Including 15 minutes on Tucker Carlson.
Including 15 minutes on Tucker Carlson.
Something something libtards offended. Thanks for sharing.
unga bunga /r/the_donald
yep, the smashies at Berkley aren't concerned about actual strategy or ending capitalism, they just want to keep unwanted world intrusions out of their safe space campus.
That's it, I'm leftcom now.
More shekels for Milo, as per usual. Retards
Trying to no-platform these idiots doesn't work. You know what does?
Fucking liberals…
You'd lose if it came down to violence.
And this man has gone into hiding and converted I presume?
Can't even tell if Holla Forums false flaggers or legitimate anarkiddies anymore.
Debatable. Though admitadly, we're not anti-fa.
I guess that's why they caused thousands of dollars in damage to their own campus property then, including the student union building.
Dont see the problem, the fact that his events get sqbotaged means people are tired of his shit, the more people get to know him the more people who will grow out ofmhis bullshit
if the state sides with the fashies absolutely.
if it's just antifa vs fashies antifascist easily win
Framing it in this way is no good– or at least using this language is no good. Who gives a damn about a few thousand dolls of "campus property" at god damn UC Berkley, a school that's fleece them to a tune of 13k a year.
It's time to subscribe to a functioning ideology then. At least statists shoot their opponents when they "riot".
well at least the first part seems true. where the fuck is that faggot? i've only seen him once still with a black eye on some guy's video stream
he was famous well before anyone protested him, what's with this sudden revisionism on all these aut-right figures to retroactively blame them on the people who only recently started to actively protest them?
Yeah I was thinkin about this. Milo doesn't do anything but bait people. He's a god damn troll. He's not interesting or smart even to his supporters who don't give a fuck about him as an intellectual or journalist. So what kind of threat does Milo pose? He clearly is enabling fascism in the US, but how? And following from that, does the antifa demand "NO PLATFORM" actually correctly serve their goals? well idk. maybe.
Well, I had never heard of him until people started protesting. But that could just be me.
what's special about him besides regurgitating sets of right-wing talking points?
He's even more of a joke than he used to be.
I want to live in a world where bigots sing their bigotry from the hills so that everyone can see what they are and will respond to them appropriately.
now that I think of it, I wouldn't be surprised if porky universities just hosted talks by him because he's pro-neoliberalism
Milo got famous because he threw himself headfirst into Gamergate. He saw an opening and he took it. If Milo was not literally GGs only friend there is no way he would be where he is today imo. May just be a specific case for him.
The only way he got a following was by being a provocateur. You're the revisionist, cunt.
he took up the mantle of gamergate before anyone else "prominent" and grew his fame that way, he made himself famous online and then spread successfully to breitbart and started his speaking tours in relatively short order. You may not have heard of him but in the insular aut-right circles and to some extent some tea party circles he's already pretty well known. Basically saying he was a nobody before the protests is like a right winger saying Jimmy Dore is a nobody because he'd never heard of him, when really he's just doesn't appeal to your demographic
Hegel liked it.
Stalin did it with the red army.
Wasn't he at Breitbart before GG?
lmao jesus, slow down your sperging one second and realize I'm saying that outrage against him was entirely confined to online outrage for like 2 years, and so he definitely didn't become famous because people wrecked shit and protested him irl
and if your point is that no one should speak out against him at all then I'm just not sure what to tell you since that's just such a strange stance I don't really have a way to respond to it
I could have it mixed up but my recollection was that he built prominence on Twitter and some smaller blogs first before being picked up by breitbart
Are you seriously comparing this situation to WW2?
don't you realize by now? there is nothing that can't be compared to WW2 get with the times
I see fascists. I see one possible way to deal with fascists. The only way that works.
The US is heading toward levels of desperation similar to post-WWI Germany. Fascism is a real danger.
The answer is to treat them like innocent little flowery princesses and kill them with kindness and hugs and blowjobs.
Pure unreflective ideology, 2017 isn't 1933, the US isn't Weimar Germany, the Alt-Right isn't Not Socialism and your methods are counterproductive
Oh no. I should warn those people. They've learned how to become invisible.
