realize that the Nation of Islam is every kind of fucked up. Which he did, and he got killed for it.

Baby's not done anything wrong though.
I'm just expressing my mom's point of view, personally I'm absolutely fine with early abortion in all cases.

No checkbox-kun in this bread yet?
✔ GG was a Russian bot army test run.

I've fapped to the DF twins at least three times.

Have yourself a proper check.

cheeki breeki


It was fought over slavery, just not to specifically end it.

You can't deny that the treatment of the slavery issue was the main source of tension between the north and the south, it even appears as the major point in their assorted Declaration of Causes of Seceding States.


That just legitimately infuriates me. The damn lump of cells has no rights, it's just an unwanted metaphorical parasite that doesn't even have a conscience and 100% a mistake.

A consequence of reckless sexual activity and not wanting to take responsibility for it compared to an actual trauma that to add insult to injury forces motherhood and parenthood on the victim is not fucking negotiable. I will not waste my time with any worthless "debate" of what I know as a human being and a person is complete unjust unacceptable bullshit.

It used to just be that no one gives 2 shits what the woman feels and now that's all it is even if it's a complete lie and it burns me up.

I need to watch this. Actual yuri with awesome action scenes and animation while still being cute as fuck.

Also need to seriously try blazing it someday.

If, for some reason, the South did not use slaves, the North would have still been pissing on them every fucking chance they got, and the South would have still gotten angry enough to tell the Yankees to fuck off.

The Civil War was a long time in the making, user.

Yeh - got a notepad open, doin stuff, so I used that one.
Also to see how it looked - some sites display it as it is in pic - others as ✔

Maybe or maybe not. Any assertion either way is mere speculation on what might have been instead of what was.

What is known is that the confederate states themselves repeatedly referenced the encroaching restrictions on slavery as the primary cause of their secession, therefore it is completely accurate to state that the civil war was fought over slavery.

I honestly always saw the Civil War as asshurt at deciding to separate and better fulfill their own interests even if those interests weren't the most sympathetic.

The Confederacy should have just left that damn stockpile alone.

If you like lies by omission, yeah, sure.

I've gotten to the point that I hate humanity so much I view abortion as simply eliminating assholes in advance. Nipping that shit in the bud. In 20 years that's one less asshole to worry about. I'd abort ALL babies if I could. But then I'd also summon the memetor.

You're going to have to elaborate.

Everyone involved in the war agreed that slavery was the main source of the tensions, so how can it not follow that it was fought over slavery?

All joking aside, what actually goes on the in the mind of these guys? I get why certain woman push this narrative, they want patreon bucks, but why do common people see as us something evil? Or like in this case not just something evil, but as a russian army to destabilize the western world? What did we do to these people? We play video games, how could this possibly hurt people? If anything anti-fa is a group founded to destabilize nations.

Sounds good. I'm not a Spaniard, but I really feel awful just sitting by and not doing anything I can do to help, you know?

Abortion has kept the nigger population down, if not the USA would be flooded by them now.

As long as you don't go "Civil War was about slavery FULL STOP" like an SJW probably would, whatever I guess.

Mr Dear is a celebrated and highly successful Private Investigator, and after speaking to Dallas' parents agreed to take the case. During his investigation he suggested that Dallas may have been involved in some sort of Dungeons & Dragons game that had gone horribly wrong. This theory was widely reported in the press. In 1982 a movie called Mazes & Monsters which bore a superficial resemblance to the case debuted in Cinemas. Many people with vague memories of the Dallas Egbert case assumed the movie was a true story rather than a work of fiction. The media's reports, coupled with this misconception, and the fact that William Dear was prevented from clarifying the case, helped to create the common misconception that Role Playing Games (RPGs) in general, and Dungeons & Dragons (D&D) in particular were in some way dangerous.

This is the first major stage of denial. The Russia thing is over, we're never going to hear about it again. It's why we've had such a huge shift to "white supremacists".

They know it's over, but they're in denial, so they double down and then start thinking the Russians are behind even more than originally claimed.

