Holla Forums here...

Holla Forums here, I've been having a lot of socialist undertones and kind of agree with Karl Marx's theories and a lot of his quotations.
But doesn't communism make everyone poor?
Look at Stalin USSR were millions of people were killed and such.
Redpill me on your ideologies.

Stalin's USSR*

The USSR's economic plan was that of a centrally planned economy. The reason people were starving at the start was because they tried to rapidly industrialize and the people on farms issued by the state were not skilled in animal husbandry. That's not to say that a centrally planned economy is the only form of socialism there are many forms such as market socialism, ancom etc

Well not entirely. One could look at Tito's Yugoslavia and see that it had some prominence before adpoting neo-liberal policies.

In the USSR there were less recessions, and less unemployment, but it was totalitarian AF and governments were implementing famines and purges left right and centre.

Personally I advocate for anarcho syndicalism, as there was less poverty, more food, and the workers had actual control of the means of production when it was implemented in Catalonia. There were flaws, to be sure, but it beat life under Stalin's USSR by a long shot.

Considering that you seem to be on the Authoritarian left, (somewhat) I would look at Tito's Yugoslavia and Thomas Sankara and his rule over Burkina Faso.

I should also mention,

Socialism=/= always whatever da guberment does

what's the deal with the third pic? Holla Forums are liberals they never shut up about free speech and all that booj nonsense

Funny you mention that.
I'm half Croatian my father said it was alright, free education and such.
His only problem was Serb-Oriented Constitution.

How would you get around this, education? I always kind of considered my self right winged but I can't stand lolbertarians and right wing policies are not really my type.

What government type would you reccomend considering my politics in the first pictures?

some kind of ba'athist

Leninism makes everyone poor. That is correct. Don't believe the tankie lies in this thread.

Come over to the light.

Although I will say that self-described "libertarian" Marxists are worth considering as well.

Just avoid the kinds of people who call themselves Bolshevists or Leninists.

Little repeated fact about the USSR, but it had the best education system in the world. Every high school had an Olympic sized swimming pool.

Why are anarkiddies always the first to embrace CIA sponsored propaganda?
Serious question.

Unrelated to your concern, but drop political compasses. Seriously.

It's like you've never read Bakunin. He spends his entire time criticizing Marx for being idealist.

sorry but you don't belong here.

fuck off liberal, it's the CLASS CHARACTER of the state that matters

And you call me the liberal.

The character of the state is inherently bourgeois

I'm in favour of an OPPRESSIVE workers state, we need to oppress the bougousise

The state is a set of institutions a the dominant class builds around itself

inb4 justduncallitastate

fucking kys

seems cool, but it also seems to assume capitalism

Capitalism made small children work in mines and cotton mills.

Since you're a Holla Forumsfag you should look up Gregor Asser.

Nothing comes up when I search him up.

He's a meme. I forgot about the filter.

You can't judge something just because of the way Russians did it. I mean, they are Russians.

Practically /natsoc/ but that implies being a full blooded aryan, i've studied Mussolini's fascism and it didn't seem very ethnocentric rather civic.
I doubt though he would want Africans in his country.

Start by reading Marx

Here. Let your toes decide.

am stirnerfag
also i'm half white, half beano desu

Marxist lol

Is this my call to start a diary co-op?

St.rasser actually wasn't racist or anti-semitic, he was a civic nationalist who thought that minorities should have a board of representatives designated to proliferating a German version of their own culture. Read the section on the Jewish question from Germany Tomorrow. I still disagree with Str.asser but he's not as bad as I thought he was.

At this point I don't have any sides left. Google Murrary Bookchin and ignore western propaganda. The USSR was shit, buf nowhere near as bad as it is portrayed and places state socialism was implmented were already poor as fuck.

otto wrote more things, and ernst niecksh is good too.

This. Otto had more developed theory. Gregor was kill by Hitler.


Not everyone, the inner circle end up filthy rich.

can we stop calling the USSR communism thank you very much

1. The USSR didn't even claim to be an implementation of communism, it was an implementation of socialism at best, and many would say only state-capitalism. (As the means of production weren't owned by workers, it wasn't socialism or communism, no matter what mises.org says.), it was "communist" because it believed in communism and because it was (notionally) working towards it, governed by a communist party. Few states outright call themselves capitalist - it's taken as given, from the facts of their social order. Some states call themselves democratic, but we naturally recognize their claim to democracy as risible. It's a similar deal with socialism.

2. Despite all that, the USSR developed incredibly rapidly. Only towards the end did it "make everyone poor" by falling apart. I sadly don't have the graph with me, but the USSR's ratio of 1928 GDP to 1990 GDP or such was one of the best in the world, albeit beaten by Japan. It was the satellite states that were unreasonably poor.

The USSR was state capitalist; the state owned and managed the means of production, not the workers.


WTF, I love milk now!

no, nooooo, i'm a proud revisionist who thinks basically everything marx did EXCEPT his analysis of capitalism is retarded

Damn, this thing is magic

I want to correct you but seeing how much the alt-right kiddies from reddit have poisoned the board, you're probably right