Unless you can outright destroy him, it's pointless.
The ineffectual outrage is what feeds him and the people who follow him. It's the same thing that's fed him from the beginning up until the protest.
Excellent use of smug anime girl face.
Oh I thought the answer was to cry to booj academia until they decided it's too controversial to let them speak, prompting them to get mainstream media coverage.
He got a name and money for himself by creating The Kernel. Then he got a position at Breitbart UK and used it as a loudspeaker for gamergate. Then he moved to the US to take up editing Breitbart Tech and started his fun tour shortly thereafter.
I also see fascists, but are we speaking about the same people?
Comrade Trigglypuff would be proud of you standing up against p.roblematic hate speech from Milo
Well no, clearly you are the one in favour of impotent crying. As hitting them is going too far.
Oh boy. I didn't know using violence made me just as bad as the nazis. At least I truly see.
Why can't we just let the fascists be fascists? Crackdowns on speech and social democracy or vigilante violence are a real worry but I don't see the issue with just letting guys like Richard Spencer walk around and say whatever the fuck they want.
…this is my post
Milo isn't a nazi, 99,999% of Trump voters aren't going to be nazis.
neocons definitely aren't our friends, to be fair
Are you planning to win the aliened workers that voted for Trump by punching anyone that isn't your friend?
Hey Holla Forums just came in here to say thanks to these actions you guaranteed Trump another term.
Also you mother fuckers have no skills when it comes to firearms and will be placed on the fire like the dead wood you are. One shot, one kill.
lol It's because Michelle is a Tranny
Caused a genuine smirk. Now git out.
Not the other guy, didn't advocate punching him in the face
Just don't want things to be confused to the point where our standard for ok is "not a nazi". I already see things deteriorating to W being just a goofy uncle or some shit, as if the guy isn't responsible for unbelievable human carnage and suffering
holy shit based milo!
libtards BTFO
cuck cuck cuck cuck
we sure showed those leftist cuck shill numale SJW commie liberals
that about the reply you were expecting OP?
pretty funny 8/10
now fuck off americlap
Then I'm with you and why are we arguing.
Ethnic nationalists of any sort are scum, not specifically just nazis. The dprk is pretty aids too.
Yes, yes, when you're a brownshirt thug intimidating people with violence it's totally different from fascists because your nominal ideology is different. How silly of me.
Let's face it, both of you bunches of edgy delusional retards will be swiftly put in prison if you ever try to escalate this shit.
And while I'm not going to support the capitalist police, I'm sure as hell not going to cry for any of you.
Also, if you fight back against your mugger or rapist you're just as bad :^)
I wasn't arguing. I was continuing your sarcastic riff. I thought the flag would make that obvious.
watch out for the tankies
You're not acting in self-defence.
You don't have to wait for them to violate muh NAP to act in self defense. If someone's making a credible threat of violence it's perfectly reasonable to attempt to prevent it.
I'm an old guy, I still remember when antifa in m country were the good guys, regular folk who banded together to protect social and cultural events from violent gangs of fascist thugs aiming to destroy everything that doesn't conform to their narrow worldview.
In part, that's what shaped me into an anarchist. American kids these days will sooner become neo-nazis to oppose retards like you, I'm afraid.
You weren't, though I was.
I'm really going to have to disagree there. Anyone over 30 in my town knows the far-right isn't just some internet meme seeping into real life. They like to group up and hurt people.
Alt-right is pretty much a newer manifestation of Nazism though. The fact that it's white-identity as opposed to Aryan-identity is merely the circumstance of scope in this context since the extent of the racial construct is arbitrary. In terms of their "race/sex realism" and support of consolidated power they have a tendency towards the sort of fascism that grew in Germany. Literally they just recycle the same 80 year old memes, "cultural Marxism" being the new cultural Bolshevism, the disgust and demand for purification they espouse, it's really all the same shit, just adopted to the 21st century.
The state and various hierarchical social institutions are already applying violence against all marginalized groups in ways that are deeply embedded in institutions and distributed social practice. Demonstrations like these are actually in self-defense at a very fundamental level, the anger is justified, and the "damage" caused such as some windows smashed is nothing compared to the cumulative violence the repressive/ideological state apparatuses perpetuate on a daily basis.
