Twitch puts Anita Sarkeesian on the spotlight, shilling her "landmark series" vs. video games

Virtue signalling intensifies.

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I wonder who could be behind this post…

>tfw even if you ignore it, (((they))) don't
So much for "if you ignore it, it'll just go away".

the same Anita who recently publicly admitted that she was only using games as a launch platform and that she wasn't really a gamer? dis gon be gud

literally no one cares about her anymore.


I want to be Anitas slave


Yeah, no cares about her so much that Google, Twitter, GDC, Intel and now Twitch are now her lapdogs.

Everyone on Holla Forums has this fantasy tbh user


I don't think the "if you ignore it, it will go away" thing has ever worked.

So did she actually finish it, or are they still pretending she didn't take the money and run at the end.


Those corporations have actual people in charge. It's all about (((networking))).

You should all know things are about to be far worse.

Games are being policed and cleansed, and soon what you can say online will be to.

Anita is the start, and you're going to watch your hobby go up in flames unless you challenge them.

You can't ignore this, you can either defeat or submit to it.

This level of cuckolded self-delusion isn't even worth your sage.



I want her to get hit by a fucking truck tbh.

and he can die in a fire

You monster.


idk how often you go to pol, but it's pretty obvious it's compromised.


So they finally admit they hate them?

Video games are only a vehicle for politics to the assholes who believe they are. Sometimes those assholes are the ones making the games, sometimes they're just (((critiquing))) them.
Either way, the best way to fight back is to keep expressing your hatred and refusal to give these faggots money.

To be fair, it'd have worked in the beginning. The only reason she got exposure on the first place was her victimisation.

Once the ball starts rolling, there's obviously no way to stop it


Nope, they just false flag victimization and then do what they wanted to do anyways. Hell they were caught false flagging several times.

Holla Forums*
I'm so sorry, user. It was a mistake. I promise to never do it again!

This tbh.

Not only do you not give them your money, you make better games to challenge theirs. It's not hard, the tools are out there and for the most part free.

I still don't see why Holla Forums hasn't started more game development projects, this is the perfect opportunity to beat these bastards. They have tons of money, but they have little ambition and they despise gaming in general.


it didn't exist when anita started user

the curse of Holla Forums is anyone that can actually get anything done leaves the place for reddit because they like to get their dick sucked

You mean her "victimization."


Only after they were attacked for real. False flagging works because people also get real people's feedback on her elsewhere (ie you don't hate on Anita's videos directly, but when asked about her on some other website you say something negative).

Nobody talking about her, and nobody knowing her at all would've rendered the victimisation and false flagging useless. You can only fabricate so much backlash.

When is this faggot going to finally die of his asscancer? I'm sick of hearing him whine.
I know you're just trolling but that's some peak revisionism. None of this vidya as a means of shilling political ideologies shit would have taken off like it did if Anita never showed up. Tropes vs. Women was ground zero.

that's basically what happens they leave because they can't take the heat and turn into reddit.

see: notch, yandev


I'm not debating on the spelling of the term. Those air quotes are meant to denote sarcasm.

Technically it can only by the help of shills who make shit seem like gold so reddit thinks it did something instead of get scammed

I meant it as in she made herself a victim instead of her being a real victim.

Yall know the only way to stop them is by killing them.

i definitely dont want to be a slave of hers
but i want to be in her while she is taping an episode of femfreq
i want it to be like those JAV of newscasters getting fucked from the background

I don't think Gamergate ever realistically expected to stop this bullshit entirely. At the very least, it was an effort to plug the dam for as long as possible.


Not really, no one really cared until this shit blew up. I wouldn't be surprised if it was false flagged to begin with. (((They))) were obviously planning this for years considering how total (((their))) control over media was for this. It isn't like this is the first time they did this either, look at comics or table top RPGs, this is just the first time anyone fought back.

i dont think we fought hard enough if they kept going as nothing happened

You pretty much said it yourself, fighting back is what made it blow up.