Are you just pretending to be retarded at this point? It was about the north fucking over the south with taxes.

And, the tenth amendment.

You do of course realize that this has changed definition quite a bit over the past fifty years, right?

Is this like a Vlad Tepes situation where growing up is realizing who the real good guys were?

Forever ever since the dawn of journalism

I'm not fond of the term "good guys" but the North sure as hell weren't anything close to good guys.

I was implying the south were since they're the ones demonized in history now.

Wars are never really good vs evil.

This article may shed some light on the matter fpr you. youarenotsosmart.com/2010/06/23/confirmation-bias/


And yet it is the slavery matter that they hammer away at in their declarations.

Declaration of the Immediate Causes Which Induce and Justify the Secession of South Carolina from the Federal Union
A Declaration of the Causes Which Impel the State of Texas to Secede from the Federal Union
And whichever other states' declarations you need to get the point.

They believed that slavery would eventually be abolished if they remained under the Union, so they chose to secede rather than let what they saw as an inevitability happen. That's why they didn't surrender just because they'd keep their slaves, they figured losing them would only be a matter of time.

I don't want to hate humanity again because then I'd just feel like just another literally autistic angry fedora that took this long to truly give a shit about it and believe anyone could be good. I don't want to feel that emptiness, despair and desire to escape ever again.

It's unfair bullshit, plain and simple. That's the only lens I need to view the world and all its actual injustices through and focus my time and anger on fixing or making rot.

Just like the shit I thought were good, respectable people. Just mentally leave it behind and treasure what they once made and who they were.

I personally boil it all down to pretentious shit. "Hurr I can't be wrong and ebryone else is just ignorant becuz I'm clearly smarter".

I think I've come to see the absolutely worst in people trying to look better than everyone and I've depreciated myself as an angry and hateful person just to avoid ever risk becoming an egotistic shit. Talking blunt and profanely also helps.

To that end I know it's certainly help me boil people, ideas and circumstances down to the base essentials and empathize with people if that's good or just more fucking bullshit.

From that article

I know it's wrong but I've started to do this, the avoiding bit. I'm pretty chill when it comes to most things but when it comes to SJWs, I'm just so tired of them and their shenanigans I just avoid them now. All they do is piss me off and there's no talking to them. They'll never convince me I'm an evil demon born to oppress them, and I'll never convince them to stop being assholes. Best to avoid them altogether.

That is an extremely flimsy justification as most of the text in those focuses on state's rights in general and it is mere selection bias on your part that leads to you honing in on slavery.

Neat site, will enjoy reading all those posts.

I'll be honest, it's impossible for me to ever look to the other side for their take since CNN has time and time again showed themselves to be liars and many media outlets simply use their take on the situation as a source.

Is it fair if I murder you if your dad rapes someone? As I said, if you in fact believe that life begins at conception, then being against abortion even in case of rape makes sense.

It is something the SJWs/antifa/media/tech industry do all the time yet they do not want to be aware of it.

KiA looks busy as fuck.
Looks like lots of happenings going on. If someone wanted to spread something or signal-boost some articles from Pro-GG outlets now would be a decent time, as well as call people to action.

They literally identified themselves in their own declarations as the "slave-holding states".

Just because it's 75% slavery 25% other stuff doesn't mean it wasn't mainly about slavery.

You misunderstand me user. I'm not angry. I just stopped caring. There's too much shit in the world to care about every little thing. My opinion on most things nowadays is "meh." I have real life daily shit to worry about. My hate for humanity is more of a smoldering hate. A "you dumbasses deserve to be apocalipsed" kinda hate. Like when you see some dumb shit on the news and you just shake your head and say "2012 really shoulda been the end" then go back to reading your book.

More from that story:

Now you're just acting like a triggered SJW that shuts their brain down as soon as they read a single term.

You are nearly 10% of this bread. You're not gunning for (119) are you? archive.fo/TB7Ww#selection-62605.0-62605.9

If that was how I had to come into existence? Absolutely.