Really just listen to this idiot:
He clearly says he's being OFFENSIVE, he is TRYING to hurt people. This is retaliation
Milo is a homosexual drama queen. If he was collectively ignored by the world for three or four hours he'd probably burst into flames.
Beating up proles wearing red hats isn't stopping any sort of oppression or state violence. If anything it's providing a fig leaf.
By hosting private events one can simply choose not to attend? In other words, by simply existing?
No, he's trying to provoke them into reacting in a way that will demonstrate they are inherently awful, narrow-minded, violent thugs.
And he's succeeding.
What people also don't realize is that back then just as now most people were not outspoken radical fascists and only got radicalized over time. Talk about extermination of the Jewish people for example was mostly limited to those deeply entrenched in the ideology, just as it is now. When Richard Spencer discusses the methodical killing of black people that is not a publicly acceptable position to hold, but yet he is the face of the alt-right. It's actually very interesting looking at the sources of people in the 1920s and how they spoke about Germans and Jewish people, not just interesting, but scary. What was extremely common was socially acceptable, thinly veiled racism and antisemitism. "Jews as a whole are greedy due to their culture, but individual Jews are alright. I have Jewish friends myself who are upstanding citizens!" -> proceeded to vote for NSDAP. This was extremely common.
You think in raw memes. It's always the same empty and recycled, tautological garbage with you people. Offensive words hurt noone, you dumb counterintel/spoiled college (same thing at this point) cunt, a morbid therapeutic state pandering to the lowest common denominator is ultimately toxic to all, and has absolutely nothing to do with meaningful opposition to capitalism. You are merely perpetuating one of its cargo cults. Attacking maymay yianopolous in your filthy rich college town like a fevered pack of dopesick delinquents does nothing but assist the far right, and you're in a repressive cult or larping as though you are, either way a useful idiot for neoliberal D&C and not helping a soul. I doubt you've ever lifted a finger to genuinely help a single other person in your entire dreary life.
What a bunch of nonsense.
Grow up.
Was that an introduction to your post or something?
I feel like there is a time and place for Smashies but I don't think that this is it.
Telling goons why they should fuck off and peddle their nonsense on the 99.9% of the internet that either tolerates them or enforces their views as normal is essential to avoid the same self-destructive spiral of idpol/illiberal liberalism that trashes every first world left wing movement and has been doing so for decades.
which movements have been "trashed" by taking minorities in account?
How new are you? It's got zero to do with "taking minorities into account", but their self-appointed representatives from an exploitative, narcissistic aspirational subclass who use it to split movements and benefit themselves and themselves alone. Anyone who can't see what a huge problem it is in current year is a either a fucking idiot, a shill, or willfully blind. And you're certainly no friend to "minorities", despite what your recursive rhetoric may have lead you to believe. Take your propaganda elsewhere.
just if you guys are unaware the people attending milo talks aren't really Holla Forums or even alt-right. Milo is a troll and claims to be a cultural libertarian. Shit like this just radicalizes people. Especially if media tomorrow starts running that video of that guy knocked out on the ground bleeding everywhere getting wailed on. Fingers crossed that he died.
What people really don't understand is that Germans did not implement holocaust on their own territory. A vast majority of German Jews simply fled the country, with full support and help of the nazi government.
They wanted no bloodshed while German citizens watched. They only started the killing on Polish territory. There, there were only soldiers and Poles watching, and the Poles were themselves to be eliminated at a later time. Germans saw it as no different from what other colonial powers did on the other side of the globe. And it probably wasn't any different, to be honest.
And when self-governing states under German influence (including ostensibly fascist Hungary and Italy) were asked to hand out Jews, they also mostly successfully protected their citizens. But most of them gladly surrendered fresh immigrants.
And most Germans were never outspoken radical fascists. They were just reined in with a right dose of fear, pampering and smokescreen. Nazi government simply wasn't that bad if you were German citizen and did not challenge its authority. If your country catches nazism, you will likely not experience its horrors firsthand. Rather, pay attention to what it does abroad.