Fun fact user
They're losing

I'm glad about that, but what makes you say they're losing?

Only good thing to come out of gamergate is it politicized a lot of people the would have stayed out of politics and it was good warmup for all the shit in the Trump election.

Compared to comics or tabletop RPGs that died, keyword died as in fucking dead and arguably never coming back, without a fight. Fighting these people and causing them to double down until even normalfags hate them is the best solution.

Trump in the White House, Conservative control of both houses in Congress, and a Conservative-leaning Supreme Court are probably the biggest indicators.

Handel winning against Ossof in the most expensive Congressional race in history is another indicator.

They are but they are also desperate.

Do not let up, and don't for a minute think that they won't take the opportunity to forcefully silence anyone that opposes them.

Trump's in office, the Italians are actually arresting human traffickers in the Mediterranean, the Sweden Democrats are the most popular political party…


Have these stuff had any impact on videogames, though?
The tendencies are still there. Ugly/bland bodied women main characters in movies and games

yes, winning.

they arrested ONE ship out of something like 50. Its just show for plebs.

Average people are starting to see what's going on in these companies and are getting really sick of their shit. Fighting back made them flip out since that wasn't supposed to happen. These kinds of people are so arrogant that they think everyone feels their way with the proper "education" and that it's impossible for anyone reasonable to disagree. It's why they're blaming Russia for Trump winning, they can't wrap their heads around the election being, in a sense, a referendum on them, which they lost.

We couldn't "save video games," since video game companies are by and large staffed by latte-sucking Bay Area effetes. Instead it's a bigger task, making the limousine liberal/SJW type of politics that's popular among social strivers socially uncool. And we're doing a good job of that.

Yep, and while we have the momentum, they still have the money and infrastructure.

She really doesn't look that good honestly, you must have some real low standards.

Politics follow culture, not the other way around.

Because people were starting to crowdfund pirate ships to sink NGO vessels.

She probably also doesn't have a very strong or dominating personality to fulfil his fantasies neither. She purposely avoids putting herself in conflict or criticism situations all the time and she made an entire career out of painting herself as the victim, showing she has no pride to speak of.

Twitchfaggots will defend this.

Nowhere does it say you have to pay attention to the videos.

The view count doesn't care if anyone paid attention or not.

>the entire chat is filled with

Forgot to add that the kidney stone, unlike the videos, will leave no lasting traumatic effects.

You have to watch or you'll be getting the kidney stone to go with it.

Like you'd get your memory erased? Pretty sure the pain of the stone would leave an impression.
Also, the videos are not really a big deal. It's like watching 2 bad movies in a row.

Lowest-tier of wews.

They will use every bit of it too to maintain their power.

Please people, you magnificent faggots, NEVER stop fighting these people. Keep emailing, keep mocking, keep memeing.

You have no clue how close we are to fixing this. Just keep fighting for a little while longer, and make sure they are bombarded at every turn with their own words. Nothing hurts them more than their own narcissism, bigotry, and projection.

Does no one here understand the pain of passing a kidney stone?
Jesus Christ you guys. I'd gladly watch 6 hours of Feminist Frequency if it meant not having to pass one of those again. Fuck it, I'll take the day off and marathon the fucking shit for a full 18 hours if you want me to.


(((they))) can write their articles all fucking day if they want, it's not helping her stay relevant. She's losing money, and you can see from her increasingly infrequent public appearances that she's looking to silently slip out of video games and find a new place to leech goons.

It's silly to say physical pain in general compares to watching a video to begin with, that's why these comparisons never work. Unless the image was too bright and physically damaged your eyes or the noise damaged your ears.

Someone derail this worthless advertisement with aras.

It's 6 hours of cultural marxism. I forgot to add, you also have to be completely sober and alert when watching.