I shouldn't have the burden of my existence as an offspring nor the suffering of pregnancy and childbirth forced on my already traumatized would be mother. That exact thing would lead me to commit suicide later on if I was miserable enough.

I have to defend my interests as well as people who I can relate with and care about and destroy what threatens them.

The reason you're having such a hard time coming up with more than insults is because the facts aren't on your side.

If you had any argument or evidence stronger than just insisting that it doesn't say what it clearly does, you would have presented it by now.

Holy fuck how. I'm just fucking shitposting for the most part.
I mean, if I were some assmad Goon here on a mission you'd have a point, but who fucking cares what my postcount is otherwise? It's a slow-as-fuck Friday night and I'm pretty much just shitposting the night away until I make up my mind on what to play. Which may never happen.

Nah, the simple fact that union states kept slavery for decades after the war is more than enough to prove me correct.

I was in that bread! I went to bed shortly after 1:00 I work overnights I missed the new (119)

Trying to stay on topic, a relatively slow bread, generally avoiding double posting, and always responding to someone rather making shitposts aimed at no one. I had hit (40) before I noticed my high posting velocity and from there I channeled my autism. I will never do it again.

That doesn't seem that hard to beat considering we post until 700 before we move on to the next thread. I beat 119 a few times in webm threads. Someone should attempt to beat 119 next thread.

Sage for off-topic

Play Star Trek online. It's free and you can have gamergate ships like mine, and make gamergate characters. I got yelled at one time because I was playing as vivian and my green and purple ship gave away the reference.

none has beaten (215) I think.

And they ended up eventually abolishing it, confirming the fears of the Confederacy.


No. I should have been banned for my autism in that thread, but nobody could even tell or notice until the end of the thread because I was trying to make my posts not shit.

What did I miss?

Anything interesting, or was it just "fuck you"?

But they were not forced to do so by the war so the war was rather obviously not to end slavery. The war was to subdue the south and force them to continue funding the north.

This guy lost it over people shitting on xbone and shilled about how pc gaming was shit for 215 posts.

you guys afraid of a little challenge? I would do it myself if gg threads weren't boring as fuck.

That's fucking amazing. That's some SSJ4-tier autism. I'm trying to imagine how the fuck you use 215 posts to scream about PC being shit.

Have you been in the last few threads? This is where I go to talk about vidya and watch the world burn.

In a GG thread?

Yeah, but nobody knows the legend of 732

The war was caused by an effort by the south to break away from north, largely due to the increasing Union support for abolition that the south did not want to further endanger what they saw as their right to slave ownership. Their own documents confirm this intention on their part.

This has been established, and we're going in circles.

He was an real hero, and a real human bean. Stunning, and brave.

Bullshit. The war was caused by the north not recognizing the southern states' right to secede. They are the ones who attacked. Ask yourself, who's at fault in a confrontation, someone trying to walk away to avoid it or someone shooting the retreating party?

Holy shit.

I don't suppose you have the archive offhand?


I spend less time in gg threads lately but I used to be pretty active in these threads. I have no idea what keeps you interested, but I think these threads are pretty boring lately.

Wew lad

Wait was that from when 8ch was shitting the bed and giving every single fucking poster the same ID



I must have missed the part when this started being about whose fault it was instead of why it happened.

They seceded from the north due to slavery, and the north sought to reunify the US. Whatever further intentions were involved, this was still primarily a war about slavery.


fug :DDD

No, it was a war to force the south to continue funding the north. Every fucking word that Lincoln talked about was how he was going to make sure they got their revenue.

Some confirmation that Shekel Media are shills

But it wasnt, why is it so hard to admit you were wrong? If a war is fought over something and a side wins that means that shit got resolved, slavery in the US was still a thing after the war so that entirely defeats your point. Even if you had the backup of lincoln saying it was about slavery it would just mean there was an ulterior motive.

Do you deny that the confederacy seceded over slavery?

Well it is if you're trying not to do nothing but shitpost and trying not to attract attention to your autism thus possibly getting banned. I posted for over nine hours in that thread.