The fuck are you on about?
I ask again; which genuinely leftist movement has been destroyed by your definition of identity politics?
all to stop a faggot jew from talking for a few hours lol
Might want to put that into practice instead of acting tough on the internet, fam
But he's your faggot jew Holla Forums
While I'm assuming its very enjoyable to do and satisfying to watch is anything of use going to come out of it? Will any liberals see this and look into the far left or are they just going complain about it and are the right just going to be more annoyed with more exposure.
Also will the left be any stronger than it was before hand? There doesn't seem to be enough organisation to get anywhere real but what do I know.
Occupy Wall Street?
Ah, there we go…
Oh, I thought it was the state and capital that destroyed ows.
Implying the state wouldn't use idpol to split a movement.
We basically are two sides of the same coin. Doesn't mean its not fun to poke at the other.
yeah. I'm against the idpol of the liberal state but not idpol that embraces socialism.
Stop calling for shootings. Take a deep breath and count to ten.
It would solve a lot of problems. Stalin had one thing right.
While people are in the streets assaulting literal Nazis, all you leftcoms can do is bitch online. Realistically, how many steps away are you guys from just embracing full blown reactionism? I'd say only a few.
Most of these people are idiots with no lives from Holla Forums trying to "influence"
The best method of dealing with this is giving them all the finger and becoming everything they cringe and hate, and flaunting what makes the situation worse for them in comparison to yourself.
They're feeble minded jealous fools.
Save it for the ones who openly advocate genocide. He's just a dumbfuck scamming the aut-right.
But I wouldn't cry if someone did.
You should get to work on that then. Oh and tell your friends at the FBI I said hello.
more like
I'll tell the council of nine, and the Sirius Reptilians while I'm at it fam. The people of the constellation Leo said hi.
GG antifa for sapping what remains of the left's credibility and political relevance.
You are a cancer and a liability to the left and a threat to the republic.
fuckin smashies.
Last time I checked there are still people protesting
17% of the population of the entirety of Southern California went out to protest and strike and the number was higher than in New York
I can smash whatever the fuck I want.
You know who cares? Only you. Only people like you.
Nobody else cares about some fucking limo.
In all seriousness, what is the leftcom solution to Milo? Engage him in a scholarly debate?
And when the guy that smashed that poor mans head open or woman smashed with wooden 2x4's get shot in the face, what will you say then?
These people organise openly. If Wearing a MAGA hat earns you a coma then these people are going to get v& if they are lucky or killed.
Nothing you can do until you're in power. Then you liquidate him. But power is what matters.
Okay, and what's the leftcom solution to gaining power?
"L O L"
Or, conversely
"W O R L D S T A R"
You are a hero of the soviet union
This is going to be funny, destroy the publics trust in left wing revolt as basic bitch hooliganism and murder, brag about it all the same, get shot by Nadsi's, get V& if not shot by Nadsi's.
But that ATM sure was smashed up bro.
Go cry about your friends' smashed property somewhere else faggot.
Milo would have spoken to a room of, what, 200 students? 300? 400 at the most? And these would have been people who already agree with him.
He has millions of followers on Facebook. Millions of readers on Breitbart. These delusional smashies need to quit pretending that their little outburst of random violence denied him a platform to spread his virulent garbage. The only thing it accomplished was free publicity for Milo (which means even more Facebook followers and even more Breitbart readers). Oh, and the possibility of cutting off federal funding. Pic related. Obviously an empty threat, but the fact that Trump is even talking about it means extra publicity for Milo.
Get organized, you dweebs.
The public doesn't care about vocal racist assholes.
In fact they tend to hate them.
You are far more disliked than you fully realize.
We should kill him too
Doesn't Milo get fucked in the ass by Africans?
What race does Milo hate?
Really nuanced.
Just checked his opinionstube channel to verify, and he also uploads his speeches there.
Humans, all humans.
The communist board doesn't like the united states????
What the fuck?????
Are you saying that because he's Jewish?
Really really nuanced.
All the bullshit statements of somehow you're going to knockoff any leader in the United States has been said many times and only comes off at best as annoying.