You write so much of passing kidney stones, but nothing will match the painful cringe my face was left in after her videos on sexy ads on torrent trackers and that other one where she managed to miss the point of one of the most hamfisted, surface-level music videos produced in the internet age.

Here's the kicker.. Anita has always been shitty and has always had people telling her so. You think it was 4chan going after Anita for years before she did her shitty kickstarter? She was a non-person as far as we were concerned.

This is the same reason that letting reddit insist GG should be a PR war fought with donation drives and charity was a dumb fucking idea, believing anyone could beat the fucking mainstream media and their social media cronies at a game of "control the narrative" is just plain stupid. Kotaku was poised to write as many articles about Anita and Zoe and anyone else whose victimhood narrative they felt they could profit off of, regardless of how many "death threats" or "trolls" there actually were.

As we saw in numerous cases, when the troll caves are sparse, SJWs and feminists will go ahead and fake as much "cyberviolence" as necessary to promote a person whom they believe symbolically acts as the greatest beacon for their ill-conceived (((greater good)))

I guess she looks okay in the third one, if you look at the thumbnail, and if you squint.

This is like the 4th time.
Anyway, I can still zone out while pointing my eyes in the general direction of the screen. It's like zoning out in class while the teacher is explaining something boring. Nothing traumatic about it

This man is smart.

I'd rather suffer the pain of passing a kidney stone because I'd be more inclined to change my diet to help prevent having another and going through all that pain again. Whereas the faggots that eat up her videos don't have the luxury of a lasting mark or phantom pain to remind them they shouldn't keep doing it.

That's not true. You can ignore physical pain. Idiocy is hard to ignore, especially if you have a low tolerance for it.

She seems to be running out of options to try to stay in the limelight.
She shouldn't be trying to stay relevant, because someone will find out about her non-profit organization is actually stealing money from people.

I don't know if it's because I have the goons that would normally passive-aggressively plug her shit blocked on twitter, but they seem to be done with her. I can only imagine how users on Facebook thought.

They've got more people excited over streaming anime or some 4/10 girl playing the Steam greenlight flavor of the month than this shit.

Just to illustrate for you, you're strapped down and have your eyes forced open, Clockwork Orange style. It can't be helped.

You like pain, right? Go kill yourself, they torture you in hell.

Nowhere does it say that you have to be sober to pass the kidney stone.

Generation Identity ship that gets to sit in docks is not pirate ships

The most important thing is to point her out whenever she starts screwing things up. Her shitting up Google and Youtube is what finally drew attention to how fucked up those sites are.

I can ignore my constant backpains to a certain degree, but how painful are kidney stones, exactly?

No drink or drug there, either. For one hour, Hank Hill can no longer envy your urethra, as opposed to six hours of marxist quibbling over computer programs.


I know how painful they are but also know all the options in getting rid of that pain permanently. In the end, she has proven herself more annoying than a kidney stone. One is still a bother while the other has passed without being an issue again.

Are they as painful as six hours of Ms. "Kanye West is Trying To Invoke 'The Sexy Dead Women' Trope"?

Honestly, it does not take that many people to fake an "event" on social media these days. The people who hit the news over controversial tweets often have a few hundred interactions. Even Anita's videos, for all the buzz and chaos surrounding the oh-so important academic critic struggles to crack 50k views on most of her videos, and she's only able to get that far thanks to constant shilling and likely bot-based traffic.

And yet, this is the woman that Google, Twitter, and Facebook are all fighting to pay to come and tell them that shitlords are bad and free speech is evil. Some retarded cunt with an audience that mostly keeps track of her shit out of spite, who gets maybe 12 retweets on a good day, and whose academic credentials include entirely too many essays about Buffy and Mulan.

Think of shoving a peanut through a run-of-the-mill coffee stirrer you find at a restaurant.

You know I think I finally get it.
It's called Tropes vs Women in Video Games.
Anita is tropes, attacking women that are in video games. It's not the Tropes in the games attacking women.
It's anita.
That's the secret this whole time.

