How old is Holla Forums?

How old is Holla Forums?
What ideological road have you traveled?
This is a fun thread, to get to know our base better. We haven't done one in a while. No personal info, etc. These threads are usually fun & interesting to see how we ended up at our current ideology.

I'll go first.
Just turned 30.
Anarchist–→Liberal–→Libertarian for about 5 minutes–→Liberal–→Socdem–→Socialist

Other urls found in this thread:

Nice try FBI. Reminder to report all data mining threads

Stop it. We agreed here:

You're new if you don't know we do these sometimes.

And this isn't datamining, you tard.

Shia nationalist → liberal → ayncrap → m-l → primitivist → non sectarian socialist with shia characteristics and also a bit technoskeptical

Liberal > Lolbertish > Socdem(didn't know the name or anything about socialism) > Socialist > AnSyn/AnCom/Libertarian Muncipalist

Still reading but so far I'm fine where I am.

Thanks, guys.

You from Lebanon or Iran?

I think this explains well anyone who went through the socdem phase, as I did as well.

Liberal -> libertarian municipalism (but like without reading any literature, just based on realizing and resolving contradictions in society) -> pro-eugenics, community based organization, nationalist, semi-technocracy -> read lenin, turned into something like nazbol -> rejected lenin, leftcom (for like two weeks cause) -> libertarian socialist -> anarchist -> post-anarchist, but I realize that bookchin is probably the right way to go strategically

Late 30s.

16yo - christian conservative ->
19yo - ancomfag trying to be edgy ->
20yo - read chunks of Proudhon and Emma Goldman, turned in a full anarchist (not left or right) was //very// anti-fa/racsist here->
21yo - started reading Kapital, was a generic socialist by chapter 3 ->
26yo - started thinking more and more of my own ideas, turned syndicalist ->
Now - More free market soc through co-ops, collectives, and trade guilds. I even brought worker owned corporations back into the mix. Government would regulate them and have hair triggers for unincorporating offending corps. But to be honest I'm too busy with school to take up thinking about theory, so I probably have some inconsistencies in my "ideal world"

Liberal —(occupy wall st)-→ancom→"marxist"

Indian actually. There are a good number of shia here. My city (Hyderabad) was run by shia from Iran and Turkmenistan for many years (the qutb Shahi and Adil Shahi dynasty). They mixed with some Indian reverts and formed the substantial shia community here.

Hyderabad by the way is named after Hyder, which is the title of the figure who is revered by shia Ali ibn abi talib



inb4 underage ban

FBI is posting chicks with dicks.

what a desperate bunch of faggots, this ain't 4chan.

Center-right > Nationalism > borderline fascism > Socialism > Marxism > Marxism-Leninism

Indian? :D OP here. I moved from the US to India(marriage). Awesome to see another Indian user. Like I said I'm American, but this is now my home. Have friends in Hyderabad. Some good revolutionary thinking there.

How do you feel about the Naxalites?

Shutup. I see no dick on her. You can go back to Holla Forums where they have "grown up" conversations, lmao.


I'm now more interested in just starting to learn socialism beginning with marx, and branching out from there, rather than clinging to whichever ideology simply suits my preferences at the time and justifying it with cherry picked information. I embraced communism because of my willingness to question my beliefs.

>8chanfag almost 40 forty, that's four tens using typical imageboard nomenclature

what caused the swerve?


"Liberal"> social democrat > "centrist >radical centrist

I almost thought that was supposed to be Charles Manson for a second.

socdem > libertarian socialist > anarcho-syndicalist > communalist

wew mate.


Wow nice to meet you babu! I have a very relevant story about naxals
During my college days I was involved heavily in the student union and I would organize many strikes and walkouts. But somehow then I began to lose hope in left wing change. I studied agriculture science so I decided to instead isolate myself and work on this organic farm near raipur. I wanted to follow the example of this man in this book I read called the one straw revolution.

Again, a bit of time passed before I realized I was not really made for this. I am not any sort of gaau wala. And then Allah hit me again with a reason to continue. The village I was trying to farm recently was aiding naxals and I witnessed the army drag men and women away for questioning. Then it was I realized how selfish I was in my attempt to live by myself organically and I needed to get back in the work of revolution.