He travels around but a prefers a particular kind of sexual partner, maybe that's why he's racist?
he definitely doesn't travel around to africa
and i don't even think he's necessarily racist I just think he's the worst kind of opportunist
I mean that for "Hoochie Minh" but he choose not to respond.
And Milo's history shows him to be the greatest opportunist in all his dealings. From #GG to now he only loves the spotlight
Pretty much agreed, but at the same time I don't like him any more because he's self-interested as opposed to sincerely racist
At the end of the day he's basically a neocon and neocons are still garbage
That makes absolutely no sense. The goal of this protest was to shut him down, and instead he has got vastly more exposure. It was a laughable failure. I suppose your new strategy is to promote fascists as much as possible to maximise the number of people who are repulsed by them?
I doubt these protesters were being paid for by large Capitalist interests who benefit from the failure.
Not like porky has ever not funded someone based on differing ideals, only on their ability.
realistically, if someone really wanted to shut Milo down for good, a victim of the violence he provokes should sue him
i'm thinking that guy who got shot in seattle would be a good candidate
This young woman deserved to have her head smashed with a pole by a Berkeley grad student who will be selling reverse mortgages in 10 years (and then maced) because she is a Fascist doing Fascism and if you disagree you are a liberal.
t. tankie LARPer
all fascist enablers deserve to get their heads smashed.
Milo isn't a fascist. He's an attention craved troll making bank by exploiting idiots on both sides.
Holla Forums fucking hates him tbqh fam, Milo started leeching on them started it all and spilled over to reddit, now that he is big enough he is trying to get the left to do exactly what they are doing right now.
He is just a con-artist, everything he is trying to achieve is actually working and it deeply saddens me seeing all of this shit unfold in front of my eyes.
Exactly this, people should expose him for what he really is, not giving him what he wants.
yes, because they are smashies. this has nothing to do with keeping out the elements that "don't belong" on campus.
i, too, am sympathetic to rich campus republicans
You don't need to sympathize with them to realize that what these morons are doing is completely counterproductive. In fact, some of them are probably cointelpro and agent provocateurs.
Comrade Carl the cuck is also ready and proud to fight the invasion of our safe spaces.
Wouldn't be surprising tbh. The violence only started after police assumedly stormed Delaware.
Same reason Anita cancelled her lecture at Utah State, except Milo had the decency not to do it on purpose.
You naive fool.
Can people stop saying that Milo isn't a threat? He's alt-right, the alt-right are neo-nazis and one of their followers just killed six praying people in a mosque.
If you want to talk about Milo specifically, at his last university talk, he doxxed and outed a trans student and one of his supporters shot a protester. He can go on Fox News and cry all he wants. These people deserve in quarter and no platform.
How did he become the poster boy for that movement then? He still looks white enough and is basically a posh Englishman that tries to downplay his muh privilege constantly in order to shit on minorities that he consideres to be lesser.
And also why do you think he can't espouse some values that are against his sexuality in some sense? he's been openly homophobic plenty of times
He basically recognizes the injustice in being born with that status, and yet just assumes that any action aimed at correcting this is wrong (since it will be detrimental to him in some sense).
Even if you say that he's not really in cohorts with white-nationalists, he is still aiding them by his self described strategy of being the "trail blazer" so to speak. He wants to shift the Overton window to the point where WN bullshit becomes acceptable, and for the most part he's accomplished that. People are rightfully pissed at him and he does not deserve a platform to spread his "freeze peech" that is actually just blatant attack on social justice.
The "provoking" them thing is fucking stupid too, yes you poke at people and they get mad. He's saying himself that it's offense, so now people are retaliating, there's nothing unreasonable about this. It's like that kid that put a finger an inch away from your eye and said "haha I'm not touching you I'm not doing anything wrong!" - it's just idiocy
Oh and also this sort of demonstration is meant to be a signal of the rejection of his views, it's a chance for people in the movement to channel their anger and to build solidarity. It's not something that is done in order to try to convince idiotic legalistic liberals that think the only violence that exists in society is at protests.
fuck yourself nationalist idiot, if you actually think "words don't hurt" then you've clearly neglected to consider how words affect people's perception when it comes to praxis. I don't know why the fuck you're talking about a state considering it's mostly anarchists that are doing this type of thing.
deserve no quarter* is what that was suppose to say
But by trying to shut them down you only give them more publicity.