Are you saying that tropes did nothing wrong?




I bequeath to you.
A boot to the head

The secret is literally who cares.

Girls that actually play videogames?

im worried that the kidney stone will cause lasting damage to my urethra, while the videos would just be boring for six hours.

Her brand would be a lot better if she could just manage to communicate with her critics. It would at least be nice to see her show conviction in the light of opposing arguments since large portions of her arguments are subjective anyway.

Nothing really illustrated this lack of communication more than vidcon when some guy asked her and I'm paraphrasing here "Do you really believe everything you say in your videos?"

Instead of immediately validating her views and knocking a softball question of the park she went on to berate him and avoided the question. I, myself, will call her views shit and her ideas garbage all day. But at least there's some semblance of honor in standing by your ideas even if they are shit. She can't even do that. She's a professional shitposter. Take note, I'm not using the term "professional" lightly here. She is literally getting paid to shitpost on a grandiose scale.

If you ask me, "Who is the best shitposter of our age?" I cannot in good conscience answer anyone else but Anita Sarkeesian.

From >>13171928:


the poster said the stone is the size of a peanut, are we talking about one out of its shell, or one inside of the shell? because if it's in a shell fuck you im not doing that

meant to make this the second image


kill me pete

Horredous figure, horrendous feet.
Also, twtich is SJWs! in other news, water is wet.

user, you're making the first mistaking disingenuous cunts like Anita demand everyone makes: Acknowledging in any small way that her arguments are sincere or deserving of legitimate consideration. Taking the time to argue against her is pointless, not because she won't ever address criticism against her ideas or methodology, but because her ideas are bullshit to begin with.

As you pointed out, she won't even address the very simple question of whether or not she believes what she presents as "academic and educational" material. And as she stated clearly before that event, it was never about video games. It was always about spewing feminist bullshit because that's all that has ever mattered. By admitting that, it implies that she has to struggle to obfuscate and manipulate her intentions, because when presented plainly, they hold no weight. They are meaningless whines into the void… But when she dresses it up as a "serious issue" one that creates misogyny and oppression, and so on, and to which she can divert attention away from the point and to meaningless observations presented as evidence, she can complete the elaborate illusion of caring about a hobby for the sake of wanting to improve it and correct its problematic elements.

any argument she could make would be a non-starter. we are talking about zeros and ones here. the characters are not human, the games are entertainment and within the laws of the land. anyone who gives her platform or money is a cuck and a quisling. no one should ever have known her name.

I finally found it again. I knew I saved it somewhere. I'm so happy. Now, can I upload a swf?

no it really wouldn't have, comic fags didn't fight back and look at the sorry fucking state they are in

this for sure, the place we are in now vs 3 years ago is a massive shift away from them, tons of work to do but we gain ground every day, they are their own worse enemies. It's almost like all their SJW diversity hiring instead of meritocratic hiring, is actually not good for winning? Reality has a nasty habit of intervening eventually.

Rhianna Punjabi

Technically she did, but she never covered all topics, she just said "we got to the end of the project", she also wants to make a second campaign to make a second season.

Remember the time when comic books had some kind of code? remember how everything else just went underground until things changed? we will survive this one.

I don't think any revolt would have the power to vanish that cunt from the industry.

Interestingly enough, Notch at least didn't pander to those unlike Yandev.

You'd think the tumor would fill any need he has for feeling something up his ass, but I guess not

He literally filtered the word on his streams… and he was playing some game which had literal death traps, so warning him in the chat gave you a permaban.

Anyway stream chats are even more cancer than he is, nothing of value was lost.

Vidya is already fucked. Western games are poorly made trash packed with virtue signalling, and Japanese games are now being (((localized))) in Japan before they come here. The best thing you can do is support the few companies that do good things, and punish the shitty ones by starving them of shekels. Unfortunately fanboy retards will defend and financially support shitty companies like EA and Nintendo.

