Yfw Hegel was cool with punching Nazis
What a dreamboat!
Fucking rad, but I get the feeling this is made up. Could I get a citation?
It's actually real, amazingly enough
The Phenomenology of Spirit, paragraph 339
holy shit
A lot of racialists point towards skull shape as a proof of race right?
Among other things they can't actually correlate, yes. Also they have a near sexual attraction to any graphs that contain the word "eigenvalues".
They do that the moment all their other "proofs" have been proven as insufficient, yes.
tfw I am a practicing hegelian
What does this even mean?
That the essence of a human being cannot be reduced to their physical traits and that you should creatively alter the physical state of any person who says this to prove that point.
You should punch racists
top fucking kek, I didn't know Hegel was a badass like that
No wonder schoppy was absolutely buttblasted by him, the guy is basically /r9k/ and Holla Forums in a nutshell.
nazi here, I'll shoot anyone who punches me.
How do you prove modern science wrong by bashing people on the head?
If Hegel believes this baby isn't retarded due to missing a brain, then he can be disregarded.
*teleports behind you*
nothing dialectical kiddo
forgot pic
found the phrenologist
You can't, really. Every model with any predictive power points to a material origin of consciousness.
He's right about the bones, wrong about the brains inside.