Tell me why I should be a commie

tell me why I should be a commie

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Jesus christ that's one autistic meme

that's nice, now tell me why I should be a communist

is this image supposed to be ironic? i can't tell

the image is a joke. but, why should I be a commie?

If you are a proletarian then it is in your best interest to become a communist

I'm sorry but if you're posting that kinda memes you are too far gone

go sell recreational nukes for bitcoins on the deep web already

read the manifesto

be a leftist or be ruled by the rich forever (well, until they destroy the planet and the workers that is and retreat to their sanctuaries to wait out the collapse they caused)

I didn't come here to convince you rather to make a statement kiddo


the manifesto is shit dude, stop recommending it

you're asking the wrong question, ask us why we're commies instead of why you should be one

If you hate whites you should join up.

ok, why are you commies?

>>>Holla Forums

whats wrong with it? not everyone is gonna read das kapital

It's way too reductionist

how dumb are you? whites run the capitalist machine and use idpol to divide and subvert minorities

my mom and dad were both from poor worker families, their parents were from poor worker families and so on and so on

all busted their asses their whole lives to make someone else rich, someone who owned a business (often inherited, social mobility is dead now and most rich are old money)

they've been union members since forever and have been in lots of strikes

its shit, you don't have to read kapital, just forget about the manifesto


whats better then?

to be honest this was my introductory text but im sure people will say its dumb

Because otherwise you will be exterminated by the rich in a world of plenty. Ironically, they will build communism for themselves.

I seriously will never understand why reactionaries are so obsessed with aesthetics over actual results.


t. third worldist

Fuck off Jason.

Woooah calm down now Unruhe

so, youd rather have them bust their ass so that they can just be taxed to hell by the state so someone working not nearlly as hard gets the same amount of money?


Wage Labour and Capital? Value, Price and Profit? The Next Revolution.

But taxes are theft. I'm an anarcho-syndicals, not a faggot social democrat or social liberal.


protip: communism, anarchism and socialism have nothing to do with progressive taxation and the government providing services

alright, i see now, but then i still dont have anything that would make me pro communism

If you want emancipation of the working people and an end to scumbags (whether it's a government official or stock market speculators) you gotta be somewhere on the left atleast

unless you're a tankie, fuck tankies

Do you fear losing your job due to automation? Do you recongize the irony, thay even though machines should make life easier, they create misery and unemployment among the working class? Don't you agree that if more people can work, everyone should have to work less and should have more free time? Then Communism may just be for you!

(And infinite growth, on a finite planet leads to chaos, as an alternative argument.)

i want to set businesses free and to make sure that they all follow the NAP so they cant steal the wages from the workers.

Considering you're an ancap, you probably associate leftism with hillary clinton, the soviet union and window smashing riots

if you'd ask me what to associate leftism with, it's autonomy, the labor movement, and freedom

Wages are but a return for performed labor that is worth significantly less than the value of one's labor. The worker has no choice other than to sell their labor because they're born without property, the capitalist has other people work for them because he's born with property.

don't fall for the innovative job creators and entrepreneurs meme

So people can be sure that they can shoot you dead without feeling guilty.

watch this

how are you meant to break that glass when the hammer is BEHIND the glass. fucking commies

It will spontaneously shatter when the time is right.

with your hand you sissy

White scum had it coming.
Especially Ungern-Sternberg.

Considering the shit Ungern-Sternberg did the reds went easy on the guy when they shot him.

Ungern-Sternberg did nothing wrong. Mongolians deserved worse tbh.

Of course polyps will defend him.
He was polyp incarnated, only that in his case, he was allowed to lead an army by birthright (only nobles could be officers).
This is why monarchy and aristocracy as a system was failing.

Easy question.