Father was a marxist leninist. Never told me about ideology
I grew up watching him commenting news and papers.
Started reading his personal library
Been a ML since
I'm 23 now


You give me hope for my own 2 kids.


Liberal -→ Succdem —→ Zionist/Fascist/Race Realist for like a few months —-→ Communist


Naw man, I like it. It's just unexpected is all.

I was on 4 chan before moot took the money to mexico, I am cambrian in chan eras.

You adopted this culture, I was born in it.


Capitalist -> Not Socialist -> NazBol -> Stalinist

I can see how communist ideology can be merged with good moral code and bring humanity to prosperity, true equality and justice. I prefer to refer to my ideology as the "reverse of ancap". When instead of social anarchy and economical capitalism, you live under communist economics, but with conservative morals for the health of society. No sex deviancy either, so community of workers would cherish real values, instead of being depended on sexual pleasures like liberals. Marx said religion is an opium for the people, i say sex is now became that opium, and nobody can think about politics without it becoming a question of what you allowed to fuck. Neither people depended on sex cherish any improvements of their lives, since they only need degradation to become pleased, which is why its so supported by capitalists, since it doesn't require them to spend a lot of money and resources on people.

But i don't worry, my ideology is solid and will find a place in the future, while everything built by anarkiddies and deviants of future generation will crumble under pressure from people who actually want to preserve morals for the future generations. Same reason why Trump won, and yet i don't hate the guy, he just works with the broken system, even if his desires are in right direction.

Oh I love these threads

liberal → socdem → and now its a toss up between marxism-leninism and libertarian socialism/marxism.

Leaning more towards libertarian socialism these days though.

right leaning centrist -> libertarian -> minarchist -> liberal -> sjw -> socdem -> anrarchist -> I dunno probably confederalist

Still old af. I have an uncle not much older than you and I'm on the better side of my 20s. What drew you, a bonafide grandaddy, to 4chins back in the day?


edgy -> "libertarian" -> anarchist -> anarcho-syndicalist

Turning 22 week form now.

apolitical>anarcho communist>technocrat>apolitical>National Bolshevik/National Syndicalist>Post left anarchist>non sectarian communist>Blanquist/communist with Stirnerite and Jim Profit anti moderator characteristics

oh and 23

Communist(M-L) -> Neo-reactionary monarchist -> post-fascist -> social democrat

I was young then and stuck with it?

I guess so. 2006 was 11 years ago, if that's when you started. Time fucking flies.

Childhood crude anarchism without the word anarchism, into right-wing libertarianism because of a misunderstanding of property, into ancom when I started reading. Experience with leninists makes me respect them and their methods, while I don't think it's the best way of getting communism I wouldn't fight against a socialist state if there were still capitalist states around.

Surprise, surprise.

As for me, I’m in my mid-20s. Became politically conscious in my teens, have always been some kind of socialist, with anarchist/libertarian sympathies.

Some time around college I got disillusioned and became a kind of pro-capitalist libertarian, not because I particularly liked or believed in capitalism, but just out of a misplaced anti-statist attitude. Have always been pretty civil-libertarian and anti-imperialist.

Going out into the world, working, paying taxes etc. brought me back to the proper left. I don’t identify with any doctrine, since I don’t think the sectarian squabbles of the 20th century really matter anymore.

34. Anarchist since childhood, the only thing that changed was my idea of how to function in a capitalist society. Started as an edgy kid, grew up and realized that spreading chaos is not a viable plan for social change. Never discriminated between particular visions of anarchist society, even got confused by ancaps claiming to be anarchists until I read about their ideas and decided they make no fucking sense. Voted for soclibs strategically because muh liberty until I realized economic relations are the most important and they're the ones preserving the current system. Card-carrying member of a socdem party nowadays, though the idpol parts are getting increasingly insufferable.

It developed along with me reading. From 15 onward i began with Marx and Engels, then went on to Lenin and lastly recognized Thälmann, Stalin and lastly Ulbricht as the true implementers of Marxism Leninism.
Whenever looking into other ideologies they never could hold up against the geniuses i was already introduced to.

liberal → anarchist → falangist → catholic monarchist → ecosocialist

Geniuses who believed in Lamarckian evolution.