Literally Reddit posting.
He didn't out anyone, I remember this because it pissed me of this tranny was shouting about him from the rooftops all over the college, was an activist and a critic of his. He put the tranny picture up on screen laughing at it's ridiculous attacks, you should kill yourself if you have a problem with this.
And the alt-right are a bunch of cucks on the only questions that really matter to 'Nazis', racial identity and Jewish question.
what exactly is your solution then? let the alt-right continue to spew their shit unopposed. have you seen who the president is? they have all the publicity they want.
so edgy. fuck off retard
You are an idpol pussy crying over a rebuttal made in public, you are either an activist or a fucking victim, enabling these cancerous people is a disaster.
Doing nothing is better than doing something counter-productive. This 'we have to do SOMETHING!' mentality is not helpful.
The alt-right is more extreme than Trump. Their aim is to keep moving the Overton window right, and for that they need to keep gaining publicity for more and more extreme views. They certainly do not have all the publicity they need already.
Just a friendly reminder that a Milo fan shot up a mosque in Canada and another fan shot a protester in Washington. All in the past week.
paper tigers
This "we have to do something" mindset is absolutely cancer
yeah lets just bend over and ask the state to help move along social change. I'm sure that if we just ask them nicely enough they'll give up their muh privilege!
Steve Bannon is sitting at the right hand of the president. Bannon is actively enacting policy changes in this country and he's the definition of alt-right.
A rebuttal? A rebuttal to what? It was unprovoked against someone who can't fight back. Last night people fought back.
Did Milo start the riot? Then he's better than Anita.
thanks, black bloc
There are plenty of people who are more extreme than him. And even he is bound to some extent by public opinion; he needs allies like Milo to soften people up to these ideas.
Shutting down a Milo speech (which he booked to troll you) is not power. Shutting down federal funding to a public university because you control every branch of government is power.
Take note, LARPers.
State has power–news at 11.
Smashies can't tell the difference between a nazi and someone they don't like. This should not come as a surprise.
Nah, he's mostly been openly homo. Unless you count calling oneself "faggot" as homophobic, in which case I don't know what to tell you.
Or merely recognizes that life isn't fair. How the fuck do you "correct" homosexuality? Forced sexuality conversion from the young age? Because that's the only thing that would stop homosexuals from being a minority and facing all the problems minorities face. And no, no amount of niceness and understanding fixes the smaller and uncertain dating pool.
No, he wants to shift the Overton Window to the point where all censorship becomes unacceptable, and will hopefully succeed.
More like blatant attack on idpol.
In a way that makes him famous and proves everything he's been saying right, and more. So much for "retaliation".
This actually perfectly describes the demands that he stop his performances in enclosed places no smashie ever needed to come close to if he didn't specifically want to.
Too bad it does convince people. Convince them you're mindless violent thugs. And, unfortunately, that the left as a whole is, by association.
The left has no political power whatsoever, be it in government or elsewhere–news at 11.
Wrong. He's /ourguy/
the left was practically dead, people almost forgot about marx. but now wer'e gaining again. browsing Holla Forums feels really really good.
Maybe overall but are antifa actually helping the left grow or hindering it? I assumed the growth was just due to people losing faith in the current system.
Maybe they are though. I don't know.
YAY let's fuel them with fervor and publicity because a fag conman was going to spout his shit for a few of his drones.
Instead of protesting and rioting you should get a gun with a silencer and eliminate him.
many trump supporters and americans in general won't do shit if nazism became vogue. They might not become aut rightist brownshirts but they also are too focused on bootlicking and trying to become the boss to actually give a shit about minority rights
this includes liberals
a drone strike killed 10 women and children and all i hear is crying about a dead navy seal shit from a squad that practiced torture and scorched earth retaliation
Protesting and rioting Milo will not help you you must eliminate him and make right wing afraid again.
You must make right wingers so afraid that they want safe spaces.
