Reminder that corn is the official crop of the international proletariat

reminder that corn is the official crop of the international proletariat

revisionist scum
wheat is the workers crop
and rice for mauism

wheat is for fascists, just look at the alt-right degenerates and their obsession with pictures of white women standing in wheat fields

It's like you don't even worker revolution.

It's better than corn, is basically sugar syrup crop in late stage capitalism.

It's like you want dust bowl induced famine to occur.

Fuck off to reddit with your identity agronomics


FACT: potatoes have the highest energy density per square meter of growing land.
Truly, potatoes are the best fruit.

Trips confirm

Hard working. Hardy. Versatile. Clearly the humble turnip is the people's crop.

Everything else is revisionary bullshit.


if potatoes have the highest energy desnity per sqm then they must also have a very high nutrient consumpton. the correct staple crop for a region is always the crop with its nutrient consumption closest to replenishment.

the trouble with this is that the natural nutrient replenishment of soil is very low, which is why we mine for more nutrients to support intensive agriculture.

This is correct. Read the True Levellers Standard Advanced:

"The Work we are going about is this, To dig up Georges-Hill and the waste Ground thereabouts, and to Sow CORN (!), and to eat our bread together by the sweat of our brows."

Gerrard Winstanley is very clear on this point.

Corn and wheat are the same thing. If he's a Euro he is probably using the word in that sense.

Yeah. They didn't even grow corn/wheat really; they planted stuff that could grow well enough in the terrible soil. (In fact, they were early adopters of the root vegetables that would revolutionise British agriculture later on.) 'Corn' was just a bit of a meme in that context.

Emmer and Einkhorn wheat are better than modern breeds of wheat.

corn is the best crop wheat is the worst
wheat is for the fat pig whose tummy will soon burst
corn is delicious, great in many dishes
soon the bourgeois will sleep with the fishes

fucking reactionary

Wheat was first cultivated by the Kurds though.

You're thinking of curds and whey, not Kurds and wheat.


Nigga, throw some poop in a composting heap with some sawdust and that problem is over.
(Or you do electrolysis on water and let the hydrogen react with nitrogen from the air, which creates ammonia which you can use to make artificial fertilizer) (or bombs)
(Alternatively, you can get hydrogen from organic waste in some way for less electricity, but I am not familiar with that method.)

you dummies, it's obviously the humble potato.

Corn isn't good for you, though.


By itself, no, but you can easily make up the nutritional difference with other crops.

fuck I'm hungry now


Kaz died.

He ded.

Deded by anti-GG.

RIP in F.

Khrushchev was a living legend.