Nice to meet you, too. ^ ^
Awesome story & thanks for sharing. Farming is really important to protect now. My husband's family were agriculture based(from TN) & sadly not many are still practicing it. These are workers that are easily revolutionary & are having to fight to protect it. You seem to have some other good skills that will be helpful to them, not just on the farm, too.

Lal salam
Have an Ilayaraaja song, gomrade ^ ^

And A R Rahman.. I know it's a highly shared classic, but I always find myself returning to it. Fantastic lyrics.

That's really not any worse than Holla Forums.

that picture.


he mad

edgy pre-teen ultratankie > liberal dem > classical liberal > some weird libertarian/socdem mix of nonsense contradictions "progressive" > libertarian socialist/an-com

People stopped replying to you for a reason. I think someone else here is mad, tbh. :^)

what are you even talking about?

I was referring to the dude in that picture.

I like that, lmao.

And I was referencing your low effort shitposting in this thread.

oh my…

why are you so rancorous?

mate take it lightly.
yeah Im a shitposter did you forgot where you are?

Yeah, I was annoyed from the beginning, after this >>1318119
I like shitposting, but you started off with me on the wrong foot. >:(

fucking kill me!

Are you German? Just curious. What should I read by Thalmann?

That can be arranged, leatherman

21. Non ideological leftist in childhood -> became libertarian for 3 years -> SocDem -> Found anarchism appealing because I was scared of Marxism -> Found Marxism and am somewhat Marxist-Leninist.

Shit, the translation & song from the second link are incomplete.


Started my life a super rigid neocon.

At around 16 I became interested in anarchist communist, shifted liberal because all my teachers kept telling me it's "unrealistic" and I was spooked by the expertise of authority figures. Also, the failure of the Soviet Union kind of worried me.I end up homeless for 6 months at 19, and at around 20, I had a roommate from China who was a Maoist and communism peaked my interest again. Turns out the maoist guy was absolutely nuts and he ends up knocking me the fuck out when I ask him to keep the noise of him fucking his girlfriend down to a minimum. I slid deeper into liberalism then just became an apolitical vulgar nihilist troll when I realized it was a dead-end. While living at home, I flirted with libertarianism, but ended up broadening my political views by reading about the history of less authoritarian forms of communism. I don't really know what I consider myself these days, but I'm anti-capitalist and anti-authoritarian. Part of what brought me to leftypol is my hatred of the Nazis on Holla Forums, if I'm being honest. They've infected every single chan board. Fuck those guys.

You speak both? Do you live in aandrha as well?


0-6 what is politics?
6-12 dad says right wing is good so it must be.
13-18 Literally all political ideologies are shit.
20-21 Lenin did nothing wrong.

I speak English primarily(burger); staying in Bangalore. I love Urdu but don't know much. I only speak a tiny bit of Hindi & Tamil. Shared the Telugu song because he(you?) lives in Andhra. :) There's a shared love for the composer Ilayaraaja, in southern states.

Everyone ITT, once they reached adulthood.

14yo - anarchist (learned how imperialist the US is)
16yo - lolbertarian (swept up in the ron paul shenanigans)
19yo - idpol socdem (swept up in the idpol craze, reluctantly thinking we needed a welfare state to protect the rights and well-being of oppressed intersections of society)
22yo - anarcho communist (realized class issues are an inherent part of capitalism and solving them requires the destruction of capitalism)
24yo - me now (hi)


Only Americans.

Lol same with me basically


Centre-right > Nationalist > mussoliniesque Fascism > Marxism > ML > Leftcom

SocDem > ML > MarkSoc > Syndiefag. I'm 27.

Not sure syndicalism is the best way to describe it, though. Long story short is I support the corporatisation (that being economic fields working as one body on the basis of their interests, eg, all tech related companies united as one by cooperating tech unions) and a vote from the grassroots, by every workplace in these fields electing representatives.

annarkiddie→commie-→libertarian–→(realised how retarded libertarianism is) fascist–→National Soc

Liberal > lolbertarian > mutualist > hard on for FDR's new deal > AnSyn

Liberal when Sanders was runing, Marxist-Leninist before the end of the year. Accelerationism is real.

20 yrs

Nah man i'm Swedish and everyone told me socialism was gubmint.