You'll just make him a martyr that way. And give the right free propaganda, especially considering he's not even a nazi.
No, you don't understand. We have to shoot Milo.
Why the hell is the FBI trolling itself on our board? Go away!
You're under arrest.
Nice try but I'm FBI too.
So Richard Spencer?
Really kid? He had his safe space of 200 people, now he plays the victim to millions. Antifa are so stupid.
Daily reminder that fascists are infinitely more revolutionary than your average smashie or Trot.
Unsurprisingly, leftists fucked up again
Arent the anti FA just counter-pro? Here in burgerland at least.
Name ONE thing of value smashies have accomplished in the US.
Entertainment. I wish they would riled up the negros again like in the 90's with the LA riots.
That was quite clearly talking about the motivation of actions, not the actions themselves. Give me one good reason you need a motivation to resist beyond the fact there is something to exist.
Go on.
Tell me why having something you can resist is not a good enough reason to resist it.
Don't they already?
Piracy and market socialism are the only ones they'll even consider, you know.
something to resist*
I mean
It's in essence just contrarianism for the sake of contrarianism.
The thing is that in this case, people often have absolute faith in these things, and this faith needs to be shattered. It is badly founded faith.
Try to word things better next time?
As someone who's been through the political ringer (conservative→liberal→GG/libertarian→commie) and an on/off Milo fan, I can hopefully bring a more balanced perspective to this.
Assaulting people for their opinions alone is not okay, this is the normie position. Milo is not a Nazi or a fascist, neither is the average Trump supporter, he's a drama whore with, at worst, mildly controversial opinions
During my days in GamerGate I noticed a pattern among certain e-clebs
This was the MO of SJWs and neoliberals up until last year. It's now been perfected by the alt right and taken up by professional attention seekers and was the driving force behind Trump's campaign.
Yes. Unless you're insecure in your own beliefs, there's no reason to go out of your way to shut them down. If their opinions are shit, let them air out their shit for all to see.
A better solution would be to openly debate and despook them. Attacking them only entrenches them in their beliefs, further radicalizing them into the strawman you've already painted them as. You're much more likely convert them and gain allies by being the bigger man.
it all makes sens now.
Good job anarkids. 8 fucking years.
"Pepe has become kid of a symbol"
I love it. Memers getting what they deserve.
yeah man i'm sure, we all know how peaceful leftist groups can be
ahahahahhahahah this video is gold
the goal was not only to shut him down, but to provide a platform that proves people do not support nor agree with his statements
the news stated that his protest was shut down, that sent a message to the people, that there is again, a platform that won't let such rethoric take place
is she getting black spray paint on her face?
hell yeah, fuck college republicans
Are you this fucking stupid?
In this case where 'enemy' means 'everyone who isn't a sociopath'then yes they win
In the real world nobody besides the most brainwashed of liberals is going to see this as a revolutionary act.
There's a time and place for violent action and this wasn't it
You are approaching this from a non-leftist strategic perspective.
Beating up Milo and Trump supporters achieves in short term nothing. But long term it increases the organizational skills of the left and increases our reputation.
I would prefer an open debate myself. But lets face it, this is Antifa, the only thing they are good for is beating people up and destroying stuff.
nobody claimed they were smart about it
Which it always does, when shit hits the fan.
No matter if it's led by dems or reps.
perfect time for liberals to turn into anarchists
Do it yourself if you want it so bad, you lazy cointel cunt.
Honestly, I wish more gay alt-righters went on TV.
your delusion will be your downfall
you have to go back pol
I'd rather live in an ML nation instead of a smashie anarkiddie fuck homework one.
He keeps getting a bigger platform each time, so much in fact he was a nobody before it started happening.
yeah i'm really shocked right wingers make fun of this guy for a year and then basically turn into blubbering crybabbies and try to preach his message
I honestly wish one of you 'smashies' would assassinate Spencer already. Nobody on our side likes this shameless self-promoter. He'd become much less of a liability to us if he became a harmless martyr.
The guy is a problem.
One thing's for sure, Milo is antifragile. If you want to harm him, you have to take that into account.