Faggots like Yandev will never get anything done.

So many "ignore feminists and they'll go away" shills, my god.

I assume it worked for them when they were bullied at school or some stuff like that.

No he got something started, it just looks terrible and sold out to the people who don't like those sorts of games. Really, a yandere school girl game should've been left to the Nips, and I say that even as I bemoan their general gameplay quality.

This one's been through her 15 minutes of fame, and is now starving for attention. Same deal with a certain other LW trying to get into politics.


Did Anita ever make more than 2 videos?

The only thing that Yandev has truly achieved is bringing us laughter from his continual meltdowns. Other people have thrown together and finished free games without the melodramatic attention seeking and e-begging. Yandev has a poorly made game engine and a series of increasingly butthurt youtube rants.
I agree with you that nips should be left to make nip games. Westerners trying to ape nip games are just making weebshit, as in shit thrown together by a legitimate weeaboo.

The only time "ignore them and they'll go away" works is with trolls
Ignore these power hungry cunts and they'll keep at it

It's the sports games, the idiots buying those couldn't give less of a fuck about who made them.

Twitch deserves to be destroyed.

EA has plenty of franchises for fanboys to suck off. Even this board has threads for Titanfall and assorted Bioware trash.

You get what you deserve.

This method ain't helping, fellas. I suggest you faggots to wake the fuck up!

so SJWs are the tau?

Does that make us the imperium?

their sales are minuscule compared to how much FIFA, NHL, NFL, NBA Live and the rest sells.
EA makes the big bucks with EA Sports, then wastes the money on other shit, sometimes it works ot and they get profits and sometimes it doesn't.


Hideous fucking tranny. They honestly believe they look like the real deal too

First reply, every time.


pretty cool.


/anita/ it wasn't funny the first time

Feels good being more sturdy than you thought.

reminds me of this faggot from gdq who said the same thing in a post.

Even the ones that do cannot pass when it comes to wanting to fuck them, and certainly not for having children. They're a dead end.

And getting more done than 95% of aspiring *chan devs. Ultimately irrelevant though, you're right.

What's next? Shall we honor Charles Murphy for his landmark contribution to comics?




Here's the thing, most *chan devs usually work behind the scenes, so chances are you're probably playing one of their games and don't even know it.

no, saged and hidden


After we finish off dogshit Kurds we finish what Ataturk started.

I'll sage and hide your dick


There's a reason publishers are bringing over more games without fear of Anita fucking over there shit. Also someone in GG notified Hulk Hogan about the Gawker shit and he got them shut down.

For fuck's sake Holla Forums. I thought you had taste.


Holla Forums isn't one person


Friendly reminder Anita is behind the youtube censorship as well in coalition with the ADL. They are going full SHUT IT DOWN mode.

kill yourself kike


So much for "hide"

What's with these weirdos showing up in threads and telling people to fuck off and kill themselves?

Are they triggered by video game news now or something

I don't see anything out of the ordinary. Random sages telling people to kill themselves are pretty much a staple of anonymous imageboard culture at this point.
Have a nice day

Now im confused.

It's not about video games, it's not about women either, it's about control and in her case, about money too. She is trying to pull a South Korea distopie out of her rancid old cunt.
The same way she refuses to face her critics, people involved in game making should keep working and laugh at her face. Don't believe, don't listen and be as offensive as you like.

Winged Cloud seems like the actually do proper justice to its inspiration and not just making tryhard cringy shit.

lowtax is a weak and passive-aggressive cuck.
His opinions are good, but he never acts out on them, preferring to disappear in an ambien and cheap wine haze instead of fighting for what's right.
Sometimes he'll write something snarky because going back to a coma.

Reminds me that HillaryforAmerica brought up Wu and Chelsea Clinton retweeted FemFreq. I'm glad that most normalfags haven't bought their shit, apparently.

it hurts to live