Fucking socdem countries. I remember when all I dreamed of was living in one topkek.

apolitical → communist

what else?

Social Democrat - Right-Libertarian - Classical Liberal - Centrist - Libertarian Socialist - Reactionary Monarchist - 3rd Positionist - Marxist Socialist

Yeah I've really moved around a lot

Not sure what my current ideology is really

Apolitical -> centrist -> conservative -> white nationalist -> Libertarian/conservative

it's funny, really

seeing how most of you have switched your ideology like a fashion i take this as further evidence that nobody of you really studied and develop a genuine understanding of your political lines and are easily distracted by a whim

switching your positions this inconsistently and often isn't being open minded, it only shows that you chose one before without giving it any thought and continue to do so based on feelings and opportunism

oh wow, what a beautiful and ideologically pure specimen


Yeah, this is the only acceptable answer for you?
It's like you don't understand what living is.

I hate to agree with the Stalinist but he's kinda right. Once you become politically conscious and aren't just being a teenager picking whatever sounds the coolest, then there should be some clear path and progression of thought. Going from libertarian to anarchist or liberal/socdem to ML makes sense and is an understandable path, but going from fascist to socdem to anarchist to ML just seems like you didn't understand any of those philosophies before you converted or that you have no idea why you believe certain things.

Well, of course. Stalinist should've put it this way. His attitude/pretentiousness is what prompted those reactions. It just seems obvious that when someone goes from one ideology to an extremely different one next that they didn't understand thoroughly these ideologies. Most of us were young & so that happens, naturally. It should go without saying.


As a kid I was close to green/liberal socdem positions popular back then, I suppose → communism → anarcho communism → left liberalism → "radical" socdem → socialism

Basically I've always been interested in a social, ecologist, antifascist system of human existance which still grants room for certain personal freedom.

How can I be as cool as you

P.S.: what bothers me the most about politics is how I've never found my way into any actual way to fight for my believes somehow, because it seems like it's either the road to being corrupted by "the system" like with big so called socdem parties or operating outside this system and being identified as a threat by liberals while still being unable to spread your message to the masses, at least for this part of Europe at this point in time.

Radical left political work seems like such a Sisyphean task.

Besides, I've also been needing to get my own personal life together, which is kind of a harsh distraction from politics as well.


Been a commie since I was 14

24. Liberal>Scandi Socdem with dude weed lmao characteristics>technocrat>green politics>situationist>libertarian socialist>Ansynd>Ancom

Basically at 10 got into politics and become a kind of Nader socdem. Then read communist manifesto and other stuff about socialism on Wikipedia and understand that post-scarcity can actually exist, though still a socdem in practice because human nature :^) Find this place 2 years ago when I'm 14 and become a Leninist, then read parts of Capital, Kropotkin, and Bakunin and become an anarcho-syndicalist. Then a couple months ago get into Bookchin and become Communalist

It's not easy, but not impossible. I think it was easier a century ago because there was kind of an ideological vacuum. Now though, at least in the West, we have to overcome ideological conditioning that basically begins at birth. I've had some success just talking with people, especially those under 30. They know they're getting fucked and are starting to understand who is fucking them, but aren't sure what to do about it. Most are at that Bernie point of exploring alternate solutions to the status quo, but there are some that are more receptive to more radical alternatives.

Apolitical -> Green libertarian -> Libertarian socialist -> Platformist Syndicalist synthesis

Centreist > Liberal > Very Short Libertarian phase > anarchist > An-syn > An-comm/libertarian socialist

But now a feel kinda lost. I know I'm far left but I need to read more and learn more about the different ideologies and what they entail and how viable they actually are.

Christian conservative -> syndicate anarchist
I was raised an Christian and I believed all that it taught. As I started to learn more perspectives from my friends and school I didn't believe in that crap anymore. The political compass put me way in the lower left corner, I was amazed I was around there, but now that I think about it I have always enjoyed things which are some sort of direct action.


Lolbert>Almost getting hung up in mainstream liberal politics>Ancom>Marxist/Communist

UK Labourite > UK left-Labourite > Ragged Trousered Philanthropists tier state socialist > High School AnCom > non-aligned trot > relatively politically active autonomist


neoclassical libertarian—→ liberal socdem —-→ right-wing communist

Try reading, stupid.
I'm an edgy ignorant anarkiddie and even I'm somewhat consistent, my whole right-libertarian phase happened because of a misunderstanding of property rights.

no fascist understand neither fascism nor socialism tbqh.