"The Backfire Effect" kind of ecplains why the leftist media doubles down, why people continue to think gamergate is about the harassment of women in the gaming and tech industries, why Trump and the alt right is "bad".

I don't deny that slavery was part of why they seceded.

Can't be that hard, I bet I passed (50) a few times without even trying.

Holy fuck Jontron is overrated as fuck.

Oh. Right.

Good for chuckles every now and then, I guess, but that's faint and damning praise.

How about no.

Do you deny that it was the primary reason why they seceded, having read their declarations of intent?

This was already confirmed when Lauren Southern left saying they were trying to force her to say shit she didn't want to.

Well I did say I hit (40) before I even noticed. I hit (108) with the bread at roughly 670 posts before anyone else noticed.

Is 8ch acting slow for anyone else or is it just me?

Yea posting is slow and when it goes through it doesnt recognize your posts as (you)

I'm having some difficulty posting, yeah.

Let me give you an example to make it slightly clearer

Works on my machine. :^)

Yes absolutely, particularly when some of those declarations don't even mention slavery at all.


False analogy. Read his post.
Commiefornia and liberals have been talking about how they hate Trump merely for being a white fucking male more than Obongocare.
You're putting words in his mouth. He said primary, not only.

Let me toss this back at you another way
Did they primarily secede due to Obamacare?

This a better analogy.

This bread is fucked for some reason, better luck next bread.

Not really as it ignores the declarations by states which had no such language.

He didn't say "all", he said "considerably larger portion". I didn't even realize it was the same user as before. I thought it was someone agreeing with c6c4f5.

I partially agree with what he says; I disagree that slavery wasn't the primary cause of the war (it was), but the American Civil War is an extremely complex event that can't be boiled down to a few shitposts and greentexts. More importantly once you pidgeonhole them into solely being known for defending their rights to have slaves, it becomes much easier to demonize them especially when one does not consider the context (which is very easy to do as we see in current events).

Are you a dirty nor.mie?

I'm not. I rarely watch e-celebs anymore. I've just seen a lot of reaction webMs with the dude and thought he'd be okay. He's… "okay" but he's fairly boring and a bit of a faggot.

Yeah and if California were to secede, you can most certainly bet Obabocare wouldn't be the primary issue, it would merely be a justification that everyone would use to get people to support their side. For example, the US invasion of Iraq was constantly claimed to be that there were weapons of mass destruction and that therefore the invasion was being done, it was constantly repeated time and time again that it was over WMDs but we all know very well that it wasn't the primary reason from the fact that it was a completely made-up claim.
Same goes to the previous point. Another example of this would be Democrats calling for Trump's impeachment on grounds of him being a Russian spy, it is constantly talked about in the news and was even added as a reason into multiple proposed laws, in fact it is BY FAR the most commonly used reason for people wanting to impeach him. I guess that means the primary reason people are calling for his impeachment is because they believe Russia hacked the election, after all they would never lie to the public for political advantages, that would just be silly.

Я был в начинающем русском, еще я не могу читать хорошо. Могу писать, читать, и говорить, но не много. Моя семья из Румыний, но могу говорить только английский. Также я православный.

I used situations where politicians lied because that is much more easy to verify, the point wasn't to imply that the confederates were lying.

You're starting to speculate on hidden motives without clear evidence. If you have something like a journal entry by one of the delegates saying "we agreed to rabble about slavery since taxes are harder to rabble about" then we can start discussing this as more than speculation.

What I meant was that primary motive and main talking point, although connected, aren't one and the same.

True, but the problem is that all we really have on record are the talking points.

It's theoretically possible that they were all mainly upset about taxes and just chose slavery as a rabble-rousing method, but that's going to take either a smoking gun or strong statistical collection of sources insisting it was about taxes instead to prove it.

And if it was mainly about taxes, why didn't they rabble harder about it? It worked pretty well for the Revolution.

100% confirmed. GG is a Russian OP.

I forgot my Daniellefagging. Bully me.

Но я американец!

I fell for one of their donation scams.

