Do any console shooters on PS4 and Xbone use gyro controls?

Do any console shooters on PS4 and Xbone use gyro controls?
I'm fairly sure the Sixaxis has gyro available for developers, but I know that no shooter ever used it to fix aiming on a controller.

Do the new controllers also have gyro built in? If so why the fuck are none of the new shooters using it?

Because that's awful.

It's not, legitimately fixes the problem of aiming with a controller.

No it doesn't

It fixes the problem by providing a worse alternative?

Have you niggers even tried it?

Your paint spreading game isn't a shooter.

I'm not talking about that.
I recently tried out a Steam Controller with a bunch of FPS and gyro worked really well.

Although Splatoon is also an excellent example

I used it before on mobile and psvita and I didn't like it. You have a lot of freedom to aim, but it's tougher to aim with precision. Not to mention that it looks goofy tilting your device in public.

It takes some getting used to, but it's definitely more precise than just using a joystick

It should be more precise. Forearm/wrist muscle > thumb but console idiots won't realize that.

there hasn't been a breakthrough title to normalize the shift, there were attempts 11 years ago that didn't work out and soured the thought.

Wasn't gyro name of a Greek food?

Gyro controls work, though.
You basically just use the sticks to move to the general area, and then the gyro like you're aiming a turret. If you've ever played one of these carnival games, you know how it works.

I will however, also say that they're not perfect, nor do they "fix everything"
Nothing's the same as a mouse and keyboard, and once you get up to higher speed shooting, controlling it all becomes a lot more difficult. There's a reason when you're shooting in Splatoon, that your character's speed slows to a crawl, even on the fastest weapons.

The best console controls, for shooting, I've seen, are still Kid Icarus Uprising's, but those really take some getting used to.
It basically eliminates the problem of all of these games, where your camera turn speed is capped, by giving the cursor momentum, that'll instantly stop when you touch again.
So when you've adjusted the settings to suit you, you're able to easily snap to any direction around you.

But even Uprising's controls are, of course, hampered by the size of most 3DSs, and even the XL's touchscreen is nowhere as big as the Wii U's. Now if a shooter on the Wii U used Uprising's controls, that'd be something worth really writing home about.

The hand isn't stationary as a joystick. If you have a smartphone with a camera function, hit record and see if you can point at an object of interest for a long amount of time without losing your original position.

Motion controls are dead and unmourned.

The object has to be distant as well.

Gyro controls aren't always enabled, they're only activated when something else is pressed.
That removes the problem of not being able to hold still for an extended amount of time

There is no problem. Learn to use a controller.

you can do better

With the PS Vita and mobile games I've played, it seemed that they were enabled whenever the game started.

Despite that, it's an interesting solution that will probably work with IPs like CoD and R6:Siege because people utilize iron sights frequently. I can't imqgine that it'll work effectively for CS though.

Well not when everybody else is using mouse and keyboard

#1 reason I haven't taken sony or microsoft seriously this Gen.

juri rigging motion control with the steam controller isn't perfect, but it's better than only having splatoon and zelda.

It'll only be used if one of the consoles has it from the start and markets it to the normalfags. Console shooters are genuinely afraid to try anything new because their main interest is money.

Is this a thread made to bait consoletards into admitting they're here?

gyro controls suck dick because they always get off center and are poor for fine aiming

it evidently fucking worked