Almost 31.
Commie→Liberal→Apolitical with Posadist characteristics

Capitalism doesn't work, Socialism doesn't work, no system will ever work because humanity was a mistake and the best we can do it's pray to an end to this misery.

Amazing how most people have crazy ideological roller coaster rides but I've always been somewhat left-wing through my life due to the shitty stuff that's shown on British TV that I saw at a young age.
It got really depressing seeing people starving, killing for religion or ethnicity and bombs being dropped in wars. I caught on pretty quick that their was something perversely wrong in the way the world functioned.

same fam

25 years old, literally went from
socdem → socialist
that's it

I'm turning 24 next month.
If I had to describe my political road so far, I guess it would go like this:
Anarchist → Apolitical edgy teenager → filthy social democrat in high school → Socialist → Ancom → Egoism
I've felt fairly consistent so far. I never understood how someone could swing between left and right, especially multiple times.

To be honest I'm very much the same. I had pretty intelligent, working class, left-wing parents and I always found capitalist rationality (poor people deserve it; the constant threat of manufactured starvation makes us better people; the rich people who boss you around are morally superior &c.) really creepy.

It sounds odd, but I've always felt it's a bit weird that I've never really had the experience of being (coherently) right wing, or even 'apolitical'. I'm not sure if the internet-communists who became MLs after ditching the libertarianism they got watching Youtube have experienced some profound trajectory and I'm missing out.

Soc-Dem -> Socialist -> Market Socialist ->Communalist with transitory market socialist stage


socdem, anarcho, softcore antigerman, leftcom

mostly drawing influence from the italian current of left communism and german marxology

If you define left/right as socialist/capitalist, then it doesnt heppen very often.
But if you describe left and right more abstractly, there are forms of right wing socialism as well and its easier to imagine somebody swinging between ideologies

24 years old.
I never had a really defined ideology, but always have been leaning towards the left-libertarian side of the spectrum since I became interested in politics during high-school.
I was more liberal before though, but even back then I was still interested in Marx and briefly interacted with the youth branch of the local communist party. I just didn't like the authoritarian stance of Marxism-Leninism and didn't know there were alternatives until I've read Debord and the Invisible Committee.
Today I would say I'm an opportunist basically. I would sometimes vote for socdems, but I'm aware of their shortcomings (i.e. SYRIZA), and think a revolution has way more chances to bring a concrete radical change in society. However I also feel like most revolutionaries don't really know what we would do after such revolution and don't like the glorification of it (see Zizek and his "I would sell my mother into slavery to see V for Vendetta pt. 2" joke).

Honestly though going from Fascism to the far-left isn't that unbelievable. Most people are fascist for social reasons ie racism/sexism. Getting a girlfriend or non-white friend can make people way less reactionary.

Obamacrat (when I was in the 5th grade)>Libertarian>Socdem>Nazi (for like three days after I found Holla Forums)>Anarchist>Market Socialist>Marxist Leninist

Forgot my age

I remember the Images of the Kosovo War as having a massive impact.

No preferance > uncommited democrat > libertarian > marxist

Looking back i realise that i was M-l even before i knew what Marxism-Leninism was.

Don't laugh too hard but my path to socialism began when my mother showed me a Michael Moore film
Of course today I know Moore is full of shit but he is good for entry level socialism tbh

I was a full on austrian school edgy libertarian up until I got to my twenties and from their on I got progressively more lefty especially after taking some time out to read stuff that didn't appear on the Mises institute or come out of Molyneux's mouth.
I found that as I read more and started working at an actual real life job the more I came to detest capitalism.
So now i'm a mutualist.

I really wasnt committed to any ideology before being socialist. "Anti political" moderate who fetishized Robin Hood and similar Chaotic Good characters, until I read Malcolm X's autobiography and discovered anarcho punk when I was 14. I am neither a black nationalist or an anarchist but I'm very sympathetic to both (communist anarchism and Huey Newton's black nationalism) and they were my introduction to politics outside of the shitty Ameriburger spectrum.