Do we have a baker?

I'm sick of arguing and want to birbpost.

Do you know where I can get all the official super sonico wallpapers that they release for a limited time only?

still way too early.

Is there a clip that contains the rest of the American House of Horrors?

Alright, think about this. Would an average american in that time be willing to go to war over slavery or taxes?

So why the fuck did we remove the guide to spotting cointelpro tactics and shills from the new bread OP?

Because we've been compromised for a long time user. It's far too late to notice it now. #CloseTheGate

They did talk about taxes quite a bit though so I'm not sure where you're coming from on this.

Shit, you're right. Next baker needs to replace the links.

Both, I guess?

The revolution showed they were willing to fight over taxes, and while they referenced taxes in the declarations slavery was the centerpiece of their grievances. They could have added more emphasis on taxes with no downsides if the taxes were tough enough to be a similarly powerful motivator for the citizenry.

If that's the case, then the template OP in the wiki should be updated as well.

HQ Russian support bread has been there a while.
It first appeared only a few weeks before the US election.

Why? Why would someone give a shit about a very tiny portion of people having subhumans work on the plantation? Taxes however, that shit hits right home.


Bread Title: How Far We've Come Edition

At the time, it seemed like something that contained information we already had a screencap for on every occasion. And, no on really objected to it. So, to the next baker add this to the "Reminders" srction next thread:
• Beware of COINTELPRO tactics: The Gentleperson's Guide to Forum Spies - cryptome.org/2012/07/gent-forum-spies.htm

And could someone who works on the wiki update the template to match the OP in the next bread?

Because they consider it a property right that they don't want taken away, even if they don't exercise it themselves?

I won't claim to be able to more than guess at the mindset of the citizenry at the time, but when the Texas declaration has a massive diatribe in the defense of slavery and only one line about the taxes:
then I have to go with the evidence.

I don't know honestly.

Because the north wanted to give subhumans equal rights and as has been proven that was fucking disastrous.

Currently sorting folders n shit out - just found this - has it been a year already?


Hulk gonna run wild on some communists?


Is that her bra or did her nipples get hard from playing that song?

Oh the memories.

Whatever did happen to Gawker anyways? Last I remember they were being purchased by a wealthy russian.

(((Univision))) bought them


Jesus user, it's been one fucking minute and the bread is dead. It's obviously he bra since you don't know human anatomy or the location of the nipple.

Back of the knee maybe?

Are you in the same two threads I am?

Does copious amounts of rum excuse it?

Nothing excuses your pony faggotry.

I always thought it was slightly left of the pelvis, into the thigh region.

At least, that's what I learned years ago on imageboards.

No one who posts Danielle can ever be a faggot, unless he starts ERP'ing

That's twice I heard that today, one more and you owe me a pint.
It would help me a lot since the nightstores closed around here.



Also if it's Viv birthday soon - anyone got a bigger version of this?

For a minute I thought you were a tor poster.



Ziek eriut as e voile ollander gij ollander?
Ulder carnaval trekt op niks, zelfs gene voil janette stoet, OE kunde e carnaval ebbe zonder e voil janette stoet?

im suprisly ok with this

Oh poep, het spijt mij

Are you a slav?

The normalfags will awaken, one at a time. I made sure to bait them with promises of emotionally damaged Yuri and a bathroom scene where the MC asks her best friend to break her hymen for her. Anyway, now to write myself to death about gradation of definition on Holla Forums. Do try to spread this redpill however you can

Zeg aub geen sorry voor fuinposten, ik wil niet dat de noorderburen canada worden.

That's some fucking delicious bait Reanon.

You're doing good work, zombiechan. You're after my heart here.

Proper big version - thanks comrade.

what novel

can you link me to the site with your stories again? I seem to have lost the link

Hold on user why did you tell me bread is dead we only at 654 replies. Now im gonna get banned for posting pones.

that was the plan actually

and nothing of great value was lost


I cant disagree with double dubs, I shall accept the punishment.