Oh give me a break, Milo is nowhere near that important. That sounds like something Milo would say about himself.
Thankfully after this incident in Berkley we won't be seeing anymore of that.
Ignoring them.
Only call them out if they call for violence.
Good job, smashies.
Oh come on, like he didn't have his last tour date there just to provoke this event and sell books.
And idiot smashies fell for it hook line and sinker.
Whats with all the liberals scared of violence?
You should do it yourself ; )
If you attack someone who has not initiated violence against you then it is not self defense.
I'll pass that on to everyone leftists are calling nazis since they are faced with a credible threat of violence.
Just like antifa..
Of course he did. He's antifragile and he knows it.
No, I am a man of peace.
No it was the progressive stack that drove everyone with any sense away. As soon as they started preventing people who were not victimized enough from speaking and then only allowed people who had nothing to say about wall street to speak it was dead.
Yeah they don't care about them because they have no bearing whatsoever on their life. They do care however about people being violent and burning their neighborhoods down. They tend to care about that a lot.
The progressive stack is a brilliant poison pill. Unfortunately Antifa is more about smashing and less about talking, so I don't think they're going to swallow the progressive stack in any meaningful way. Oh well.
Antifa are already serving the interests of the system.
where did all these liberals come from
people don't care about violence as long as it's done by the state in a way that doesn't affect their daily comings and goings. there's a reason fascism is gaining popularity
I am not a liberal. We were talking about the public in general and their attitudes. and they do generally want to maintain the status quo, unless the status quo means a continually worsening situation. Then they go with uncertainty because any chance of things getting better is better than things getting worse and worse.
but this "better"-ness is just an illusion so what does it matter
Milo sure played them hard this time. It's a shame he's doing all this for self promotion, not a higher cause.
Apparently Trump started thinking about pulling fed funds over this lol. Milo is a brietbart reporter, and bannon is a founding member of brietbart. I wonder if they do pay attention to what he does– or specifically– how people react to him
Oh sure, Trump might BTFO of Berkley because of this. One can only hope anyway. But in four years time this will all be forgotten because Trump is going to continue saying outrageous shit and stay in the news the entire time.
from what I've heard of his statements nothing seems particularly right wing. he sounds just like any other left-tard libertarian.
he was going to talk about halloween costumes. he pisses feminist off.
makes me think this branch of antifa is so infested with feminist they might as well just be Wolf instead.
Milo kind of represents the ambiguous overlap between the alt-right, trump supporters, anti-feminism and fascism. The lefts solution by and large is to say the distinction doesn't exist.
he's a basic bitch neocon in everything besides social areas where he changes into a "cultural libertarian". not to mention that apparently he has a ton of interns who write all his shit. my only hope is antifa shoots him
The guys claim to faim is getting banned on twitter for calling Leslie Jones not funny. Not something that should be punished by death imo.
he's a gay jew dude. antifa better bring their a game next time
The recent actions by our black bloc comrades have shown that the "alt-right" is actually weak as fuck and can't hope to stop true revolution.
We have the power to keep these LARPing nazis in their homes so that they will not even attempt to resist when we are lining porky scum against the walls.
We MUST keep fighting and keep the fascist scum down.
Milo is not Fash he is a Conservative Lolbertarian
Any libtards who think punching rightwingers is about protecting minority rights or some other gay shit like that need to wake the fuck up. This is about dismantling the state and society, and currently, right-wingers are in power in the US. Better brace yourself because it's only going to get rockier.
And some enlightened soul said, liberals will get the bullet too.
No, he's the overlap between gaymergate/reddit and basic bitch conservatives.
It was a tranny activist who published her criticisms, you fucking melt. He laughed at her opinions, and you need the vapors.
Talk about wanting to punch Nazi's but being a complete coward, who gives a fuck if anyone responds to Idpol trash, who the fuck do they think they are?
because with orwell becoming the rights waifu, the primary free speech ideology in socialism is libertarian socialism. libsoc attracts edgy faggots like moths to a flame, and they naturally want to be the college nkvd. tl;dr cause anRAWRky and making sense.
Calculating percentage of strategic thought on this board:
WOW! It's fucking zero!