Now a non-denominational communist working through a lot of reading and seeing what I think.

20 y/o

Liberal -> Libertarian -> leftist libertarian -> Weird State Capitalism Phase (DPRK worship ect) -> Left com -> Market socialist -> Leninist but with decentralized planning and workers councils.

Liberal>socdem bernie "socialist">soviet fetishist>ancom for 2 months>libertarian marxist>classical marxist>leninist

I'll be 23 the next month.
Centre-right→Anarcho-individualist→Centre-right→Soft traditionalist→SocDem→Socialist (leaning towards Marxism-Leninism).



Workers ownership over the means of production does not single out mutual markets

Right wing liberal → left wing liberal → socdem → anarchist → mutualist → anarcho-communist with survivalist characteristics and vaporwave aesthetics

So now the workers are exploiting themselves for profit and destroying the environment in the process. Good shit?




That's not what Proudhon said. Now you're like Lenin with a fetish for markets.

Liberal (because of parents) –→ Edgy atheist (becuase of Youtube) –→ Progressive/Socdem (because of Bernie) –→ Left/Anacho-Communist (because of my interest in socialism that Bernie sparked)

That's not a political ideology.

It was pretty much my ideology at the time. I just followed whatever the Youtube atheist community said.

I'm still an atheist (as in I don't believe in God) but it is no longer something I care about

This. I personally feel it just shows you're desperately for something to believe in and will latch on to any Great Ideal that will provide meaning to your life.

read the right to be greedy

I wasn't adressing anyone in specific and i described exactly what and how certain attituted are exposing the posters for being dumb bitches.

If you feel offended by it, then this is perfectly fine with me and very much intended. You should feel offended and also embarrassed about yourself.

In all honesty, if your first response to someone pointing out how much of an obvious faggot you are, without even pointing at or naming you, is to cry about how butthurt you are over it rather than some silent self-reflection, you should probably just kill yourself.

Projection/I'm angry at my parents: the post
You're giving yourself too much credit claiming people are offended. It was just an unnecessary comment on your part. What you said could obviously be deducted by seeing an extreme ideology switch.

lib - somewhat more rightwing lib - apolitical -anarkidd (that's not to diss all anarchists. it's just I was particularly stupid at the time and didn't know it) - some kinda christian communist - generally hopeless

I feel like I'm goin into another apolitical streak. for a little while I thought maybe leftcom theory was the way to go, but increasingly I feel like every tendency just gets annoying to deal with after a while. They all have their serious flaws and for each of them the worst flaw is their adherents. Honestly if I could just get a stable, enjoyable job and a qt wife I'd prefer that to all this commie shit, the problem is I'm not good at shit and women don't like me.

former libsoc, joined the populist right. come here to talk about socialism every now and then, but i see the movement as too subverted to do any good for proles these days. mostly a puppet movement for globalism and an edgy fashion statement for monastic postmodernists.

21 disgusting student

But college is free here so all you muh-blue-colar-realz-jobz fuckers can suck my educated balls

Oh right
Kid → Social democrat kid at 8 that questioned the use of money and ownership of the means of production by private individuals → Anarchist in edgy teen phase → Back to proto-marxism → Marxism → Marxism with lots of computers


Nothing -> Socialist -> Leninist

American liberal > clueless lolbert > ancom > leninist > currently interested in leftcom thought


Theres people on here that rag anyone who studied because "itz bourgoies" or something.

this has to be b&
otherwise piss of you retard

Generic Liberal -> American Socialist (what i mean by this is, I identified as a socialist, but I had an American concept of what socialism was. So basically, I was a soc-dem with a boner for the Soviet Union. I was 14 at the time) -> Trotskyist -> DeLeon Syndicalist -> non sectarian Marxist Communist

wew lad

Wow, that's stupid of them. Could be Holla Forums shitposting. Theory needs to be studied by anyone who has the opportunity.


Lmao at the people itt who think they're superior for having rigidly stuck to left wing thought forever. Fucking grow up.

It helps to shift around, avoids becoming stagnant and ossified and lets you understand the opponent's views.

True. Also, being from the south, that made it easier for me to convert or reach out to other southerners who lean right, in my experience.