I post my stories and shill GG art here

I've only posted my Death by Ex-Girlfriend stuff up there. Excuse the weird format for those ones. When they were first written, they were never meant to be published. Now I'm editing it all to proper novel format.

The story mentioned isn't up there, but I'll post it there or somewhere else if anons want to read

Are you the guys who used to do the Dutch breads on hq?
Should revive one of them - or start a new one for year 3.
hq is very quiet

I'm calling it Sincerely, Your Dearest Phantom as of now, and it's absolutely shit

You said you baited them with promises. You'll deliver, right?

Thank you, I like your posting style so I think I might like your stories as well.

The latest chapter had the bathroom scene in question, and it'll only get worse from there. So yes, I delivered

Oh right you drew 'Short Haired Freya' - that's a great pic.

So how was your day, guys?

Well don't leave us hanging

Post that shit

I don't have a WiiU, but I want to play Wonderful 101

How do you do crossboard link?

Or if possible, someone do it for me so I learn fast


>>>Holla Forums10445796

Anyone have this saved? Would be useful as an old redpill for spreading and to rub all over Jim's face if he'd attempt to throw GG under the bus again.

You don't like western moe bro? It has morehorsepower.
At this point mlp is just a waifu factory.

Went to the doctor for my post operatory checkup. Turns out I'm burning more fat than ever.
Getting /fit/ has been worth it so far.

Chapter in question

I don't have the words

Like they can even use a gun.

I must admit that the propaganda is kind of cool, I give them that.

War has changed.

Why does this interview carry some heavy foreshadowing in retrospect?

Where's the archive link?

And once again Holla Forums is unable to hide its power level. Way to give the kikes free ammo, guys. When are you guys going to stop being retarded and realize that we need normalfags to win? And you know what turns off normalfags? Saying you're fucking nazis. It was one thing when liberals were labeling everyone a nazi. That actually worked to our advantage because it made them look crazy. Owning the label and the image only validates the MSM and makes us lose all the precious ground we gained, Christ, Holla Forums is so infiltrated. It's either completely compromised or they're so fucking retarded now they forgot how to be subtle. I don't know which is worse.

Were there any actual nazis at the rally?
All I know is former-kkk, confederates and alt-right.

There were some natsoc groups, also a few people flying the swastika

There was one guy with a nazi flag. Not sure if they were just a plant, though


Also I want them to go stab everyone with a trump hat.

Yeah this is really retarded. We shouldn't associate ourselves with Nazis unironically whatsoever. Gives us a bad image and just gives (((them))) ammo. We must be free from that. Free from the corruption of communism or Nazi party socialism. We have to be our own people that just fight for one thing. Freedom.

is he bayonetting a BASED nigger in a MAGA hat?



Ah well, just one flag is enough for the label.

Is this satire?

Fucking all of this, especially the faggot who summons glinner from his hellpit.

Mai, The Psychic Girl manga is real???
Kek did not let us down. Praise his webby appendages.

You were expecting Holla Forums to be any smarter?
Read through the thread, dumbass. It's literal fake news.

No I think it's Diavolo. That will not turn out well for them.

What the fuck are all you faggots going on about? Holla Forums isnt buying into this shit

It's been a rough week. So I'm on edge. It almost feels like we go hit by the car instead of the dumb antifa.

I have reasons to believe this entire universe is a satire.


Here's a video to calm you.

(Dubs of truth)

Well, people always say that God has a sick sense of humor.

Aaaaaaaand that's why they'll lose.

Here's something else to read to give perspective on the latest Trumptroll move. It might make you feel better.

Perhaps we are all living out a satire written by a brilliant novelist, somewhat akin to the movie "Stranger than Fiction".

This has got to be one of the most insane things i have ever seen. So many hollywood stars, actors, and writers seem to be going full retard in describing any conservative as nazis. How the fuck does such retardation that disrespects actual people who fought in WWII get that popular?



Little do they realize that "unconditional surrender" only worked because Germany was FUBAR and Japan not only got nuked twice, but had to deal with Russians pulling a Hitler and tearing up a ceasefire treaty.
