Would you abandon the revolution if you fell in love with someone who is against communism? For example a very evil sexy narcissistic capitalistic man who believes he is above all others?
—————–For those who are watching arrow/flash/legends of tomorrow:——————- You can date only one of the 3, which one do you choose?
Damien Darhk for me, he is the best husbando, he is just so sexy and manly and deadly efficient, I could t handle all the sexy
Then you're a literal class cuck and you're also retarded.
Nathaniel Phillips
Also, this isn't a TV show, faggot.
Sebastian Perez
Virgin Holla Forumstard imagining women everywhere
But it is love user, LOVE
Logan Perez
Aiden Wood
But user i am the one who wants to get boned
Austin Walker
Even better, you can whisper sweet little communist nothings into his ears while he's spent and buried in you and vulnerable
Jacob Barnes
Benjamin Rivera
well, if not, you can always use his post coital bliss as the perfect opportunity to stick the knife in.
Austin Evans
No. Love is a distraction. Read Zizek
Jace Young
That would never happen.
Colton Rogers
Logan Wright
Sounds like you weren't revolutionary to begin with.
The Relations of the Revolutionary toward his Comrades
Brandon Walker
I don't think I'd come to know someone like that in the first place.
Wyatt Green
I would not love someone who is scum. I'd love someone who I like as a person.
Hunter Perry
Can we contain these shit thread to one please? There is already one about virgins I thing youd fit in nicely there
David Perry
Brayden Jones
No, I only date communists. A girl will pretend to be a communist if she likes me enough.
Wyatt Taylor
woah what a cuck
Nolan Ramirez
Which one i ctrl+f "virgin" and got 16 results
Jayden Clark
You should avoid falling in love. It triggers the same brain areas as any other addiction does and if you are getting dumped, the withdrawals are very real.
Just like alcohol, enjoy it in moderation, but for fucks sake, don't get addicted to it to the point of throwing your convictions all out of the window.
Easton Baker
Dunno. I would like to say I would not, but I've never been in love with anyone so it's hard to judge how I would react.
Thomas Martinez
love is a foreign concept to capitalism
Samuel Ortiz
Love exist everywhere, everyone can fall in love, even villains
Michael Nguyen
I don't fall in love with people who are anticommunists
An anticommunist woman will make me very happy because I could rape her into submission remorselessly
Landon Fisher
How can people be attracted to psychotic ego maniacs like that?
Gabriel Cox
By being female.
Nicholas Reed
He has has awesome black humor He is dominant and bossy in a sexy way He isn't a moralfags and doesn't value worthless nobody lives He looks awesome and determined and awesome in general
Connor Peterson
The op is gay
Bentley Richardson
Looool, I expected a teenaged girl
Daniel Martin
I would
Fuck beliefs, love is above all
Oliver Bailey
Is that Jack Harness?
Cameron Carter
Yeah same actor, John Barrowman, rly gay too
Hunter Adams
The other day I told someone I met on tinder that I didn't like tankies or maoists and she told me she was a maoist, so immediately blocked her. i won't even fall in love with some fellow leftists
Robert King
But smart powerful poeple can be charming, and they are less of idealists and more about realism aka using their power to be above others and have control.
Thomas Martin
fucking degeneratesd
Dylan Nguyen
I find those sorts of traits the opposite of attractive. Narcissism and unwarranted self importance kill my boner more effectively than probably anything else and make me disgusted by a person (not in a remotely erotic way). Also