15 - 17 Conservative as a teenager
18 - Scandinavian characteristics liberal
20 : Read Capital, became socdem-ish
22 : Anarcho-Communist
24 : Not sure! Maybe someone can give advice.

Not spooked by the idea of taking state power. I'm a materialist, and can see some use in dialectics but don't hail it as some crystal ball. If asked, I say I'm a Marxist. Have critiques of Leninism but overall don't think it's worth ditching as a whole. Don't like socdem, and getting annoyed at anarchists who don't read any theory, including their own. Not into markets, worker's councils seem okay - but I need to look into them more. I use leftcom flag to look smarter and so I'm not dismissed by tankies/anarchists as one of the other whenever I have some critique.

After writing that all, really curious if anyone can provide some guidance/reading materials.

liberal → marxist → ancom → individualist anarchist


Zionist -> National Minarchist -> Anarcho-primitiveist -> Jucheist -> Pan African Fascist -> Feminist/Queer social democrat -> Free market socialist 3rd world maoist

how could you possibly fuck that up?

30 Burgerstani

Liberal -> Progressive Socialist -> A Leppo

I was here to determine if there was anything good. Nope.

I was a progressive because I believed in science and my own intellectual capabilities. I now realize that was youthful hubris. Scientists have agendas and are just as prone to group conformity thinking as the rest of us, and sometimes confirming everyone else's biases IS the recipe for YOUR success. The real world is messy, and letting little men with big egos battle out the needs of the many is far more efficient and successful at giving people what they NEED than doing science. As Dr. House says, "everyone lies". Everyone says that they value education, but no one wants to fund it. Liberals wax poetic about immigrants, who they move into poor, conservative neighborhoods because of the crime that those liberals claim immigrants don't commit. So, while you would like to believe that humans are capable of correctly directing an economy with scientific precision, you are really the other side of the coin that says the Egyptians needed alien help to build the pyramids.

Centrist→Libertarian→ Ancap→Ansyn→ Egoist Anarcho Individualism with NazBol characteristics

You're not a true egoist. Nationalism is a spook



Jebus Gris I hope this is satire.


I listen to System of a Down



Do you fuckers actually do anything for your ideologies or do you just keep swapping around your twitter biography based on the last book you read?

Some of us do, yeah.
Many of the people here however, like this place to have fun and feel intellectually enlightened meanwhile. Nothing wrong with that.
But still, fucking do shit faggots. Read books sure, but apply the knowledge you have gained to make us all a nice FALC.

Edgy → Edgy → Edgy → Edgy → Edgy → Edgy → Edgy → Edgy → Edgy → Edgy → Edgy

I'm 24.

I actually used to post as a leftist on Holla Forums on 4chan back in like…2009? 2010? When it was still /news/, anyway. But it was a nazi echo chamber so I ended up leaving for a long time, but I just discovered this place and couldn't be happier.

I went from Obama democrat as a teen to socialist to full blown tankie in college, but I've kinda pulled back and ended up hoping against hope Bernie might win in the primaries. Democrats are spineless handmaidens to capitalism tho so here I am. Anyone wanna re-radicalize me?


Conservatism → Centrism → Liberal → Democratic Socialist → (approaching) Socialism

I grew up in the country and holy fuck do they lure kids into right-wing ideas, it wasn't until I discovered the internet that I realized how bad capitalism has been.

Also I still consider myself a demsoc, but I usually just say I'm a socialist.

What do you mean? And what do you do for yours? Most of us enjoy reading, sharing pertinent lefty news. This place has helped me substantially, in being informed. I'm also teaching my parents/family what I've learned from here as well. I now live in another country, a country that embraces socialism, so I'm getting into their politics. I'm as politically active as I can be from far away from home. Mainly it entails keeping people up to date on government policies & what causes to work with.

Want to talk about it, champ?


Stalin did nothing wrong.

The longer you stay, the happier you'll be. Welcome.

"Live and let live">Utopian socialism>Eurosocialism>Anarcho-Communism>Mutualism>Geolibertarianism (libertarianism in the original sense, not the american bastardization)

Conservative -> Republican -> SocDem (Bernie) -> Socialist -> Communist -> Libertarian Marxist


nothing wrong with that


Anarcho-Primitivist > Leninist > Socialist > Marxist > Christian Anarchist > Anarcho-Communist